

語言人類學Linguistic Anthropology)是人類學的分支,將語言學研究方法運用於人類學問題上,將符號或特殊語言形式與過程連結到社會文化過程的詮釋。

歷史發展 编辑

人類學式的語言學 编辑

最早的理論典範原本被稱為語言學(linguistics),雖然當這門學科及相關的研究領域發展成熟之後,稱為 「人類學式的語言學」(anthropological linguistics)。這個領域專門研究這個次學科所獨有的一些主題:對於被視為注定要滅絕的語言所做的語言學記錄(有一些北美原住民語言成為這個次學科學者所關注的焦點),例如:

語言人類學 编辑

在1960年代,戴爾·海姆斯英语Dell Hymes主要負責發起第二種理論典範,將「語言人類學」(linguistic anthropology)這個名稱固定下來,雖然他也創造了「言談民族誌」(ethnography of speaking,或「溝通民族誌」 ethnography of communication)這個術語,來描述他為這個學術領域所設想的架構。這包含運用新的科技發展,包括新形態的錄音設備。

海姆斯也引介了一種新的分析單位。有鑑於在第一種理論典範聚焦於表面上獨特的「語言」(引號表示當代的語言人類學家將「一個語言」的概念視為一種理想建構,從而掩蓋了這個語言內部的複雜性,以及「跨越」所謂的語言界線的複雜性);第二種理論典範的分析單位是「言談事件」(speech event)。(言談事件是一個事件,由發生在這個事件之中的言談所界定的,例如,一場晚宴並不是一個言談事件,而是一個言談情境,在這種情境下,言談可能會發生,也可能不會發生。)有許多學者專注於在這些言談事件中,參與者對他們的語言表現型態所提出的解釋。 [1][2]



透過語言學方法與資料所從事的人類學議題研究 编辑


研究興趣領域 编辑


身分認同 编辑

語言人類學的作品有許多從語言學角度探討社會文化認同的議題。語言人類學家庫利克(Don Kulick)在巴布亞紐幾內亞一個名為迦普恩(Gapun)的村落,依據對許多場景的分析,研究語言與認同的關係。[3]庫利克探討了迦普恩的兒童如何使用兩種語言──傳統語言「塔伊阿普」(Taiap)只在自己村落使用,從而標示了一種根本賦予的(primordially)迦普恩人身分認同。另一種語言則是巴布亞皮欽語(在紐幾內亞盛行的官方語言)。 (語言人類學家使用「標示」(indexical)這個字的意思是指標性。[4]

參閱 编辑

註釋 编辑

  1. ^ Bauman, Richard. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. American Anthropologist 77:290-311.
  2. ^ Hymes, Dell. 1981 [1975] Breakthrough into Performance. In In Vain I Tried to Tell You: Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics. D. Hymes, ed. Pp. 79-141. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  3. ^ Kulick, Don. 1992. Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction: Socialization, Self and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  4. ^ Silverstein, Michael. 1976. Shifters, Linguistic Categories, and Cultural Description. In Meaning in Anthropology. K. Basso and H.A. Selby, eds. Pp. pp. 11-56. Albuquerque: School of American Research, University of New Mexico Press.

引用文獻 编辑

  • Bauman, Richard. 1977. Verbal Art as Performance. American Anthropologist 77:290-311.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. 1992. Language and Bodies in Social Space: Samoan Greetings. American Anthropologist 94:657-691.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. 2003. Language as Culture in U.S. Anthropology: Three Paradigms. Current Anthropology 44(3):323-348.
  • Errington, J. Joseph. 1988. Structure and Style in Javanese: A Semiotic View of Linguistic Etiquette. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
  • Hill, Jane, and Bruce Mannheim. 1992. "Language and Worldview." Annual Reviews in Anthropology 21:381-406.
  • Hoijer, Harry. 1954. "The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis," in Language in culture: Conference on the interrelations of language and other aspects of culture. Edited by H. Hoijer, pp. 92–105. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Horwitz, Tony. 2006. Immigration—and the Curse of the Black Legend (Op-Ed). New York Times. Week in Review, July 9, 2006, p. 13.
  • Hymes, Dell. 1981 [1975] Breakthrough into Performance. In In Vain I Tried to Tell You: Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics. D. Hymes, ed. Pp. 79-141. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Kroskrity, Paul V. 1998. Arizona Tewa Kiva Speech as a Manifestation of Linguistic Ideology. In Language ideologies: Practice and theory. B.B. Schieffelin, K.A. Woolard, and P. Kroskrity, eds. Pp. 103-122. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kulick, Don. 1992. Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction: Socialization, Self and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kulick, Don, and Charles H. Klein. 2003. Scandalous Acts: The Politics of Shame among Brazilian Travesti Prostitutes. In Recognition Struggles and Social Movements: Contested Identities, Agency and Power. B. Hobson, ed. Pp. 215-238. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ochs, Elinor. 1988. Culture and language development: Language acquisition and language socialization in a Samoan village. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ochs, Elinor, and Bambi Schieffelin. 1984. Language Acquisition and Socialization: Three Developmental Stories and Their Implications. In Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self, and Emotion. R. Shweder and R.A. LeVine, eds. Pp. 276-320. New York: Cambridge University.
  • Ochs, Elinor, and Carolyn Taylor. 2001. The “Father Knows Best” Dynamic in Dinnertime Narratives. In Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. A. Duranti, ed. Pp. 431-449. Oxford. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Rumsey, Alan. 1990. Word, meaning, and linguistic ideology. American Anthropologist 92(2):346-361.
  • Schieffelin, Bambi B. 1990. The Give and Take of Everyday Life: Language Socialization of Kaluli Children. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schieffelin, Bambi B. 1995. Creating evidence: Making sense of written words in Bosavi. Pragmatics 5(2):225-244.
  • Schieffelin, Bambi B. 2000. Introducing Kaluli Literacy: A Chronology of Influences. In Regimes of Language. P. Kroskrity, ed. Pp. 293-327. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press.
  • Schieffelin, Bambi B. 2002. Marking time: The dichotomizing discourse of multiple temporalities. Current Anthropology 43(Supplement):S5-17.
  • Schieffelin, Bambi B. 2006. PLENARY ADDRESS: Found in translating: Reflexive language across time and texts in Bosavi, PNG. Twelve Annual Conference on Language, Interaction, and Culture, University of California, Los Angeles, 2006.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 1976. Shifters, Linguistic Categories, and Cultural Description. In Meaning in Anthropology. K. Basso and H.A. Selby, eds. Pp. pp. 11-56. Albuquerque: School of American Research, University of New Mexico Press.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 1979. Language Structure and Linguistic Ideology. In The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels. R. Cline, W. Hanks, and C. Hofbauer, eds. Pp. pp. 193-247. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 1985. Language and the Culture of Gender: At the Intersection of Structure, Usage, and Ideology. In Semiotic Mediation: Sociocultural and Psychological Perspectives. E. Mertz and R. Parmentier, eds. Pp. 219-259. Orlando: Academic Press.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 2004. "Cultural" Concepts and the Language-Culture Nexus. Current Anthropology 45(5):621-652.
  • Wilce, James M. 2006. Magical Laments and Anthropological Reflections: The Production and Circulation of Anthropological Text as Ritual Activity. Current Anthropology. 47(6):891-914.
  • Woolard, Kathryn A. 2004. Codeswitching. In Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. A. Duranti, ed. Pp. 73-94. Malden: Blackwell.

進階閱讀 编辑

  • Baugh, J. & J. Sherzer. eds. 1984. Language in use. Prentice Hall.
  • Blount, Ben G. ed. 1995. Language, Culture, and Society: A Book of Readings. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.
  • Bonvillain, Nancy. 1993. Language, culture, and communication: The meaning of messages. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Brenneis, Donald; and Ronald K. S. Macaulay. 1996. The matrix of language: Contemporary linguistic anthropology. Boulder: Westview.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. 1997. Linguistic Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. ed. 2001. Key terms in language and culture. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. ed. 2001. Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Duranti, Alessandro. ed. 2004. Companion to Linguistic Anthropology. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Duranti, Alessandro and Charles Goodwin. eds. 1992. Rethinking context: Language as an interactive phenomenon. Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language (No. 11). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Fitch, K. and G. Philipsen. 1995. Ethnography of speaking. In Handbook of pragmatics. J. Verschueren, J.-O. Östman, J. Blommaert, eds. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.
  • Foley, W. A. 1997. Anthropological linguistics: an introduction. Blackwell.
  • Frank, Francine and Frank Anshen. 1984. Language and the sexes. Albany: State U of NY Press.
  • Giglioli, Pier Paolo. 1972. Language and social context: Selected readings. Middlesex: Penguin Books.
  • Goffman, Erving 1981. Forms of talk. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Gumperz, John and Dell Hymes. eds. 1964. The ethnography of communication. American Anthropologist, 66 (6, Part 2), 1-186.
  • Gumperz, John J. ed. 1982. Language and social identity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gumperz, John J. and Dell Hymes. eds. 1972. Directions in sociolinguistics: The ethnography of communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
  • Hanks, William F. 1996. Language and communicative practices. Critical essays in anthropology(No. 1). Boulder, CO: Westview.
  • Harrison, K. David. 2007. When Languages Die: The Extinction of the World's Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge. New York and London: Oxford University Press.
  • Hill, Jane H. 2001. Language, Race, and White Public Space. In Linguistic Anthropology: A Reader. A. Duranti, ed. Pp. 450-464. Malden: Blackwell.
  • Morgan, M. ed. 1994. Language and the social construction of identity. Los Angeles: Center for Afro-American Studies, UCLA.
  • Newmeyer, F. J. ed. 1989. Language: The socio-cultural context. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Philipsen, G. 1992. Speaking culturally. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  • Salzmann, Zdenek. 1998. Language, culture, & society (2nd ed.). Westview Press.
  • Sanches, M. and B. G. Blount. eds. 1975. Sociocultural dimensions of language use. New York: Academic Press.
  • Schiffman, H. 1996. Linguistic culture and language policy. Routledge.
  • Silverstein, Michael. 1994. Shifters, Linguistic Categories, and Cultural Description. In Language, Culture, and Society: A Book of Readings. B.G. Blount, ed. Pp. 187-221. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland.
  • Tedlock, Dennis and Bruce Mannheim. 1995. The dialogic emergence of culture. Champaign: University of Illinois.
  • Whorf, Benjamin Lee. 1956. Language, thought, and reality: Selected writings. J. B. Carroll, ed. Cambridge: Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

外部連結 编辑


語言人類學, 人類學主题, linguistic, anthropology, 是人類學的分支, 將語言學研究方法運用於人類學問題上, 將符號或特殊語言形式與過程連結到社會文化過程的詮釋, 目录, 歷史發展, 人類學式的語言學, 透過語言學方法與資料所從事的人類學議題研究, 研究興趣領域, 身分認同, 參閱, 註釋, 引用文獻, 進階閱讀, 外部連結歷史發展, 编辑人類學式的語言學, 编辑, 最早的理論典範原本被稱為語言學, linguistics, 雖然當這門學科及相關的研究領域發展成熟之後, 稱為, 人類學式的. 人類學主题 語言人類學 Linguistic Anthropology 是人類學的分支 將語言學研究方法運用於人類學問題上 將符號或特殊語言形式與過程連結到社會文化過程的詮釋 目录 1 歷史發展 1 1 人類學式的語言學 1 2 語言人類學 1 3 透過語言學方法與資料所從事的人類學議題研究 2 研究興趣領域 2 1 身分認同 3 參閱 4 註釋 5 引用文獻 6 進階閱讀 7 外部連結歷史發展 编辑人類學式的語言學 编辑 最早的理論典範原本被稱為語言學 linguistics 雖然當這門學科及相關的研究領域發展成熟之後 稱為 人類學式的語言學 anthropological linguistics 這個領域專門研究這個次學科所獨有的一些主題 對於被視為注定要滅絕的語言所做的語言學記錄 有一些北美原住民語言成為這個次學科學者所關注的焦點 例如 語法描述 類型學分類 以及 關於語言相對論的未決議題 關連到愛德華 薩丕爾與本杰明 李 沃夫 但實際上由法蘭茲 鮑亞士所發展 在他之前 有一長串歐洲思想家 從詹巴蒂斯塔 维柯到约翰 戈特弗里德 赫尔德到威廉 馮 洪堡 所謂的薩丕爾 沃夫假說可能是個不當的用詞 這是就這個兩位學者的科學取向 有別於科學上的實證論 以假說為取向的模型 無論如何 這個名詞是Harry Hoijer 英语 Harry Hoijer 薩丕爾的學生 所創 Hoijer 1954 see also HIll and Mannheim 1992 語言人類學 编辑 在1960年代 戴爾 海姆斯 英语 Dell Hymes 主要負責發起第二種理論典範 將 語言人類學 linguistic anthropology 這個名稱固定下來 雖然他也創造了 言談民族誌 ethnography of speaking 或 溝通民族誌 ethnography of communication 這個術語 來描述他為這個學術領域所設想的架構 這包含運用新的科技發展 包括新形態的錄音設備 海姆斯也引介了一種新的分析單位 有鑑於在第一種理論典範聚焦於表面上獨特的 語言 引號表示當代的語言人類學家將 一個語言 的概念視為一種理想建構 從而掩蓋了這個語言內部的複雜性 以及 跨越 所謂的語言界線的複雜性 第二種理論典範的分析單位是 言談事件 speech event 言談事件是一個事件 由發生在這個事件之中的言談所界定的 例如 一場晚宴並不是一個言談事件 而是一個言談情境 在這種情境下 言談可能會發生 也可能不會發生 有許多學者專注於在這些言談事件中 參與者對他們的語言表現型態所提出的解釋 1 2 海姆斯也開創了語言人類學的一種研究方法 民族詩學 英语 Ethnopoetics 海姆斯希望將語言人類學更密切連結到人類學這個母學科 語言人類學這個名稱必定強調它的首要身份是與人類學 而 人類學式的語言學 傳達一種感覺 它的首要身份是 語言學 如今這在大多數的大學是一門獨立學科 而不是在法蘭茲 鮑亞士和薩皮爾的時代 然而 海姆斯的企圖心卻是事與願違的 語言人類學這個理論典範 事實上標誌著它跟人類學的其他分支學科進一步的疏遠 透過語言學方法與資料所從事的人類學議題研究 编辑 在1980年代後期興起的第三種理論典範 並不是繼續追求來自一個讓人類學感到陌生的學科 語言學 的各項議題 語言人類學家有系統地專注於自己母學科人類學所提出的各項議題 但運用了語言學的資料和方法 在這第三種理論典範的熱門研究議題 包括社會身份認同的調查研究 普遍共同具有的意識形態 以及在個人和團體之間的互動中 論述的建構與運用方式 研究興趣領域 编辑當代語言人類學研究延續了上述的三個理論典範 有幾個領域關連到第三種典範 也就是對於人類學議題的研究 這是當代語言人類學家特別專注的領域 身分認同 编辑 語言人類學的作品有許多從語言學角度探討社會文化認同的議題 語言人類學家庫利克 Don Kulick 在巴布亞紐幾內亞一個名為迦普恩 Gapun 的村落 依據對許多場景的分析 研究語言與認同的關係 3 庫利克探討了迦普恩的兒童如何使用兩種語言 傳統語言 塔伊阿普 Taiap 只在自己村落使用 從而標示了一種根本賦予的 primordially 迦普恩人身分認同 另一種語言則是巴布亞皮欽語 在紐幾內亞盛行的官方語言 語言人類學家使用 標示 indexical 這個字的意思是指標性 4 參閱 编辑人類學 溝通 民族誌 法蘭茲 鮑亞士 認同 意識型態 指標性 語言學 符號學 社會文化語言學 Sociocultural linguistics 班傑明 李 沃爾夫 語言接觸註釋 编辑 Bauman Richard 1977 Verbal Art as Performance American Anthropologist 77 290 311 Hymes Dell 1981 1975 Breakthrough into Performance In In Vain I Tried to Tell You Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics D Hymes ed Pp 79 141 Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press Kulick Don 1992 Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction Socialization Self and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village Cambridge Cambridge University Press Silverstein Michael 1976 Shifters Linguistic Categories and Cultural Description In Meaning in Anthropology K Basso and H A Selby eds Pp pp 11 56 Albuquerque School of American Research University of New Mexico Press 引用文獻 编辑Bauman Richard 1977 Verbal Art as Performance American Anthropologist 77 290 311 Duranti Alessandro 1992 Language and Bodies in Social Space Samoan Greetings American Anthropologist 94 657 691 Duranti Alessandro 2003 Language as Culture in U S Anthropology Three Paradigms Current Anthropology 44 3 323 348 Errington J Joseph 1988 Structure and Style in Javanese A Semiotic View of Linguistic Etiquette Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Hill Jane and Bruce Mannheim 1992 Language and Worldview Annual Reviews in Anthropology 21 381 406 Hoijer Harry 1954 The Sapir Whorf hypothesis in Language in culture Conference on the interrelations of language and other aspects of culture Edited by H Hoijer pp 92 105 Chicago University of Chicago Press Horwitz Tony 2006 Immigration and the Curse of the Black Legend Op Ed New York Times Week in Review July 9 2006 p 13 Hymes Dell 1981 1975 Breakthrough into Performance In In Vain I Tried to Tell You Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics D Hymes ed Pp 79 141 Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press Kroskrity Paul V 1998 Arizona Tewa Kiva Speech as a Manifestation of Linguistic Ideology In Language ideologies Practice and theory B B Schieffelin K A Woolard and P Kroskrity eds Pp 103 122 New York Oxford University Press Kulick Don 1992 Language Shift and Cultural Reproduction Socialization Self and Syncretism in a Papua New Guinea Village Cambridge Cambridge University Press Kulick Don and Charles H Klein 2003 Scandalous Acts The Politics of Shame among Brazilian Travesti Prostitutes In Recognition Struggles and Social Movements Contested Identities Agency and Power B Hobson ed Pp 215 238 Cambridge Cambridge University Press Ochs Elinor 1988 Culture and language development Language acquisition and language socialization in a Samoan village Cambridge Cambridge University Press Ochs Elinor and Bambi Schieffelin 1984 Language Acquisition and Socialization Three Developmental Stories and Their Implications In Culture Theory Essays on Mind Self and Emotion R Shweder and R A LeVine eds Pp 276 320 New York Cambridge University Ochs Elinor and Carolyn Taylor 2001 The Father Knows Best Dynamic in Dinnertime Narratives In Linguistic Anthropology A Reader A Duranti ed Pp 431 449 Oxford Malden MA Blackwell Rumsey Alan 1990 Word meaning and linguistic ideology American Anthropologist 92 2 346 361 Schieffelin Bambi B 1990 The Give and Take of Everyday Life Language Socialization of Kaluli Children Cambridge Cambridge University Press Schieffelin Bambi B 1995 Creating evidence Making sense of written words in Bosavi Pragmatics 5 2 225 244 Schieffelin Bambi B 2000 Introducing Kaluli Literacy A Chronology of Influences In Regimes of Language P Kroskrity ed Pp 293 327 Santa Fe School of American Research Press Schieffelin Bambi B 2002 Marking time The dichotomizing discourse of multiple temporalities Current Anthropology 43 Supplement S5 17 Schieffelin Bambi B 2006 PLENARY ADDRESS Found in translating Reflexive language across time and texts in Bosavi PNG Twelve Annual Conference on Language Interaction and Culture University of California Los Angeles 2006 Silverstein Michael 1976 Shifters Linguistic Categories and Cultural Description In Meaning in Anthropology K Basso and H A Selby eds Pp pp 11 56 Albuquerque School of American Research University of New Mexico Press Silverstein Michael 1979 Language Structure and Linguistic Ideology In The Elements A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels R Cline W Hanks and C Hofbauer eds Pp pp 193 247 Chicago Chicago Linguistic Society Silverstein Michael 1985 Language and the Culture of Gender At the Intersection of Structure Usage and Ideology In Semiotic Mediation Sociocultural and Psychological Perspectives E Mertz and R Parmentier eds Pp 219 259 Orlando Academic Press Silverstein Michael 2004 Cultural Concepts and the Language Culture Nexus Current Anthropology 45 5 621 652 Wilce James M 2006 Magical Laments and Anthropological Reflections The Production and Circulation of Anthropological Text as Ritual Activity Current Anthropology 47 6 891 914 Woolard Kathryn A 2004 Codeswitching In Companion to Linguistic Anthropology A Duranti ed Pp 73 94 Malden Blackwell 進階閱讀 编辑Baugh J amp J Sherzer eds 1984 Language in use Prentice Hall Blount Ben G ed 1995 Language Culture and Society A Book of Readings Prospect Heights IL Waveland Bonvillain Nancy 1993 Language culture and communication The meaning of messages Englewood Cliffs NJ Prentice Hall Brenneis Donald and Ronald K S Macaulay 1996 The matrix of language Contemporary linguistic anthropology Boulder Westview Duranti Alessandro 1997 Linguistic Anthropology Cambridge Cambridge University Press Duranti Alessandro ed 2001 Key terms in language and culture Malden MA Blackwell Duranti Alessandro ed 2001 Linguistic Anthropology A Reader Malden MA Blackwell Duranti Alessandro ed 2004 Companion to Linguistic Anthropology Malden MA Blackwell Duranti Alessandro and Charles Goodwin eds 1992 Rethinking context Language as an interactive phenomenon Studies in the social and cultural foundations of language No 11 Cambridge Cambridge 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of culture Champaign University of Illinois Whorf Benjamin Lee 1956 Language thought and reality Selected writings J B Carroll ed Cambridge Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology 外部連結 编辑可於網路下載的本文所引述作者的著作 Alessandro Duranti的著作 Joel Kuipers的著作 Elinor Ochs的著作 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Bambi Schieffelin的著作 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 James Wilce的著作 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 語言人類學 amp oldid 73682321, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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