

音標擴展是一個位於基本多文種平面Unicode區塊,收錄了烏拉爾音標英语Uralic Phonetic Alphabet古愛爾蘭語標音符號、美式標音系統英语Americanist phonetic notation、俄式標音系統、牛津英語詞典韋伯字典等所使用的音標。[3]

IPA Extensions
應用烏拉爾音標英语Uralic Phonetic Alphabet
美式標音系統英语Americanist phonetic notation
4.0108 (+108)
4.1128 (+20)
國際音標擴展 · 音標擴展補充


Phonetic Extensions[1]
Unicode Consortium 官方碼表(PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+1D3x ᴿ
U+1D7x ᵿ
1.^ 依据 Unicode 14.0



版本 最終碼位[a] 碼位数 L2英语International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2英语ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ID 文檔
4.0 U+1D00..1D6A 107 L2/02-141 N2419 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael; et al, Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS, 2002-03-20 
L2/02-192 Everson, Michael, Everson's Reply on UPA, 2002-05-02 
N2442 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael; Kolehmainen, Erkki I.; Ruppel, Klaas; Trosterud, Trond, Justification for placing the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet in the BMP, 2002-05-21 
L2/02-291 Whistler, Ken, WG2 report from Dublin, 2002-05-31 
L2/02-292 Whistler, Ken, Early look at WG2 consent docket, 2002-06-03 
L2/02-166R2 Moore, Lisa, Scripts and New Characters - UPA, UTC #91 Minutes, 2002-08-09 
L2/02-253 Moore, Lisa, UTC #92 Minutes, 2002-10-21 
L2/11-043 Freytag, Asmus; Karlsson, Kent, Proposal to correct mistakes and inconsistencies in certain property assignments for super and subscripted letters, 2011-02-02 
L2/11-160 PRI #181 Changing General Category of Twelve Characters, 2011-05-02 
U+1D6B 1 L2/02-421 N2514 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Proposal to encode one Latin letter in the UCS, 2002-11-10 
4.1 U+1D6C..1D76 11 L2/03-174R2 N2632 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Constable, Peter, Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde in the UCS, 2003-09-30 
L2/03-240R3 Moore, Lisa, B.14.15, UTC #96 Minutes, 2003-10-21 
L2/04-132 N2740 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Constable, Peter, Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS, 2004-04-19 
U+1D77..1D78 2 L2/99-082 N1962 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of the UCS, 1999-02-26 
L2/03-230R2 N2608R2 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Proposal to add Georgian and other characters to the BMP of the UCS, 2003-09-04 
U+1D79 1 L2/03-331 N2641 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Proposal to encode one Irish phonetic letter in the UCS, 2003-10-05 
U+1D7A 1 L2/02-361 Davis, Mark, Double Combining Stroke, 2002-09-05 
L2/03-136 Moore, Lisa, B.11.12, UTC #95 Minutes, 2003-08-18 
L2/03-334 N2645 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Davis, Mark, Latin Small Letter th with Strikethrough, 2003-10-08 
L2/03-359 N2656 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Freytag, Asmus, Phonetic symbols used in Dictionaries, 2003-10-15 
L2/03-356R2 Moore, Lisa, B.14.15, UTC #97 Minutes, 2003-10-22 
U+1D7B..1D7F 5 L2/03-170 Constable, Peter, Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS, 2003-05-30 
L2/03-169R Constable, Peter, Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS, 2003-06-06 
L2/03-180 Constable, Peter, Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS, 2003-06-07 
L2/03-190R Constable, Peter, Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS, 2003-06-08 
L2/03-136 Moore, Lisa, Phonetic Symbols and Modifier Letters, UTC #95 Minutes, 2003-08-18 
L2/04-044 Constable, Peter, Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS, 2004-02-01 
L2/04-045 Constable, Peter, Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS, 2004-02-01 
L2/04-046 Constable, Peter, Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS, 2004-02-01 
L2/04-047 Constable, Peter, Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS, 2004-02-01 
L2/04-132 N2740 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Constable, Peter, Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS, 2004-04-19 
L2/04-144 Hallissy, Bob, Soft-dotted characters in the pipeline, 2004-04-27 
L2/04-003R Moore, Lisa, B.14.10, B.14.11, B.14.12, and B.14.13, UTC #98 Minutes, 2004-05-17 
  1. ^ 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同。



  1. ^ Unicode character database. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容于2017-09-25). 
  2. ^ Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容于2016-06-29). 
  3. ^ Chapter 7: Europe-I Modern and Liturgical Scripts (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0. Mountain View, CA: Unicode, Inc. 2022-09 [2023-05-30]. ISBN 978-1-936213-32-0. 

音標擴展, 是一個位於基本多文種平面的unicode區塊, 收錄了烏拉爾音標, 英语, uralic, phonetic, alphabet, 古愛爾蘭語標音符號, 美式標音系統, 英语, americanist, phonetic, notation, 俄式標音系統, 牛津英語詞典, 韋伯字典等所使用的音標, 國際ipa, extensions範圍u, 1d00, 1d7f, 128個碼位, 平面基本多文種平面, 文字西里爾字母, 2個, 希臘字母, 15個, 拉丁字母, 11個, 應用烏拉爾音標, 英语, ur. 音標擴展是一個位於基本多文種平面的Unicode區塊 收錄了烏拉爾音標 英语 Uralic Phonetic Alphabet 古愛爾蘭語標音符號 美式標音系統 英语 Americanist phonetic notation 俄式標音系統 牛津英語詞典 韋伯字典等所使用的音標 3 國際音標擴展IPA Extensions範圍U 1D00 U 1D7F 128個碼位 平面基本多文種平面 BMP 文字西里爾字母 2個 希臘字母 15個 拉丁字母 11個 應用烏拉爾音標 英语 Uralic Phonetic Alphabet 美式標音系統 英语 Americanist phonetic notation 各式字典的音標符號已分配128個碼位未分配0個保留碼位Unicode版本歷史4 0108 108 4 1128 20 相關區塊國際音標擴展 音標擴展補充官方碼表點擊此處註釋 1 2 目录 1 區塊 2 歷史 3 參見 4 參考資料區塊 编辑音標擴展Phonetic Extensions 1 Unicode Consortium 官方碼表 PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 1D0x ᴀ ᴁ ᴂ ᴃ ᴄ ᴅ ᴆ ᴇ ᴈ ᴉ ᴊ ᴋ ᴌ ᴍ ᴎ ᴏU 1D1x ᴐ ᴑ ᴒ ᴓ ᴔ ᴕ ᴖ ᴗ ᴘ ᴙ ᴚ ᴛ ᴜ ᴝ ᴞ ᴟU 1D2x ᴠ ᴡ ᴢ ᴣ ᴤ ᴥ ᴦ ᴧ ᴨ ᴩ ᴪ ᴫ ᴬ ᴭ ᴮ ᴯU 1D3x ᴰ ᴱ ᴲ ᴳ ᴴ ᴵ ᴶ ᴷ ᴸ ᴹ ᴺ ᴻ ᴼ ᴽ ᴾ ᴿU 1D4x ᵀ ᵁ ᵂ ᵃ ᵄ ᵅ ᵆ ᵇ ᵈ ᵉ ᵊ ᵋ ᵌ ᵍ ᵎ ᵏU 1D5x ᵐ ᵑ ᵒ ᵓ ᵔ ᵕ ᵖ ᵗ ᵘ ᵙ ᵚ ᵛ ᵜ ᵝ ᵞ ᵟU 1D6x ᵠ ᵡ ᵢ ᵣ ᵤ ᵥ ᵦ ᵧ ᵨ ᵩ ᵪ ᵫ ᵬ ᵭ ᵮ ᵯU 1D7x ᵰ ᵱ ᵲ ᵳ ᵴ ᵵ ᵶ ᵷ ᵸ ᵹ ᵺ ᵻ ᵼ ᵽ ᵾ ᵿ註釋 1 依据 Unicode 14 0歷史 编辑下列與Unicode相關的文檔記錄了在音標擴展區塊中定義特定字符的目的和过程 版本 最終碼位 a 碼位数 L2 英语 International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2 英语 ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 ID 文檔4 0 U 1D00 1D6A 107 L2 02 141 N2419 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael et al Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS 2002 03 20 L2 02 192 Everson Michael Everson s Reply on UPA 2002 05 02 N2442 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Kolehmainen Erkki I Ruppel Klaas Trosterud Trond Justification for placing the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet in the BMP 2002 05 21 L2 02 291 Whistler Ken WG2 report from Dublin 2002 05 31 L2 02 292 Whistler Ken Early look at WG2 consent docket 2002 06 03 L2 02 166R2 Moore Lisa Scripts and New Characters UPA UTC 91 Minutes 2002 08 09 L2 02 253 Moore Lisa UTC 92 Minutes 2002 10 21 L2 11 043 Freytag Asmus Karlsson Kent Proposal to correct mistakes and inconsistencies in certain property assignments for super and subscripted letters 2011 02 02 L2 11 160 PRI 181 Changing General Category of Twelve Characters 2011 05 02 U 1D6B 1 L2 02 421 N2514 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Proposal to encode one Latin letter in the UCS 2002 11 10 4 1 U 1D6C 1D76 11 L2 03 174R2 N2632 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde in the UCS 2003 09 30 L2 03 240R3 Moore Lisa B 14 15 UTC 96 Minutes 2003 10 21 L2 04 132 N2740 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Constable Peter Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS 2004 04 19 U 1D77 1D78 2 L2 99 082 N1962 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Optimizing Georgian representation in the BMP of the UCS 1999 02 26 L2 03 230R2 N2608R2 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Proposal to add Georgian and other characters to the BMP of the UCS 2003 09 04 U 1D79 1 L2 03 331 N2641 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Proposal to encode one Irish phonetic letter in the UCS 2003 10 05 U 1D7A 1 L2 02 361 Davis Mark Double Combining Stroke 2002 09 05 L2 03 136 Moore Lisa B 11 12 UTC 95 Minutes 2003 08 18 L2 03 334 N2645 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Davis Mark Latin Small Letter th with Strikethrough 2003 10 08 L2 03 359 N2656 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Freytag Asmus Phonetic symbols used in Dictionaries 2003 10 15 L2 03 356R2 Moore Lisa B 14 15 UTC 97 Minutes 2003 10 22 U 1D7B 1D7F 5 L2 03 170 Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS 2003 05 30 L2 03 169R Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS 2003 06 06 L2 03 180 Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS 2003 06 07 L2 03 190R Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS 2003 06 08 L2 03 136 Moore Lisa Phonetic Symbols and Modifier Letters UTC 95 Minutes 2003 08 18 L2 04 044 Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Modifier Letters in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 045 Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Palatal Hook in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 046 Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Retroflex Hook in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 047 Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 132 N2740 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Constable Peter Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS 2004 04 19 L2 04 144 Hallissy Bob Soft dotted characters in the pipeline 2004 04 27 L2 04 003R Moore Lisa B 14 10 B 14 11 B 14 12 and B 14 13 UTC 98 Minutes 2004 05 17 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同 參見 编辑Unicode中的音標符號 Unicode中的西里爾字母 Unicode中的拉丁字母參考資料 编辑 Unicode character database The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2017 09 25 Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2016 06 29 Chapter 7 Europe I Modern and Liturgical Scripts PDF The Unicode Standard Version 15 0 Mountain View CA Unicode Inc 2022 09 2023 05 30 ISBN 978 1 936213 32 0 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 音標擴展 amp oldid 77481033, 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