

永援聖母拉丁語Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu;英語:Our Mother of Perpetual HelpOur Lady of Perpetual Help[a];1325—1480)是天主教會對聖母玛利亚的称号。據稱與15世紀拜占庭艺术聖母顯現有關。


Our Mother of Perpetual Help.jpg

Our Mother of Perpetual Succour
Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu
類型克里特畫派英语Cretan School圖標、天主之母
聖壇利古里的聖阿爾方斯教堂英语Sant'Alfonso di Liguori
贊助Redemptorist Order英语Redemptorist Order
阿尔莫拉迪 , 西班牙 ;
天主教甲万那端教区, 菲律宾; 天主教利茲教區

據信,該聖像畫起源於Keras Kardiotissas修道院英语Keras Kardiotissas Monastery,自1499年至今,一直供奉在羅馬利古里的聖阿爾方斯教堂英语Sant'Alfonso di Liguori,每週都會九日敬禮英语Novena給永援聖母英语Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

庇護九世於1866年5月5日授予宗座加冕禮英语Canonical Coronation及其官方正式頭銜Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu君士坦丁堡的拉丁族長紅衣主教Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei英语Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei於1867年6月23日主持加冕禮。

至聖救贖者會英语Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer擔任聖像的保管人。

象徵 编辑

  1. 圣母头巾上的星星:玛利亚是光耀海星,带着基督的光明来到这个黑暗的世界,引领我们稳渡世海安全停靠在天堂彼岸。
  2. 聖像畫的上半部左右處各描绘著拿着长枪和插著浸过醋的海绵的長竿,以及另一名拿著十字架和铁钉的兩位天使。而二位天使頭上也各自有其名稱的希臘文縮寫。
  3. 圣母的臉部神情基於聖像畫傳統也各有象徵。小嘴代表无声的回忆,她在圣经中所言不多。圣母大大的双眼代表她足以看清我们所有的困苦,无论我们身在何处,她总是转向我们。
  4. 红色袍子,在基督生活的年代,是童贞女才能穿的颜色。深蓝色的衣袍,在巴勒斯坦是母亲穿的颜色。玛利亚既是童贞又是母亲故名“童贞圣母”。
  5. 基督的圣手,手掌向下紧握圣母。代表救赎的恩宠经由圣母保持——诸宠中保。
  6. 希腊文“天主之母”。
  7. 1867年,应圣座的要求,金色皇冠结合于原始的画像上,它代表了圣母显现的诸多圣迹,是“永援圣母”名称的由来。
  8. 希腊文“耶稣基督”。
  9. 圣母的左手完全支撑着耶稣,她是祂的母亲,这只手抚慰着任何有求于她的人。
  10. 耶稣脚底悬着的凉鞋,也许代表着,奉献给圣母的(罪人的)灵魂,能在临终时有最后一线希望把握基督(的救恩)。圣像的背景是金色的,象征着天堂。耶稣和圣母在那里受享宝座与荣光。服装上闪耀的金色则象征天堂的喜乐,这喜乐可以安抚人们的疲惫心灵。

參見 编辑

  • 慈悲聖母英语Virgin of Mercy
  • 玛利亚的称号
  • Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary英语Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary
  • 耶稣的谱系
  • History of Catholic Mariology英语History of Catholic Mariology
  • Holy Name of Mary英语Holy Name of Mary
  • 聖母瑪利亞 (繪畫)
  • Marian and Holy Trinity columns英语Marian and Holy Trinity columns
  • 聖母顯現
  • Maryamaweet英语Maryamaweet
  • May crowning英语May crowning
  • Miraculous births英语Miraculous births
  • Mother of the Church英语Mother of the Church
  • New Testament people named Mary英语New Testament people named Mary
  • Shrines to the Virgin Mary英语Shrines to the Virgin Mary
  • Society of Mary (Marianists)英语Society of Mary (Marianists)
  • 各地主保聖人列表
  • 圣母论
  • 天主教中的圣母玛利亚
  • 潔貞頌
  • Ave Maria ... Virgo serena英语Ave Maria ... Virgo serena
  • Catholic Marian art英语Catholic Marian art
  • Catholic Marian church buildings英语Catholic Marian church buildings
  • Catholic Marian music英语Catholic Marian music
  • Intercession of the saints英语Intercession of the saints
  • Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary英语Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • 尊主頌
  • Mary of Egypt英语Mary of Egypt
  • Roman Catholic Mariology英语Roman Catholic Mariology
  • 又聖母經
  • 聖母悼歌
  • Theotokion英语Theotokion
  • Veneration of Mary in Roman Catholicism英语Veneration of Mary in Roman Catholicism


參考 编辑

引文 编辑

  1. ^ Festschrift zum Andenken an die Wiedereröffnung der St. Peters-Kirche, St. Peter's Church Philadelphia, 1901, page 93
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 "Our Lady of Perpetual Help", Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Brooklyn, New York. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  3. ^ Types of Theotokos of the Passion. Bing.com. 2012-03-30 [2014-01-26]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  4. ^ Alfredo Tradigo. Icons and saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church. 2006. ISBN 0-89236-845-4. 
  5. ^ Trinity Acres. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  6. ^ Η απίστευτη ιστορία της εικόνας της Παναγίας Κεράς που εκλάπη από την Κρήτη και σήμερα λατρεύεται στη Ρώμη - Ιστορίες, Ρεπορτάζ, Σχολιασμός Κρήτης Blog | e-storieskritis.gr. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  7. ^ https://www.impeh.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/proskynitarion.pdf (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆[裸網址]
  8. ^ http://nefeli.lib.teicrete.gr/browse/sdo/tour/2012/IoannouEvgenia/attached-document-1337582326-772867-3439/Ioannou2012.pdf (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆[裸網址]
  9. ^ Holy Monastery of Kera – Kardiotissa. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  10. ^ "Our Mother of Perpetual Help", The Redemptorists. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 . (原始内容存档于2016-05-17). 
  12. ^ St. Mary's Annapolis | History of St. Mary's. [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2021-10-26). 
  13. ^ . Aquinasandmore.com. [2014-01-26]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-26). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 The History of the Icon. Cssr.com. [2014-01-26]. (原始内容于2018-01-29). 
  15. ^ . (原始内容存档于2007-07-06). 
  16. ^ Official Website of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Superior General, Michael Brehl, C.SsR. - Latest Restoration of the Icon. Cssr.com. [2014-01-26]. (原始内容于2018-01-29). 
  17. ^ Vatican website: Pope John Paul II in the Philippines. Vatican.va. 1981-02-17 [2014-01-26]. (原始内容于2013-03-03). 
  18. ^ Culture and Customs of the Philippines (Cultures and Customs of the World). [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  19. ^ Relations Between Religions and Cultures in Southeast Asia: Indonesian Philosophical Studies
  20. ^ Asian American Religions: The Making and Remaking of Borders and Boundaries (Religion, Race, and Ethnicity). [2023-02-19]. (原始内容于2023-02-19). 
  21. ^ Religion at the Corner of Bliss and Nirvana: Politics, Identity, and Faith in New Migrant Communities
  22. ^ patrons of Haiti. Saints.sqpn.com. 2010-08-01 [2014-01-26]. (原始内容于2014-02-19). 
  23. ^ . Netny.net. 2011-06-29 [2014-01-26]. (原始内容存档于July 21, 2013). 
  24. ^ Salina Arms. salinadiocese.org. [2018-06-28]. (原始内容于2020-10-09) (英国英语). 
  1. ^ Pontifical decree of nomenclature granted by the Vatican Chapter and Pope Pius IX in April 1865.

來源 编辑

延伸閱讀 编辑

  • Ferrero, Fabriciano. The Story of an Icon: The Full History, Tradition and Spirituality of the Popular Icon of Our Mother .., of Perpetual Help. Redemptorist Publications, 2001. ISBN 978-0-85231-219-3.
  • Milliner, Matthew, Mother of the Lamb: The Story of a Gloabal Icon, Fortress Press, 2022. ISBN 978-1506478753.

外部鏈接 编辑

永援圣母, 本條目存在以下問題, 請協助改善本條目或在討論頁針對議題發表看法, 此條目需要編修, 以確保文法, 用詞, 语气, 格式, 標點等使用恰当, 2023年2月19日, 請按照校對指引, 幫助编辑這個條目, 幫助, 討論, 此條目需要精通或熟悉基督教的编者参与及协助编辑, 2023年2月19日, 請邀請適合的人士改善本条目, 更多的細節與詳情請參见討論頁, 另見其他需要基督教專家關注的頁面, 永援聖母, 拉丁語, nostra, mater, perpetuo, succursu, 英語, mother, . 本條目存在以下問題 請協助改善本條目或在討論頁針對議題發表看法 此條目需要編修 以確保文法 用詞 语气 格式 標點等使用恰当 2023年2月19日 請按照校對指引 幫助编辑這個條目 幫助 討論 此條目需要精通或熟悉基督教的编者参与及协助编辑 2023年2月19日 請邀請適合的人士改善本条目 更多的細節與詳情請參见討論頁 另見其他需要基督教專家關注的頁面 永援聖母 拉丁語 Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu 英語 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Our Lady of Perpetual Help a 1325 1480 是天主教會對聖母玛利亚的称号 據稱與15世紀拜占庭艺术和聖母顯現有關 永援圣母 Our Mother of Perpetual Help jpg永援聖母Our Mother of Perpetual SuccourNostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu地點意大利罗马埃斯奎利诺山日期1325 1480類型克里特畫派 英语 Cretan School 圖標 天主之母聖座批准庇護九世聖壇利古里的聖阿爾方斯教堂 英语 Sant Alfonso di Liguori 贊助 Redemptorist Order 英语 Redemptorist Order Haiti 阿尔莫拉迪 西班牙 天主教甲万那端教区 菲律宾 天主教利茲教區據信 該聖像畫起源於Keras Kardiotissas修道院 英语 Keras Kardiotissas Monastery 自1499年至今 一直供奉在羅馬利古里的聖阿爾方斯教堂 英语 Sant Alfonso di Liguori 每週都會九日敬禮 英语 Novena 給永援聖母 英语 Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 庇護九世於1866年5月5日授予宗座加冕禮 英语 Canonical Coronation 及其官方正式頭銜Nostra Mater de Perpetuo Succursu 君士坦丁堡的拉丁族長紅衣主教Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei 英语 Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei 於1867年6月23日主持加冕禮 至聖救贖者會 英语 Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer 擔任聖像的保管人 已隱藏部分未翻譯内容 歡迎參與翻譯 The image is sometimes known as Virgin of the Passion of Jesus Christ in the Eastern Orthodox religion Novena devotions are held before June 27 every year Under 庇護十二世 s Pontificate the image was designated as the national 供養人 of the 海地 and of Almoradi in the 巴倫西亞自治區 西班牙 Due to promotion by the Redemptorist Priests since 1865 the image has become very popular among Roman Catholics Modern reproductions are oftentimes displayed in residential homes commercial establishments and public transportation 目录 1 Description 2 Origin and discovery 3 Transfer 4 Custodianship 5 Restoration and Carbon dating 6 Pontifical approbations 7 Marian cult and veneration 7 1 India 7 2 The Philippines 7 3 United States 8 Patronage 9 象徵 10 參見 11 註 12 參考 12 1 引文 12 2 來源 13 延伸閱讀 14 外部鏈接 Description 编辑 Detail of the icon showing the 米迦勒 Close up of the Archangel Gabriel The original wooden icon is suspended on the altar measures 17 21 inches and is written on hard nut wood with a gold leaf background 1 The image depicts the following symbols The Blessed Virgin Mary wearing a dress of dark red in Byzantine iconography the color of the Empress 2 The subject shows Mary looking towards the faithful while pointing at her son 耶稣 who is frightened by the instruments of 十字架 and is depicted with a fallen sandal The left side is Saint Michael Archangel carrying the 圣枪 and sponge 英语 Holy Sponge of the 耶穌被釘十字架 On the right side is 加百列 carrying a 宗主教十字 and nails 英语 Nail relic The 馬利亞 耶穌的母親 has a star on her forehead signifying her role as 海星聖母 while the cross on the side has been claimed as referring to the Greek monastery which produced the icon Template RC Mariology Byzantine depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in art have three stars one star each on the shoulder and one on the forehead This type of icon is called Hodegetria 英语 Hodegetria where Mary is pointing to her Son known as a Theotokos of the Passion 3 Mary is depicted with a long slender nose thin lips and smoothly arched eyebrows evidence of being made by a Greek artist The veil and her face itself are rounded indicating holiness The size of the mother is also out of proportion to her son a deliberate intent by the artist to show Mary as larger than life The Greek inscriptions read MP 8Y Mhthr 8eoῦ Mother of God OAM Ὁ Ἀrxaggelos Mixahl Michael the Archangel OAG Ὁ Ἀrxaggelos Gabrihl Gabriel the Archangel and IC XC 英语 Christogram Ἰhsoῦs Xristos Jesus Christ respectively The icon has a gold ground 英语 gold ground on a walnut panel believed to be from Crete 4 The Cretan School 英语 Cretan School was the source of the many icons imported into Europe from the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance The gold background represents the Kingdom of God 5 The round halo surrounding the Virgin Mary s head as well as details on the robes were created through Estofado 英语 Estofado which is an artistic effect created by scraping the paint to reveal the gold background additional effects are achieved by chasing designs on the gold The icon was cleaned and restored once in 1866 and again in the year 1940 Origin and discovery 编辑 The facade of its current temple in Via Merulana Rome According to the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery 英语 Keras Kardiotissas Monastery the icon was painted by 圣人 Lazarus Zographos 英语 Lazarus Zographos and was known as the Panagia Kardiotissa Panagias Kardiwtissas due to the depiction of the 天主之母 holding the Child Jesus 英语 Child Jesus near her heart Historian Stergios Spanakis had argued that the miraculous icon was the reason for the founding of the monastery 6 Cristoforo Buondelmonti 英语 Cristoforo Buondelmonti an Italian Franciscan priest and traveler who visited Crete in 1415 wrote of the icon being miraculous Badizaµe anaµesa se pyknodaswµena petrwdh boyna µexri poy f8asaµe sthn ekklhsia ths Kardiwtissas poy polles fores eixe fanerw8h stoys pistoys µe 8ayµata The icon was stolen from the monastery in 1498 7 8 The earliest written account of the icon after its abduction comes from a Latin and 意大利语 plaque placed in the church of San Matteo in Via Merulana 英语 San Matteo in Via Merulana where it was first venerated by the public in 1499 The writer of the icon is unknown but according to a parchment attached to the painting that accompanied the icon it was stolen by a merchant sailing to 罗马 from the island of 克里特 The Keras Kardiotissas Monastery 英语 Keras Kardiotissas Monastery is regarded as the monastery from which the icon was stolen 9 The image remained in the private possession of a Roman merchant and his family until 27 March 1499 when the icon was transferred to the church of San Matteo 10 where it remained for 300 years The picture was then popularly called the Madonna di San Matteo The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer 英语 Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer maintain a robust account of the icon and its passage from the private hands of a merchant family in Rome to its final and current location at Sant Alfonso di Liguori 英语 Sant Alfonso di Liguori on the Esquiline Hill in Rome 11 The accounting includes the story of a merchant who secured the icon from Crete and brought it to his family s home in Rome during the late 15th century The story includes a passage of a young member of the family the six year old daughter of the merchant who was visited by the Virgin Mary in a dream Part of the accounting includes the following passage At last the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the six year old daughter of this Roman family and told her to tell her mother and grandmother that the picture of Holy Mary of Perpetual Help should be placed in the Church of Saint Matthew the Apostle located between the basilicas of Saint Mary Major and Saint John Lateran 11 The icon remained at Saint Matthew s for three centuries For at least the final 60 years of the 18th century St Matthew s was occupied by the Augustinian Order of the Catholic Church When war broke out in Rome in 1798 the icon was moved to the Church of Saint Mary in Posterula near the Umberto I bridge that crosses the Tiber River in Rome The icon remained hidden there until Pope Pius IX granted the possession of the icon to the Redemptorists by Papal Edict in 1865 11 The Church of Saint Mary in Posterula was later demolished in 1880 According to the account by the Redemptorists In January 1866 Fathers Michael Marchi and Ernest Bresciani went to Saint Mary s in Posterula to receive the picture from the Augustinians 11 The Redemptorists had purchased the property where the former Saint Matthew s had stood and had established and built the modern Sant Alfonso di Liguori in honor of the founder of their congregation Thus the venerated icon of the Catholic Church was returned to the location described by the Virgin Mary in the dream of the merchant s daughter that is at the church between Saint Mary Major and Saint John Lateran Redemptorist tradition holds that Pope Pius IX declared in 1866 that the Redemptorists make the icon known to the world and so several copies were made and sent to Redemptorist parishes around the world One such Redemptorist parish in the United States Saint Mary s in Annapolis Maryland received a copy from Rome in 1868 12 The image is prominently displayed within the sanctuary of the parish Transfer 编辑 In 1798 法国 troops under 路易 亚历山大 贝尔蒂埃 occupied Rome as part of the 法国大革命战争 establishing the short lived 罗马共和国 18世纪 and taking 庇護六世 prisoner Among the several churches demolished during the French occupation was San Matteo in Via Merulana which housed the icon 13 The 奧斯定會 who rescued the icon first took it to the nearby Church of St Eusebius then later set it up on a side altar in the Church of Santa Maria in Posterula In January 1855 the Redemptorist priests purchased Villa Caserta in Rome along the Via Merulana and converted it into their headquarters Decades later 庇護九世 invited the Redemptorist Fathers 英语 Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer to set up a Marian house of veneration in Rome in response to which the Redemptorists built Sant Alfonso di Liguori at that location 2 The Redemptorists were thus established on the Via Merulana not knowing that it had once been the site of the Church of San Matteo and shrine of the once famous icon Custodianship 编辑 The official publication of the venerated image by the Order of the Redemptorists 庇護九世 sent a letter on 11 December 1865 to Father General Mauron C Ss R ordered that the image be once again publicly venerated in Via Merulana the new church of Saint Alphonsus The same Pontiff directed the Augustinian friars to surrender the original icon to the Redemptorist priests on condition that the Redemptorists must supply the Augustinian priests with another adequate picture in exchange as a gesture of goodwill The instructions of the Pontifical order to the Redemptorists 英语 Redemptorists were The 萬民福音部 Cardinal Alessandro Barnabo 英语 Alessandro Barnabo shall call the Superior of the community of Sancta Maria in Posterula and will tell him that it is Our desire that the image of Most Holy Mary referred to in this petition be again placed between Saint John the Lateran and Saint Mary Major the Redemptorists shall replace it with another adequate picture Pope Pius IX 14 Upon its official transfer Pope Pius IX finally gave his Apostolic Blessing and titled the icon Mater de Perpetuo Succursu English Mother of Perpetual Succour On 21 April 1866 the Redemptorist Superior General gave one of the first copies of the icon to 庇護九世 This copy is preserved in the chapel of the Redemptorists Generalate in Rome On 5 May 1866 the image was granted a decree of Canonical Coronation 英语 Canonical Coronation by the 座堂主任牧師 of the 聖伯多祿大殿 Chapter 英语 chapter religion in a solemn and official recognition of the Marian icon under that title The Latin Patriarch of Constantinople Cardinal Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei 英语 Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei executed the rite of coronation on 23 June 1867 The original icon remains under the care of the Redemptorist Fathers at the Church of St Alphonsus with the latest restoration of the icon having taken place in 1990 14 Restoration and Carbon dating 编辑 The namesake icon crowned by Pope John Paul II for 瓦多維采 Poland in 16 June 1999 In 1866 the icon underwent restoration by the Polish painter Leopold Nowotny 1822 1870 15 In 1990 the icon was taken down from its altar for new photography and image restoration commissioned by the General Government of Redemptorists The Redemptorist Order entered into contract with the Technical Department at the 梵蒂冈博物馆 to restore the icon and prevent further fungal damage to the icon The restoration process involved X射线 红外线 scanning technical analysis of the paint and 紫外线 testing along with a 放射性碳定年法 which placed the icon between the year 1325 1480 Artistic analysis of the icon revealed that the facial structure of the icon was altered due to previous overpainting resulting in a combination of oriental and occidental features of the image 16 Pontifical approbations 编辑 庇護九世 granted a Pontifical decree of Canonical Coronation 英语 Canonical Coronation to the original image along with its present title on 5 May 1866 The Latin Patriarch of Constantinople Cardinal Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei 英语 Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei executed the rite of coronation on 23 June 1867 庇護十二世 decreed this Marian title the Patroness of Haiti 1942 and 阿尔莫拉迪 西班牙 1945 Pope John Paul II granted a canonical coronation 英语 canonical coronation for the following venerated images In Podgorze Poland 英语 Podgorze authorized by decree signed on 14 May 1994 The rite of coronation was executed in 26 June 1994 The venerated icon in 瓦多維采 the birthplace of the pope was crowned by his decree on 16 June 1999 方濟各 教宗 granted a Pontifical decree of coronation for the namesake image venerated in the monastery of the Redemptorist Order in 格利维采 on 22 June 2014 Marian cult and veneration 编辑 Our Lady of Perpetual Help has been venerated across many cultures and thus bears several titles in different languages such as Mother of Perpetual Succour Unsere Liebe Frau von der immerwahrenden Hilfe Nuestra Senora del Perpetuo Socorro Notre Dame du Perpetuel Secours Mater del Perpetuo Succursu and Yna ng Laging Saklolo India 编辑 Picture of the St Michael s Church Mumbai 英语 St Michael s Church Mumbai On 8 September 1948 the Perpetual Succour Novena was started in a small way at St Michael s Church Mumbai 英语 St Michael s Church Mumbai at Mahim in the city of Mumbai India It all began in 1948 when Father Edward Fernandes who on his return from Europe having seen the devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour at Belfast in Ireland brought back with him a picture one blessed by placing it upon the original picture in Rome The devotion spread fast and wide due to his evangelization efforts Father Edward Fernandes was transferred from Mahim 英语 Mahim in June 1950 Today from 6 in the morning to 10 at night streams of devotees pour in for 12 services held in English Konkani Marathi Hindi and Tamil These multi lingual services testify to the immense popularity of the devotion In fact numerous parishes across the city such as Our Lady of Egypt 英语 Our Lady of Egypt Church have adopted this novena for the convenience of their parishioners Today seven decades later the devotion continues at Saint Michael of Mahim Church 英语 St Michael s Church Mumbai The Philippines 编辑 Our Lady of Perpetual Help is widely venerated by 菲律宾天主教 and 海外菲律賓人 communities A German copy of the icon is venerated in the 巴克拉兰教堂 in Baclaran Paranaque City 英语 Baclaran Paranaque City 馬尼拉大都會 the country s centre of devotion to the icon Since 1958 the Church has been authorized to remain open 24 hours a day Pope 若望保祿二世 once offered a Catholic Mass 英语 Catholic Mass at the shrine as 樞機 and later prayed before the icon during his first pastoral visit to the country in February 1981 17 The veneration of this icon is culturally unique to Philippine religiosity due to the absolute fact that all Catholic churches and petite chapels in the Philippines have a replica of the icon often enshrined in a side altar 英语 Bye altar Similar to the archetype of the 最后的晚餐 in a Filipino dining room this enshrinement has been a culture phenomenon unique to all Filipino Catholic shrines and churches even sometimes caricatured as a cultural 讽刺 The areas enshrined in this icon are either found in the foyer 英语 foyer entrance of a church a side altar or a freestanding chapel in a larger sized church Copies of the icon can also be found in countless houses businesses and even public utility vehicles 18 19 Every Wednesday many congregations hold services where they publicly recite the 玫瑰经 and the icon s associated novena 英语 Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help along with a priest delivering Benediction 英语 Benediction and celebrating a votive Mass 英语 votive Mass in its honor Devotees today still use the same Novena booklet first published by 爱尔兰岛 Redemptorists who introduced the icon and its devotion to the Philippines in the early 1900s The Filipino Diaspora continue keeping the Wednesday Novena holding novena services in their respective parishes overseas 20 21 In Saint John the Baptist Parish Garcia Hernandez Bohol 英语 Garcia Hernandez Bohol the feast of the image is held on April 27 instead of the usual liturgical date The 48 sub chapels in the parish participate in the annual feast while every 27th month has each chapel s respective congregations holding a procession of the icon This form of devotion began in 1923 when two missionary priests a Dutchman named Thomas and a German named Jorge brought the icon to the town The original icon can still be seen in a chapel of the parish its reverse bears a Latin inscription attesting to its dedication In the 新怡詩夏省 province Our Lady of Perpetual Help is widely venerated Yearly a first class relic is exposed to the faithful from June 18 until June 27 來源請求 United States 编辑 In 1878 the 永援圣母朝圣地圣殿 in 波士顿 obtained a certified copy of the icon being the first in the 美国 Between 1927 and 1935 the first American novena service dedicated to the icon was recited in Saint Alphonsus The Rock church 英语 St Alphonsus Catholic Church St Louis in 圣路易斯 密苏里州 and various other Redemptorist stations around the United States There is a shrine Church of the Most Holy Redeemer 英语 Church of the Most Holy Redeemer Manhattan in Manhattan and at the 布鲁克林永援圣母圣殿 and Ybor City Tampa Florida Patronage 编辑 The town of Almoradi in the 巴倫西亞自治區 of 西班牙 invokes the patronage of Our Mother of Perpetual Help In 1918 the son of the Marquis of Rioflorido Jose Carlos fell ill with 胸膜炎 His mother Lady Desamparado Fontes fed him a silk fabric cloth touched to the icon of Perpetual Help in Rome which resulted in instantaneous healing later claimed to be miraculous As a token of thanksgiving Fontes officially donated funds to begin the Confraternity of Almoradi On 29 May 1919 Our Lady of Perpetual Help was officially enthroned in Saint Andrew s Parish as the official patroness of the town In 1945 庇護十二世 confirmed this patronage by a pontifical decree On its 50th anniversary in 1969 a public diocesan coronation of this image was held directed by the town mayor and its authorities with the crowns made by Santero 英语 Santo art artist Jose David Our Lady of Perpetual Help is also the principal 主保聖人 of Haiti 22 According to Roman Catholic 主教 Guy Sansaricq 英语 Guy Sansaricq former Haitian president 英语 President of Haiti 埃利 莱斯科 and his cabinet petitioned the 聖座 to make Our Mother of Perpetual Help the Patroness of Haiti in 1942 23 Many Haitians credit the Virgin Mary under this title with performing miracles to prevent a 天花 outbreak which ravaged the country in 1882 The Holy See approved the request for patronage under the Pontificate of 庇護十二世 Our Lady of Perpetual Help is also present in numerous Haitian public stamps used by the Office des Postes d Haiti In January 2010 本篤十六世 invoked Our Lady of Perpetual Help for Haiti s earthquake relief through Archbishop Louis Kebreau 英语 Louis Kebreau Our Lady of Perpetual Help is also the patroness of the 天主教萨利纳教区 堪薩斯州 in the United States 24 of the 天主教米杜士堡教區 amp the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds in England and of the Catholic Diocese of Issele Uku in Nigeria 象徵 编辑此section需要补充更多来源 2023年2月19日 请协助補充多方面可靠来源以改善这篇条目 无法查证的内容可能會因為异议提出而被移除 致使用者 请搜索一下条目的标题 来源搜索 永援圣母 网页 新闻 书籍 学术 图像 以检查网络上是否存在该主题的更多可靠来源 判定指引 圣母头巾上的星星 玛利亚是光耀海星 带着基督的光明来到这个黑暗的世界 引领我们稳渡世海安全停靠在天堂彼岸 聖像畫的上半部左右處各描绘著拿着长枪和插著浸过醋的海绵的長竿 以及另一名拿著十字架和铁钉的兩位天使 而二位天使頭上也各自有其名稱的希臘文縮寫 圣母的臉部神情基於聖像畫傳統也各有象徵 小嘴代表无声的回忆 她在圣经中所言不多 圣母大大的双眼代表她足以看清我们所有的困苦 无论我们身在何处 她总是转向我们 红色袍子 在基督生活的年代 是童贞女才能穿的颜色 深蓝色的衣袍 在巴勒斯坦是母亲穿的颜色 玛利亚既是童贞又是母亲故名 童贞圣母 基督的圣手 手掌向下紧握圣母 代表救赎的恩宠经由圣母保持 诸宠中保 希腊文 天主之母 1867年 应圣座的要求 金色皇冠结合于原始的画像上 它代表了圣母显现的诸多圣迹 是 永援圣母 名称的由来 希腊文 耶稣基督 圣母的左手完全支撑着耶稣 她是祂的母亲 这只手抚慰着任何有求于她的人 耶稣脚底悬着的凉鞋 也许代表着 奉献给圣母的 罪人的 灵魂 能在临终时有最后一线希望把握基督 的救恩 圣像的背景是金色的 象征着天堂 耶稣和圣母在那里受享宝座与荣光 服装上闪耀的金色则象征天堂的喜乐 这喜乐可以安抚人们的疲惫心灵 參見 编辑 nbsp 基督教主题 nbsp 天主教主题 慈悲聖母 英语 Virgin of Mercy 玛利亚的称号 Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary 英语 Acts of Reparation to the Virgin Mary 耶稣的谱系 History of Catholic Mariology 英语 History of Catholic Mariology Holy Name of Mary 英语 Holy Name of Mary 聖母瑪利亞 繪畫 Marian and Holy Trinity columns 英语 Marian and Holy Trinity columns 聖母顯現 Maryamaweet 英语 Maryamaweet May crowning 英语 May crowning Miraculous births 英语 Miraculous births Mother of the Church 英语 Mother of the Church New Testament people named Mary 英语 New Testament people named Mary Shrines to the Virgin Mary 英语 Shrines to the Virgin Mary Society of Mary Marianists 英语 Society of Mary Marianists 各地主保聖人列表 圣母论 圣母无染原罪 另参 原罪论 圣母卒世童贞 另参 耶稣的血亲 圣母蒙召升天 天主教中的圣母玛利亚 圣母圣心 玫瑰经 圣母经 又圣母经 圣母军 潔貞頌 Ave Maria Virgo serena 英语 Ave Maria Virgo serena Catholic Marian art 英语 Catholic Marian art Catholic Marian church buildings 英语 Catholic Marian church buildings Catholic Marian music 英语 Catholic Marian music Intercession of the saints 英语 Intercession of the saints Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 英语 Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary 尊主頌 Mary of Egypt 英语 Mary of Egypt Roman Catholic Mariology 英语 Roman Catholic Mariology 又聖母經 聖母悼歌 Theotokion 英语 Theotokion Veneration of Mary in Roman Catholicism 英语 Veneration of Mary in Roman Catholicism 註 编辑參考 编辑引文 编辑 Festschrift zum Andenken an die Wiedereroffnung der St Peters Kirche St Peter s Church Philadelphia 1901 page 93 2 0 2 1 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Brooklyn New York 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 Types of Theotokos of the Passion Bing com 2012 03 30 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 Alfredo Tradigo Icons and saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church 2006 ISBN 0 89236 845 4 Trinity Acres 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 H apisteyth istoria ths eikonas ths Panagias Keras poy eklaph apo thn Krhth kai shmera latreyetai sth Rwmh Istories Reportaz Sxoliasmos Krhths Blog e storieskritis gr 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 https www impeh gr wp content uploads 2020 05 proskynitarion pdf 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 裸網址 http nefeli lib teicrete gr browse sdo tour 2012 IoannouEvgenia attached document 1337582326 772867 3439 Ioannou2012 pdf 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 裸網址 Holy Monastery of Kera Kardiotissa 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 Our Mother of Perpetual Help The Redemptorists 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 11 0 11 1 11 2 11 3 History of the Icon 原始内容存档于2016 05 17 St Mary s Annapolis History of St Mary s 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2021 10 26 Who is Our Lady of Perpetual Help Aquinasandmore com 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2012 10 26 14 0 14 1 The History of the Icon Cssr com 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2018 01 29 Redemptorist 原始内容存档于2007 07 06 Official Website of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Superior General Michael Brehl C SsR Latest Restoration of the Icon Cssr com 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2018 01 29 Vatican website Pope John Paul II in the Philippines Vatican va 1981 02 17 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2013 03 03 Culture and Customs of the Philippines Cultures and Customs of the World 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 Relations Between Religions and Cultures in Southeast Asia Indonesian Philosophical Studies Asian American Religions The Making and Remaking of Borders and Boundaries Religion Race and Ethnicity 2023 02 19 原始内容存档于2023 02 19 Religion at the Corner of Bliss and Nirvana Politics Identity and Faith in New Migrant Communities patrons of Haiti Saints sqpn com 2010 08 01 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于2014 02 19 Haitians pray for perpetual help for their homeland 6 29 11 Currents Netny net 2011 06 29 2014 01 26 原始内容存档于July 21 2013 Salina Arms salinadiocese org 2018 06 28 原始内容存档于2020 10 09 英国英语 Pontifical decree of nomenclature granted by the Vatican Chapter and Pope Pius IX in April 1865 來源 编辑 nbsp 本條目包含已處於公共領域的Herbermann Charles 编 Our Lady of Perpetual Succour 天主教百科全書 Robert Appleton Company 1913 延伸閱讀 编辑Ferrero Fabriciano The Story of an Icon The Full History Tradition and Spirituality of the Popular Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Redemptorist Publications 2001 ISBN 978 0 85231 219 3 Milliner Matthew Mother of the Lamb The Story of a Gloabal Icon Fortress Press 2022 ISBN 978 1506478753 外部鏈接 编辑 nbsp 维基共享资源上的相關多媒體資源 永援圣母 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 永援圣母 amp oldid 80185646, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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