

端粒酶RNA組分(英語:telomerase RNA component,缩写为TERC)或称端粒酶RNA,是一種真核生物非編碼RNA(ncRNA)。它是端粒酶的組成成分之一——端粒酶用它來延長端粒[2][3]。端粒酶RNA在DNA複製過程中,爲端粒的逆轉錄過程提供模板。酵母、纖毛蟲、脊椎動物的端粒酶RNA的序列和結構都有很大不同。不過,它們的5'端靠近模板序列處,都有一個假結結構。脊椎動物端粒酶RNA的3'端有一個與snoRNA(核仁RNA)類似的結構域[4][5][6]

Telomerase RNA component (TERC)
扩展标识 遗传学:602322 鼠基因:109558 GeneCards: TERC Gene
物种 人类 小鼠
Entrez 7012 21748
Ensembl ENSG00000200182 ENSMUSG00000064796
UniProt n/a n/a
mRNA序列 n/a n/a
蛋白序列 n/a n/a
基因位置 Chr 3:
169.48 – 169.48 Mb
Chr 3:
96.22 – 96.22 Mb
PubMed查询 [1] [2]
代号 Telomerase-vert
Rfam RF00024
RNA类型 基因
代号 Telomerase-cil
Rfam RF00025
RNA类型 基因
代号 Sacc telomerase
Rfam RF01050
RNA类型 基因


端粒酶係一類核糖核蛋白聚合酶。它通過給端粒加上重複序列來維持其長度。該重複序列在不同真核生物間有很大不同(具體可參見端粒條目中的比較表)。端粒酶除RNA外,還含有蛋白質組分(TERT英语Telomerase reverse transcriptase,端粒酶逆轉錄酶)。端粒酶的蛋白質組分具有逆轉錄酶的活性。端粒酶的RNA組分,即端粒酶RNA,充當逆轉錄的模板。在脊椎動物端粒酶序列中,作爲模板的CCCUAA序列在50位左右出現。端粒酶的表達在細胞衰老中扮演重要角色,在成熟體細胞中,端粒酶的表达通常處於受抑制狀態,因而端粒會不斷縮短。體細胞的端粒酶表达失調可能會誘發癌變。對小鼠的研究表明,端粒酶亦參與染色體修復,因爲在雙鏈都損壞的情況下,可能需要從頭合成端粒重複序列[7]。在皰疹病毒亦發現了與端粒酶RNA同源的RNA[8]


編碼端粒酶RNA的基因的突變會造成造成常染色體顯性遺傳的先天性角化不良英语dyskeratosis congenita,也有可能與某些類型的再生障礙性貧血有關[7]


  1. ^ PDB 1ymo; Theimer CA, Blois CA, Feigon J. Structure of the human telomerase RNA pseudoknot reveals conserved tertiary interactions essential for function.. Mol Cell. 2005, 17 (5): 671–82. PMID 15749017. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2005.01.017. 
  2. ^ Feng J, Funk WD, Wang SS, Weinrich SL, Avilion AA, Chiu CP, Adams RR, Chang E, Allsopp RC, Yu J. The RNA component of human telomerase. Science. September 1995, 269 (5228): 1236–41. PMID 7544491. doi:10.1126/science.7544491. 
  3. ^ Jády BE, Richard P, Bertrand E, Kiss T. Cell Cycle-dependent Recruitment of Telomerase RNA and Cajal Bodies to Human Telomeres. Mol. Biol. Cell. February 2006, 17 (2): 944–54. PMC 1356602 . PMID 16319170. doi:10.1091/mbc.E05-09-0904. 
  4. ^ McCormick-Graham, M; Romero DP. Ciliate telomerase RNA structural features. Nucleic Acids Res. 1995, 23 (7): 1091–1097. PMC 306816 . PMID 7739888. doi:10.1093/nar/23.7.1091. 
  5. ^ Lingner, J; Hendrick LL; Cech TR. Telomerase RNAs of different ciliates have a common secondary structure and a permuted template. Genes Dev. 1994, 8 (16): 1984–1998. PMID 7958872. doi:10.1101/gad.8.16.1984. 
  6. ^ Theimer CA, Feigon J. Structure and function of telomerase RNA. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 2006, 16 (3): 307–18. PMID 16713250. doi:10.1016/j.sbi.2006.05.005. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Entrez Gene: TERC telomerase RNA component. (原始内容于2010-03-08). 
  8. ^ Fragnet, L; Kut E; Rasschaert D. Comparative functional study of the viral telomerase RNA based on natural mutations. J Biol Chem. 2005, 280 (25): 23502–23515. PMID 15811851. doi:10.1074/jbc.M501163200. 


  • de Lange T, Jacks T. For better or worse? Telomerase inhibition and cancer. Cell. 1999, 98 (3): 273–5. PMID 10458601. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81955-8. 
  • Marrone A, Dokal I. Dyskeratosis congenita: molecular insights into telomerase function, ageing and cancer. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 2007, 6 (26): 1–23. PMID 15613268. doi:10.1017/S1462399404008671. 
  • Yamaguchi H. Mutations of telomerase complex genes linked to bone marrow failures. Journal of Nippon Medical School = Nihon Ika Daigaku zasshi. 2007, 74 (3): 202–9. PMID 17625368. doi:10.1272/jnms.74.202. 
  • Zaug AJ, Linger J, Cech TR. Method for determining RNA 3' ends and application to human telomerase RNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 1996, 24 (3): 532–3. PMC 145649 . PMID 8602368. doi:10.1093/nar/24.3.532. 
  • Soder AI, Hoare SF, Muire S, et al. Mapping of the gene for the mouse telomerase RNA component, Terc, to chromosome 3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and mouse chromosome painting. Genomics. 1997, 41 (2): 293–4. PMID 9143511. doi:10.1006/geno.1997.4621. 
  • Zhao JQ, Hoare SF, McFarlane R, et al. Cloning and characterization of human and mouse telomerase RNA gene promoter sequences. Oncogene. 1998, 16 (10): 1345–50. PMID 9546436. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1201892. 
  • Mitchell JR, Wood E, Collins K. A telomerase component is defective in the human disease dyskeratosis congenita. Nature. 1999, 402 (6761): 551–5. PMID 10591218. doi:10.1038/990141. 
  • Chen JL, Blasco MA, Greider CW. Secondary structure of vertebrate telomerase RNA. Cell. 2000, 100 (5): 503–14. PMID 10721988. doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)80687-X. 
  • Wong KK, Chang S, Weiler SR, et al. Telomere dysfunction impairs DNA repair and enhances sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Nat. Genet. 2000, 26 (1): 85–8. PMID 10973255. doi:10.1038/79232. 
  • Mitchell JR, Collins K. Human telomerase activation requires two independent interactions between telomerase RNA and telomerase reverse transcriptase. Mol. Cell. 2000, 6 (2): 361–71. PMID 10983983. doi:10.1016/S1097-2765(00)00036-8. 
  • Imoto I, Pimkhaokham A, Fukuda Y, et al. SNO is a probable target for gene amplification at 3q26 in squamous-cell carcinomas of the esophagus. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2001, 286 (3): 559–65. PMID 11511096. doi:10.1006/bbrc.2001.5428. 
  • Vulliamy T, Marrone A, Goldman F, et al. The RNA component of telomerase is mutated in autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita. Nature. 2001, 413 (6854): 432–5. PMID 11574891. doi:10.1038/35096585. 
  • Pruzan R, Pongracz K, Gietzen K, et al. Allosteric inhibitors of telomerase: oligonucleotide N3′→P5′ phosphoramidates. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30 (2): 559–68. PMC 99832 . PMID 11788719. doi:10.1093/nar/30.2.559. 
  • Zhang RG, Zhang RP, Wang XW, Xie H. Effects of cisplatin on telomerase activity and telomere length in BEL-7404 human hepatoma cells. Cell Res. 2004, 12 (1): 55–62. PMID 11942411. doi:10.1038/sj.cr.7290110. 
  • Yang Y, Chen Y, Zhang C, et al. Nucleolar localization of hTERT protein is associated with telomerase function. Exp. Cell Res. 2002, 277 (2): 201–9. PMID 12083802. doi:10.1006/excr.2002.5541. 
  • Chang JT, Chen YL, Yang HT, et al. Differential regulation of telomerase activity by six telomerase subunits. Eur. J. Biochem. 2002, 269 (14): 3442–50. PMID 12135483. doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.03025.x. 
  • Gavory G, Farrow M, Balasubramanian S. Minimum length requirement of the alignment domain of human telomerase RNA to sustain catalytic activity in vitro. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30 (20): 4470–80. PMC 137139 . PMID 12384594. doi:10.1093/nar/gkf575. 
  • Sood AK, Coffin J, Jabbari S, et al. p53 null mutations are associated with a telomerase negative phenotype in ovarian carcinoma. Cancer Biol. Ther. 2003, 1 (5): 511–7. PMID 12496479. doi:10.4161/cbt.1.5.167. 
  • Antal, M; Boros E; Solymosy F; Kiss T. Analysis of the structure of human telomerase RNA in vivo. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002, 30 (4): 912–920. PMC 100349 . PMID 11842102. doi:10.1093/nar/30.4.912. 


  • GeneReviews/NCBI/NIH/UW entry on Dyskeratosis Congenita (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • GeneReviews/NCBI/NIH/UW entry on Pulmonary Fibrosis, Familial (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • EntrezGene page for TERC (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Vertebrate telomerase RNA的Rfam页面
  • Ciliate telomerase RNA的Rfam页面
  • Saccharomyces telomerase的Rfam页面

端粒酶rna組分, 英語, telomerase, component, 缩写为terc, 或称端粒酶rna, 是一種真核生物的非編碼rna, ncrna, 它是端粒酶的組成成分之一, 端粒酶用它來延長端粒, 端粒酶rna在dna複製過程中, 爲端粒的逆轉錄過程提供模板, 酵母, 纖毛蟲, 脊椎動物的端粒酶rna的序列和結構都有很大不同, 不過, 它們的5, 端靠近模板序列處, 都有一個假結結構, 脊椎動物端粒酶rna的3, 端有一個與snorna, 核仁rna, 類似的結構域, telomerase, compo. 端粒酶RNA組分 英語 telomerase RNA component 缩写为TERC 或称端粒酶RNA 是一種真核生物的非編碼RNA ncRNA 它是端粒酶的組成成分之一 端粒酶用它來延長端粒 2 3 端粒酶RNA在DNA複製過程中 爲端粒的逆轉錄過程提供模板 酵母 纖毛蟲 脊椎動物的端粒酶RNA的序列和結構都有很大不同 不過 它們的5 端靠近模板序列處 都有一個假結結構 脊椎動物端粒酶RNA的3 端有一個與snoRNA 核仁RNA 類似的結構域 4 5 6 端粒酶RNA組分Telomerase RNA component TERC 端粒酶RNA組分的一部分的3D示意圖 這是人類端粒酶RNAP2b P3假節結構的溶解結構 1 标识代号TERC DKCA1 PFBMFT2 SCARNA19 TR TRC3 hTR扩展标识遗传学 602322 鼠基因 109558 GeneCards TERC Gene基因本体论描述分子功能 telomerase activity template for synthesis of G rich strand of telomere DNA activity细胞成分 telomerase holoenzyme complex生物过程 hemopoietic stem cell differentiation multicellular organismal aging biological process negative regulation of apoptosis biological process positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase biological process post embryonic development regulation of cell proliferation biological process telomere maintenance biological process telomere maintenance via telomerase直系同源体物种人类小鼠Entrez701221748EnsemblENSG00000200182ENSMUSG00000064796UniProtn an amRNA序列n an a蛋白序列n an a基因位置Chr 3 169 48 169 48 MbChr 3 96 22 96 22 MbPubMed查询 1 2 查论编脊椎動物端粒酶RNA识别符代号 Telomerase vertRfam RF00024其他数据RNA类型 基因域 真核 病毒纖毛蟲端粒酶RNA识别符代号 Telomerase cilRfam RF00025其他数据RNA类型 基因域 真核生物釀酒酵母端粒酶RNA识别符代号 Sacc telomeraseRfam RF01050其他数据RNA类型 基因域 真核生物 目录 1 功能 2 臨床意義 3 参考文献 4 拓展閱讀 5 外部連結功能 编辑端粒酶係一類核糖核蛋白聚合酶 它通過給端粒加上重複序列來維持其長度 該重複序列在不同真核生物間有很大不同 具體可參見端粒條目中的比較表 端粒酶除RNA外 還含有蛋白質組分 TERT 英语 Telomerase reverse transcriptase 端粒酶逆轉錄酶 端粒酶的蛋白質組分具有逆轉錄酶的活性 端粒酶的RNA組分 即端粒酶RNA 充當逆轉錄的模板 在脊椎動物端粒酶序列中 作爲模板的CCCUAA序列在50位左右出現 端粒酶的表達在細胞衰老中扮演重要角色 在成熟體細胞中 端粒酶的表达通常處於受抑制狀態 因而端粒會不斷縮短 體細胞的端粒酶表达失調可能會誘發癌變 對小鼠的研究表明 端粒酶亦參與染色體修復 因爲在雙鏈都損壞的情況下 可能需要從頭合成端粒重複序列 7 在皰疹病毒亦發現了與端粒酶RNA同源的RNA 8 臨床意義 编辑編碼端粒酶RNA的基因的突變會造成造成常染色體顯性遺傳的先天性角化不良 英语 dyskeratosis congenita 也有可能與某些類型的再生障礙性貧血有關 7 参考文献 编辑 PDB 1ymo Theimer CA Blois CA Feigon J Structure of the human telomerase RNA pseudoknot reveals conserved tertiary interactions essential for function Mol Cell 2005 17 5 671 82 PMID 15749017 doi 10 1016 j molcel 2005 01 017 Feng J Funk WD Wang SS Weinrich SL Avilion AA Chiu CP Adams RR Chang E Allsopp RC Yu J The RNA component of human telomerase Science September 1995 269 5228 1236 41 PMID 7544491 doi 10 1126 science 7544491 Jady BE Richard P Bertrand E Kiss T Cell Cycle dependent Recruitment of Telomerase RNA and Cajal Bodies to Human Telomeres Mol Biol Cell February 2006 17 2 944 54 PMC 1356602 PMID 16319170 doi 10 1091 mbc E05 09 0904 McCormick Graham M Romero DP Ciliate telomerase RNA structural features Nucleic Acids Res 1995 23 7 1091 1097 PMC 306816 PMID 7739888 doi 10 1093 nar 23 7 1091 Lingner J Hendrick LL Cech TR Telomerase RNAs of different ciliates have a common secondary structure and a permuted template Genes Dev 1994 8 16 1984 1998 PMID 7958872 doi 10 1101 gad 8 16 1984 Theimer CA Feigon J Structure and function of telomerase RNA Curr Opin Struct Biol 2006 16 3 307 18 PMID 16713250 doi 10 1016 j sbi 2006 05 005 7 0 7 1 Entrez Gene TERC telomerase RNA component 原始内容存档于2010 03 08 Fragnet L Kut E Rasschaert D Comparative functional study of the viral telomerase RNA based on natural mutations J Biol Chem 2005 280 25 23502 23515 PMID 15811851 doi 10 1074 jbc M501163200 拓展閱讀 编辑de Lange T Jacks T For better or worse Telomerase inhibition and cancer Cell 1999 98 3 273 5 PMID 10458601 doi 10 1016 S0092 8674 00 81955 8 Marrone A Dokal I Dyskeratosis congenita molecular insights into telomerase function ageing and cancer Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine 2007 6 26 1 23 PMID 15613268 doi 10 1017 S1462399404008671 Yamaguchi H Mutations of telomerase complex genes linked to bone marrow failures Journal of Nippon Medical School Nihon Ika Daigaku zasshi 2007 74 3 202 9 PMID 17625368 doi 10 1272 jnms 74 202 Zaug AJ Linger J Cech TR Method for determining RNA 3 ends and application to human telomerase RNA Nucleic Acids Res 1996 24 3 532 3 PMC 145649 PMID 8602368 doi 10 1093 nar 24 3 532 Soder AI Hoare SF Muire S et al Mapping of the gene for the mouse telomerase RNA component Terc to chromosome 3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and mouse chromosome painting Genomics 1997 41 2 293 4 PMID 9143511 doi 10 1006 geno 1997 4621 Zhao JQ Hoare SF McFarlane R et al Cloning and characterization of human and mouse telomerase RNA gene promoter sequences Oncogene 1998 16 10 1345 50 PMID 9546436 doi 10 1038 sj onc 1201892 Mitchell JR Wood E Collins K A telomerase component is defective in the human disease dyskeratosis congenita Nature 1999 402 6761 551 5 PMID 10591218 doi 10 1038 990141 Chen JL Blasco MA Greider CW Secondary structure of vertebrate telomerase RNA Cell 2000 100 5 503 14 PMID 10721988 doi 10 1016 S0092 8674 00 80687 X Wong KK Chang S Weiler SR et al Telomere dysfunction impairs DNA repair and enhances sensitivity to ionizing radiation Nat Genet 2000 26 1 85 8 PMID 10973255 doi 10 1038 79232 Mitchell JR Collins K Human telomerase activation requires two independent interactions between telomerase RNA and telomerase reverse transcriptase Mol Cell 2000 6 2 361 71 PMID 10983983 doi 10 1016 S1097 2765 00 00036 8 Imoto I Pimkhaokham A Fukuda Y et al SNO is a probable target for gene amplification at 3q26 in squamous cell carcinomas of the esophagus Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001 286 3 559 65 PMID 11511096 doi 10 1006 bbrc 2001 5428 Vulliamy T Marrone A Goldman F et al The RNA component of telomerase is mutated in autosomal dominant dyskeratosis congenita Nature 2001 413 6854 432 5 PMID 11574891 doi 10 1038 35096585 Pruzan R Pongracz K Gietzen K et al Allosteric inhibitors of telomerase oligonucleotide N3 P5 phosphoramidates Nucleic Acids Res 2002 30 2 559 68 PMC 99832 PMID 11788719 doi 10 1093 nar 30 2 559 Zhang RG Zhang RP Wang XW Xie H Effects of cisplatin on telomerase activity and telomere length in BEL 7404 human hepatoma cells Cell Res 2004 12 1 55 62 PMID 11942411 doi 10 1038 sj cr 7290110 Yang Y Chen Y Zhang C et al Nucleolar localization of hTERT protein is associated with telomerase function Exp Cell Res 2002 277 2 201 9 PMID 12083802 doi 10 1006 excr 2002 5541 Chang JT Chen YL Yang HT et al Differential regulation of telomerase activity by six telomerase subunits Eur J Biochem 2002 269 14 3442 50 PMID 12135483 doi 10 1046 j 1432 1033 2002 03025 x Gavory G Farrow M Balasubramanian S Minimum length requirement of the alignment domain of human telomerase RNA to sustain catalytic activity in vitro Nucleic Acids Res 2002 30 20 4470 80 PMC 137139 PMID 12384594 doi 10 1093 nar gkf575 Sood AK Coffin J Jabbari S et al p53 null mutations are associated with a telomerase negative phenotype in ovarian carcinoma Cancer Biol Ther 2003 1 5 511 7 PMID 12496479 doi 10 4161 cbt 1 5 167 Antal M Boros E Solymosy F Kiss T Analysis of the structure of human telomerase RNA in vivo Nucleic Acids Res 2002 30 4 912 920 PMC 100349 PMID 11842102 doi 10 1093 nar 30 4 912 外部連結 编辑GeneReviews NCBI NIH UW entry on Dyskeratosis Congenita 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 GeneReviews NCBI NIH UW entry on Pulmonary Fibrosis Familial 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 EntrezGene page for TERC 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Vertebrate telomerase RNA的Rfam页面 Ciliate telomerase RNA的Rfam页面 Saccharomyces telomerase的Rfam页面 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 端粒酶RNA組分 amp oldid 70409760, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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