

阿爾卑斯人種(英語:Alpine race)是19世紀与二十世纪早期歐洲形容中歐東歐一帶的高加索人種之詞彙。[1]塞爾特人亚美尼亚人是阿爾卑斯人種的代表。阿爾卑斯人種也是歐洲分布最廣泛的白色人種,分布範圍大致涵蓋法国中欧西亚中亚与西伯利亚西部等地。阿尔卑斯人种在法国扮演着举足轻重的角色,拥有强势地位和影响力,人类学观点认为法国先后经历了法国大革命拿破仑战争后,法国国内局势变幻,在原有社会阶层系统被破坏殆尽与各种复杂的社会对立影响下,其原统治阶层北欧人种遭受重创,战后阿尔卑斯人种增长迅速,最终取代了原先的北欧人种并占据主导性地位。[2][3]

《Man, Past and Present》(1899年),Augustus H. Keane著。
《Man, Past and Present》(1899年),Augustus H. Keane著。

人种特征 编辑


人类学家威廉·Z·里普利英语William Z. Ripley进一步指出,阿尔卑斯人种的鼻子为中鼻型(mesorrine),而他们的头发通常是栗色的,他们的枕骨略呈圆形。学者认为阿尔卑斯人种的皮肤色素沉着是“中间白色”,一种介于肤色较浅的北欧人种和肤色较深的地中海人种之间的颜色。尽管所谓的阿尔卑斯人种数量众多,但阿尔卑斯人种的特征并没有像北欧人种和地中海人种那样被广泛讨论。他们通常被描述为“久坐不动”,坚实的农民血统,欧洲人口的可靠支柱,但领导力或创造力并不突出。麦迪逊·格兰特坚持他们“本质上是农民的性格”。[4]

族群范围 编辑


起源 编辑

根据人类学家威廉·Z·里普利和卡尔顿·库恩英语Carleton S. Coon的说法,阿尔卑斯人种在中欧西亚/中亚的部分地区占据主导地位。里普利认为阿尔卑斯人种起源于亚洲,并随着他们在欧洲建立的农业文明的出现和扩张而向西方传播。通过迁移到中欧,阿尔卑斯分离了早期欧洲种群的北部和南部分支,为北欧人种地中海人种的独立演化创造了条件。

在库恩的欧洲人种英语The Races of Europe一书中,他阐述了一个不同的论点,即他们是欧洲本土的旧石器时代晚期幸存者的简化类型:[5]

阿尔卑斯人种为法国于晚更新世英语Late Pleistocene旧石器时代晚期人群中的一种简化类型和有点胎儿化(胎儿特征在成人中的持续存在)的幸存者,高度短头颅类型;似乎在很大程度上代表了克罗马农人短头颅类型因子的携带者。与这种类型非常相似的人种也出现在巴尔干半岛以及西亚中亚的高原地区,这表明该人种的祖先原型在晚更新世时期就已广泛存在。在现代人种中,该人种有时以相对纯粹的形式出现,有时作为一个元素出现在多重起源的混合短头颅型种群中。它可能在更新世和现代中都充当了不同人群的短头颅化趋势的载体。


歷史 编辑



参见 编辑

参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ Coon, Carleton. The Races of Europe. Macmillan. 1939: 437-438 Plate 11. 
  2. ^ The Saturday Evening Post , Vol. 196 , No. 42 ( April 19 , 1924 ) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society. Composite France: The Decline of the Nordics : "Then the monarchy itself decayed, and after that came the revolution. Although political in form, the French Revolution had a racial aspect far more important than in usually realized. It was largely a revolt of the Alpine and Mediterranean elements against the Nordic ruling class. The revolutionary leaders openly boasted that they were avenging themselves on the descendants of the Nordic Franks who had dominated them since the fall of Rome. As a revolutionary orator shouted in a memorable speech against the aristocrats, "Let us send them back to their German marshes whence they came!" Eyewitness of the Reign of Terror have left us vivid pictures of how dark-haired mob surging around the guillotine yelled with special delight whenever the executioner would hold up the head of some French lady, swinging the head by its long blond tresses for the amusement of the crowd. The revolution marks, indeed, a turning point in the racial history of France. It started that rapid decline of the Nordic element which is still in full swing. Not only was the Nordic aristocracy hopelessly broken but the Nordic strain in the general population was weeded out faster than ever. The revolution caused a series of terrible wars, which were continued under Napoleon. For twenty-three years France was fighting most of Europe. Millions of Frenchman perished on the battlefield, and as usual the Nordics were the worst sufferers. It has been shown that at the end of this war period the average stature of French army recruits had been lowered nearly four inches. This is striking proof of how the tall Nordics had been weeded out of the population in favor of the shorter Alpine and Mediterranean elements. Although a clear majority of the French population is today alpine in race—55 per cent Alpines as against 30 per cent Nordics and 15 per cent Mediterraneans—the minority elements still play a greater part in the national life than their more numbers would indicate. This is particularly true in certain fields. Nordics contribute most to science and invention, while in literature and art honors are shared between the Nordics and Mediterraneans. On the other hand, politics and government are failing more and more into Alpine hands, as is natural for a majority under democratic political institutions. In fact the general tone of French national life, is becoming increasingly Alpine in character. This unquestionably makes for solidity. Yet many French writers deplore the lack of individual initiative and the reliance upon the state which the average Frenchman displays. Both the virtues and the shortcomings of the Alpine temperament come out most clearly in the French peasantry, which is mainly Alpine in blood. Hard-working, thrifty, solid, but limited in imaginative vision and creative intelligence, the French peasant remains what he has always been. The difference lies not in himself but in the fact that modern political and economic conditions have made him a greater power in the nation then was formerly the case. The French peasantry was never so prosperous as it is today. Furthermore, it is the most numerous occupational group in the nation. We must remember that France never industrialized herself like England and Germany, where the bulk of the population now lives in cities and towns. In France a majority of the population still lives in the country. According to the last census, of France's 39,000,000 inhabitants only 18,000,000 live under urban conditions, while 21,000,000 live on the land."
  3. ^ The Racial Elements of European History (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Hans F.K. Günther. Chapter IX Part Three: The Denordization of the Peoples of Romance Speech: "The Alpine race has spread very fast, one might say astoundingly fast, in France in the nineteenth century. It is in the nineteenth century that the rise in the index seems to have been especially rapid, and this movement does not stop, for wherever living persons have been measured at intervals of some years, the latest figures give the highest means. It is just the same with the colouring, and this goes on at such a speed, that not only the oldest folk, but we ourselves can observe the evident dwindling of fair colouring. The Frenchman of today is anthropologically quite other than he of the Middle Ages, or even of the Renaissance. The losses by France in the Great War (3.4 per cent. of the population was killed) mean, as in the other peoples who fought in this war, a terrible contra-selection of the best blood. That in this contra-selection the Nordic race among those races represented in France is particularly involved, can be gathered also from the fact that the French high command, according to the report of the American General, Pershing, always put the northern French regiments (who had relatively most Nordic blood) in the very front, after the other regiments had, it would seem, too often failed. Since 1919 France has been seeking to make up her losses in a way that is highly dangerous from a racial and eugenic, standpoint -- that is to say, by drawing to herself the most heterogeneous immigrants from Europe, mostly Eastern Europe, but also immigrants from outside Europe."
  4. ^ Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, 1916, part 2, ch. 11; part 2, chapter 5.
  5. ^ Coon, Carleton Stevens. Chapter VIII. Introduction to the Study of the Living. The Races Of Europe. Osmania University, Digital Library Of India. The Macmillan Company. 1939: 291. 
  6. ^ The Dark Side of Church/State Separation (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Stephen Strehle. The Immediate Sources of Hitler's Ideology: Notes: "It is worth noting that Hitler's appearance fit more within the stereotype of the Alpine race than the Nordic ideal."

阿爾卑斯人種, 此條目需要擴充, 2010年5月14日, 请協助改善这篇條目, 更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到, 请在擴充條目後將此模板移除, 英語, alpine, race, 是19世紀与二十世纪早期歐洲形容中歐和東歐一帶的高加索人種之詞彙, 塞爾特人与亚美尼亚人是的代表, 也是歐洲分布最廣泛的白色人種, 分布範圍大致涵蓋法国, 中欧至西亚, 中亚与西伯利亚西部等地, 阿尔卑斯人种在法国扮演着举足轻重的角色, 拥有强势地位和影响力, 人类学观点认为法国先后经历了法国大革命与拿破仑战争后, 法国国内. 此條目需要擴充 2010年5月14日 请協助改善这篇條目 更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到 请在擴充條目後將此模板移除 阿爾卑斯人種 英語 Alpine race 是19世紀与二十世纪早期歐洲形容中歐和東歐一帶的高加索人種之詞彙 1 塞爾特人与亚美尼亚人是阿爾卑斯人種的代表 阿爾卑斯人種也是歐洲分布最廣泛的白色人種 分布範圍大致涵蓋法国 中欧至西亚 中亚与西伯利亚西部等地 阿尔卑斯人种在法国扮演着举足轻重的角色 拥有强势地位和影响力 人类学观点认为法国先后经历了法国大革命与拿破仑战争后 法国国内局势变幻 在原有社会阶层系统被破坏殆尽与各种复杂的社会对立影响下 其原统治阶层北欧人种遭受重创 战后阿尔卑斯人种增长迅速 最终取代了原先的北欧人种并占据主导性地位 2 3 瑞士人 阿爾卑斯人種 Man Past and Present 1899年 Augustus H Keane著 塔吉克人 阿爾卑斯人種 Man Past and Present 1899年 Augustus H Keane著 目录 1 人种特征 2 族群范围 3 起源 4 歷史 5 参见 6 参考文献人种特征 编辑 nbsp 奥地利人 阿尔卑斯人种 nbsp 一位来自意大利皮埃蒙特的男子 属于阿尔卑斯人种 nbsp 一位来自法国奥弗涅的男子 属于阿尔卑斯人种 nbsp 来自南蒂罗尔的奥地利人 阿尔卑斯人种 德意志民族的人种学 1939年第16版 汉斯 F K 甘瑟 英语 Hans F K Gunther 著 nbsp 德国地理学家海因里希 基佩尔特 属阿尔卑斯人种 此人種的颅指数平均88 普遍超过83 圆短颅型 前额又宽又高 鼻型中等 鼻指数平均63 脸型多短圆或方形 髮色多为棕黑色头发 也存在金色发色 眼睛颜色多为棕色 但多变 为蓝色 灰色或绿色 人类学家威廉 Z 里普利 英语 William Z Ripley 进一步指出 阿尔卑斯人种的鼻子为中鼻型 mesorrine 而他们的头发通常是栗色的 他们的枕骨略呈圆形 学者认为阿尔卑斯人种的皮肤色素沉着是 中间白色 一种介于肤色较浅的北欧人种和肤色较深的地中海人种之间的颜色 尽管所谓的阿尔卑斯人种数量众多 但阿尔卑斯人种的特征并没有像北欧人种和地中海人种那样被广泛讨论 他们通常被描述为 久坐不动 坚实的农民血统 欧洲人口的可靠支柱 但领导力或创造力并不突出 麦迪逊 格兰特坚持他们 本质上是农民的性格 4 族群范围 编辑主要涵盖的人群 法国人 南部德国人 一部分西班牙人 瑞士人 奥地利人 北部意大利人 蒂罗尔人 奥地利西部与意大利北部的阿尔卑斯山脉地区 匈牙利人 斯洛文尼亚人 捷克人 斯洛伐克人 波兰人 俄罗斯人 一部分亚美尼亚人 土耳其人 一部分犹太人起源 编辑根据人类学家威廉 Z 里普利和卡尔顿 库恩 英语 Carleton S Coon 的说法 阿尔卑斯人种在中欧和西亚 中亚的部分地区占据主导地位 里普利认为阿尔卑斯人种起源于亚洲 并随着他们在欧洲建立的农业文明的出现和扩张而向西方传播 通过迁移到中欧 阿尔卑斯分离了早期欧洲种群的北部和南部分支 为北欧人种和地中海人种的独立演化创造了条件 在库恩的欧洲人种 英语 The Races of Europe 一书中 他阐述了一个不同的论点 即他们是欧洲本土的旧石器时代晚期幸存者的简化类型 5 阿尔卑斯人种为法国于晚更新世 英语 Late Pleistocene 旧石器时代晚期人群中的一种简化类型和有点胎儿化 胎儿特征在成人中的持续存在 的幸存者 高度短头颅类型 似乎在很大程度上代表了克罗马农人短头颅类型因子的携带者 与这种类型非常相似的人种也出现在巴尔干半岛以及西亚和中亚的高原地区 这表明该人种的祖先原型在晚更新世时期就已广泛存在 在现代人种中 该人种有时以相对纯粹的形式出现 有时作为一个元素出现在多重起源的混合短头颅型种群中 它可能在更新世和现代中都充当了不同人群的短头颅化趋势的载体 一些阿尔卑斯人种类型可能是通过趋同进化过程独立发展起来的 歷史 编辑有人说居住在西伯利亚的一些人也是阿爾卑斯人種 亚美尼亚人種与第拿里人種也是阿爾卑斯人種的特化类型 有人说他们发源自冰川时代的中亚 他们的语言被称为图兰尼语 原始突厥語 后被印欧语系取代 他们先后向欧洲传播青铜文化与冶炼铁器技术 多数纳粹党员 包括希特勒 希特勒虽具北欧人种特征 但其阿尔卑斯人种血统应占较大比重 其实为此人种 为纯正北欧人种的德国人并不多 6 参见 编辑第拿里人种 亚美尼亚人种参考文献 编辑 Coon Carleton The Races of Europe Macmillan 1939 437 438 Plate 11 The Saturday Evening Post Vol 196 No 42 April 19 1924 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 by Benjamin Franklin Literary amp Medical Society Composite France The Decline of the Nordics Then the monarchy itself decayed and after that came the revolution Although political in form the French Revolution had a racial aspect far more important than in usually realized It was largely a revolt of the Alpine and Mediterranean elements against the Nordic ruling class The revolutionary leaders openly boasted that they were avenging themselves on the descendants of the Nordic Franks who had dominated them since the fall of Rome As a revolutionary orator shouted in a memorable speech against the aristocrats Let us send them back to their German marshes whence they came Eyewitness of the Reign of Terror have left us vivid pictures of how dark haired mob surging around the guillotine yelled with special delight whenever the executioner would hold up the head of some French lady swinging the head by its long blond tresses for the amusement of the crowd The revolution marks indeed a turning point in the racial history of France It started that rapid decline of the Nordic element which is still in full swing Not only was the Nordic aristocracy hopelessly broken but the Nordic strain in the general population was weeded out faster than ever The revolution caused a series of terrible wars which were continued under Napoleon For twenty three years France was fighting most of Europe Millions of Frenchman perished on the battlefield and as usual the Nordics were the worst sufferers It has been shown that at the end of this war period the average stature of French army recruits had been lowered nearly four inches This is striking proof of how the tall Nordics had been weeded out of the population in favor of the shorter Alpine and Mediterranean elements Although a clear majority of the French population is today alpine in race 55 per cent Alpines as against 30 per cent Nordics and 15 per cent Mediterraneans the minority elements still play a greater part in the national life than their more numbers would indicate This is particularly true in certain fields Nordics contribute most to science and invention while in literature and art honors are shared between the Nordics and Mediterraneans On the other hand politics and government are failing more and more into Alpine hands as is natural for a majority under democratic political institutions In fact the general tone of French national life is becoming increasingly Alpine in character This unquestionably makes for solidity Yet many French writers deplore the lack of individual initiative and the reliance upon the state which the average Frenchman displays Both the virtues and the shortcomings of the Alpine temperament come out most clearly in the French peasantry which is mainly Alpine in blood Hard working thrifty solid but limited in imaginative vision and creative intelligence the French peasant remains what he has always been The difference lies not in himself but in the fact that modern political and economic conditions have made him a greater power in the nation then was formerly the case The French peasantry was never so prosperous as it is today Furthermore it is the most numerous occupational group in the nation We must remember that France never industrialized herself like England and Germany where the bulk of the population now lives in cities and towns In France a majority of the population still lives in the country According to the last census of France s 39 000 000 inhabitants only 18 000 000 live under urban conditions while 21 000 000 live on the land The Racial Elements of European History 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 by Hans F K Gunther Chapter IX Part Three The Denordization of the Peoples of Romance Speech The Alpine race has spread very fast one might say astoundingly fast in France in the nineteenth century It is in the nineteenth century that the rise in the index seems to have been especially rapid and this movement does not stop for wherever living persons have been measured at intervals of some years the latest figures give the highest means It is just the same with the colouring and this goes on at such a speed that not only the oldest folk but we ourselves can observe the evident dwindling of fair colouring The Frenchman of today is anthropologically quite other than he of the Middle Ages or even of the Renaissance The losses by France in the Great War 3 4 per cent of the population was killed mean as in the other peoples who fought in this war a terrible contra selection of the best blood That in this contra selection the Nordic race among those races represented in France is particularly involved can be gathered also from the fact that the French high command according to the report of the American General Pershing always put the northern French regiments who had relatively most Nordic blood in the very front after the other regiments had it would seem too often failed Since 1919 France has been seeking to make up her losses in a way that is highly dangerous from a racial and eugenic standpoint that is to say by drawing to herself the most heterogeneous immigrants from Europe mostly Eastern Europe but also immigrants from outside Europe Grant Madison The Passing of the Great Race 1916 part 2 ch 11 part 2 chapter 5 Coon Carleton Stevens Chapter VIII Introduction to the Study of the Living The Races Of Europe Osmania University Digital Library Of India The Macmillan Company 1939 291 The Dark Side of Church State Separation 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 by Stephen Strehle The Immediate Sources of Hitler s Ideology Notes It is worth noting that Hitler s appearance fit more within the stereotype of the Alpine race than the Nordic ideal 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 阿爾卑斯人種 amp oldid 78213352, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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