

生长激素受体(英語:Growth hormone receptor)是一种由人类基因GHR 编码的蛋白质[1],GHR的直系同源[2]广泛存在于各种哺乳动物中。

Growth hormone receptor
PDB rendering based on 1a22.
PDB 直系同源检索:PDBe, RCSB
扩展标识 遗传学:600946 鼠基因:95708 同源基因:134 ChEMBL: 1976 GeneCards: GHR Gene
物种 人类 小鼠
Entrez 2690 14600
Ensembl ENSG00000112964 ENSMUSG00000055737
UniProt P10912 P16882
mRNA序列 NM_000163 NM_001048147
蛋白序列 NP_000154 NP_001041612
基因位置 Chr 5:
42.42 – 42.72 Mb
Chr 15:
3.32 – 3.58 Mb
PubMed查询 [1] [2]


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GHR 基因曾作为动物核DNA英语nuclear DNA系统发育标记[2],对其10号外显子基因多态性的探究第一次阐释了啮齿目主要类群间的亲缘关系[10][11][12]。GHR也用于较低阶元的分类,在鼠总科[13][14]八齿鼠科[15]田鼠亞科[16]鼠亚科英语Murinae[17]白足鼠屬[18]等啮齿动物,及熊型總科[19]猫科[20]肉食动物以及皮翼目[21]的分类上有重要作用。GHR的9号内含子也用于阐释鼬科[22]鬣狗科[23]系统发生

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参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Entrez Gene: GHR growth hormone receptor. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 . [2014-02-04]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
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  17. ^ Lecompte E., Aplin K., Denys C., Catzeflis F., Chades M. & Chevret P. Phylogeny and biogeography of African Murinae based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences, with a new tribal classification of the subfamily. BMC Evol. Biol. 2008, 8: 199 [2014-02-04]. PMC 2490707 . PMID 18616808. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-8-199. (原始内容于2015-11-30). 
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外部链接 编辑

生长激素受体, 英語, growth, hormone, receptor, 是一种由人类基因ghr, 编码的蛋白质, ghr的直系同源物, 广泛存在于各种哺乳动物中, growth, hormone, receptorpdb, rendering, based, 1a22, 有效结构, 直系同源检索, pdbe, rcsb, pdb查询代码列表, 1a22, 1axi, 1hwg, 1hwh, 1kf9, 2aew, 3hhr标识代号ghr, ghbp扩展标识遗传学, 600946, 鼠基因, 95708, 同源. 生长激素受体 英語 Growth hormone receptor 是一种由人类基因GHR 编码的蛋白质 1 GHR的直系同源物 2 广泛存在于各种哺乳动物中 Growth hormone receptor生长激素受体PDB rendering based on 1a22 有效结构 PDB 直系同源检索 PDBe RCSB PDB查询代码列表 1A22 1AXI 1HWG 1HWH 1KF9 2AEW 3HHR标识代号GHR GHBP扩展标识遗传学 600946 鼠基因 95708 同源基因 134 ChEMBL 1976 GeneCards GHR Gene基因本体论描述 分子功能 growth hormone receptor activity protein binding peptide hormone binding growth factor binding protein kinase binding protein phosphatase binding SH2 domain binding protein homodimerization activity proline rich region binding 细胞成分 extracellular region extracellular space nucleus mitochondrion plasma membrane integral to plasma membrane cell surface integral to membrane extrinsic to membrane neuronal cell body receptor complex growth hormone receptor complex 生物过程 activation of MAPK activity allantoin metabolic process citrate metabolic process 2 oxoglutarate metabolic process succinate metabolic process oxaloacetate metabolic process isoleucine metabolic process valine metabolic process creatine metabolic process fatty acid metabolic process endocytosis JAK STAT cascade hormone mediated signaling pathway taurine metabolic process receptor internalization response to food response to estradiol stimulus cellular response to insulin stimulus cellular response to hormone stimulus regulation of multicellular organism growth positive regulation of multicellular organism growth positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat3 protein positive regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of Stat5 protein activation of JAK2 kinase activity response to morphine multicellular organismal metabolic process positive regulation of cell differentiation creatinine metabolic process response to cycloheximide insulin like growth factor receptor signaling pathway positive regulation of peptidyl tyrosine phosphorylation response to glucocorticoid stimulus cartilage development involved in endochondral bone morphogenesis growth hormone receptor signaling pathway JAK STAT cascade involved in growth hormone signaling pathway response to interleukin 1 negative regulation of neuron death Sources Amigo QuickGORNA表达模式更多表达数据直系同源体物种人类小鼠Entrez269014600EnsemblENSG00000112964ENSMUSG00000055737UniProtP10912P16882mRNA序列NM 000163NM 001048147蛋白序列NP 000154NP 001041612基因位置Chr 5 42 42 42 72 MbChr 15 3 32 3 58 MbPubMed查询 1 2 查论编 此基因编码的蛋白是结合生长激素的跨膜受体 目录 1 相互作用 2 进化 3 拮抗剂 4 参考文献 5 外部链接相互作用 编辑生长激素受体能与SGTA 3 PTPN11 4 5 JAK激酶2 6 7 8 SOCS1 9 和CISH 9 发生交互作用 进化 编辑GHR 基因曾作为动物核DNA 英语 nuclear DNA 系统发育标记 2 对其10号外显子基因多态性的探究第一次阐释了啮齿目主要类群间的亲缘关系 10 11 12 GHR也用于较低阶元的分类 在鼠总科 13 14 八齿鼠科 15 田鼠亞科 16 鼠亚科 英语 Murinae 17 白足鼠屬 18 等啮齿动物 及熊型總科 19 猫科 20 等肉食动物以及皮翼目 21 的分类上有重要作用 GHR的9号内含子也用于阐释鼬科 22 鬣狗科 23 的系统发生 拮抗剂 编辑参考文献 编辑 Entrez Gene GHR growth hormone receptor 2 0 2 1 OrthoMaM phylogenetic marker GHR coding sequence 2014 02 04 原始内容存档于2015 09 24 Schantl Julia A Roza Marcel De Jong Ad P Strous Ger J Small glutamine rich tetratricopeptide repeat containing protein SGT interacts with the ubiquitin dependent endocytosis UbE motif of the growth hormone receptor Biochem J England August 2003 373 Pt 3 855 63 ISSN 0264 6021 PMC 1223544 nbsp PMID 12735788 doi 10 1042 BJ20021591 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Stofega M R Herrington J Billestrup N Carter Su C Mutation of the SHP 2 binding site in growth hormone GH receptor prolongs GH promoted tyrosyl phosphorylation of GH receptor JAK2 and STAT5B Mol Endocrinol UNITED STATES September 2000 14 9 1338 50 ISSN 0888 8809 PMID 10976913 doi 10 1210 me 14 9 1338 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Moutoussamy S Renaudie F Lago F Kelly P A Finidori J Grb10 identified as a potential regulator of growth hormone GH signaling by cloning of GH receptor target proteins J Biol Chem UNITED STATES June 1998 273 26 15906 12 ISSN 0021 9258 PMID 9632636 doi 10 1074 jbc 273 26 15906 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Frank S J Yi W Zhao Y Goldsmith J F Gilliland G Jiang J Sakai I Kraft A S Regions of the JAK2 tyrosine kinase required for coupling to the growth hormone receptor J Biol Chem UNITED STATES June 1995 270 24 14776 85 ISSN 0021 9258 PMID 7540178 doi 10 1074 jbc 270 24 14776 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 VanderKuur J A Wang X Zhang L Campbell G S Allevato G Billestrup N Norstedt G Carter Su C Domains of the growth hormone receptor required for association and activation of JAK2 tyrosine kinase J Biol Chem UNITED STATES August 1994 269 34 21709 17 ISSN 0021 9258 PMID 8063815 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Hellgren G Jansson J O Carlsson L M Carlsson B The growth hormone receptor associates with Jak1 Jak2 and Tyk2 in human liver Growth Horm IGF Res SCOTLAND June 1999 9 3 212 8 ISSN 1096 6374 PMID 10502458 doi 10 1054 ghir 1999 0111 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 9 0 9 1 Ram P A Waxman D J SOCS CIS protein inhibition of growth hormone stimulated STAT5 signaling by multiple mechanisms J Biol Chem UNITED STATES December 1999 274 50 35553 61 ISSN 0021 9258 PMID 10585430 doi 10 1074 jbc 274 50 35553 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Adkins RM Gelke EL Rowe D Honeycutt RL Molecular phylogeny and divergence time estimates for major rodent groups evidence from multiple genes Mol Biol Evol 2001 18 5 777 791 PMID 11319262 doi 10 1093 oxfordjournals molbev a003860 Adkins R M Walton A H amp Honeycutt R L Higher level systematics of rodents and divergence time estimates based on two congruent nuclear genes Mol Phylogenet Evol 2003 26 3 409 420 PMID 12644400 doi 10 1016 S1055 7903 02 00304 4 Blanga Kanfi S Miranda H Penn O Pupko T DeBry R W amp Huchon D Rodent phylogeny revised analysis of six nuclear genes from all major rodent clades BMC Evol Biol 2009 9 71 2014 02 04 PMC 2674048 nbsp PMID 19341461 doi 10 1186 1471 2148 9 71 原始内容存档于2015 09 23 Steppan S J Adkins R M amp Anderson J Phylogeny and divergence date estimates of rapid radiations in muroid rodents based on multiple nuclear genes Syst Biol 2004 53 4 533 553 PMID 15371245 doi 10 1080 10635150490468701 Rowe K C Reno M L Richmond D M Adkins R M amp Steppan S J Pliocene colonization and adaptive radiations in Australia and New Guinea Sahul multilocus systematics of the old endemic rodents Muroidea Murinae Mol Phylogenet Evol 2008 47 1 84 101 PMID 18313945 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2008 01 001 Honeycutt R L Rowe D L amp Gallardo M H Molecular systematics of the South American caviomorph rodents relationships among species and genera in the family Octodontidae Mol Phylogenet Evol 2003 26 3 476 489 PMID 12644405 doi 10 1016 S1055 7903 02 00368 8 Galewski T Tilak M Sanchez S Chevret P Paradis E amp Douzery E J P The evolutionary radiation of Arvicolinae rodents voles and lemmings relative contribution of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA phylogenies BMC Evol Biol 2006 6 80 2014 02 04 PMC 1618403 nbsp PMID 17029633 doi 10 1186 1471 2148 6 80 原始内容存档于2015 11 15 Lecompte E Aplin K Denys C Catzeflis F Chades M amp Chevret P Phylogeny and biogeography of African Murinae based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences with a new tribal classification of the subfamily BMC Evol Biol 2008 8 199 2014 02 04 PMC 2490707 nbsp PMID 18616808 doi 10 1186 1471 2148 8 199 原始内容存档于2015 11 30 Miller J R amp Engstrom M D The relationships of major lineages within peromyscine rodents a molecular phylogenetic hypothesis and systematic reappraisal J Mammal 2008 89 5 1279 1295 doi 10 1644 07 MAMM A 195 1 Fulton T L amp Strobeck C Molecular phylogeny of the Arctoidea Carnivora effect of missing data on supertree and supermatrix analyses of multiple gene data sets Mol Phylogenet Evol 2006 41 1 165 181 PMID 16814570 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2006 05 025 Johnson W E Eizirik E Pecon Slattery J Murphy W J Antunes A Teeling E amp O Brien S J The late Miocene radiation of modern Felidae a genetic assessment Science 2006 311 5757 73 77 PMID 16400146 doi 10 1126 science 1122277 Janecka J E Helgen K M Lim N T Baba M Izawa M Boeadi amp Murphy W J Evidence for multiple species of Sunda colugo Curr Biol 2008 18 21 R1001 R1002 PMID 19000793 doi 10 1016 j cub 2008 09 005 Koepfli K P amp Wayne R K Type I STS markers are more informative than cytochrome B in phylogenetic reconstruction of the Mustelidae Mammalia Carnivora Syst Biol 2003 52 5 571 593 PMID 14530127 doi 10 1080 10635150390235368 Koepfli K P Jenks S M Eizirik E Zahirpour T Van Valkenburgh B amp Wayne R K Molecular systematics of the Hyaenidae relationships of a relictual lineage resolved by a molecular supermatrix Mol Phylogenet Evol 2006 38 3 603 620 PMID 16503281 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2005 10 017 外部链接 编辑醫學主題詞表 MeSH Somatotropin receptors Illustration at nih gov 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Overview 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Growth Hormone Receptor 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Molecule of the Month by Shuchismita Dutta and David Goodsell April 2004 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 生长激素受体 amp oldid 69710465, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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