

陰翼手亞目 Yinpterochiroptera 编辑

狐蝠科 Pteropodidae 编辑

狐蝠亚科 Pteropodinae 编辑

  1. 西里伯斯利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon celebensis (Sulawesi fruit bat)
  2. 塔劳利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon humilis (Talaud fruit bat)
  3. 鬃毛利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon jubatus (Golden-capped fruit bat)
  4. 神女利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon leucotis (Palawan fruit bat)
  5. 班乃岛利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon lucifer (Panay golden-capped fruit bat)
  6. 小巽他利齿狐蝠 - Acerodon mackloti (Sunda fruit bat)
  1. 菲果蝠 - Aethalops alecto (Pygmy fruit bat)
  1. 番果蝠 (少齒果蝠) - Alionycteris paucidentata (Mindanao pygmy fruit bat)
  1. 豕果蝠 Aproteles bulmerae (Bulmer's fruit bat)
  1. 斑翅果蝠 (黃斑果蝠) - Balionycteris maculata (Spotted-winged fruit bat)
  1. 寬齶狐蝠 (彭山狐蝠) - Boneia bidens (Manado fruit bat)
  1. 短齶果蝠 - Casinycteris argynnis (Short-palated fruit bat)
  1. 黑冠果蝠 - Chironax melanocephalus (Black-capped fruit bat)
  1. 短耳犬蝠 (小耳短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus brachyotis (Lesser short-nosed fruit bat)
  2. 馬來犬蝠 (栓齒短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus horsefieldi (Horsfield's fruit bat)
  3. 印尼犬蝠 - Cynopterus nusatenggara (Nusatenggara short-nosed fruit bat)
  4. 犬蝠 (大短鼻果蝠) - Cynopterus sphinx (Greater short-nosed fruit bat)
  5. 爪哇犬蝠 - Cynopterus titthaecheilus (Indonesian short-nosed fruit bat)
  1. 懷古裸背果蝠 (布氏裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia beaufordi (Beaufort's naked-backed fruit bat)
  2. 查氏裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia chapmani (Negros naked-backed fruit bat)
  3. 新幾內亞裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia emersa (Biak naked-backed fruit bat)
  4. 西里伯斯裸背果蝠 (蘇島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia exoleta (Sulawesi naked-backed fruit bat)
  5. 所羅門裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia inermis (Solomons naked-backed fruit bat)
  6. 小裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia minor (Lesser naked-backed fruit bat)
  7. 大裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia moluccensis (Moluccan naked-backed fruit bat)
  8. 盤尼裸背果蝠 (潘島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia pannieyensis (Panniet naked-backed fruit bat)
  9. 小巽他裸背果蝠 (脊翼裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia peroni (Western naked-backed fruit bat)
  10. 新不列顛裸背果蝠 (新島裸背果蝠) - Dobsonia praedatrix (New Britain naked-backed fruit bat)
  11. 綠裸背果蝠 - Dobsonia viridis (Greenish naked-backed fruit bat)
  1. 棕櫚果蝠 (栗色達族果蝠) - Dyacopterus spadiceus (Dyak fruit bat)
  2. Dyacopterus brooksi (Brooks’s Dyak Fruit Bat)
  1. 馬島黃毛果蝠 - Eidolon dupreanum (Madagascan fruit bat)
  2. 黃毛果蝠 (草色果蝠) - Eidolon helvum (straw-colored fruit bat)
  1. 安哥拉頸囊果蝠 (安哥拉肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus angolensis (Angolan epauletted fruit bat)
  2. 甘比亞頸囊果蝠 (西非肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus gambianus (Gambian epauletted fruit bat)
  3. 大頸囊果蝠 - Epomophorus grandis (Lesser Angolan epauletted fruit bat)
  4. 小頸囊果蝠 (白唇肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus labiatus (Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat)
  5. 侏頸囊果蝠 - Epomophorus minimus (East African epauletted fruit bat)
  6. 韋式頸囊果蝠 (華伯肩毛果蝠) - Epomophorus wahlbergi (Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat)
  1. 迦納飾肩果蝠 (布氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops buttikoferi (Buettikofer's epauletted bat)
  2. 中非饰肩果蝠 (杜氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops dobsoni (Dobson's fruit bat)
  3. 富氏饰肩果蝠 (富氏前肩頭果蝠) - Epomops franqueti (Franquet's epauletted bat)
  1. 簡果蝠 (孤獨果蝠) - Haplonycteris fisheri (Philippine pygmy fruit bat)
  1. 西里伯斯多尖齿果蝠 (蘇島鵰形果蝠) - Harpyionycteris celebensis (Sulawesi harpy fruit bat)
  2. 怀氏多尖齿果蝠 (懷氏鵰形果蝠) - Harpyionycteris whiteheadi (Harpy fruit bat)
  1. 錘頭果蝠 - Hypsignathus monstrosus (Hammer-headed fruit bat)
  1. 偏齒果蝠 (瑞齒果蝠) - Latidens salimalii (Salim Ali's fruit bat)
  1. 无尾果蝠 (大臉果蝠) - Megaerops ecaudatus (Temminck's tailless fruit bat)
  2. 爪哇无尾果蝠 (爪哇大臉果蝠) - Megaerops kusnotei (Javan tailless fruit bat)
  3. 泰国无尾果蝠 - Megaerops niphanae (Ratanaworabhan's fruit bat)
  4. 菲律宾无尾果蝠 (白頸大臉果蝠) - Megaerops wetmorei (White-collared fruit bat)
  1. 海氏小狐蝠 (中型小果蝠) - Micropteropus intermedius (Hayman's dwarf epauletted fruit bat)
  2. 非洲小狐蝠 (小果蝠) - Micropteropus pusillus (Peters's dwarf epauletted fruit bat)
  1. 圣多美领果蝠 (短頭鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris brachycephala (Sao Tomé collared fruit bat)
  2. 孤领果蝠 (孑遺鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris relicta (East African little collared fruit bat)
  3. 小领果蝠 (環頸鼠果蝠) - Myonycteris torquatus (Little collared fruit bat)
  1. 侏果蝠 (倭果蝠) - Nanonycteris veldkampi (Veldkamp's bat)
  1. 細齒狐蝠 (新翼狐蝠) - Neopteryx frosti (Small-toothed fruit bat)
  1. 寬紋管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene aello (Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat)
  2. 白腹管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene albiventer (Common tube-nosed fruit bat)
  3. 黑管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene celaeno (Dark tube-nosed fruit bat)
  4. 帕拉斯管鼻果蝠 (印尼管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene cephallotes (Pallas's tube-nosed fruit bat)
  5. 角管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene certans (Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat)
  6. 圓耳管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene cyclotis (Round-eared tube-nosed fruit bat)
  7. 印度管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene draconilla (Dragon tube-nosed fruit bat)
  8. 大管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene major (island tube-nosed fruit bat)
  9. 马莱塔管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene malaitensis (Malaita tube-nosed fruit bat)
  10. 马氏管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene masalai (Demonic tube-nosed fruit bat)
  11. 小管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene minutus (Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat)
  12. 雷伯管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene rabori (Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat)
  13. 昆士兰管鼻果蝠 (澳洲管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene robinsoni (Queensland tube-nosed fruit bat)
  14. 圣克鲁斯管鼻果蝠 (聖島管鼻果蝠) - Nyctimene sanctacrucis (Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat)
  15. 新几内亚管鼻果蝠 - Nyctimene vizcaccia (Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat)
  1. 大耳果蝠 - Otopteropus cartilagonodus (Luzon fruit bat)
  1. 副管鼻果蝠 (異管鼻果蝠) - Paranyctimene raptor (Unstriped tube-nosed bat)
  1. 短吻果蝠 (哀鳴果蝠) - Penthetor lucasi (Lucas's short-nosed fruit bat)
  1. 安氏果蝠 (安奇塔果蝠) - Plerotes anchietae (D'anchieta's fruit bat)
  1. 沟齿果蝠 - Ptenochirus jagori (Greater musky fruit bat)
  2. 小沟齿果蝠 - Ptenochirus minor (Lesser musky fruit bat)
  1. 锥齿狐蝠 (斐濟尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex acrodonta (Fijian monkey-faced bat),目前已成為單屬種學名Mirimiri acrodonta
  2. 双锥齿狐蝠 (布島尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex anceps (Bougainville monkey-faced bat)
  3. 黑衣锥齿狐蝠 (尖齒狐蝠) - Pteralopex atrata (Guadalcanal monkey-faced bat)
  4. 美丽锥齿狐蝠 - Pteralopex pulchra (Montane monkey-faced bat)
  1. 巴布亚狐蝠 (海軍狐蝠) - Pteropus admiraltatum (Admiralty flying fox)
  2. 中央狐蝠 (黑妖狐蝠) - Pteropus alecto (Black flying fox)
  3. 游狐蝠 (赫島狐蝠) - Pteropus anetianus (Vanauatu flying fox)
  4. 银狐蝠 (銀色狐蝠) - Pteropus argentatus (Ambon flying fox)
  5. 棕狐蝠 - Pteropus brunneus (Dusky flying fox)
  6. 蒼頭狐蝠 - Pteropus caniceps (North Moluccan flying fox)
  7. 金尾狐蝠 (黃臀狐蝠) - Pteropus chrysoprotus (Moluccan flying fox)
  8. 眼镜狐蝠 (眼圈狐蝠) - Pteropus conspicillatus (Spectacled flying fox)
  9. 琉球狐蝠 - Pteropus dasymalus (Ryukyu flying fox)
  10. 稷狐蝠 - Pteropus faunulus (Nicobar flying fox)
  11. 班克狐蝠 (班島狐蝠) - Pteropus fundatus (Banks flying fox)
  12. 印度狐蝠 (狐蝠) - Pteropus giganteus (Indian flying fox)
  13. 吉氏狐蝠 (紀氏狐蝠) - Pteropus gilliardi (Gilliard's flying fox)
  14. 灰狐蝠 - Pteropus griseus (Gray flying fox)
  15. 豪角狐蝠 (郝島狐蝠) - Pteropus howensis (Ontong Java flying fox)
  16. 小狐蝠 (黑喉狐蝠) - Pteropus hypomelanus (Variable flying fox)
  17. 鲁克狐蝠 (鹿島狐蝠) - Pteropus insularis (Truck flying fox)
  18. 白翼狐蝠 - Pteropus leucopterus (White-winged flying fox)
  19. 科摩罗狐蝠 (科島狐蝠) - Pteropus livingstonii (Comoro black flying fox)
  20. 龍目狐蝠 - Pteropus lombocensis (Lombok flying fox)
  21. 莱丽狐蝠 (柬泰狐蝠) - Pteropus lylei (Lyle's flying fox)
  22. 大狐蝠 (大耳狐蝠) - Pteropus macrotis (Big-eared flying fox)
  23. 矮狐蝠 (麻島狐蝠) - Pteropus mahaganus (Sanborn's flying fox)
  24. 馬里亞納狐蝠 - Pteropus marianus (Marianas flying fox)
  25. 巴西兰狐蝠 (棉島狐蝠) - Pteropus mearnsi (Mearns's flying fox)
  26. 黑髯狐蝠 (黑鬚狐蝠) - Pteropus melanopogon (Black-bearded flying fox)
  27. 黑耳狐蝠 - Pteropus melanotus (Black-eared flying fox)
  28. 东加罗林狐蝠 (莫洛西斯狐蝠) - Pteropus molossinus (Caroline flying fox)
  29. 俾斯麦狐蝠 (光背狐蝠) - Pteropus neohibernicus (Great flying fox)
  30. 黑狐蝠 (黑犬狐蝠) - Pteropus niger (Greater Mascarene flying fox)
  31. 所罗门狐蝠 (克魯斯狐蝠) - Pteropus nitendiensis (Temotu flying fox)
  32. 斯兰狐蝠 (大眼狐蝠) - Pteropus ocularis (Ceram flying fox)
  33. 丽狐蝠 (花臉狐蝠) - Pteropus ornatus (Ornate flying fox)
  34. 饰面狐蝠 (花面狐蝠) - Pteropus personatus (Masked flying fox)
  35. 黑首狐蝠 (烏頭狐蝠) - Pteropus phaecocephalus (Mortlock flying fox)
  36. 绒狐蝠 (多毛狐蝠) - Pteropus pilosus (Large Palau flying fox)
  37. 新几内亚狐蝠 (紀灣狐蝠) - Pteropus pohlei (Geelvink bay flying fox)
  38. 灰首狐蝠 (灰頭狐蝠) - Pteropus poliocephalus (Gray-headed flying fox)
  39. 小笠原狐蝠 - Pteropus pselaphon (Bonin flying fox)
  40. 菲狐蝠 (菲律賓倭狐蝠) - Pteropus pumilus (Little golden-mantled flying fox)
  41. 瑞纳狐蝠 (雷氏狐蝠) - Pteropus rayneri (Solomons flying fox)
  42. 罗得里格斯狐蝠 (羅島狐蝠) - Pteropus rodricensis (Rodriguez flying fox)
  43. 马达加斯加狐蝠 (赤褐狐蝠) - Pteropus rufus (Madagascan flying fox)
  44. 萨摩亚狐蝠 - Pteropus samoensis (Samoan flying fox)
  45. 圣克鲁斯狐蝠 - Pteropus sanctacrucis (Santa Cruz flying fox)
  46. 岬狐蝠 (小紅狐蝠) - Pteropus scapulatus (Little red flying fox)
  47. 塞舌尔狐蝠 (賽島狐蝠) - Pteropus seychellensis (Seychelles flying fox)
  48. 灿烂狐蝠 (灰白狐蝠) - Pteropus speciosus (Philippine gray flying fox)
  49. 暗黑狐蝠 (淺黑狐蝠) - Pteropus subniger (Dark flying fox)
  50. 坦氏狐蝠 (丁氏狐蝠) - Pteropus temmincki (Temminck's flying fox)
  51. 關島狐蝠 - Pteropus tokudae (Guam flying fox)
  52. 海岛狐蝠 (湯加狐蝠) - Pteropus tonganus (Pacific flying fox)
  53. 赘狐蝠 (瓦島狐蝠) - Pteropus tuberculatus (Vanikoro flying fox)
  54. 马来大狐蝠 (馬來亞狐蝠) - Pteropus vampyrus (Large flying fox)
  55. 新喀里多尼亚狐蝠 (喀島狐蝠) - Pteropus vetulus (New Caledonia flying fox)
  56. 奔巴狐蝠 (奔島狐蝠) - Pteropus voeltzkowi (Pemba flying fox)
  57. 侏狐蝠 (伍氏狐蝠) - Pteropus woodfordi (Dwarf flying fox)
  1. 北非果蝠 (埃及果蝠) - Rousettus aegyptiacus (Egyptian rousette)
  2. 抱尾果蝠 - Rousettus amplexicaudatus (Geoffroy's rousette)
  3. 安哥拉果蝠 - Rousettus angolensis (Angolan rousette)
  4. 蘇拉威西果蝠 (西里伯斯果蝠) - Rousettus celebensis (Sulawesi rousette)
  5. 狭齿果蝠 (多毛果蝠) - Rousettus lanosus (Long-haired rousette)
  6. 棕果蝠 (列氏果蝠) - Rousettus leschenaulti (Leschenault's rousette)
  7. 马达加斯加果蝠 (馬島果蝠) - Rousettus madagascariensis (Madagascan rousette)
  8. 科摩羅果蝠 - Rousettus obliviosus (Comoro rousette)
  9. 棘果蝠 (光背果蝠) - Rousettus spinalatus (Bare-backed rousette)
  1. 蜥齿灰果蝠 (蛇齒夜果蝠) - Scotonycteris ophiodon (Pohle's fruit bat)
  2. 灰果蝠 (詹氏夜果蝠) - Scotonycteris zenkeri (Zenker's fruit bat)
  1. 布氏球果蝠 (短球鼻果蝠) - Sphaerias blanfordi (Blanford's fruit bat)
  1. 花面狐蝠 (紋面狐蝠) - Styloctenium wallacei (Stripe-faced fruit bat)
  1. 捷果蝠 (短鼻快翼果蝠) - Thoopterus nigrescens (Swift fruit bat)

长舌果蝠亚科 Macroglossinae 编辑

  1. 长舌果蝠 (大曉長舌果蝠) - Eonycteris major (Greater dawn bat)
  2. 大长舌果蝠 (曉長舌果蝠) - Eonycteris spelaea (Lesser dawn bat)
  1. 小長舌果蝠 - Macroglossus minimus (Lesser long-tongued fruit bat)
  2. 安氏长舌果蝠 (大長舌果蝠) - Macroglossus sobrinnus (Greater long-tongued fruit bat)
  1. 非洲長舌果蝠 - Megaloglossus woermanni (Woermann's bat)
  1. 桔色所罗门果蝠 (橙黃長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris aurantius (Orange fruit bat)
  2. 黑腹所罗门果蝠 (黑面長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris melanops (Black-bellied fruit bat)
  3. 伍氏所罗门果蝠 (伍氏長舌果蝠) - Melonycteris woodfordi (Woodford's fruit bat)
  1. 長尾果蝠 (背翼果蝠) - Notopteris macdonaloli (Long-tailed fruit bat)
  1. 无花果蝠 (南無花果果蝠) - Syconycteris australis (Southern blossom bat)
  2. 印尼无花果蝠 - Syconycteris carolinae (Halmahera blossom bat)
  3. 山地无花果蝠 - Syconycteris hobbit (Moss-forest blossom bat)

鼠尾蝠科 Rhinopomatidae 编辑

  • 鼠尾蝠屬 Rhinopoma
  1. 小鼠尾蝠 - Rhinopoma hardwickii (Lesser mouse-tailed bat)
  2. 大鼠尾蝠 - Rhinopoma microphyllum (Greater mouse-tailed bat)
  3. 鼠尾蝠 (阿曼鼠尾蝠) - Rhinopoma muscatellum (Small mouse-tailed bat)

凹脸蝠科 Craseonycteridae 编辑

  • 凹臉蝠屬 - Craseonycteris
  1. 凹臉蝠 (混合蝠) - Craseonycteris thonglongyai (Bumblebee bat)

假吸血蝠科 Megadermatidae 编辑

  1. 非洲假吸血蝠 (心鼻蝠) - Cardioderma cor (Heart-nosed bat)
  1. 黃翼蝠 (黃翼洗浣蝠) - Lavia frons (Yellow-winged bat)
  1. 澳洲假吸血蝠 - Macroderma gigas (Australian false vampire bat)
  1. 印度假吸血蝠 (大巨耳蝠) - Megaderma lyra (Greater false vampire bat)
  2. 马来假吸血蝠 (小巨耳蝠) - Megaderma spasma (Lesser false vampire bat)

菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae 编辑

菊頭蝠亞科 Rhinolophinae 编辑

  1. 大角菊头蝠 (尖鼻菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus acuminatus (Acuminate horseshoe bat)
  2. 刚果菊头蝠 (亞當菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus adami (Adam's horseshoe bat)
  3. 中型菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus affinis (Intermediate horseshoe bat)
  4. 魚狗菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus alcyone (Halcyon horseshoe bat)
  5. 安氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus andersensi (Andersen's horseshoe bat)
  6. 弓型菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus arcuatus (Arcuate horseshoe bat)
  7. 布腊氏菊头蝠 (鞍形菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus blasii (Blasius's horseshoe bat)
  8. 婆羅菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus borneensis (Bornean horseshoe bat)
  9. 坎氏菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus canuti (Canut's horseshoe bat)
  10. 南非菊头蝠 (開普菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus capensis (Cape horseshoe bat)
  11. 马都拉菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus celebensis (Sulawesi horseshoe bat)
  12. 佐氏菊头蝠 (丘陵菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus clivosus (Geoffroy's horseshoe bat)
  13. 十字菊头蝠 (空葉菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus coelophyllus (Croslet horseshoe bat)
  14. 安達曼菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus cognatus (Andaman horseshoe bat)
  15. 角菊头蝠 (冕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus cornutus (Little Japanese horseshoe bat)
  16. 柯氏菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus creaghi (Creagh's horseshoe bat)
  17. 達氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus darlingi (Darling's horseshoe bat)
  18. 德氏菊头蝠 (代肯菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus deckene (Decken's horseshoe bat)
  19. 几内亚菊头蝠 (旦氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus denti (Dent's horseshoe bat)
  20. 乌干达菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus eloquens (Eloquent horseshoe bat)
  21. 地中海菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus euryale (Mediterranean horseshoe bat)
  22. 宽耳菊头蝠 (肥耳菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus euryotis (Broad-eared horseshoe bat)
  23. 马铁菊头蝠 (大菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Greater horseshoe bat)
  24. 达马拉菊头蝠 (煙熏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus fumigatus (Rüppell's horseshoe bat)
  25. 海岸菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus guineensis (Guinean horseshoe bat)
  26. 中非菊头蝠 (喜氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus hildebrandtii (Hildebrandt's horseshoe bat)
  27. 小菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus hipposideros (Lesser horseshoe bat)
  28. 伊氏菊头蝠 (西表菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus imaizumi (Imaizumi's horseshoe bat)
  29. 纤菊头蝠 (彎面菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus inops (Philippine forest horseshoe bat)
  30. 岛菊头蝠 (卡伊菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus keyensis (Insular horseshoe bat)
  31. 东非菊头蝠 (蘭氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus landeri (Lander's horseshoe bat)
  32. 短翼菊头蝠 (小巧菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus lepidus (Blyth's horseshoe bat)
  33. 大菊头蝠 (多毛菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus luctus (Woolly horseshoe bat)
  34. 扎伊尔菊头蝠 (麥可蘭菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus maclandi (Maclaud's horseshoe bat)
  35. 大耳菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus macrotis (Big-eared horseshoe bat)
  36. 馬來菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus malayanus (Malayan horseshoe bat)
  37. 馬氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus marshalli (Marshall's horseshoe bat)
  38. 南方菊头蝠 (大葉菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus megaphyllus (Smaller horseshoe bat)
  39. 西班牙菊头蝠 (米氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus mehylyi (Mehely's horseshoe bat)
  40. 钟形菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus mitratus (Mitred horseshoe bat)
  41. 单角菊头蝠 (獨角菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus monoceros (Formosan lesser horseshoe bat)
  42. 纳土纳菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus nereis (Neriad horseshoe bat)
  43. 奥氏菊头蝠 (歐氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus osgoodi (Osgood's horseshoe bat)
  44. 高鞍菊头蝠 (奇異菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus paradoxolophus (Bourret's horseshoe bat)
  45. 皮氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus pearsonii (Pearson's horseshoe bat)
  46. 菲律賓菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus philippinensis (Large-eared horseshoe bat)
  47. 菲菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus pusillus (Least horseshoe bat)
  48. 贵州菊头蝠 (王菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rex (King horseshoe bat)
  49. 泰国菊头蝠 (半島菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus robinsoni (Peninsular horseshoe bat)
  50. 鲁氏菊头蝠 (勞氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rouxi (Rufous horseshoe bat)
  51. 广鞍菊头蝠 (紅色菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus rufus (Large rufous horseshoe bat)
  52. 小绒菊头蝠 (毛茸菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus sedulus (Lesser woolly horseshoe bat)
  53. 扁颅菊头蝠 (沙氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus shameli (Shamel's horseshoe bat)
  54. 林菊头蝠 - Rhinolophus silvestris (Forest horseshoe bat)
  55. 龍目菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus simplex (Lombok horseshoe bat)
  56. 北非菊头蝠 (灌叢菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus simulator (Bushveld horseshoe bat)
  57. 小褐菊头蝠 (小棕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus stheno (Lesser brown horseshoe bat)
  58. 栗褐菊头蝠 (淺棕菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus subbadius (Little Nepalese horseshoe bat)
  59. 淡紅菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus subrufus (Small rufous horseshoe bat)
  60. 史氏菊头蝠 (斯文氏菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus swinnyi (Swinny's horseshoe bat)
  61. 托氏菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus thomasi (Thomas's horseshoe bat)
  62. 三葉菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus trifoliatus (Trefoil horseshoe bat)
  63. 灌林菊头蝠 (室女菊頭蝠) - Rhinolophus virgo (Yellow-faced horseshoe bat)
  64. 雲南菊頭蝠 - Rhinolophus yunnanensis (Dobson's horseshoe bat)

蹄蝠亞科 Hipposiderinae 编辑

  1. 花面蝠 (花顔蝠) - Anthops ornatus (Flower-faced bat)
  1. 东非三叉蹄蝠 (帕氏三葉鼻蝠) - Asellia patricii (Patrizi's trident leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 三叉蹄蝠 (三葉鼻蝠) - Asellia tridens (Trident leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 三叶蹄蝠 (大陸三尖鼻蝠) - Aselliscus stoliczkanus (Stoliczka's trident bat)
  2. 澳洲三叶蹄蝠 (南洋三尖鼻蝠) - Aselliscus tricuspidatus (Temminck's trident bat)
  1. 非洲三叉蝠 (短耳三葉鼻蝠) - Cloeotis percivali (Percival's trident bat)
  1. 无尾蹄蝠 (無尾空面蹄蝠) - Coelops frithi (East Asian tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 蓬毛无尾蹄蝠 (多毛空面蹄蝠) - Coelops hirsutus (Philippine tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  3. 马来无尾蹄蝠 (馬來空面蹄蝠) - Coelops robinsoni (Malayan tailless leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 宽袍蹄蝠 (阿巴蹄蝠) - Hipposideros abae (Aba roundleaf bat)
  2. 大蹄蝠 - Hipposideros armiger (Great roundleaf bat)
  3. 黑蹄蝠 - Hipposideros ater (Dusky roundleaf bat)
  4. 侏蹄蝠 (西非小蹄蝠) - Hipposideros beatus (Benito roundleaf bat)
  5. 双色蹄蝠 - Hipposideros bicolor (Bicolored roundleaf bat)
  6. 短颅蹄蝠 (短頭蹄蝠) - Hipposideros breviceps (Short-headed roundleaf bat)
  7. 南非蹄蝠 - Hipposideros caffer (Sundevall's roundleaf bat)
  8. 距蹄蝠 (靴刺蹄蝠) - Hipposideros calcaratus (Spurred roundleaf bat)
  9. 喀麦隆蹄蝠 (大圓面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros camerunensis (Greater roundleaf bat)
  10. 澳洲蹄蝠 (黃褐蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cervinus (Fawn roundleaf bat)
  11. 小蹄蝠 (灰蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cineraceus (Ashy roundleaf bat)
  12. 康氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros commersoni (Commerson's roundleaf bat)
  13. 戴帽蹄蝠 (有冠蹄蝠) - Hipposideros coronatus (Large Mindanao roundleaf bat)
  14. 新几内亚蹄蝠 - Hipposideros corynophyllus (Telefomin roundleaf bat)
  15. 考氏蹄蝠 (柯氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros coxi (Cox's roundleaf bat)
  16. 帝汶蹄蝠 - Hipposideros crumeniferus (Timor roundleaf bat)
  17. 短尾蹄蝠 - Hipposideros curtus (Short-tailed roundleaf bat)
  18. 大眼蹄蝠 (圓面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros cyclops (Cyclops roundleaf bat)
  19. 冕蹄蝠 (帽盔蹄蝠) - Hipposideros diadema (Diadem roundleaf bat)
  20. 猛蹄蝠 (恐面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros dinops (Fierce roundleaf bat)
  21. 囊蹄蝠 - Hipposideros doriae (Borneo roundleaf bat)
  22. 達雅蹄蝠 - Hipposideros dyacorum (Dayak roundleaf bat)
  23. 乌灰蹄蝠 (煤黑蹄蝠) - Hipposideros fuliginosus (Sooty roundleaf bat)
  24. 大耳蹄蝠 (茶黃蹄蝠) - Hipposideros fulvus (Fulvus roundleaf bat)
  25. 黄褐蹄蝠 (短耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros galeritus (Cantor's roundleaf bat)
  26. 华富里蹄蝠 - Hipposideros halophyllus (Thailand roundleaf bat)
  27. 毛冠蹄蝠 (蘇北蹄蝠) - Hipposideros inexpectatus (Crested roundleaf bat)
  28. 西非蹄蝠 (鍾思蹄蝠) - Hipposideros jonesi (Jones's roundleaf bat)
  29. 拉氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros lamottei (Lamotte's roundleaf bat)
  30. 印度蹄蝠 (蘭卡蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lankadiva (Indian roundleaf bat)
  31. 中蹄蝠 (花面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros larvatus (Intermediate roundleaf bat)
  32. 泰国蹄蝠 (列氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lekaguli (Large Asian roundleaf bat)
  33. 鞘面蹄蝠 (盾面蹄蝠) - Hipposideros lylei (Shield-faced roundleaf bat)
  34. 大泡蹄蝠 - Hipposideros macrobullatus (Big-eared roundleaf bat)
  35. 史氏蹄蝠 (瑪吉蹄蝠) - Hipposideros maggietaylarae (Maggie Taylor's roundleaf bat)
  36. 几内亚蹄蝠 (瑪麗薩蹄蝠) - Hipposideros marisae (Aellen's roundleaf bat)
  37. 串耳蹄蝠 (大耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros megalotis (Ethiopian large-eared roundleaf bat)
  38. 长耳蹄蝠 (伏河蹄蝠) - Hipposideros muscinus (Fly river roundleaf bat)
  39. 楔缝蹄蝠 (馬來蹄蝠) - Hipposideros nequarii (Malayan roundleaf bat)
  40. 暗色蹄蝠 (陰暗蹄蝠) - Hipposideros obscura (Philippine forest roundleaf bat)
  41. 巴布亞蹄蝠 - Hipposideros papua (Biak roundleaf bat)
  42. 果树蹄蝠 - Hipposideros pomona (Pomona roundleaf bat)
  43. 普氏蹄蝠 - Hipposideros pratti (Pratt's roundleaf bat)
  44. 吕宋蹄蝠 (微型蹄蝠) - Hipposideros pygmaeus (Philippine pygmy roundleaf bat)
  45. 雷氏蹄蝠 (里氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros ridleyi (Ridley's roundleaf bat)
  46. 赤道蹄蝠 (赤色蹄蝠) - Hipposideros ruber (Noack's roundleaf bat)
  47. 沙巴蹄蝠 - Hipposideros sabanus (Least roundleaf bat)
  48. 裂蹄蝠 - Hipposideros schistaceus (Split roundleaf bat)
  49. 扁吻蹄蝠 (大疣鼻蹄蝠) - Hipposideros semoni (Semon's roundleaf bat)
  50. 施氏蹄蝠 (穴蹄蝠) - Hipposideros speoris (Schneider's roundleaf bat)
  51. 狭耳蹄蝠 (狹耳蹄蝠) - Hipposideros stenotis (Narrow-eared roundleaf bat)
  52. 丑蹄蝠 - Hipposideros turpis (lesser roundleaf bat)
  53. 沃氏蹄蝠 (烏氏蹄蝠) - Hipposideros wallastoni (Wollaston's roundleaf bat)
  1. 大耳无尾蹄蝠 (漏斗耳蝠) - Paracoelops megalotis (Vietnam leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 金蹄蝠 (橘色蝠) - Rhinonicteris aurantia (Orange leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 马达加斯加叶鼻蝠 (馬島三叉鼻蝠) - Triaenops furculus (Trouessart's trident bat)
  2. 波斯叶鼻蝠 (波斯三叉鼻蝠) - Triaenops persicus (Persian trident bat)

陽翼手亞目 Yangochiroptera 编辑

鞘尾蝠科 Emballonuridae 编辑

  1. 暗色兜蝠 (暗色囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx infusca (Ecuadorian sac-winged bat)
  2. 小兜翼蝠 (河神囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx io (Thomas's sac-winged bat)
  3. 襞兜翼蝠 (小囊翼蝠) - Balantiopteryx plicata (Gray sac-winged bat)
  • 松毛鞘尾蝠屬 Centromycteris
  1. 松毛鞘尾蝠 - Centromycteris maximillani (Shaggy bat)
  1. 南鞘尾蝠 (東非鞘尾蝠) - Coleura afra (African sheath-tailed bat)
  2. 塞舌爾鞘尾蝠 - Coleura seychellensis (Seychelles sheath-tailed bat)
  1. 袋翼蝠 (球尾囊翼蝠) - Cormura brevirostris (Chestnut sac-winged bat)
  1. 蜂眼蝠 (麻面蝠) - Cyttarops alecto (Short-eared bat)
  1. 白灵蝠 (南美白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus albus (Northern ghost bat)
  2. 山灵蝠 (強大白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus ingens (Greater ghost bat)
  3. 亚马孙灵蝠 - Diclidurus isabellus (Isabelle's ghost bat)
  4. 盾灵蝠 (盾盤白折尾蝠) - Diclidurus scutatus (Lesser ghost bat)
  1. 菲律賓鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura alecto (Small Asian sheath-tailed bat)
  2. 黑纱鞘尾蝠 (馬島鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura atrata (Peters's sheath-tailed bat)
  3. 新几内亚鞘尾蝠 (別氏鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura beccarii (Beccari's sheath-tailed bat)
  4. 马莱塔鞘尾蝠 (倫島鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura dianae (Large-eared sheath-tailed bat)
  5. 大鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura furax (New Guinea sheath-tailed bat)
  6. 山鞘尾蝠(小鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura monticola (Lesser sheath-tailed bat)
  7. 西兰鞘尾蝠 (拉氏鞘尾蝠) - Emballonura raffrayana (Raffray's sheath-tailed bat)
  8. 半尾鞘尾蝠 - Emballonura semicaudata (Polynesian sheath-tailed bat)
  1. 暗鞘尾蝠 - Mosia nigrescens (Dark sheath-tailed bat)
  1. 大兜翼蝠 (大犬形囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx kappleri (Greater dog-like bat)
  2. 白兜翼蝠 (犬形白囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx leucopterus (White-winged dog-like bat)
  3. 大耳兜翼蝠 (小犬形囊翼蝠) - Peropteryx macrotis (Lesser dog-like bat)
  1. 缨蝠 (尖長鼻蝠) - Rhynchonycteris naso (Proboscis bat)
  1. 黄腹墓蝠 - Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied pouched bat)
  2. 昆士兰墓蝠 - Saccolaimus mixtus (Troughton's pouched bat)
  3. 贝尔墓蝠 - Saccolaimus peli (Pel's pouched bat)
  4. 富墓蝠 - Saccolaimus pluto (Philippine pouched bat)
  5. 囊喉墓蝠 - Saccolaimus saccolaimus (Naked-rumped pouched bat)
  1. 大银线蝠 (雙線囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx billineata (Greater sac-winged bat)
  2. 灰银线蝠 (灰頭囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx canescens (Frosted sac-winged bat)
  3. 裸尾银线蝠 (裸尾囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx gymnura (Amazonian sac-winged bat)
  4. 小银线蝠 (細尾囊翼蝠) - Saccopteryx leptura (Lesser sac-winged bat)
  1. 南墓蝠 (昆士蘭墓蝠) - Taphozous australis (Coastal tomb bat)
  2. 尖吻墓蝠 (尖鼻墓蝠) - Taphozous georgianus (Sharp-nosed tomb bat)
  3. 苏丹墓蝠 (哈氏墓蝠) - Taphozous hamiltoni (Hamilton's tomb bat)
  4. 肯尼亚墓蝠 (希氏墓蝠) - Taphozous hildegardeae (Hildegarde's tomb bat)
  5. 希氏墓蝠 - Taphozous hilli (Hill's tomb bat)
  6. 澳洲墓蝠 (白紋墓蝠) - Taphozous kapalgensis (Arnhem tomb bat)
  7. 長臂墓蝠 - Taphozous longimanus (Long-winged tomb bat)
  8. 南非墓蝠 - Taphozous mauritianus (Mauritian tomb bat)
  9. 黑髯墓蝠 (黑鬚墓蝠) - Taphozous melanopogon (Black-bearded tomb bat)
  10. 裸腹墓蝠 - Taphozous nudiventris (Naked-rumped tomb bat)
  11. 埃及墓蝠 - Taphozous perforatus (Egyptian tomb bat)
  12. 菲律賓墓蝠 - Taphozous philippinensis (Philippine tomb bat)
  13. 西氏墓蝠 (席氏墓蝠) - Taphozous theobaldi (Theobald's tomb bat)

夜凹脸蝠科 Nycteridae 编辑

  1. 淡色凹脸蝠 (倍氏裂顔蝠) - Nycteris arge (Bate's slit-faced bat)
  2. 冈比亚凹脸蝠 (西非裂顔蝠) - Nycteris gambiensis (Gambian slit-faced bat)
  3. 魁凹脸蝠 (巨裂顔蝠) - Nycteris grandis (Large slit-faced bat)
  4. 粗毛凹脸蝠 (粗毛裂顔蝠) - Nycteris hispida (Hairy slit-faced bat)
  5. 传媒凹脸蝠 - Nycteris intermedia (Intermediate slit-faced bat)
  6. 爪哇凹脸蝠 (爪哇裂顔蝠) - Nycteris javanica (Javan slit-faced bat)
  7. 大耳凹脸蝠 (大耳裂顔蝠) - Nycteris macrotis (Large-eared slit-faced bat)
  8. 大凹脸蝠 (大裂顔蝠) - Nycteris major (Ja slit-faced bat)
  9. 侏凹脸蝠 (小裂顔蝠) - Nycteris nana (Dwarf slit-faced bat)
  10. 非洲凹脸蝠 (埃及裂顔蝠) - Nycteris thebaica (Egyptian slit-faced bat)
  11. 马来凹脸蝠 - Nycteris tragata (Malayan slit-faced bat)
  12. 伍氏凹脸蝠 (武氏裂顔蝠) - Nycteris woodi (Wood's slit-faced bat)

兔唇蝠科 Noctilionidae 编辑

  1. 南兔唇蝠 (白腹兔唇蝠) - Noctilio albiventris (Lesser bulldog bat)
  2. 墨西哥兔唇蝠 (兔唇蝠) - Noctilio leporinus (Greater bulldog bat)

髯蝠科 Mormoopidae 编辑

  1. 安德列斯怪脸蝠 (妖面蝠) - Mormoops blainvilli (Antillean ghost-faced bat)
  2. 大叶怪脸蝠 (大葉妖面蝠) - Mormoops megalophylla (Ghost-faced bat)
  1. 裸背蝠 (戴氏裸背蝠) - Pteronotus davyi (Davy's naked-backed bat)
  2. 大裸背蝠 - Pteronotus gymnonotus (Big naked-backed bat)
  3. 马氏髯蝠 (瑪氏裸背蝠) - Pteronotus macleayii (Macleay's mustached bat)
  4. 帕氏髯蝠 (紅斑裸背蝠) - Pteronotus parnellii (Parnell's mustached bat)
  5. 魏氏髯蝠 (面具裸背蝠) - Pteronotus personatus (Wagner's mustached bat)
  6. 灰髯蝠 (四齒裸背蝠) - Pteronotus quadridens (Sooty mustached bat)

叶口蝠科 Phyllostomidae 编辑

狭叶蝠亞科 Brachyphyllinae 编辑

  1. 狭叶蝠 (聖文森短葉果蝠) - Brachyphylla cavernarum (Antillean fruit-eating bat)
  2. 小狭叶蝠 (古巴短葉果蝠) - Brachyphylla nana (Cuban fruit-eating bat)

短尾葉口蝠亞科 Carollinae 编辑

  1. 短尾葉口蝠 - Carollia brevicauda (Silky short-tailed bat)
  2. 艾氏短尾叶鼻蝠 (栗色短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia castanea (Chestnut short-tailed bat)
  3. 昭短尾叶鼻蝠 (壯觀短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia perspicillata (Seba's short-tailed bat)
  4. 粉红短尾叶鼻蝠 (淺紅短尾葉口蝠) - Carollia subrufa (Gray short-tailed bat)
  1. 真叶吻蝠 (阿列辛侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla alethina (Hairy little fruit bat)
  2. 费氏叶吻蝠 (費恩侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla fischerae (Fischer's little fruit bat)
  3. 小叶吻蝠 (侏葉鼻蝠) - Rhinophylla pumilio (Dwarf little fruit bat)

吸血蝠亞科 Desmodontinae 编辑

  1. 吸血蝠 - Desmodus rotundus (Vampire bat)
  1. 白翼吸血蝠 - Diaemus youngi (White-winged vampire bat)
  1. 毛腿吸血蝠 (小吸血蝠) - Diphylla ecaudata (Hairy-legged vampire bat)

长舌叶鼻蝠亞科 Glossophaginae 编辑

  1. 南美长鼻蝠 (吉氏無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura caudifera (Tailed tailless bat)
  2. 巴拿马长鼻蝠 (刀形無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura cultrata (Handley's tailless bat)
  3. 无尾长鼻蝠 (無尾長舌蝠) - Anoura geoffroyi (Geoffroy's tailless bat)
  4. 委内瑞拉长鼻蝠 - Anoura latidens (Broad-toothed tailless bat)
  • 長尾長舌蝠屬 Choereniscus
  1. 戈氏長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus godmani (Godman's long-tailed bat)
  2. 中長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus intermedius (Intermediate long-tailed bat)
  3. 小長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus minor (Lesser long-tailed bat)
  4. 海外長尾長舌蝠 - Choereniscus periosus (Greater long-tailed bat)
  1. 墨西哥长吻蝠 (豬吻長舌蝠) - Choeronycteris mexicana (Mexican long-tongued bat)
  1. 加勒比长舌叶鼻蝠 (康氏長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga commissarisi (Commissaris's long-tongued bat)
  2. 李氏长舌叶鼻蝠 (李氏長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga leachii (Gray long-tongued bat)
  3. 长吻长舌叶鼻蝠 (長吻長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga longirostris (Miller's long-tongued bat)
  4. 莫氏长舌叶鼻蝠 - Glossophaga morenoi (Western long-tongued bat)
  5. 鼩形长舌蝠 (鼩形長舌葉口蝠) - Glossophaga soricina (Pallas's long-tongued bat)
  1. 长吻长舌蝠 (林棲長舌蝠) - Hylonycteris underwoodi (Underwood's long-tongued bat)
  1. 库腊索长舌蝠 (庫島細長鼻蝠) - Leptonycteris curasoae (Southern long-nosed bat)
  2. 白长舌蝠 (騷氏細長鼻蝠) - Leptonycteris nivalis (Mexican long-nosed bat)
  1. 暗色长齿长舌蝠 (褐扁長鼻蝠) - Lichonycteris obscura (Dark long-tongued bat)
  1. 小安德列斯长舌蝠 (巴島長舌蝠) - Monophyllus plethodon (Insular single leaf bat)
  2. 牙買加長舌蝠 - Monophyllus redmani (Leach's single leaf bat)
  1. 蕉蝠 (芭蕉長舌蝠) - Musonycteris harrisoni (Banana bat)
  1. 鼓颏长舌蝠 (鞏膜蝠) - Scleronycteris ega (Ega long-tongued bat)

尖叶长舌蝠亞科 Lonchophyllinae 编辑

  1. 窄齿长舌蝠 (平滑長舌蝠) - Lionycteris spurrelli (Chestnut long-tongued bat)
  1. 勃氏长舌蝠 (勃氏長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla bokermanni (Bokermann's nectar bat)
  2. 德氏长舌蝠 - Lonchophylla dekeyseri (Dekeyser's nectar bat)
  3. 汉氏长舌蝠 (韓氏長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla handlevi (Handley's nectar bat)
  4. 暮色长舌蝠 (日落長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla hesperia (Western nectar bat)
  5. 螫長舌蝠 - Lonchophylla mordax (Goldman's nectar bat)
  6. 巴拿马长舌蝠 (強壯長舌蝠) - Lonchophylla robusta (Orange nectar bat)
  7. 托氏長舌蝠 - Lonchophylla thomasi (Thomas's nectar bat)
  1. 铲齿蝠 (蓖形門齒蝠) - Platalina genovensium (Long-snouted bat)

花蝠亞科 Phyllonycterinae 编辑

  1. 黃花蝠 (褐葉蝠) - Erophylla sezekorni (Buffy flower bat)
  1. 牙買加花蝠 - Phyllonycteris aphylla (Jamaican flower bat)
  2. 古巴花蝠 - Phyllonycteris poeyi (Cuban flower bat)

矛吻蝠亞科 Phyllostominae 编辑

  1. 绒假吸血蝠 (染色翼蝠) - Chrotopterus auritus (Big-eared woolly bat)
  1. 金剑鼻蝠 (湯氏劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina aurita (Tomes's sword-nosed bat)
  2. 费氏剑鼻蝠 - Lonchorhina fernandezi (Fernandez's sword-nosed bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚剑鼻蝠 (馬氏劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina marinkelli (Marinkelle's sword-nosed bat)
  4. 委内瑞拉剑鼻蝠 (奧河劍鼻蝠) - Lonchorhina orinocoensis (Orinoco sword-nosed bat)
  1. 长叶蝠 (長腿大葉口蝠) - Macrophyllum macrophyllum (Long-legged bat)
  1. 加州叶鼻蝠 (加州大葉口蝠) - Macrotus californicus (California leaf-nosed bat)
  2. 沃氏叶鼻蝠 (大葉口蝠) - Macrotus waterhousii (Waterhouse's leaf-nosed bat)
  1. 贝氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris behni (Behni's big-eared bat)
  2. 短耳大耳蝠 - Micronycteris brachyotis (Yellow-throated big-eared bat)
  3. 达氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris davies (Davies's big-eared bat)
  4. 绒大耳蝠 - Micronycteris hirsuta (Hairy big-eared bat)
  5. 巴西大耳蝠 - Micronycteris megalotis (Little big-eared bat)
  6. 侏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris minuta (White-bellied big-eared bat)
  7. 尼氏大耳蝠 - Micronycteris nicefordi (Niceforo's big-eared bat)
  8. 哥伦比亚大耳蝠 - Micronycteris pusilla (Least big-eared bat)
  9. 中美大耳蝠 - Micronycteris schmidtorum (Schmidts's big-eared bat)
  10. 棕褐大耳蝠 - Micronycteris sylvestris (Tri-colored big-eared bat)
  1. 葛氏矛吻蝠 (貝奈特尖耳蝠) - Mimon bennetti (Golden bat)
  2. 锯缘矛吻蝠 (鋸齒尖耳蝠) - Mimon crenulatum (Striped hairy-nosed bat)
  1. 狭面矛吻蝠 (葉皮蝠) - Phylloderma stenops (Pale-faced bat)
  1. 苍白矛吻蝠 (淡色葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus discolor (Pale spear-nosed bat)
  2. 细长矛吻蝠 (細長葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus elongatus (Lesser spear-nosed bat)
  3. 矛吻蝠 (葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus hastatus (Greater spear-nosed bat)
  4. 侧叶矛吻蝠 (偏葉葉口蝠) - Phyllostomus latifolius (Guianan spear-nosed bat)
  1. 圆耳蝠 (斯氏圓耳蝠) - Tonatia bidens (Greater round-eared bat)
  2. 巴西圓耳蝠 - Tonatia brasiliensis (Pygmy round-eared bat)
  3. 卡氏圓耳蝠 - Tonatia carrikeri (Carriker's round-eared bat)
  4. 中美圓耳蝠 - Tonatia evotis (Davis's round-eared bat)
  5. 许氏圆耳蝠 (舒氏圓耳蝠) - Tonatia schulzi (Schultz's round-eared bat)
  6. 林棲圓耳蝠 - Tonatia silvicola (White-throated round-eared bat)
  • 粗面蝠屬 Trachopos
  1. 粗面蝠 - Trachopos cirrhosus (Fringe-lipped bat)
  1. 美洲假吸血蝠 (假吸血蝠) - Vampyrum spectrum (Spectral bat)

尖皮蝠亞科 Stenoderminae 编辑

  1. 掠果蝠 (刈割蝠) - Ametrida centurio (Little white-shouldered bat)
  1. 美洲林蝠 (加勒比樹蝠) - Ardops nichollsi (Tree bat)
  1. 食果蝠 (黃食果蝠) - Ariteus flavescens (Jamaican fig-eating bat)
  1. 苏利亚果蝠 - Artibeus amplus (Large fruit-eating bat)
  2. 安氏美洲果蝠 (安氏食果蝠) - Artibeus anderseni (Andersen's fruit-eating bat)
  3. 阿兹特克果蝠 (阿族食果蝠) - Artibeus aztecus (Aztec fruit-eating bat)
  4. 灰美洲果蝠 (灰食果蝠) - Artibeus cinereus (Gervais's fruit-eating bat)
  5. 匀色美洲果蝠 (單色食果蝠) - Artibeus concolor (Brown fruit-eating bat)
  6. 流苏美洲果蝠 - Artibeus fimbriatus (Fringed fruit-eating bat)
  7. 仲美洲果蝠 (和睦食果蝠) - Artibeus fraterculus (Fraternal fruit-eating bat)
  8. 银色美洲果蝠 - Artibeus glaucus (Silver fruit-eating bat)
  9. 哈氏美洲果蝠 (小食果蝠) - Artibeus hartii (Velvety fruit-eating bat)
  10. 绒毛美洲果蝠 (多毛食果蝠) - Artibeus hirsutus (Hairy fruit-eating bat)
  11. 牙买加果蝠 (牙買加食果蝠) - Artibeus jamaicensis (Jamaican fruit-eating bat)
  12. 大食果蝠 (大食果蝠) - Artibeus lituratus (Great fruit-eating bat)
  13. 烟青美洲果蝠 - Artibeus obscurus (Dark fruit-eating bat)
  14. 幽暗美洲果蝠 (黑耳食果蝠) - Artibeus phacotis (Pygmy fruit-eating bat)
  15. 扁吻美洲果蝠 (扁吻食果蝠) - Artibeus planirostris (Flat-faced fruit-eating bat)
  16. 中美果蝠 (托族食果蝠) - Artibeus toltecus (Toltec fruit-eating bat)
  1. 襞面蝠 (格翼蝠) - Centurio senex (Wrinkle-faced bat)
  1. 道氏大眼蝠 (多麗手皮蝠) - Chiroderma dortae (Brazilian big-eyed bat)
  2. 瓜德罗普大眼蝠 (安袋手皮蝠) - Chiroderma improvisum (Guadeloupe big-eyed bat)
  3. 沙氏大眼蝠 (白紋手皮蝠) - Chiroderma salvimi (Salvin's big-eyed bat)
  4. 特立尼达大眼蝠 (特島手皮蝠) - Chiroderma trinitatum (Little big-eyed bat)
  5. 多毛大眼蝠 (多毛手皮蝠) - Chiroderma villosum (Hairy big-eyed bat)
  1. 白蝠 (白外葉蝠) - Ectophylla alba (White bat)
  1. 间叶蝠 - Mesophylla macconnelli (Macconnell's bat)
  1. 食花蝠 (古巴葉顔蝠) - Phyllops falcatus (Cuban fig-eating bat)
  1. 华丽白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus aurarius (Eldorado broad-nosed bat)
  2. 短首白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus brachycephatus (Short-headed broad-nosed bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Choco broad-nosed bat)
  4. 侧白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus dorsalis (Thomas's broad-nosed bat)
  5. 海勒白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus helleri (Heller's broad-nosed bat)
  6. 暗白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus infuscus (Buffy broad-nosed bat)
  7. 白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus lineatus (White-lined broad-nosed bat)
  8. 巴西白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus recifinus (Recife broad-nosed bat)
  9. 隐白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus umbratus (Shadowy broad-nosed bat)
  10. 大白线蝠 - Platyrrhinus vittatus (Greater broad-nosed bat)
  1. 尾翼果蝠 - Pygoderma bilabiatum (Ipanema bat)
  1. 南美球果蝠 (球葉蝠) - Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum (Visored bat)
  1. 红果蝠 (紅尖皮蝠) - Stenoderma rufum (Red fruit bat)
  1. 哥伦比亚黄肩蝠 (阿托氏黃肩蝠) - Sturnira aratathomasi (Aratathomas's yellow-shouldered bat)
  2. 厄瓜多尔黄肩蝠 (雙齒黃肩蝠) - Sturnira bidens (Bidentate yellow-shouldered bat)
  3. 波哥大黄肩蝠 - Sturnira bogotensis (Bogota yellow-shouldered bat)
  4. 丹黄肩蝠 (淡紅黃肩蝠) - Sturnira erythromos (Hairy yellow-shouldered bat)
  5. 黃肩蝠 - Sturnira lilium (Little yellow-shouldered bat)
  6. 路氏黄肩蝠 (安氏黃肩蝠) - Sturnira ludovici (Highland yellow-shouldered bat)
  7. 秘鲁黄肩蝠 (路易斯黃肩蝠) - Sturnira luisi (Luis's yellow-shouldered bat)
  8. 大黃肩蝠 - Sturnira magna (Greater yellow-shouldered bat)
  9. 毛足黃肩蝠 - Sturnira mordax (Talamancan yellow-shouldered bat)
  10. 小黃肩蝠 - Sturnira nana (Lesser yellow-shouldered bat)
  11. 托氏黃肩蝠 - Sturnira thomasi (Thomas's yellow-shouldered bat)
  12. 特立尼达黄肩蝠 (特島黃肩蝠) - Sturnira tildae (Tilda yellow-shouldered bat)
  1. 筑帐蝠 (尾皮蝠) - Uroderma bilobatum (Tent-making bat)
  2. 大鼻筑帐蝠 (大吻尾皮蝠) - Uroderma magnirostrum (Brown tent-making bat)
  1. 双尖黄耳蝠 - Vampyressa bidens (Bidentate yellow-eared bat)
  2. 布氏黄耳蝠 (勃氏黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa brocki (Brock's yellow-eared bat)
  3. 蜜黄耳蝠 (蜜蜂黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa melissa (Melissa's yellow-eared bat)
  4. 大黃耳蝠 - Vampyressa nymphaea (Striped yellow-eared bat)
  5. 菲黄耳蝠 (黃耳蝠) - Vampyressa pusilla (Little yellow-eared bat)
  1. 大纹面蝠 (紋面蝠) - Vampyrodes caraccioli (Great stripe-faced bat)

长腿蝠科 Natalidae 编辑

  1. 丽长腿蝠 (美觀筒耳蝠) - Natalus lepidus (Gervais's funnel-eared bat)
  2. 牙买加长腿蝠 (小腳筒耳蝠) - Natalus micropus (Cuban funnel-eared bat)
  3. 墨西哥筒耳蝠 (筒耳蝠) - Natalus stramineus (Mexican funnel-eared bat)
  4. 巴西长腿蝠 - Natalus tumidifrons (Bahaman funnel-eared bat)
  5. 肿鼻筒耳蝠 (凸吻筒耳蝠) - Natalus tumidirostris (Trinidadian funnel-eared bat)

烟蝠科 Furipteridae 编辑

  1. 四指蝠 - Amorphochilus schnablii (Smoky bat)
  1. 煙蝠 (狂翼蝠) - Furipterus horrens (Thumbless bat)

盘翼蝠科 Thyropteridae 编辑

  1. 盤翼蝠 - Thyroptera discifera (Peter's disk-winged bat)
  2. 三色盘翼蝠 (拇翼蝠) - Thyroptera tricolor (Spix's disk-winged bat)

吸足蝠科 Myzopodidae 编辑

  1. 吸足蝠 (吸盤足蝠) - Myzopoda aurita (Sucker-footed bat)

蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae 编辑

彩蝠亚科 Kerivoulinae 编辑

  1. 拟号彩蝠 - Kerivoula aerosa (Dubious trumpet-eared bat)
  2. 绒彩蝠 (坦桑號耳蝠) - Kerivoula africana (Tanzanian woolly bat)
  3. 管耳彩蝠 (清潔號耳蝠) - Kerivoula agnella (St. Aignan's trumpet-eared bat)
  4. 银彩蝠 (銀色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula argentata (Damara woolly bat)
  5. 凶野號耳蝠 - Kerivoula atrox (Groove-toothed bat)
  6. 铜黄彩蝠 (銅色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula cupresa (Copper woolly bat)
  7. 贼彩蝠 - Kerivoula eriophora (Ethiopian woolly bat)
  8. 花彩蝠 - Kerivoula flora (Flores woolly bat)
  9. 哈氏彩蝠 (號耳蝠) - Kerivoula hardwickei (Hardwicke's woolly bat)
  10. 婆罗洲彩蝠 - Kerivoula intermedia (Small woolly bat)
  11. 彼氏号尔蝠 (溝齒號耳蝠) - Kerivoula jagorii (Peters's trumpet-eared bat)
  12. 小彩蝠 (小號耳蝠) - Kerivoula lanosa (Lesser woolly bat)
  13. 林彩蝠 (小林號耳蝠) - Kerivoula minuta (Least woolly bat)
  14. 弗莱彩蝠 (蠅河號耳蝠) - Kerivoula muscina (Fly river trumpet-eared bat)
  15. 俾斯麦彩蝠 (俾斯麥號耳蝠) - Kerivoula myrella (Bismarck's trumpet-eared bat)
  16. 丘彩蝠 (多疣號耳蝠) - Kerivoula papillosa (Papillose woolly bat)
  17. 巴布亚号耳蝠 (金針號耳蝠) - Kerivoula papuensis (Golden-tipped bat)
  18. 洁翼彩蝠 (透翼號耳蝠) - Kerivoula pellucida (Clear-winged woolly bat)
  19. 灵彩蝠 (蛾形號耳蝠) - Kerivoula phalaena (Spurrell's woolly bat)
  20. 彩蝠 (彩色號耳蝠) - Kerivoula picta (Painted bat)
  21. 尼日利亚彩蝠 (史氏號耳蝠) - Kerivoula smithii (Smith's woolly bat)
  22. 怀氏彩蝠 - Kerivoula whiteheadi (Whitehead's woolly bat)

長翼蝠亞科 Miniopterinae 编辑

  1. 南长翼蝠 (亞澳長翼蝠) - Miniopterus australis (Little long-fingered bat)
  2. 南非长翼蝠 (黑長翼蝠) - Miniopterus fraterculus (Lesser long-fingered bat)
  3. 长翼蝠 (東南亞長翼蝠) - Miniopterus fuscus (Southeast Asian long-fingered bat)
  4. 大长翼蝠 (大長翼蝠) - Miniopterus inflatus (Greater long-fingered bat)
  5. 几内亚长翼蝠 - Miniopterus magnater (Western bent-winged bat)
  6. 小長翼蝠 - Miniopterus minor (Least long-fingered bat)
  7. 亚澳长翼蝠 (洛島長翼蝠) - Miniopterus robustior (Loyalty bent-winged bat)
  8. 普通长翼蝠 (長翼蝠) - Miniopterus schreibersi (Schreibers's long-fingered bat)
  9. 灰暗长翼蝠 - Miniopterus tristis (Great bent-winged bat)

管鼻蝠亞科 Murinae 编辑

  1. 毛翼管鼻蝠 (鵰形蝠) - Harpiocephalus harpia (hairy-winged bat)
  1. 青銅管鼻蝠 - Murina aenea (Bronze tube-nosed bat)
  2. 金管鼻蝠 (小管鼻蝠) - Murina aurata (Little tube-nosed bat)
  3. 圓耳管鼻蝠 - Murina cyclotis (Round-eared tube-nosed bat)
  4. 花管鼻蝠 (小巽他管鼻蝠) - Murina florium (Flores tube-nosed bat)
  5. 暗色管鼻蝠 - Murina fusca (Dusky tube-nosed bat)
  6. 灰色管鼻蝠 - Murina grisea (Peters's tube-nosed bat)
  7. 胡氏管鼻蝠 - Murina huttoni (Hutton's tube-nosed bat)
  8. 白腹管鼻蝠 (大管鼻蝠) - Murina leucogaster (Greater tube-nosed bat)
  9. 洁管鼻蝠 (臺灣管鼻蝠) - Murina puta (Taiwan tube-nosed bat)
  10. 罗氏管鼻蝠 - Murina rozendaali (Gilded tube-nosed bat)
  11. 林管鼻蝠 - Murina silvatica (Forest tube-nosed bat)
  12. 棕管鼻蝠 (豬形管鼻蝠) - Murina suilla (Brown tube-nosed bat)
  13. 對馬管鼻蝠 - Murina tenebrosa (Gloomy tube-nosed bat)
  14. 克什米尔管鼻蝠 (南亞管鼻蝠) - Murina tubinaris (Scully's tube-nosed bat)
  15. 烏蘇里管鼻蝠 - Murina ussuriensis (Ussuri tube-nosed bat)

裂豆蝠亞科 Tomopealinae 编辑

  1. 錐蝠 (裂豆蝠) - Tomopeas ravus (Blunt-eared bat)

蝙蝠亞科 Vespertilioninae 编辑

  1. 墨西哥洞蝠 (特島穴蝠) - Antrozous dubiaquercus (Van Gelder's bat)
  2. 苍白洞蝠 (穴蝠) - Antrozous pallidus (Pallid bat)
  1. 欧洲宽耳蝠 (西方寬耳蝠) - Barbastella barbastellus (Western barbastelle)
  2. 亚洲宽耳蝠 (東方寬耳蝠) - Barbastella leucomelas (Eastern barbastelle)
  1. 白斑蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus alboguttatus (Allen's striped bat)
  2. 银蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus argentatus (Silvered bat)
  3. 加蓬蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus beatrix (Beatrix's bat)
  4. 大耳蝶蝠 (大染色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus dwyeri (Large-eared pied bat)
  5. 喀麦隆蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus egeria (Bibundi bat)
  6. 星蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus gleni (Glen's wattled bat)
  7. 垂缨蝶蝠 (谷氏葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus gouldii (Gould's wattled bat)
  8. 肯尼亚蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus kenyacola (Kenyan wattled bat)
  9. 褐蝶蝠 (赭色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus morio(Chocolate wattled bat)
  10. 暗灰蝶蝠 (烏灰葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus nigrogriseus (Hoary wattled bat)
  11. 小蝶蝠 (小染色葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus picalus (Little pied bat)
  12. 波蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus poensis (Abo bat)
  13. 傲蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus superbus (Pied bat)
  14. 隆蝶蝠 (結節葉唇蝠) - Chalinolobus tuberculatus (Long-tailed wattled bat)
  15. 彩蝶蝠 - Chalinolobus variegatus (Butterfly bat)
  1. 贝氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus baverstocki (Inland forest bat)
  2. 伊朗棕蝠 (勃氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus bobrinskoi (Bobrinski's serotine)
  3. 夜棕蝠 (博塔棕蝠) - Eptesicus bottae (Botta's serotine)
  4. 巴西棕蝠 - Eptesicus brasiliensis (Brazilian brown bat)
  5. 暗棕蝠 (褐色棕蝠) - Eptesicus brunneus (Dark-brown serotine)
  6. 南非棕蝠 (開普棕蝠) - Eptesicus capensis (Cape serotine)
  7. 翼足棕蝠 (南泰棕蝠) - Eptesicus demissus (Surat serotine)
  8. 南美棕蝠 (侏儒棕蝠) - Eptesicus diminutus (Diminutive serotine)
  9. 黃唇棕蝠 - Eptesicus douglasrum (Yellow-lipped bat)
  10. 菊黄棕蝠 (黃色棕蝠) - Eptesicus flavescens (Yellow serotine)
  11. 花棕蝠 (蘇丹角皮棕蝠) - Eptesicus floweri (Horn-skinned bat)
  12. 阿根廷棕蝠 (狂暴棕蝠) - Eptesicus furinalis (Argentine brown bat)
  13. 大棕蝠 (北美大棕蝠) - Eptesicus fuscus (Big brown bat)
  14. 瓜达卢佩棕蝠 (瓜島棕蝠) - Eptesicus guadelupensis (Guadeloupe big brown bat)
  15. 小夜棕蝠 (幾內亞棕蝠) - Eptesicus guineensis (Tiny serotine)
  16. 長尾棕蝠 - Eptesicus hottentotus (Long-tailed house bat)
  17. 和平棕蝠 (無辜棕蝠) - Eptesicus inoxius (Harmless serotine)
  18. 考氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus kobayashii (Kobayashi's serotine)
  19. 家棕蝠 (苗氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus melckorum (Melck's house bat)
  20. 大鼻棕蝠 (信德棕蝠) - Eptesicus nasutus (Sind bat)
  21. 北棕蝠 - Eptesicus nilssoni (Northern bat)
  22. 肥耳棕蝠 (厚耳棕蝠) - Eptesicus pachyotis (Thick-eared bat)
  23. 阔面棕蝠 - Eptesicus platyops (Lagos serotine)
  24. 小棕蝠 (穴居小棕蝠) - Eptesicus pumilus (Eastern forest bat)
  25. 王棕蝠 (王河小棕蝠) - Eptesicus regulus (Southern forest bat)
  26. 任氏棕蝠 (阮氏棕蝠) - Eptesicus rendalli (Rendall's serotine)
  27. 冕棕蝠 (林棲大棕蝠) - Eptesicus sagittula (Large forest bat)
  28. 棕蝠 - Eptesicus serotinus (Serotine)
  29. 索马里棕蝠 (索馬利亞棕蝠) - Eptesicus somalicus (Somali serotine)
  30. 泰氏棕蝠 - Eptesicus tatei (Sombre bat)
  31. 白翼棕蝠 - Eptesicus tenuipinnis (White-winged serotine)
  32. 鹫棕蝠 (林棲小棕蝠) - Eptesicus vulturnus (Little forest bat)
  1. 花尾蝠 (小斑點蝠) - Euderma maculatum (Spotted bat)
  1. 胼足蝠 (盤足蝠) - Eudiscopus denticulus (Disk-footed bat)
  1. 爪哇盘蝠 (爪哇厚指油蝠) - Glischropus javanus (Javan thick-thumbed bat)
  2. 粗指盘蝠 (厚指油蝠) - Glischropus tylopus (Common thick-thumbed bat)
  1. 梓蝠 (布氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus blanfordi (Blanford's bat)
  2. 马来梓蝠 (多麗夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus doriae (False serotine bat)
  3. 加氏梓蝠 - Hesperoptenus gaskelli (Gaskell's false serotine)
  4. 南亚梓蝠 (逖氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus tickelli (Tickell's bat)
  5. 托氏梓蝠 (佟氏夕陽蝠) - Hesperoptenus tomesi (Large false serotine)
  1. 奇异帆耳蝠 (異邦薄耳蝠) - Histiotus alienus (Strange big-eared brown bat)
  2. 帆耳蝠 (大耳薄耳蝠) - Histiotus macrotus (Big-eared brown bat)
  3. 高山帆耳蝠 (山薄耳蝠) - Histiotus montanus (Small big-eared brown bat)
  4. 巴西帆耳蝠 (褐薄耳蝠) - Histiotus velatus (Tropical big-eared brown bat)
  1. 南蝠 - Ia io (Great evening bat)
  1. 艾氏大耳蝠 - Idionycteris phyllotis (Allen's big-eared bat)
  1. 安哥拉长耳蝠 (安哥拉帆耳蝠) - Laephotis angolensis (Angolan long-eared bat)
  2. 博茨瓦纳长耳蝠 (波瓦納帆耳蝠) - Laephotis botswanae (Botswanan long-eared bat)
  3. 纳米比亚长耳蝠 (西南非帆耳蝠) - Laephotis namibensis (Namib long-eared bat)
  4. 温氏长耳蝠 (東非帆耳蝠) - Laephotis wintoni (De Winton's long-eared bat)
  • 銀毛蝠屬 Lasionyeteris
  1. 銀毛蝠 - Lasionyeteris noctivagans (Silver-haired bat)
  1. 赤蓬毛蝠 (紅毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus borealis (Red bat)
  2. 巴拿马蓬毛蝠 (栗色毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus castaneus (Tacarcuna bat)
  3. 灰蓬毛蝠 (霜灰毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus cinereus (Hoary bat)
  4. 埃加蓬毛蝠 (拉美毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus ega (Southern yellow bat)
  5. 雅蓬毛蝠 - Lasiurus egregius (Big red bat)
  6. 墨西哥蓬毛蝠 (中型毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus intermedius (Northern yellow bat)
  7. 佛罗里达蓬毛蝠 (錫族毛尾蝠) - Lasiurus seminolus (Seminole bat)
  1. 非洲偏颅蝠 (默氏扁頭蝠) - Mimetillus moloreyi (Moloney's flat-headed bat)
  1. 萨哈林鼠耳蝠 (阿部鼠耳蝠) - Myotis abei (Sakhalin myotis)
  2. 爪哇大足鼠耳蝠 (大腳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis adversus (Large-footed bat)
  3. 阿根廷鼠耳蝠 (亞倫鼠耳蝠) - Myotis aelleni (Southern myotis)
  4. 巴拉圭鼠耳蝠 (白毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis albescens (Silver-tipped myotis)
  5. 西南鼠耳蝠 (祭壇鼠耳蝠) - Myotis altarium (Szechwan myotis)
  6. 缺齿鼠耳蝠 (毛面鼠耳蝠) - Myotis anneetans (Hairy-faced bat)
  7. 阿塔卡马鼠耳蝠 (阿塔鼠耳蝠) - Myotis atacamensis (Atacama myotis)
  8. 北美鼠耳蝠 (金光鼠耳蝠) - Myotis auriculus (Southwestern myotis)
  9. 南鼠耳蝠 (小足鼠耳蝠) - Myotis australis (Australian myotis)
  10. 東南鼠耳蝠 - Myotis austroriparius (Southeastern myotis)
  11. 长耳鼠耳蝠 (彼氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis bechsteini (Bechstein's bat)
  12. 尖耳鼠耳蝠 (髭鼠耳蝠) - Myotis blythi (Lesser mouse-eared bat)
  13. 棕红鼠耳蝠 (赤色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis bocagei (Rufous mouse-eared bat)
  14. 嗡声鼠耳蝠 - Myotis bombinus (Far eastern myotis)
  15. 布氏鼠耳蝠 (伯氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis brandti (Brandt's bat)
  16. 加州鼠耳蝠 - Myotis californicus (California myotis)
  17. 長指鼠耳蝠 - Myotis capaccinii (Long-fingered bat)
  18. 智利鼠耳蝠 - Myotis chiloensis (Chilean myotis)
  19. 中华鼠耳蝠 - Myotis chinensis (Large myotis)
  20. 古巴鼠耳蝠 - Myotis cobanensis (Guatemalan myotis)
  21. 沼鼠耳蝠 (池塘鼠耳蝠) - Myotis dasycheme (Pond bat)
  22. 水鼠耳蝠 (道氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis daubentonii (Daubenton's bat)
  23. 多明尼加鼠耳蝠 - Myotis dominicensis (Dominican myotis)
  24. 华美鼠耳蝠 (精致鼠耳蝠) - Myotis elegans (Elegant myotis)
  25. 佐氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis emarginatus (Geoffroy's bat)
  26. 北美长耳鼠耳蝠 (長耳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis evotis (Western long-eared myotis)
  27. 芬氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis findleyi (Findley's myotis)
  28. 桔色鼠耳蝠 - Myotis formosus (Hodgson's bat)
  29. 樟色鼠耳蝠 (剛齒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis fortidens (Cinnamon myotis)
  30. 福建鼠耳蝠 (昆仲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis frater (Fraternal myotis)
  31. 马达加斯加鼠耳蝠 (馬島鼠耳蝠) - Myotis gondotii (Malagasy mouse-eared bat)
  32. 灰色鼠耳蝠 - Myotis griseseens (Gray myotis)
  33. 小巨足蝠 (哈塞鼠耳蝠) - Myotis hasseltii (Lesser large-footed bat)
  34. 郝氏鼠耳蝠 (何氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis horsfieldi (Horsfield's bat)
  35. 日本鼠耳蝠 (本州鼠耳蝠) - Myotis hosonoi (Hosono's myotis)
  36. 伊氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ikonnikovi (Ikonnikov's bat)
  37. 海岛鼠耳蝠 - Myotis insularum (Insular myotis)
  38. 中美鼠耳蝠 (基思鼠耳蝠) - Myotis keaysi (Hairy-legged myotis)
  39. 凯氏鼠耳蝠 (基恩鼠耳蝠) - Myotis keenii (Keen's myotis)
  40. 小褐鼠耳蝠 - Myotis leibii (Eastern small-footed myotis)
  41. 开普敦鼠耳蝠 - Myotis lesueuri (Lesueur's hairy bat)
  42. 轻捷鼠耳蝠 (輕快鼠耳蝠) - Myotis levis (Yellowish myotis)
  43. 长足鼠耳蝠 (長腳鼠耳蝠) - Myotis longipes (Kashmir cave bat)
  44. 莹鼠耳蝠 (棕色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis lucifugus (Little brown bat)
  45. 大趾鼠耳蝠 - Myotis macrodactylus (Big-footed myotis)
  46. 大掌鼠耳蝠 (大跗鼠耳蝠) - Myotis macrotarsus (Pallid large-footed myotis)
  47. 马提尼克鼠耳蝠 (馬提鼠耳蝠) - Myotis martiniquensis (Schwartz's myotis)
  48. 米氏鼠耳蝠 (密勒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis milleri (Miller's myotis)
  49. 缅甸鼠耳蝠 (遊山鼠耳蝠) - Myotis montivagus (Burmese whiskered bat)
  50. 埃塞俄比亚鼠耳蝠 (莫氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis morrisi (Morris's bat)
  51. 南洋鼠耳蝠 (牆棲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis muricola (Whiskered myotis)
  52. 大鼠耳蝠 (鼠耳蝠) - Myotis myotis (Mouse-eared bat)
  53. 须鼠耳蝠 (多鬚鼠耳蝠) - Myotis mystacinus (Whiskered bat)
  54. 纳氏鼠耳蝠 (紅灰鼠耳蝠) - Myotis nattereri (Natterer's bat)
  55. 库腊索鼠耳蝠 (島棲鼠耳蝠) - Myotis nesopolus (Curacao myotis)
  56. 黑毛鼠耳蝠 - Myotis nigricans (Black myotis)
  57. 新加坡鼠耳蝠 - Myotis oreias (Singapore whiskered bat)
  58. 南美鼠耳蝠 - Myotis oxyotus (Montane myotis)
  59. 本州鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ozensis (Honshu myotis)
  60. 墨西哥鼠耳蝠 (半島鼠耳蝠) - Myotis peninsularis (Peninsular myotis)
  61. 北京鼠耳蝠 (京西鼠耳蝠) - Myotis pequinius (Peking myotis)
  62. 平颅鼠耳蝠 (扁頭鼠耳蝠) - Myotis planiceps (Flat-headed myotis)
  63. 霜白鼠耳蝠 (霜毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis pruinosus (Frosted myotis)
  64. 大足鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ricketti (Rickett's big-footed bat)
  65. 瑞氏鼠耳蝠 - Myotis ridleyi (Ridley's bat)
  66. 溪岸鼠耳蝠 (岸邊鼠耳蝠) - Myotis riparius (Riparian myotis)
  67. 洛氏鼠耳蝠 (厚指鼠耳蝠) - Myotis rosscti (Thick-thumbed myotis)
  68. 丹鼠耳蝠 (紅毛鼠耳蝠) - Myotis ruber (Red myotis)
  69. 肖布鼠耳蝠 - Myotis schaubi (Schaub's myotis)
  70. 东非鼠耳蝠 (斯氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis scotti (Scott's mouse-eared bat)
  71. 翼腺鼠耳蝠 - Myotis seabrai (Angolan hairy bat)
  72. 刺鼠耳蝠 - Myotis sicarius (Mandelli's mouse-eared bat)
  73. 高颅鼠耳蝠 (小齒鼠耳蝠) - Myotis siligorensis (Himalayan whiskered bat)
  74. 仰鼻鼠耳蝠 (僞裝鼠耳蝠) - Myotis simus (Velvety myotis)
  75. 社鼠耳蝠 (喜群鼠耳蝠) - Myotis sodalis (Indiana bat)
  76. 基岛鼠耳蝠 (卡伊鼠耳蝠) - Myotis stalkeri (Kei myotis)
  77. 缨鼠耳蝠 (挂繸鼠耳蝠) - Myotis thysanodes (Fringed myotis)
  78. 南非鼠耳蝠 (三色鼠耳蝠) - Myotis tricolor (Cape hairy bat)
  79. 洞鼠耳蝠 (洞穴鼠耳蝠) - Myotis velifer (Cave myotis)
  80. 索诺拉鼠耳蝠 (食魚蝠) - Myotis vivesi (Fish-eating bat)
  81. 长腿鼠耳蝠 (飛翔鼠耳蝠) - Myotis volans (Long-legged myotis)
  82. 魏氏鼠耳蝠 (衛氏鼠耳蝠) - Myotis welwitschi (Welwitch's bat)
  83. 北海道鼠耳蝠 - Myotis yesoensis (Yoshiyuki's myotis)
  84. 尤马鼠耳蝠 (育馬鼠耳蝠) - Myotis yumanensis (Yuma myotis)
  1. 日本山蝠 - Nyctalus aviator (Birdlike noctule)
  2. 亚岛山蝠 - Nyctalus azoreum (Azores noctule)
  3. 毛翼山蝠 (大夜蝠) - Nyctalus lasiopterus (Giant noctule)
  4. 小山蝠 (小夜蝠) - Nyctalus leisleri (Lesser noctule)
  5. 印度山蝠 - Nyctalus montanus (Mountain noctule)
  6. 山蝠 (夜蝠) - Nyctalus noctula (Noctule)
  1. 阔鼻暮蝠 - Nycticeius balstoni (Western broad-nosed bat)
  2. 小阔鼻暮蝠 - Nycticeius greyii (Little broad-nosed bat)
  3. 美洲暮蝠 (北美黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius humeralis (Evening bat)
  4. 鲁氏暮蝠 (廣鼻黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius rueppellii (Rueppell's broad-nosed bat)
  5. 桑氏暮蝠 - Nycticeius sanborni (Northern broad-nosed bat)
  6. 施氏暮蝠 (寬鼻黃昏蝠) - Nycticeius schlieffeni (Schlieffen's bat)
  1. 阿南长耳蝠 (阿納姆愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus arnhemensis (Northern long-eared bat)
  2. 小长耳蝠 (小愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus geoffroyi (Lesser long-eared bat)
  3. 古氏长耳蝠 (雙炬愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus gouldi (Gould's long-eared bat)
  4. 双炬长耳蝠 - Nyctophilus heran (Sunda long-eared bat)
  5. 小齿长耳蝠 (小齒愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus microdon (Small-toothed long-eared bat)
  6. 巴布亚长耳蝠 (巴布亞愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus microtis (New Guinea long-eared bat)
  7. 澳洲大长耳蝠 (大愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus timoriensis (Greater long-eared bat)
  8. 澳北长耳蝠 (沃氏愛夜蝠) - Nyctophilus walkeri (Pygmy long-eared bat)
  1. 長耳蝠 - Otonycleris hemprichii (Desert long-eared bat)
  1. 壺耳蝠 - Pharotis imogene (New Guinea big-eared bat)
  1. 新几内亚掠蝠 (狹翼情侶棕蝠) - Philetor brachypterus (Rohu's bat)
  1. 荒漠伏翼 - Pipistrellus aegyptius (Egyptian pipistrelle)
  2. 东非伏翼 (空中油蝠) - Pipistrellus aero (Mt. Gargues pipistrelle)
  3. 茶褐伏翼 (褐色油蝠) - Pipistrellus affinis (Chocolate pipistrelle)
  4. 安氏伏翼 (安奇塔油蝠) - Pipistrellus anchietai (Anchieta's pipistrelle)
  5. 缅甸伏翼 (安東尼油蝠) - Pipistrellus anthonyi (Anthony's pipistrelle)
  6. 阿拉伯伏翼 (阿曼油蝠) - Pipistrellus arabicus (Arabian pipistrelle)
  7. 苏丹伏翼 (沙漠油蝠) - Pipistrellus ariel (Desert pipistrelle)
  8. 巴布伏翼 (巴布油蝠) - Pipistrellus babu (Himalayan pipistrelle)
  9. 以色列伏翼 (勃氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus bodenheimeri (Bodenheimer's pipistrelle)
  10. 宽异伏翼 (卡多納油蝠) - Pipistrellus cadornae (Cadorna's pipistrelle)
  11. 斯里兰卡伏翼 (錫蘭油蝠) - Pipistrellus ceylonicus (Kelaart's pipistrelle)
  12. 黑伏翼 (大黑油蝠) - Pipistrellus circumdatus (Black gilded pipistrelle)
  13. 印度伏翼 (印度油蝠) - Pipistrellus coromandra (Indian pipistrelle)
  14. 宽首伏翼 (肥頭油蝠) - Pipistrellus crassulus (Broad-headed pipistrelle)
  15. 铜色伏翼 - Pipistrellus cuprosus (Coppery pipistrelle)
  16. 道氏伏翼 (夜油蝠) - Pipistrellus dormeri (Dormer's pipistrelle)
  17. 艾氏伏翼 (艾氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus eisentrauti (Eisentraut's pipistrelle)
  18. 本州伏翼 (遠藤油蝠) - Pipistrellus endoi (Endo's pipistrelle)
  19. 西方伏翼 (西美油蝠) - Pipistrellus hesperus (Western pipistrelle)
  20. 棕伏翼 (有鱗油蝠) - Pipistrellus imbricatus (Brown pipistrelle)
  21. 喜得伏翼 - Pipistrellus inexspectatus (Aellen's pipistrelle)
  22. 爪哇伏翼 (爪哇油蝠) - Pipistrellus javanicus (Javan pipistrelle)
  23. 杰氏伏翼 - Pipistrellus joffrei (Joffre's pipistrelle)
  24. 基氏伏翼 (赤褐油蝠) - Pipistrellus kicheneri (Red-brown pipistrelle)
  25. 库氏伏翼 (白邊油蝠) - Pipistrellus kuhlii (Kuhl's pipistrelle)
  26. 冠伏翼 (冠尾油蝠) - Pipistrellus lophurus (Burma pipistrelle)
  27. 大耳伏翼 (大耳油蝠) - Pipistrellus macrotis (Big-eared pipistrelle)
  28. 马德拉伏翼 (馬德拉油蝠) - Pipistrellus maderensis (Madeira pipistrelle)
  29. 印度小伏翼 (印度小油蝠) - Pipistrellus mimus (Indian pygmy pipistrelle)
  30. 米岛伏翼 (蘇島油蝠) - Pipistrellus minahassae (Minahassa pipistrelle)
  31. 螫伏翼 (灰白油蝠) - Pipistrellus mordax (Pungent pipistrelle)
  32. 加蓬小伏翼 (蠅狀油蝠) - Pipistrellus musciculus (Mouselike pipistrelle)
  33. 中非小伏翼 (西非小油蝠) - Pipistrellus nanulus (Tiny pipistrelle)
  34. 香蕉伏翼 (香蕉油蝠) - Pipistrellus nanus (Banana pipistrelle)
  35. 纳氏伏翼 (厚皮油蝠) - Pipistrellus nathusii (Nathusius's pipistrelle)
  36. 棒茎伏翼 - Pipistrellus paterculus (Mount Popa pipistrelle)
  37. 勃固伏翼 (勃固油蝠) - Pipistrellus peguensis (Pegu pipistrelle)
  38. 坦桑尼亚伏翼 (坦桑油蝠) - Pipistrellus permixtus (Dar-es-Salaam pipistrelle)
  39. 彼氏伏翼 (多毛油蝠) - Pipistrellus petersi (Peters's pipistrelle)
  40. 伏翼 (油蝠) - Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Common pipistrelle)
  41. 灰伏翼 (多塵油蝠) - Pipistrellus pulveratus (Chinese pipistrelle)
  42. 吕氏伏翼 (儒氏油蝠) - Pipistrellus rueppelli (Rueppel's pipistrelle)
  43. 锈色伏翼 (鏽色油蝠) - Pipistrellus rusticus (Rusty pipistrelle)
  44. 萨氏伏翼 (山油蝠) - Pipistrellus savii (Savi's pipistrelle)
  45. 社伏翼 (結群油蝠) - Pipistrellus societatus (Social pipistrelle)
  46. 狭翼伏翼 (狹翼油蝠) - Pipistrellus stenopterus (Narrow-winged pipistrelle)
  47. 斯氏伏翼 - Pipistrellus sturdeei (Sturdee's pipistrelle)
  48. 东方伏翼 (東美油蝠) - Pipistrellus subflavus (Eastern pipistrelle)
  49. 塔斯马尼亚伏翼 - Pipistrellus tasmaniensis (Eastern false pipistrelle)
  50. 侏伏翼 (瘦油蝠) - Pipistrellus tenuis (Least pipistrelle)
  1. 大耳蝠 (兔蝠) - Plecotus auritus (Brown big-eared bat)
  2. 灰大耳蝠 (灰兔蝠) - Plecotus austriacus (Gray big-eared bat)
  3. 墨西哥大耳蝠 (墨西哥兔蝠) - Plecotus mexicanus (Mexican big-eared bat)
  4. 拉氏大耳蝠 (瘤鼻兔蝠) - Plecotus rafinesquei (Rafinesque's big-eared bat)
  5. 台湾大耳蝠 - Plecotus taivanus (Taiwan big-eared bat)
  6. 淡黄大耳蝠 - Plecotus teneriffae (Canary big-eared bat)
  7. 汤氏大耳蝠 (唐氏兔蝠) - Plecotus townsendii (Townsend's big-eared bat)
  1. 艾氏美洲黄蝠 - Rhogeessa alleni (Allen's yellow bat)
  2. 金氏美洲黄蝠 - Rhogeessa genowaysi (Genoways's yellow bat)
  3. 纤细美洲黄蝠 (瘦小黃蝠) - Rhogessa gracilis (Slender yellow bat)
  4. 小美洲黄蝠 (小巧黃蝠) - Rhogessa minutilla (Tiny yellow bat)
  5. 中美黄蝠 (奇異黃蝠) - Rhogessa mira (Least yellow bat)
  6. 墨西哥黄蝠 (細小黃蝠) - Rhogessa parvula (Little yellow bat)
  7. 南美黄蝠 (腫瘤黃蝠) - Rhogessa tumida (Black-winged little yellow bat)
  1. 淡翼宽吻蝠 (淡翼夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus albofuscus (Light-winged lesser house bat)
  2. 中非宽吻蝠 (深翼夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus hirundo (Dark-winged lesser house bat)
  3. 苍白宽吻蝠 (黃沙夜幕蝠) - Scotoecus pallidus (Desert yellow bat)
  1. 无沿斑蝠 - Scotomanes emarginatus (Emarginate harlequin bat)
  2. 斑蝠 (白斑蝠) - Scotomanes ornatus (Harlequin bat)
  1. 马达加斯加黄蝠 (馬島黃蝠) - Scotophilus borbonicus (Lesser yellow bat)
  2. 西里伯斯黄蝠 (蘇島黃蝠) - Scotophilus celebensis (Sulawesi yellow bat)
  3. 非洲黄蝠 - Scotophilus dinganii (African yellow bat)
  4. 大黃蝠 - Scotophilus heathii (Greater Asiatic yellow bat)
  5. 库氏黄蝠 (小黃蝠) - Scotophilus kuhlii (Lesser Asiatic yellow bat)
  6. 白腹黃蝠 - Scotophilus leucogasler (White-bellied yellow bat)
  7. 家黄蝠 (黑黃蝠) - Scotophilus nigrata (Schreber's yellow bat)
  8. 喀麦隆黄蝠 - Scotophilus nux (Nut-colored yellow bat)
  9. 膘黄蝠 - Scotophilus robustus (Robust yellow bat)
  10. 南非黄蝠 - Scotophilus viridis (Greenish yellow bat)
  1. 扁颅蝠 (棒足蝠) - Tylonycteris pachypus (Lesser bamboo bat)
  2. 褐扁颅蝠 (粗壯棒足蝠) - Tylonycteris robustula (Greater bamboo bat)
  1. 普通蝙蝠 (霜蝠) - Vespertilio murinus (Particolored bat)
  2. 大蝙蝠 (雛蝠) - Vespertilio superaus (Asian particolored bat)

短尾蝠科 Mystacinidae 编辑

  1. 强壮短尾蝠 - Mystacina robusta (New Zealand greater short-tailed bat)
  2. 短尾蝠 (髭蝠) - Mystacina tuberculata (New Zealand lesser short-tailed bat)

犬吻蝠科 Molossidae 编辑

  1. 加纳犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon aloysiisabaudiae (Duke Of Abruzzi's free-tailed bat)
  2. 安氏犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon ansorgei (Ansorge's free-tailed bat)
  3. 腺尾犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon bemmeleni (Gland-tailed free-tailed bat)
  4. 斑犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon bivittata (Spotted free-tailed bat)
  5. 查平犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon chapini (Chapin's free-tailed bat)
  6. 扎伊尔犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon gallagheri (Gallagher's free-tailed bat)
  7. 北方犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon jobensis (Northern mastiff bat)
  8. 苏门答腊犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon johorensis (Northern free-tailed bat)
  9. 垂耳犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon major (Lappet-eared free-tailed bat)
  10. 尼日利亚犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon nigeriae (Nigerian free-tailed bat)
  11. 皱唇犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon plicata (Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat)
  12. 小犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon pumila (Little free-tailed bat)
  13. 赤犬吻蝠 - Chaerephon russata (Russet free-tailed bat)
  1. 裸蝠 (黑裸體蝠) - Cheiromeles torquatus (Hairless bat)
  1. 垂耳真蝠 (垂耳獒面蝠) - Eumops auripendulus (Black bonneted bat)
  2. 毕氏真蝠 (彼得獒面蝠) - Eumops bonariensis (Dwarf bonneted bat)
  3. 哥伦比亚真蝠 - Eumops dabbenei (Big bonneted bat)
  4. 银白真蝠 (藍灰獒面蝠) - Eumops glaucinus (Wagner's bonneted bat)
  5. 汉莎真蝠 (漢沙獒面蝠) - Eumops hansae (Sanborn's bonneted bat)
  6. 杰亚那真蝠 (朦朧獒面蝠) - Eumops maurus (Guianan bonneted bat)
  7. 大真蝠 (尖耳獒面蝠) - Eumops perotis (Western bonneted bat)
  8. 昂氏真蝠 (恩氏獒面蝠) - Eumops unaerwoodi (Underwood's bonneted bat)
  1. 秘鲁犬吻蝠 - Molossops abrasus (Cinnamon dog-faced bat)
  2. 格氏犬吻蝠 (格氏犬面蝠) - Molossops greenhalli (Greenhall's dog-faced bat)
  3. 马托犬吻蝠 - Molossops mattogrossensis (Mato Grosso dog-faced bat)
  4. 苏里南犬吻蝠 (蘇里南犬面蝠) - Molossops neglectus (Rufous dog-faced bat)
  5. 巴拿马犬吻蝠 (扁吻犬面蝠) - Molossops planirostris (Southern dog-faced bat)
  6. 坦氏犬吻蝠 (丁氏犬面蝠) - Molossops temminckii (Dwarf dog-faced bat)
  1. 赤獒蝠 (赤犬吻蝠) - Molossus ater (Black mastiff bat)
  2. 邦达獒蝠 (邦達犬吻蝠) - Molossus bondae (Bonda mastiff bat)
  3. 獒蝠 (帕氏犬吻蝠) - Molossus molossus (Pallas's mastiff bat)
  4. 珍獒蝠 (密勒犬吻蝠) - Molossus pretiosus (Miller's mastiff bat)
  5. 艾氏獒蝠 (亞倫犬吻蝠) - Molossus sinaloe (Sinaloan mastiff bat)
  1. 短翼犬吻蝠 - Mops brachypterus (Sierra Leone free-tailed bat)
  2. 安哥拉犬吻蝠 - Mops condylurus (Angolan free-tailed bat)
  3. 麦杰犬吻蝠 - Mops congicus (Medje free-tailed bat)
  4. 伏耳塔犬吻蝠 - Mops demonstrator (Mongalla free-tailed bat)
  5. 米达犬吻蝠 - Mops midas (Midas free-tailed bat)
  6. 马来犬吻蝠 - Mops mops (Malayan free-tailed bat)
  7. 侏儒犬吻蝠 - Mops nanulus (Dwarf free-tailed bat)
  8. 尼氏犬吻蝠 - Mops niangarae (Niangara free-tailed bat)
  9. 白腹犬吻蝠 - Mops niveiventer (White-bellied free-tailed bat)
  10. 彼氏犬吻蝠 - Mops petersoni (Peterson's free-tailed bat)
  11. 西里伯斯犬吻蝠 - Mops sarasinorum (Sulawesi free-tailed bat)
  12. 斯氏犬吻蝠 - Mops spurrelli (Spurrell's free-tailed bat)
  13. 无畏犬吻蝠 - Mops thersites (Railer bat)
  14. 苏丹犬吻蝠 - Mops trevori (Trevor's free-tailed bat)
  1. 纳塔尔犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus acetabulosus (Natal free-tailed bat)
  2. 贝氏犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus beccarii (Beccari's mastiff bat)
  3. 道瑞犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus doriae (Sumatran mastiff bat)
  4. 彼氏犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus jugularis (Peters's wrinkle-lipped bat)
  5. 智利犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus kalinowskii (Kalinowski's mastiff bat)
  6. 古巴小犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus minutus (Little goblin bat)
  7. 诺福克犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus norfolkensis (Eastern little mastiff bat)
  8. 岩居犬吻蝠 (扁頭蜥鼠蝠) - Mormopterus petrophilus (Roberts's flat-headed bat)
  9. 怪翼犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus phrudus (Incan little mastiff bat)
  10. 平犬吻蝠 - Mormopterus planiceps (Southern free-tailed bat)
  11. 彼德犬吻蝠 (扁頭蝠) - Mormopterus setiger (Peters's flat-headed bat)
  1. 道氏蝇蝠 (道氏蠅翼蝠) - Myopterus daubentoni (Daubenton's free-tailed bat)
  2. 比尼蝇蝠 (蠅翼蝠) - Myopterus whitleyi (Bini free-tailed bat)
  1. 金毛犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops aurispinosus (Peale's free-tailed bat)
  2. 兜犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops femorosaccus (Pocketed free-tailed bat)
  3. 宽尾犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops laticaudatus (Broad-eared bat)
  4. 大犬吻蝠 - Nyctinomops macrotis (Big free-tailed bat)
  1. 爪哇游尾蝠 (爪哇大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops formosus (Java mastiff bat)
  2. 纳塔耳游尾蝠 (非洲大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops martiensseni (Large-eared free-tailed bat)
  3. 大耳游尾蝠 (巴布亞大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops papuensis (Big-eared mastiff bat)
  4. 斗蓬游尾蝠 (新島大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops secundus (Mantled mastiff bat)
  5. 印度游尾蝠 (印度大耳犬吻蝠) - Otomops wroughtoni (Wroughton's free-tailed bat)
  1. 中部穹腭蝠 (中美圓齶蝠) - Promops centralis (Big crested mastiff bat)
  2. 大鼻穹腭蝠 (大鼻圓齶蝠) - Promops nasutus (Brown mastiff bat)
  1. 北非犬吻蝠 (埃及皺唇蝠) - Tadarida aegyptiaca (Egyptian free-tailed bat)
  2. 南犬吻蝠 (南澳皺唇蝠) - Tadarida australis (White-striped free-tailed bat)
  3. 巴西犬吻蝠 (美洲皺唇蝠) - Tadarida brasiliensis (Brazilian free-tailed bat)
  4. 圣特雷莎犬吻蝠 - Tadarida espiritosantensis (Espirito Santo free-tailed bat)
  5. 岛犬吻蝠 (馬島皺唇蝠) - Tadarida fulminans (Madagascan large free-tailed bat)
  6. 大耳犬吻蝠 (葉耳皺唇蝠) - Tadarida lobata (Kenyan big-eared free-tailed bat)
  7. 宽耳犬吻蝠 (歐亞皺唇蝠) - Tadarida teniotis (European free-tailed bat)
  8. 非洲犬吻蝠 (非洲巨皺唇蝠) - Tadarida ventralis (African giant free-tailed bat)

翼手目分类表, 此條目需要更新, 2019年9月9日, 請更新本文以反映近況和新增内容, 完成修改後請移除本模板, 生物分類表病毒分类表, 古菌分類表, 細菌分類表, 原生生物分類表, 藻類分類表, 真菌分类表, 植物分類表, ncbi, 被子植物, 分类法, 动物分类表, 昆蟲分類表, 魚類分類表, 两栖动物分类表, 爬行动物分类表, 恐龍分類表, 鸟类分类系统, 鸟类传统分类系统, 鳥類, 分類系統, 哺乳动物分类表目录, 陰翼手亞目, yinpterochiroptera, 狐蝠科, pteropodidae. 此條目需要更新 2019年9月9日 請更新本文以反映近況和新增内容 完成修改後請移除本模板 生物分類表病毒分类表 古菌分類表 細菌分類表 原生生物分類表 藻類分類表 真菌分类表 植物分類表 NCBI 被子植物 APG 分类法 I II III IV 动物分类表 昆蟲分類表 魚類分類表 两栖动物分类表 爬行动物分类表 恐龍分類表 鸟类分类系统 鸟类传统分类系统 鳥類 DNA 分類系統 哺乳动物分类表目录 1 陰翼手亞目 Yinpterochiroptera 1 1 狐蝠科 Pteropodidae 1 1 1 狐蝠亚科 Pteropodinae 1 1 2 长舌果蝠亚科 Macroglossinae 1 2 鼠尾蝠科 Rhinopomatidae 1 3 凹脸蝠科 Craseonycteridae 1 4 假吸血蝠科 Megadermatidae 1 5 菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae 1 5 1 菊頭蝠亞科 Rhinolophinae 1 5 2 蹄蝠亞科 Hipposiderinae 2 陽翼手亞目 Yangochiroptera 2 1 鞘尾蝠科 Emballonuridae 2 2 夜凹脸蝠科 Nycteridae 2 3 兔唇蝠科 Noctilionidae 2 4 髯蝠科 Mormoopidae 2 5 叶口蝠科 Phyllostomidae 2 5 1 狭叶蝠亞科 Brachyphyllinae 2 5 2 短尾葉口蝠亞科 Carollinae 2 5 3 吸血蝠亞科 Desmodontinae 2 5 4 长舌叶鼻蝠亞科 Glossophaginae 2 5 5 尖叶长舌蝠亞科 Lonchophyllinae 2 5 6 花蝠亞科 Phyllonycterinae 2 5 7 矛吻蝠亞科 Phyllostominae 2 5 8 尖皮蝠亞科 Stenoderminae 2 6 长腿蝠科 Natalidae 2 7 烟蝠科 Furipteridae 2 8 盘翼蝠科 Thyropteridae 2 9 吸足蝠科 Myzopodidae 2 10 蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae 2 10 1 彩蝠亚科 Kerivoulinae 2 10 2 長翼蝠亞科 Miniopterinae 2 10 3 管鼻蝠亞科 Murinae 2 10 4 裂豆蝠亞科 Tomopealinae 2 10 5 蝙蝠亞科 Vespertilioninae 2 11 短尾蝠科 Mystacinidae 2 12 犬吻蝠科 Molossidae陰翼手亞目 Yinpterochiroptera 编辑狐蝠科 Pteropodidae 编辑 狐蝠亚科 Pteropodinae 编辑 利齿狐蝠属 Acerodon西里伯斯利齿狐蝠 Acerodon celebensis Sulawesi fruit bat 塔劳利齿狐蝠 Acerodon humilis Talaud fruit bat 鬃毛利齿狐蝠 Acerodon jubatus Golden capped fruit bat 神女利齿狐蝠 Acerodon leucotis Palawan fruit bat 班乃岛利齿狐蝠 Acerodon lucifer Panay golden capped fruit bat 小巽他利齿狐蝠 Acerodon mackloti Sunda fruit bat 菲果蝠属 Aethalops菲果蝠 Aethalops alecto Pygmy fruit bat 番果蝠属 Alionycteris番果蝠 少齒果蝠 Alionycteris paucidentata Mindanao pygmy fruit bat 豕果蝠属 Aproteles豕果蝠 Aproteles bulmerae Bulmer s fruit bat 斑翅果蝠属 Balionycteris斑翅果蝠 黃斑果蝠 Balionycteris maculata Spotted winged fruit bat 宽腭狐蝠属 Boneia寬齶狐蝠 彭山狐蝠 Boneia bidens Manado fruit bat 短腭果蝠属 Casinycteris短齶果蝠 Casinycteris argynnis Short palated fruit bat 黑冠果蝠属 Chironax黑冠果蝠 Chironax melanocephalus Black capped fruit bat 犬蝠属 Cynopterus短耳犬蝠 小耳短鼻果蝠 Cynopterus brachyotis Lesser short nosed fruit bat 馬來犬蝠 栓齒短鼻果蝠 Cynopterus horsefieldi Horsfield s fruit bat 印尼犬蝠 Cynopterus nusatenggara Nusatenggara short nosed fruit bat 犬蝠 大短鼻果蝠 Cynopterus sphinx Greater short nosed fruit bat 爪哇犬蝠 Cynopterus titthaecheilus Indonesian short nosed fruit bat 裸背果蝠属 Dobsonia懷古裸背果蝠 布氏裸背果蝠 Dobsonia beaufordi Beaufort s naked backed fruit bat 查氏裸背果蝠 Dobsonia chapmani Negros naked backed fruit bat 新幾內亞裸背果蝠 Dobsonia emersa Biak naked backed fruit bat 西里伯斯裸背果蝠 蘇島裸背果蝠 Dobsonia exoleta Sulawesi naked backed fruit bat 所羅門裸背果蝠 Dobsonia inermis Solomons naked backed fruit bat 小裸背果蝠 Dobsonia minor Lesser naked backed fruit bat 大裸背果蝠 Dobsonia moluccensis Moluccan naked backed fruit bat 盤尼裸背果蝠 潘島裸背果蝠 Dobsonia pannieyensis Panniet naked backed fruit bat 小巽他裸背果蝠 脊翼裸背果蝠 Dobsonia peroni Western naked backed fruit bat 新不列顛裸背果蝠 新島裸背果蝠 Dobsonia praedatrix New Britain naked backed fruit bat 綠裸背果蝠 Dobsonia viridis Greenish naked backed fruit bat 棕榈果蝠属 Dyacopterus棕櫚果蝠 栗色達族果蝠 Dyacopterus spadiceus Dyak fruit bat Dyacopterus brooksi Brooks s Dyak Fruit Bat 黄毛果蝠属 Eidolon馬島黃毛果蝠 Eidolon dupreanum Madagascan fruit bat 黃毛果蝠 草色果蝠 Eidolon helvum straw colored fruit bat 颈囊果蝠属 Epomophorus安哥拉頸囊果蝠 安哥拉肩毛果蝠 Epomophorus angolensis Angolan epauletted fruit bat 甘比亞頸囊果蝠 西非肩毛果蝠 Epomophorus gambianus Gambian epauletted fruit bat 大頸囊果蝠 Epomophorus grandis Lesser Angolan epauletted fruit bat 小頸囊果蝠 白唇肩毛果蝠 Epomophorus labiatus Ethiopian epauletted fruit bat 侏頸囊果蝠 Epomophorus minimus East African epauletted fruit bat 韋式頸囊果蝠 華伯肩毛果蝠 Epomophorus wahlbergi Wahlberg s epauletted fruit bat 饰肩果蝠属 Epomops迦納飾肩果蝠 布氏前肩頭果蝠 Epomops buttikoferi Buettikofer s epauletted bat 中非饰肩果蝠 杜氏前肩頭果蝠 Epomops dobsoni Dobson s fruit bat 富氏饰肩果蝠 富氏前肩頭果蝠 Epomops franqueti Franquet s epauletted bat 简果蝠属 Haplonycteris簡果蝠 孤獨果蝠 Haplonycteris fisheri Philippine pygmy fruit bat 多尖齿果蝠属 Harpyionycteris西里伯斯多尖齿果蝠 蘇島鵰形果蝠 Harpyionycteris celebensis Sulawesi harpy fruit bat 怀氏多尖齿果蝠 懷氏鵰形果蝠 Harpyionycteris whiteheadi Harpy fruit bat 锤头果蝠属 Hypsignathus錘頭果蝠 Hypsignathus monstrosus Hammer headed fruit bat 偏齿果蝠属 Latidens偏齒果蝠 瑞齒果蝠 Latidens salimalii Salim Ali s fruit bat 无尾果蝠属 Megaerops无尾果蝠 大臉果蝠 Megaerops ecaudatus Temminck s tailless fruit bat 爪哇无尾果蝠 爪哇大臉果蝠 Megaerops kusnotei Javan tailless fruit bat 泰国无尾果蝠 Megaerops niphanae Ratanaworabhan s fruit bat 菲律宾无尾果蝠 白頸大臉果蝠 Megaerops wetmorei White collared fruit bat 小狐蝠属 Micropteropus海氏小狐蝠 中型小果蝠 Micropteropus intermedius Hayman s dwarf epauletted fruit bat 非洲小狐蝠 小果蝠 Micropteropus pusillus Peters s dwarf epauletted fruit bat 领果蝠属 Myonycteris圣多美领果蝠 短頭鼠果蝠 Myonycteris brachycephala Sao Tome collared fruit bat 孤领果蝠 孑遺鼠果蝠 Myonycteris relicta East African little collared fruit bat 小领果蝠 環頸鼠果蝠 Myonycteris torquatus Little collared fruit bat 侏果蝠属 Nanonycteris侏果蝠 倭果蝠 Nanonycteris veldkampi Veldkamp s bat 细齿狐蝠属 Neopteryx細齒狐蝠 新翼狐蝠 Neopteryx frosti Small toothed fruit bat 管鼻果蝠属 Nyctimene寬紋管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene aello Broad striped tube nosed fruit bat 白腹管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene albiventer Common tube nosed fruit bat 黑管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene celaeno Dark tube nosed fruit bat 帕拉斯管鼻果蝠 印尼管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene cephallotes Pallas s tube nosed fruit bat 角管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene certans Mountain tube nosed fruit bat 圓耳管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene cyclotis Round eared tube nosed fruit bat 印度管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene draconilla Dragon tube nosed fruit bat 大管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene major island tube nosed fruit bat 马莱塔管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene malaitensis Malaita tube nosed fruit bat 马氏管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene masalai Demonic tube nosed fruit bat 小管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene minutus Lesser tube nosed fruit bat 雷伯管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene rabori Philippine tube nosed fruit bat 昆士兰管鼻果蝠 澳洲管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene robinsoni Queensland tube nosed fruit bat 圣克鲁斯管鼻果蝠 聖島管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene sanctacrucis Nendo tube nosed fruit bat 新几内亚管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene vizcaccia Umboi tube nosed fruit bat 大耳果蝠属 Otopteropus大耳果蝠 Otopteropus cartilagonodus Luzon fruit bat 副管鼻果蝠属 Paranyctimene副管鼻果蝠 異管鼻果蝠 Paranyctimene raptor Unstriped tube nosed bat 短吻果蝠属 Penthetor短吻果蝠 哀鳴果蝠 Penthetor lucasi Lucas s short nosed fruit bat 安氏果蝠属 Plerotes安氏果蝠 安奇塔果蝠 Plerotes anchietae D anchieta s fruit bat 沟齿果蝠属 Ptenochirus沟齿果蝠 Ptenochirus jagori Greater musky fruit bat 小沟齿果蝠 Ptenochirus minor Lesser musky fruit bat 锥齿狐蝠属 Pteralopex锥齿狐蝠 斐濟尖齒狐蝠 Pteralopex acrodonta Fijian monkey faced bat 目前已成為單屬種 學名 Mirimiri acrodonta 双锥齿狐蝠 布島尖齒狐蝠 Pteralopex anceps Bougainville monkey faced bat 黑衣锥齿狐蝠 尖齒狐蝠 Pteralopex atrata Guadalcanal monkey faced bat 美丽锥齿狐蝠 Pteralopex pulchra Montane monkey faced bat 狐蝠属 Pteropus巴布亚狐蝠 海軍狐蝠 Pteropus admiraltatum Admiralty flying fox 中央狐蝠 黑妖狐蝠 Pteropus alecto Black flying fox 游狐蝠 赫島狐蝠 Pteropus anetianus Vanauatu flying fox 银狐蝠 銀色狐蝠 Pteropus argentatus Ambon flying fox 棕狐蝠 Pteropus brunneus Dusky flying fox 蒼頭狐蝠 Pteropus caniceps North Moluccan flying fox 金尾狐蝠 黃臀狐蝠 Pteropus chrysoprotus Moluccan flying fox 眼镜狐蝠 眼圈狐蝠 Pteropus conspicillatus Spectacled flying fox 琉球狐蝠 Pteropus dasymalus Ryukyu flying fox 稷狐蝠 Pteropus faunulus Nicobar flying fox 班克狐蝠 班島狐蝠 Pteropus fundatus Banks flying fox 印度狐蝠 狐蝠 Pteropus giganteus Indian flying fox 吉氏狐蝠 紀氏狐蝠 Pteropus gilliardi Gilliard s flying fox 灰狐蝠 Pteropus griseus Gray flying fox 豪角狐蝠 郝島狐蝠 Pteropus howensis Ontong Java flying fox 小狐蝠 黑喉狐蝠 Pteropus hypomelanus Variable flying fox 鲁克狐蝠 鹿島狐蝠 Pteropus insularis Truck flying fox 白翼狐蝠 Pteropus leucopterus White winged flying fox 科摩罗狐蝠 科島狐蝠 Pteropus livingstonii Comoro black flying fox 龍目狐蝠 Pteropus lombocensis Lombok flying fox 莱丽狐蝠 柬泰狐蝠 Pteropus lylei Lyle s flying fox 大狐蝠 大耳狐蝠 Pteropus macrotis Big eared flying fox 矮狐蝠 麻島狐蝠 Pteropus mahaganus Sanborn s flying fox 馬里亞納狐蝠 Pteropus marianus Marianas flying fox 巴西兰狐蝠 棉島狐蝠 Pteropus mearnsi Mearns s flying fox 黑髯狐蝠 黑鬚狐蝠 Pteropus melanopogon Black bearded flying fox 黑耳狐蝠 Pteropus melanotus Black eared flying fox 东加罗林狐蝠 莫洛西斯狐蝠 Pteropus molossinus Caroline flying fox 俾斯麦狐蝠 光背狐蝠 Pteropus neohibernicus Great flying fox 黑狐蝠 黑犬狐蝠 Pteropus niger Greater Mascarene flying fox 所罗门狐蝠 克魯斯狐蝠 Pteropus nitendiensis Temotu flying fox 斯兰狐蝠 大眼狐蝠 Pteropus ocularis Ceram flying fox 丽狐蝠 花臉狐蝠 Pteropus ornatus Ornate flying fox 饰面狐蝠 花面狐蝠 Pteropus personatus Masked flying fox 黑首狐蝠 烏頭狐蝠 Pteropus phaecocephalus Mortlock flying fox 绒狐蝠 多毛狐蝠 Pteropus pilosus Large Palau flying fox 新几内亚狐蝠 紀灣狐蝠 Pteropus pohlei Geelvink bay flying fox 灰首狐蝠 灰頭狐蝠 Pteropus poliocephalus Gray headed flying fox 小笠原狐蝠 Pteropus pselaphon Bonin flying fox 菲狐蝠 菲律賓倭狐蝠 Pteropus pumilus Little golden mantled flying fox 瑞纳狐蝠 雷氏狐蝠 Pteropus rayneri Solomons flying fox 罗得里格斯狐蝠 羅島狐蝠 Pteropus rodricensis Rodriguez flying fox 马达加斯加狐蝠 赤褐狐蝠 Pteropus rufus Madagascan flying fox 萨摩亚狐蝠 Pteropus samoensis Samoan flying fox 圣克鲁斯狐蝠 Pteropus sanctacrucis Santa Cruz flying fox 岬狐蝠 小紅狐蝠 Pteropus scapulatus Little red flying fox 塞舌尔狐蝠 賽島狐蝠 Pteropus seychellensis Seychelles flying fox 灿烂狐蝠 灰白狐蝠 Pteropus speciosus Philippine gray flying fox 暗黑狐蝠 淺黑狐蝠 Pteropus subniger Dark flying fox 坦氏狐蝠 丁氏狐蝠 Pteropus temmincki Temminck s flying fox 關島狐蝠 Pteropus tokudae Guam flying fox 海岛狐蝠 湯加狐蝠 Pteropus tonganus Pacific flying fox 赘狐蝠 瓦島狐蝠 Pteropus tuberculatus Vanikoro flying fox 马来大狐蝠 馬來亞狐蝠 Pteropus vampyrus Large flying fox 新喀里多尼亚狐蝠 喀島狐蝠 Pteropus vetulus New Caledonia flying fox 奔巴狐蝠 奔島狐蝠 Pteropus voeltzkowi Pemba flying fox 侏狐蝠 伍氏狐蝠 Pteropus woodfordi Dwarf flying fox 果蝠属 Rousettus北非果蝠 埃及果蝠 Rousettus aegyptiacus Egyptian rousette 抱尾果蝠 Rousettus amplexicaudatus Geoffroy s rousette 安哥拉果蝠 Rousettus angolensis Angolan rousette 蘇拉威西果蝠 西里伯斯果蝠 Rousettus celebensis Sulawesi rousette 狭齿果蝠 多毛果蝠 Rousettus lanosus Long haired rousette 棕果蝠 列氏果蝠 Rousettus leschenaulti Leschenault s rousette 马达加斯加果蝠 馬島果蝠 Rousettus madagascariensis Madagascan rousette 科摩羅果蝠 Rousettus obliviosus Comoro rousette 棘果蝠 光背果蝠 Rousettus spinalatus Bare backed rousette 灰果蝠属 Scotonycteris蜥齿灰果蝠 蛇齒夜果蝠 Scotonycteris ophiodon Pohle s fruit bat 灰果蝠 詹氏夜果蝠 Scotonycteris zenkeri Zenker s fruit bat 球果蝠属 Sphaerias布氏球果蝠 短球鼻果蝠 Sphaerias blanfordi Blanford s fruit bat 花面狐蝠属 Styloctenium花面狐蝠 紋面狐蝠 Styloctenium wallacei Stripe faced fruit bat 捷果蝠属 Thoopterus捷果蝠 短鼻快翼果蝠 Thoopterus nigrescens Swift fruit bat 长舌果蝠亚科 Macroglossinae 编辑 大长舌果蝠属 Eonycteris长舌果蝠 大曉長舌果蝠 Eonycteris major Greater dawn bat 大长舌果蝠 曉長舌果蝠 Eonycteris spelaea Lesser dawn bat 小长舌果蝠属 Macroglossus小長舌果蝠 Macroglossus minimus Lesser long tongued fruit bat 安氏长舌果蝠 大長舌果蝠 Macroglossus sobrinnus Greater long tongued fruit bat 非洲长舌果蝠属 Megaloglossus非洲長舌果蝠 Megaloglossus woermanni Woermann s bat 猪形果蝠属 Melonycteris桔色所罗门果蝠 橙黃長舌果蝠 Melonycteris aurantius Orange fruit bat 黑腹所罗门果蝠 黑面長舌果蝠 Melonycteris melanops Black bellied fruit bat 伍氏所罗门果蝠 伍氏長舌果蝠 Melonycteris woodfordi Woodford s fruit bat 长尾果蝠属 Notopteris長尾果蝠 背翼果蝠 Notopteris macdonaloli Long tailed fruit bat 无花果蝠属 Syconycteris无花果蝠 南無花果果蝠 Syconycteris australis Southern blossom bat 印尼无花果蝠 Syconycteris carolinae Halmahera blossom bat 山地无花果蝠 Syconycteris hobbit Moss forest blossom bat 鼠尾蝠科 Rhinopomatidae 编辑 鼠尾蝠屬 Rhinopoma小鼠尾蝠 Rhinopoma hardwickii Lesser mouse tailed bat 大鼠尾蝠 Rhinopoma microphyllum Greater mouse tailed bat 鼠尾蝠 阿曼鼠尾蝠 Rhinopoma muscatellum Small mouse tailed bat 凹脸蝠科 Craseonycteridae 编辑 凹臉蝠屬 Craseonycteris凹臉蝠 混合蝠 Craseonycteris thonglongyai Bumblebee bat 假吸血蝠科 Megadermatidae 编辑 非洲假吸血蝠屬 Cardioderma非洲假吸血蝠 心鼻蝠 Cardioderma cor Heart nosed bat 黃翼蝠屬 Lavia黃翼蝠 黃翼洗浣蝠 Lavia frons Yellow winged bat 澳洲假吸血蝠屬 Macroderma澳洲假吸血蝠 Macroderma gigas Australian false vampire bat 假吸血蝠屬 Megaderma印度假吸血蝠 大巨耳蝠 Megaderma lyra Greater false vampire bat 马来假吸血蝠 小巨耳蝠 Megaderma spasma Lesser false vampire bat 菊头蝠科 Rhinolophidae 编辑 菊頭蝠亞科 Rhinolophinae 编辑 菊頭蝠屬 Rhinolophus大角菊头蝠 尖鼻菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus acuminatus Acuminate horseshoe bat 刚果菊头蝠 亞當菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus adami Adam s horseshoe bat 中型菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus affinis Intermediate horseshoe bat 魚狗菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus alcyone Halcyon horseshoe bat 安氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus andersensi Andersen s horseshoe bat 弓型菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus arcuatus Arcuate horseshoe bat 布腊氏菊头蝠 鞍形菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus blasii Blasius s horseshoe bat 婆羅菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus borneensis Bornean horseshoe bat 坎氏菊头蝠 Rhinolophus canuti Canut s horseshoe bat 南非菊头蝠 開普菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus capensis Cape horseshoe bat 马都拉菊头蝠 Rhinolophus celebensis Sulawesi horseshoe bat 佐氏菊头蝠 丘陵菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus clivosus Geoffroy s horseshoe bat 十字菊头蝠 空葉菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus coelophyllus Croslet horseshoe bat 安達曼菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus cognatus Andaman horseshoe bat 角菊头蝠 冕菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus cornutus Little Japanese horseshoe bat 柯氏菊头蝠 Rhinolophus creaghi Creagh s horseshoe bat 達氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus darlingi Darling s horseshoe bat 德氏菊头蝠 代肯菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus deckene Decken s horseshoe bat 几内亚菊头蝠 旦氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus denti Dent s horseshoe bat 乌干达菊头蝠 Rhinolophus eloquens Eloquent horseshoe bat 地中海菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus euryale Mediterranean horseshoe bat 宽耳菊头蝠 肥耳菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus euryotis Broad eared horseshoe bat 马铁菊头蝠 大菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Greater horseshoe bat 达马拉菊头蝠 煙熏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus fumigatus Ruppell s horseshoe bat 海岸菊头蝠 Rhinolophus guineensis Guinean horseshoe bat 中非菊头蝠 喜氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus hildebrandtii Hildebrandt s horseshoe bat 小菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus hipposideros Lesser horseshoe bat 伊氏菊头蝠 西表菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus imaizumi Imaizumi s horseshoe bat 纤菊头蝠 彎面菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus inops Philippine forest horseshoe bat 岛菊头蝠 卡伊菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus keyensis Insular horseshoe bat 东非菊头蝠 蘭氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus landeri Lander s horseshoe bat 短翼菊头蝠 小巧菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus lepidus Blyth s horseshoe bat 大菊头蝠 多毛菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus luctus Woolly horseshoe bat 扎伊尔菊头蝠 麥可蘭菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus maclandi Maclaud s horseshoe bat 大耳菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus macrotis Big eared horseshoe bat 馬來菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus malayanus Malayan horseshoe bat 馬氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus marshalli Marshall s horseshoe bat 南方菊头蝠 大葉菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus megaphyllus Smaller horseshoe bat 西班牙菊头蝠 米氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus mehylyi Mehely s horseshoe bat 钟形菊头蝠 Rhinolophus mitratus Mitred horseshoe bat 单角菊头蝠 獨角菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus monoceros Formosan lesser horseshoe bat 纳土纳菊头蝠 Rhinolophus nereis Neriad horseshoe bat 奥氏菊头蝠 歐氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus osgoodi Osgood s horseshoe bat 高鞍菊头蝠 奇異菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus paradoxolophus Bourret s horseshoe bat 皮氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus pearsonii Pearson s horseshoe bat 菲律賓菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus philippinensis Large eared horseshoe bat 菲菊头蝠 Rhinolophus pusillus Least horseshoe bat 贵州菊头蝠 王菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus rex King horseshoe bat 泰国菊头蝠 半島菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus robinsoni Peninsular horseshoe bat 鲁氏菊头蝠 勞氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus rouxi Rufous horseshoe bat 广鞍菊头蝠 紅色菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus rufus Large rufous horseshoe bat 小绒菊头蝠 毛茸菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus sedulus Lesser woolly horseshoe bat 扁颅菊头蝠 沙氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus shameli Shamel s horseshoe bat 林菊头蝠 Rhinolophus silvestris Forest horseshoe bat 龍目菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus simplex Lombok horseshoe bat 北非菊头蝠 灌叢菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus simulator Bushveld horseshoe bat 小褐菊头蝠 小棕菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus stheno Lesser brown horseshoe bat 栗褐菊头蝠 淺棕菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus subbadius Little Nepalese horseshoe bat 淡紅菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus subrufus Small rufous horseshoe bat 史氏菊头蝠 斯文氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus swinnyi Swinny s horseshoe bat 托氏菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus thomasi Thomas s horseshoe bat 三葉菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus trifoliatus Trefoil horseshoe bat 灌林菊头蝠 室女菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus virgo Yellow faced horseshoe bat 雲南菊頭蝠 Rhinolophus yunnanensis Dobson s horseshoe bat 蹄蝠亞科 Hipposiderinae 编辑 花面蝠属 Anthops花面蝠 花顔蝠 Anthops ornatus Flower faced bat 三叉蹄蝠属 Asellia东非三叉蹄蝠 帕氏三葉鼻蝠 Asellia patricii Patrizi s trident leaf nosed bat 三叉蹄蝠 三葉鼻蝠 Asellia tridens Trident leaf nosed bat 三叶蹄蝠属 Aselliscus三叶蹄蝠 大陸三尖鼻蝠 Aselliscus stoliczkanus Stoliczka s trident bat 澳洲三叶蹄蝠 南洋三尖鼻蝠 Aselliscus tricuspidatus Temminck s trident bat 非洲三叉蝠属 Cloeotis非洲三叉蝠 短耳三葉鼻蝠 Cloeotis percivali Percival s trident bat 无尾蹄蝠属 Coelops无尾蹄蝠 無尾空面蹄蝠 Coelops frithi East Asian tailless leaf nosed bat 蓬毛无尾蹄蝠 多毛空面蹄蝠 Coelops hirsutus Philippine tailless leaf nosed bat 马来无尾蹄蝠 馬來空面蹄蝠 Coelops robinsoni Malayan tailless leaf nosed bat 蹄蝠屬 Hipposideros宽袍蹄蝠 阿巴蹄蝠 Hipposideros abae Aba roundleaf bat 大蹄蝠 Hipposideros armiger Great roundleaf bat 黑蹄蝠 Hipposideros ater Dusky roundleaf bat 侏蹄蝠 西非小蹄蝠 Hipposideros beatus Benito roundleaf bat 双色蹄蝠 Hipposideros bicolor Bicolored roundleaf bat 短颅蹄蝠 短頭蹄蝠 Hipposideros breviceps Short headed roundleaf bat 南非蹄蝠 Hipposideros caffer Sundevall s roundleaf bat 距蹄蝠 靴刺蹄蝠 Hipposideros calcaratus Spurred roundleaf bat 喀麦隆蹄蝠 大圓面蹄蝠 Hipposideros camerunensis Greater roundleaf bat 澳洲蹄蝠 黃褐蹄蝠 Hipposideros cervinus Fawn roundleaf bat 小蹄蝠 灰蹄蝠 Hipposideros cineraceus Ashy roundleaf bat 康氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros commersoni Commerson s roundleaf bat 戴帽蹄蝠 有冠蹄蝠 Hipposideros coronatus Large Mindanao roundleaf bat 新几内亚蹄蝠 Hipposideros corynophyllus Telefomin roundleaf bat 考氏蹄蝠 柯氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros coxi Cox s roundleaf bat 帝汶蹄蝠 Hipposideros crumeniferus Timor roundleaf bat 短尾蹄蝠 Hipposideros curtus Short tailed roundleaf bat 大眼蹄蝠 圓面蹄蝠 Hipposideros cyclops Cyclops roundleaf bat 冕蹄蝠 帽盔蹄蝠 Hipposideros diadema Diadem roundleaf bat 猛蹄蝠 恐面蹄蝠 Hipposideros dinops Fierce roundleaf bat 囊蹄蝠 Hipposideros doriae Borneo roundleaf bat 達雅蹄蝠 Hipposideros dyacorum Dayak roundleaf bat 乌灰蹄蝠 煤黑蹄蝠 Hipposideros fuliginosus Sooty roundleaf bat 大耳蹄蝠 茶黃蹄蝠 Hipposideros fulvus Fulvus roundleaf bat 黄褐蹄蝠 短耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros galeritus Cantor s roundleaf bat 华富里蹄蝠 Hipposideros halophyllus Thailand roundleaf bat 毛冠蹄蝠 蘇北蹄蝠 Hipposideros inexpectatus Crested roundleaf bat 西非蹄蝠 鍾思蹄蝠 Hipposideros jonesi Jones s roundleaf bat 拉氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros lamottei Lamotte s roundleaf bat 印度蹄蝠 蘭卡蹄蝠 Hipposideros lankadiva Indian roundleaf bat 中蹄蝠 花面蹄蝠 Hipposideros larvatus Intermediate roundleaf bat 泰国蹄蝠 列氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros lekaguli Large Asian roundleaf bat 鞘面蹄蝠 盾面蹄蝠 Hipposideros lylei Shield faced roundleaf bat 大泡蹄蝠 Hipposideros macrobullatus Big eared roundleaf bat 史氏蹄蝠 瑪吉蹄蝠 Hipposideros maggietaylarae Maggie Taylor s roundleaf bat 几内亚蹄蝠 瑪麗薩蹄蝠 Hipposideros marisae Aellen s roundleaf bat 串耳蹄蝠 大耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros megalotis Ethiopian large eared roundleaf bat 长耳蹄蝠 伏河蹄蝠 Hipposideros muscinus Fly river roundleaf bat 楔缝蹄蝠 馬來蹄蝠 Hipposideros nequarii Malayan roundleaf bat 暗色蹄蝠 陰暗蹄蝠 Hipposideros obscura Philippine forest roundleaf bat 巴布亞蹄蝠 Hipposideros papua Biak roundleaf bat 果树蹄蝠 Hipposideros pomona Pomona roundleaf bat 普氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros pratti Pratt s roundleaf bat 吕宋蹄蝠 微型蹄蝠 Hipposideros pygmaeus Philippine pygmy roundleaf bat 雷氏蹄蝠 里氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros ridleyi Ridley s roundleaf bat 赤道蹄蝠 赤色蹄蝠 Hipposideros ruber Noack s roundleaf bat 沙巴蹄蝠 Hipposideros sabanus Least roundleaf bat 裂蹄蝠 Hipposideros schistaceus Split roundleaf bat 扁吻蹄蝠 大疣鼻蹄蝠 Hipposideros semoni Semon s roundleaf bat 施氏蹄蝠 穴蹄蝠 Hipposideros speoris Schneider s roundleaf bat 狭耳蹄蝠 狹耳蹄蝠 Hipposideros stenotis Narrow eared roundleaf bat 丑蹄蝠 Hipposideros turpis lesser roundleaf bat 沃氏蹄蝠 烏氏蹄蝠 Hipposideros wallastoni Wollaston s roundleaf bat 大耳无尾蹄蝠属 Paracoelops大耳无尾蹄蝠 漏斗耳蝠 Paracoelops megalotis Vietnam leaf nosed bat 金蹄蝠属 Rhinonicteris金蹄蝠 橘色蝠 Rhinonicteris aurantia Orange leaf nosed bat 波斯叶鼻蝠属 Triaenops马达加斯加叶鼻蝠 馬島三叉鼻蝠 Triaenops furculus Trouessart s trident bat 波斯叶鼻蝠 波斯三叉鼻蝠 Triaenops persicus Persian trident bat 陽翼手亞目 Yangochiroptera 编辑鞘尾蝠科 Emballonuridae 编辑 小兜翼蝠属 Balantiopteryx暗色兜蝠 暗色囊翼蝠 Balantiopteryx infusca Ecuadorian sac winged bat 小兜翼蝠 河神囊翼蝠 Balantiopteryx io Thomas s sac winged bat 襞兜翼蝠 小囊翼蝠 Balantiopteryx plicata Gray sac winged bat 松毛鞘尾蝠屬 Centromycteris松毛鞘尾蝠 Centromycteris maximillani Shaggy bat 东非鞘尾蝠属 Coleura南鞘尾蝠 東非鞘尾蝠 Coleura afra African sheath tailed bat 塞舌爾鞘尾蝠 Coleura seychellensis Seychelles sheath tailed bat 袋翼蝠属 Cormura袋翼蝠 球尾囊翼蝠 Cormura brevirostris Chestnut sac winged bat 蜂眼蝠属 Cyttarops蜂眼蝠 麻面蝠 Cyttarops alecto Short eared bat 灵蝠属 Diclidurus白灵蝠 南美白折尾蝠 Diclidurus albus Northern ghost bat 山灵蝠 強大白折尾蝠 Diclidurus ingens Greater ghost bat 亚马孙灵蝠 Diclidurus isabellus Isabelle s ghost bat 盾灵蝠 盾盤白折尾蝠 Diclidurus scutatus Lesser ghost bat 鞘尾蝠屬 Emballonura菲律賓鞘尾蝠 Emballonura alecto Small Asian sheath tailed bat 黑纱鞘尾蝠 馬島鞘尾蝠 Emballonura atrata Peters s sheath tailed bat 新几内亚鞘尾蝠 別氏鞘尾蝠 Emballonura beccarii Beccari s sheath tailed bat 马莱塔鞘尾蝠 倫島鞘尾蝠 Emballonura dianae Large eared sheath tailed bat 大鞘尾蝠 Emballonura furax New Guinea sheath tailed bat 山鞘尾蝠 小鞘尾蝠 Emballonura monticola Lesser sheath tailed bat 西兰鞘尾蝠 拉氏鞘尾蝠 Emballonura raffrayana Raffray s sheath tailed bat 半尾鞘尾蝠 Emballonura semicaudata Polynesian sheath tailed bat 暗鞘尾蝠属 Mosia暗鞘尾蝠 Mosia nigrescens Dark sheath tailed bat 兜翼蝠属 Peropteryx大兜翼蝠 大犬形囊翼蝠 Peropteryx kappleri Greater dog like bat 白兜翼蝠 犬形白囊翼蝠 Peropteryx leucopterus White winged dog like bat 大耳兜翼蝠 小犬形囊翼蝠 Peropteryx macrotis Lesser dog like bat 缨蝠属 Rhynchonycteris缨蝠 尖長鼻蝠 Rhynchonycteris naso Proboscis bat 囊喉墓蝠属 Saccolaimus黄腹墓蝠 Saccolaimus flaviventris Yellow bellied pouched bat 昆士兰墓蝠 Saccolaimus mixtus Troughton s pouched bat 贝尔墓蝠 Saccolaimus peli Pel s pouched bat 富墓蝠 Saccolaimus pluto Philippine pouched bat 囊喉墓蝠 Saccolaimus saccolaimus Naked rumped pouched bat 银线蝠属 Saccopteryx大银线蝠 雙線囊翼蝠 Saccopteryx billineata Greater sac winged bat 灰银线蝠 灰頭囊翼蝠 Saccopteryx canescens Frosted sac winged bat 裸尾银线蝠 裸尾囊翼蝠 Saccopteryx gymnura Amazonian sac winged bat 小银线蝠 細尾囊翼蝠 Saccopteryx leptura Lesser sac winged bat 墓蝠屬 Taphozous南墓蝠 昆士蘭墓蝠 Taphozous australis Coastal tomb bat 尖吻墓蝠 尖鼻墓蝠 Taphozous georgianus Sharp nosed tomb bat 苏丹墓蝠 哈氏墓蝠 Taphozous hamiltoni Hamilton s tomb bat 肯尼亚墓蝠 希氏墓蝠 Taphozous hildegardeae Hildegarde s tomb bat 希氏墓蝠 Taphozous hilli Hill s tomb bat 澳洲墓蝠 白紋墓蝠 Taphozous kapalgensis Arnhem tomb bat 長臂墓蝠 Taphozous longimanus Long winged tomb bat 南非墓蝠 Taphozous mauritianus Mauritian tomb bat 黑髯墓蝠 黑鬚墓蝠 Taphozous melanopogon Black bearded tomb bat 裸腹墓蝠 Taphozous nudiventris Naked rumped tomb bat 埃及墓蝠 Taphozous perforatus Egyptian tomb bat 菲律賓墓蝠 Taphozous philippinensis Philippine tomb bat 西氏墓蝠 席氏墓蝠 Taphozous theobaldi Theobald s tomb bat 夜凹脸蝠科 Nycteridae 编辑 夜凹臉蝠屬 Nycteris淡色凹脸蝠 倍氏裂顔蝠 Nycteris arge Bate s slit faced bat 冈比亚凹脸蝠 西非裂顔蝠 Nycteris gambiensis Gambian slit faced bat 魁凹脸蝠 巨裂顔蝠 Nycteris grandis Large slit faced bat 粗毛凹脸蝠 粗毛裂顔蝠 Nycteris hispida Hairy slit faced bat 传媒凹脸蝠 Nycteris intermedia Intermediate slit faced bat 爪哇凹脸蝠 爪哇裂顔蝠 Nycteris javanica Javan slit faced bat 大耳凹脸蝠 大耳裂顔蝠 Nycteris macrotis Large eared slit faced bat 大凹脸蝠 大裂顔蝠 Nycteris major Ja slit faced bat 侏凹脸蝠 小裂顔蝠 Nycteris nana Dwarf slit faced bat 非洲凹脸蝠 埃及裂顔蝠 Nycteris thebaica Egyptian slit faced bat 马来凹脸蝠 Nycteris tragata Malayan slit faced bat 伍氏凹脸蝠 武氏裂顔蝠 Nycteris woodi Wood s slit faced bat 兔唇蝠科 Noctilionidae 编辑 兔唇蝠屬 Noctilio南兔唇蝠 白腹兔唇蝠 Noctilio albiventris Lesser bulldog bat 墨西哥兔唇蝠 兔唇蝠 Noctilio leporinus Greater bulldog bat 髯蝠科 Mormoopidae 编辑 怪臉蝠屬 Mormoops安德列斯怪脸蝠 妖面蝠 Mormoops blainvilli Antillean ghost faced bat 大叶怪脸蝠 大葉妖面蝠 Mormoops megalophylla Ghost faced bat 裸背蝠屬 Pteronotus裸背蝠 戴氏裸背蝠 Pteronotus davyi Davy s naked backed bat 大裸背蝠 Pteronotus gymnonotus Big naked backed bat 马氏髯蝠 瑪氏裸背蝠 Pteronotus macleayii Macleay s mustached bat 帕氏髯蝠 紅斑裸背蝠 Pteronotus parnellii Parnell s mustached bat 魏氏髯蝠 面具裸背蝠 Pteronotus personatus Wagner s mustached bat 灰髯蝠 四齒裸背蝠 Pteronotus quadridens Sooty mustached bat 叶口蝠科 Phyllostomidae 编辑 狭叶蝠亞科 Brachyphyllinae 编辑 狭叶蝠属 Brachyphylla狭叶蝠 聖文森短葉果蝠 Brachyphylla cavernarum Antillean fruit eating bat 小狭叶蝠 古巴短葉果蝠 Brachyphylla nana Cuban fruit eating bat 短尾葉口蝠亞科 Carollinae 编辑 短尾葉口蝠屬 Carollia短尾葉口蝠 Carollia brevicauda Silky short tailed bat 艾氏短尾叶鼻蝠 栗色短尾葉口蝠 Carollia castanea Chestnut short tailed bat 昭短尾叶鼻蝠 壯觀短尾葉口蝠 Carollia perspicillata Seba s short tailed bat 粉红短尾叶鼻蝠 淺紅短尾葉口蝠 Carollia subrufa Gray short tailed bat 葉吻蝠屬 Rhinophylla真叶吻蝠 阿列辛侏葉鼻蝠 Rhinophylla alethina Hairy little fruit bat 费氏叶吻蝠 費恩侏葉鼻蝠 Rhinophylla fischerae Fischer s little fruit bat 小叶吻蝠 侏葉鼻蝠 Rhinophylla pumilio Dwarf little fruit bat 吸血蝠亞科 Desmodontinae 编辑 吸血蝠屬 Desmodus吸血蝠 Desmodus rotundus Vampire bat 白翼吸血蝠屬 Diaemus白翼吸血蝠 Diaemus youngi White winged vampire bat 毛腿吸血蝠屬 Diphylla毛腿吸血蝠 小吸血蝠 Diphylla ecaudata Hairy legged vampire bat 长舌叶鼻蝠亞科 Glossophaginae 编辑 长鼻蝠属 Anoura南美长鼻蝠 吉氏無尾長舌蝠 Anoura caudifera Tailed tailless bat 巴拿马长鼻蝠 刀形無尾長舌蝠 Anoura cultrata Handley s tailless bat 无尾长鼻蝠 無尾長舌蝠 Anoura geoffroyi Geoffroy s tailless bat 委内瑞拉长鼻蝠 Anoura latidens Broad toothed tailless bat 長尾長舌蝠屬 Choereniscus戈氏長尾長舌蝠 Choereniscus godmani Godman s long tailed bat 中長尾長舌蝠 Choereniscus intermedius Intermediate long tailed bat 小長尾長舌蝠 Choereniscus minor Lesser long tailed bat 海外長尾長舌蝠 Choereniscus periosus Greater long tailed bat 墨西哥长吻蝠属 Choeronycteris墨西哥长吻蝠 豬吻長舌蝠 Choeronycteris mexicana Mexican long tongued bat 长舌叶鼻蝠属 Glossophaga加勒比长舌叶鼻蝠 康氏長舌葉口蝠 Glossophaga commissarisi Commissaris s long tongued bat 李氏长舌叶鼻蝠 李氏長舌葉口蝠 Glossophaga leachii Gray long tongued bat 长吻长舌叶鼻蝠 長吻長舌葉口蝠 Glossophaga longirostris Miller s long tongued bat 莫氏长舌叶鼻蝠 Glossophaga morenoi Western long tongued bat 鼩形长舌蝠 鼩形長舌葉口蝠 Glossophaga soricina Pallas s long tongued bat 长吻长舌蝠属 Hylonycteris长吻长舌蝠 林棲長舌蝠 Hylonycteris underwoodi Underwood s long tongued bat 索热尔长舌蝠属 Leptonycteris库腊索长舌蝠 庫島細長鼻蝠 Leptonycteris curasoae Southern long nosed bat 白长舌蝠 騷氏細長鼻蝠 Leptonycteris nivalis Mexican long nosed bat 长齿长舌蝠属 Lichonycteris暗色长齿长舌蝠 褐扁長鼻蝠 Lichonycteris obscura Dark long tongued bat 安德列斯长舌蝠属 Monophyllus小安德列斯长舌蝠 巴島長舌蝠 Monophyllus plethodon Insular single leaf bat 牙買加長舌蝠 Monophyllus redmani Leach s single leaf bat 蕉蝠属 Musonycteris蕉蝠 芭蕉長舌蝠 Musonycteris harrisoni Banana bat 鼓颏长舌蝠属 Scleronycteris鼓颏长舌蝠 鞏膜蝠 Scleronycteris ega Ega long tongued bat 尖叶长舌蝠亞科 Lonchophyllinae 编辑 窄齿长舌蝠属 Lionycteris窄齿长舌蝠 平滑長舌蝠 Lionycteris spurrelli Chestnut long tongued bat 尖叶长舌蝠属 Lonchophylla勃氏长舌蝠 勃氏長舌蝠 Lonchophylla bokermanni Bokermann s nectar bat 德氏长舌蝠 Lonchophylla dekeyseri Dekeyser s nectar bat 汉氏长舌蝠 韓氏長舌蝠 Lonchophylla handlevi Handley s nectar bat 暮色长舌蝠 日落長舌蝠 Lonchophylla hesperia Western nectar bat 螫長舌蝠 Lonchophylla mordax Goldman s nectar bat 巴拿马长舌蝠 強壯長舌蝠 Lonchophylla robusta Orange nectar bat 托氏長舌蝠 Lonchophylla thomasi Thomas s nectar bat 铲齿蝠属 Platalina铲齿蝠 蓖形門齒蝠 Platalina genovensium Long snouted bat 花蝠亞科 Phyllonycterinae 编辑 黃花蝠屬 Erophylla黃花蝠 褐葉蝠 Erophylla sezekorni Buffy flower bat 花蝠屬 Phyllonycteris牙買加花蝠 Phyllonycteris aphylla Jamaican flower bat 古巴花蝠 Phyllonycteris poeyi Cuban flower bat 矛吻蝠亞科 Phyllostominae 编辑 绒假吸血蝠属 Chrotopterus绒假吸血蝠 染色翼蝠 Chrotopterus auritus Big eared woolly bat 劍鼻蝠屬 Lonchorhina金剑鼻蝠 湯氏劍鼻蝠 Lonchorhina aurita Tomes s sword nosed bat 费氏剑鼻蝠 Lonchorhina fernandezi Fernandez s sword nosed bat 哥伦比亚剑鼻蝠 馬氏劍鼻蝠 Lonchorhina marinkelli Marinkelle s sword nosed bat 委内瑞拉剑鼻蝠 奧河劍鼻蝠 Lonchorhina orinocoensis Orinoco sword nosed bat 长叶蝠属 Macrophyllum长叶蝠 長腿大葉口蝠 Macrophyllum macrophyllum Long legged bat 美洲叶鼻蝠属 Macrotus加州叶鼻蝠 加州大葉口蝠 Macrotus californicus California leaf nosed bat 沃氏叶鼻蝠 大葉口蝠 Macrotus waterhousii Waterhouse s leaf nosed bat 美洲大耳蝠屬 Micronycteris贝氏大耳蝠 Micronycteris behni Behni s big eared bat 短耳大耳蝠 Micronycteris brachyotis Yellow throated big eared bat 达氏大耳蝠 Micronycteris davies Davies s big eared bat 绒大耳蝠 Micronycteris hirsuta Hairy big eared bat 巴西大耳蝠 Micronycteris megalotis Little big eared bat 侏大耳蝠 Micronycteris minuta White bellied big eared bat 尼氏大耳蝠 Micronycteris nicefordi Niceforo s big eared bat 哥伦比亚大耳蝠 Micronycteris pusilla Least big eared bat 中美大耳蝠 Micronycteris schmidtorum Schmidts s big eared bat 棕褐大耳蝠 Micronycteris sylvestris Tri colored big eared bat 美洲矛吻蝠属 Mimon葛氏矛吻蝠 貝奈特尖耳蝠 Mimon bennetti Golden bat 锯缘矛吻蝠 鋸齒尖耳蝠 Mimon crenulatum Striped hairy nosed bat 狭面矛吻蝠属 Phylloderma狭面矛吻蝠 葉皮蝠 Phylloderma stenops Pale faced bat 矛吻蝠属 Phyllostomus苍白矛吻蝠 淡色葉口蝠 Phyllostomus discolor Pale spear nosed bat 细长矛吻蝠 細長葉口蝠 Phyllostomus elongatus Lesser spear nosed bat 矛吻蝠 葉口蝠 Phyllostomus hastatus Greater spear nosed bat 侧叶矛吻蝠 偏葉葉口蝠 Phyllostomus latifolius Guianan spear nosed bat 圓耳蝠屬 Tonatia圆耳蝠 斯氏圓耳蝠 Tonatia bidens Greater round eared bat 巴西圓耳蝠 Tonatia brasiliensis Pygmy round eared bat 卡氏圓耳蝠 Tonatia carrikeri Carriker s round eared bat 中美圓耳蝠 Tonatia evotis Davis s round eared bat 许氏圆耳蝠 舒氏圓耳蝠 Tonatia schulzi Schultz s round eared bat 林棲圓耳蝠 Tonatia silvicola White throated round eared bat 粗面蝠屬 Trachopos粗面蝠 Trachopos cirrhosus Fringe lipped bat 假吸血蝠屬 Vampyrum美洲假吸血蝠 假吸血蝠 Vampyrum spectrum Spectral bat 尖皮蝠亞科 Stenoderminae 编辑 掠果蝠属 Ametrida掠果蝠 刈割蝠 Ametrida centurio Little white shouldered bat 美洲林蝠属 Ardops美洲林蝠 加勒比樹蝠 Ardops nichollsi Tree bat 食果蝠属 Ariteus食果蝠 黃食果蝠 Ariteus flavescens Jamaican fig eating bat 美洲果蝠属 Artibeus苏利亚果蝠 Artibeus amplus Large fruit eating bat 安氏美洲果蝠 安氏食果蝠 Artibeus anderseni Andersen s fruit eating bat 阿兹特克果蝠 阿族食果蝠 Artibeus aztecus Aztec fruit eating bat 灰美洲果蝠 灰食果蝠 Artibeus cinereus Gervais s fruit eating bat 匀色美洲果蝠 單色食果蝠 Artibeus concolor Brown fruit eating bat 流苏美洲果蝠 Artibeus fimbriatus Fringed fruit eating bat 仲美洲果蝠 和睦食果蝠 Artibeus fraterculus Fraternal fruit eating bat 银色美洲果蝠 Artibeus glaucus Silver fruit eating bat 哈氏美洲果蝠 小食果蝠 Artibeus hartii Velvety fruit eating bat 绒毛美洲果蝠 多毛食果蝠 Artibeus hirsutus Hairy fruit eating bat 牙买加果蝠 牙買加食果蝠 Artibeus jamaicensis Jamaican fruit eating bat 大食果蝠 大食果蝠 Artibeus lituratus Great fruit eating bat 烟青美洲果蝠 Artibeus obscurus Dark fruit eating bat 幽暗美洲果蝠 黑耳食果蝠 Artibeus phacotis Pygmy fruit eating bat 扁吻美洲果蝠 扁吻食果蝠 Artibeus planirostris Flat faced fruit eating bat 中美果蝠 托族食果蝠 Artibeus toltecus Toltec fruit eating bat 襞面蝠属 Centurio襞面蝠 格翼蝠 Centurio senex Wrinkle faced bat 大眼蝠属 Chiroderma道氏大眼蝠 多麗手皮蝠 Chiroderma dortae Brazilian big eyed bat 瓜德罗普大眼蝠 安袋手皮蝠 Chiroderma improvisum Guadeloupe big eyed bat 沙氏大眼蝠 白紋手皮蝠 Chiroderma salvimi Salvin s big eyed bat 特立尼达大眼蝠 特島手皮蝠 Chiroderma trinitatum Little big eyed bat 多毛大眼蝠 多毛手皮蝠 Chiroderma villosum Hairy big eyed bat 白蝠属 Ectophylla白蝠 白外葉蝠 Ectophylla alba White bat 间叶蝠属 Mesophylla间叶蝠 Mesophylla macconnelli Macconnell s bat 食花蝠属 Phyllops食花蝠 古巴葉顔蝠 Phyllops falcatus Cuban fig eating bat 白线蝠属 Platyrrhinus华丽白线蝠 Platyrrhinus aurarius Eldorado broad nosed bat 短首白线蝠 Platyrrhinus brachycephatus Short headed broad nosed bat 哥伦比亚白线蝠 Platyrrhinus chocoensis Choco broad nosed bat 侧白线蝠 Platyrrhinus dorsalis Thomas s broad nosed bat 海勒白线蝠 Platyrrhinus helleri Heller s broad nosed bat 暗白线蝠 Platyrrhinus infuscus Buffy broad nosed bat 白线蝠 Platyrrhinus lineatus White lined broad nosed bat 巴西白线蝠 Platyrrhinus recifinus Recife broad nosed bat 隐白线蝠 Platyrrhinus umbratus Shadowy broad nosed bat 大白线蝠 Platyrrhinus vittatus Greater broad nosed bat 尾翼果蝠属 Pygoderma尾翼果蝠 Pygoderma bilabiatum Ipanema bat 南美球果蝠属 Sphaeronycteris南美球果蝠 球葉蝠 Sphaeronycteris toxophyllum Visored bat 红果蝠属 Stenoderma红果蝠 紅尖皮蝠 Stenoderma rufum Red fruit bat 黃肩蝠屬 Sturnira哥伦比亚黄肩蝠 阿托氏黃肩蝠 Sturnira aratathomasi Aratathomas s yellow shouldered bat 厄瓜多尔黄肩蝠 雙齒黃肩蝠 Sturnira bidens Bidentate yellow shouldered bat 波哥大黄肩蝠 Sturnira bogotensis Bogota yellow shouldered bat 丹黄肩蝠 淡紅黃肩蝠 Sturnira erythromos Hairy yellow shouldered bat 黃肩蝠 Sturnira lilium Little yellow shouldered bat 路氏黄肩蝠 安氏黃肩蝠 Sturnira ludovici Highland yellow shouldered bat 秘鲁黄肩蝠 路易斯黃肩蝠 Sturnira luisi Luis s yellow shouldered bat 大黃肩蝠 Sturnira magna Greater yellow shouldered bat 毛足黃肩蝠 Sturnira mordax Talamancan yellow shouldered bat 小黃肩蝠 Sturnira nana Lesser yellow shouldered bat 托氏黃肩蝠 Sturnira thomasi Thomas s yellow shouldered bat 特立尼达黄肩蝠 特島黃肩蝠 Sturnira tildae Tilda yellow shouldered bat 筑帐蝠属 Uroderma筑帐蝠 尾皮蝠 Uroderma bilobatum Tent making bat 大鼻筑帐蝠 大吻尾皮蝠 Uroderma magnirostrum Brown tent making bat 黃耳蝠屬 Vampyressa双尖黄耳蝠 Vampyressa bidens Bidentate yellow eared bat 布氏黄耳蝠 勃氏黃耳蝠 Vampyressa brocki Brock s yellow eared bat 蜜黄耳蝠 蜜蜂黃耳蝠 Vampyressa melissa Melissa s yellow eared bat 大黃耳蝠 Vampyressa nymphaea Striped yellow eared bat 菲黄耳蝠 黃耳蝠 Vampyressa pusilla Little yellow eared bat 大纹面蝠属 Vampyrodes大纹面蝠 紋面蝠 Vampyrodes caraccioli Great stripe faced bat 长腿蝠科 Natalidae 编辑 長腿蝠屬 Natalus丽长腿蝠 美觀筒耳蝠 Natalus lepidus Gervais s funnel eared bat 牙买加长腿蝠 小腳筒耳蝠 Natalus micropus Cuban funnel eared bat 墨西哥筒耳蝠 筒耳蝠 Natalus stramineus Mexican funnel eared bat 巴西长腿蝠 Natalus tumidifrons Bahaman funnel eared bat 肿鼻筒耳蝠 凸吻筒耳蝠 Natalus tumidirostris Trinidadian funnel eared bat 烟蝠科 Furipteridae 编辑 四指蝠屬 Amorphochilus四指蝠 Amorphochilus schnablii Smoky bat 煙蝠屬 Furipterus煙蝠 狂翼蝠 Furipterus horrens Thumbless bat 盘翼蝠科 Thyropteridae 编辑 盤翼蝠屬 Thyroptera盤翼蝠 Thyroptera discifera Peter s disk winged bat 三色盘翼蝠 拇翼蝠 Thyroptera tricolor Spix s disk winged bat 吸足蝠科 Myzopodidae 编辑 吸足蝠屬 Myzopoda吸足蝠 吸盤足蝠 Myzopoda aurita Sucker footed bat 蝙蝠科 Vespertilionidae 编辑 彩蝠亚科 Kerivoulinae 编辑 彩蝠属 Kerivoula拟号彩蝠 Kerivoula aerosa Dubious trumpet eared bat 绒彩蝠 坦桑號耳蝠 Kerivoula africana Tanzanian woolly bat 管耳彩蝠 清潔號耳蝠 Kerivoula agnella St Aignan s trumpet eared bat 银彩蝠 銀色號耳蝠 Kerivoula argentata Damara woolly bat 凶野號耳蝠 Kerivoula atrox Groove toothed bat 铜黄彩蝠 銅色號耳蝠 Kerivoula cupresa Copper woolly bat 贼彩蝠 Kerivoula eriophora Ethiopian woolly bat 花彩蝠 Kerivoula flora Flores woolly bat 哈氏彩蝠 號耳蝠 Kerivoula hardwickei Hardwicke s woolly bat 婆罗洲彩蝠 Kerivoula intermedia Small woolly bat 彼氏号尔蝠 溝齒號耳蝠 Kerivoula jagorii Peters s trumpet eared bat 小彩蝠 小號耳蝠 Kerivoula lanosa Lesser woolly bat 林彩蝠 小林號耳蝠 Kerivoula minuta Least woolly bat 弗莱彩蝠 蠅河號耳蝠 Kerivoula muscina Fly river trumpet eared bat 俾斯麦彩蝠 俾斯麥號耳蝠 Kerivoula myrella Bismarck s trumpet eared bat 丘彩蝠 多疣號耳蝠 Kerivoula papillosa Papillose woolly bat 巴布亚号耳蝠 金針號耳蝠 Kerivoula papuensis Golden tipped bat 洁翼彩蝠 透翼號耳蝠 Kerivoula pellucida Clear winged woolly bat 灵彩蝠 蛾形號耳蝠 Kerivoula phalaena Spurrell s woolly bat 彩蝠 彩色號耳蝠 Kerivoula picta Painted bat 尼日利亚彩蝠 史氏號耳蝠 Kerivoula smithii Smith s woolly bat 怀氏彩蝠 Kerivoula whiteheadi Whitehead s woolly bat 長翼蝠亞科 Miniopterinae 编辑 長翼蝠屬 Miniopterus南长翼蝠 亞澳長翼蝠 Miniopterus australis Little long fingered bat 南非长翼蝠 黑長翼蝠 Miniopterus fraterculus Lesser long fingered bat 长翼蝠 東南亞長翼蝠 Miniopterus fuscus Southeast Asian long fingered bat 大长翼蝠 大長翼蝠 Miniopterus inflatus Greater long fingered bat 几内亚长翼蝠 Miniopterus magnater Western bent winged bat 小長翼蝠 Miniopterus minor Least long fingered bat 亚澳长翼蝠 洛島長翼蝠 Miniopterus robustior Loyalty bent winged bat 普通长翼蝠 長翼蝠 Miniopterus schreibersi Schreibers s long fingered bat 灰暗长翼蝠 Miniopterus tristis Great bent winged bat 管鼻蝠亞科 Murinae 编辑 毛翼管鼻蝠属 Harpiocephalus毛翼管鼻蝠 鵰形蝠 Harpiocephalus harpia hairy winged bat 管鼻蝠屬 Murina青銅管鼻蝠 Murina aenea Bronze tube nosed bat 金管鼻蝠 小管鼻蝠 Murina aurata Little tube nosed bat 圓耳管鼻蝠 Murina cyclotis Round eared tube nosed bat 花管鼻蝠 小巽他管鼻蝠 Murina florium Flores tube nosed bat 暗色管鼻蝠 Murina fusca Dusky tube nosed bat 灰色管鼻蝠 Murina grisea Peters s tube nosed bat 胡氏管鼻蝠 Murina huttoni Hutton s tube nosed bat 白腹管鼻蝠 大管鼻蝠 Murina leucogaster Greater tube nosed bat 洁管鼻蝠 臺灣管鼻蝠 Murina puta Taiwan tube nosed bat 罗氏管鼻蝠 Murina rozendaali Gilded tube nosed bat 林管鼻蝠 Murina silvatica Forest tube nosed bat 棕管鼻蝠 豬形管鼻蝠 Murina suilla Brown tube nosed bat 對馬管鼻蝠 Murina tenebrosa Gloomy tube nosed bat 克什米尔管鼻蝠 南亞管鼻蝠 Murina tubinaris Scully s tube nosed bat 烏蘇里管鼻蝠 Murina ussuriensis Ussuri tube nosed bat 裂豆蝠亞科 Tomopealinae 编辑 錐蝠屬 Tomopeas錐蝠 裂豆蝠 Tomopeas ravus Blunt eared bat 蝙蝠亞科 Vespertilioninae 编辑 洞蝠属 Antrozous墨西哥洞蝠 特島穴蝠 Antrozous dubiaquercus Van Gelder s bat 苍白洞蝠 穴蝠 Antrozous pallidus Pallid bat 寬耳蝠屬 Barbastella欧洲宽耳蝠 西方寬耳蝠 Barbastella barbastellus Western barbastelle 亚洲宽耳蝠 東方寬耳蝠 Barbastella leucomelas Eastern barbastelle 蝶蝠属 Chalinolobus白斑蝶蝠 Chalinolobus alboguttatus Allen s striped bat 银蝶蝠 Chalinolobus argentatus Silvered bat 加蓬蝶蝠 Chalinolobus beatrix Beatrix s bat 大耳蝶蝠 大染色葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus dwyeri Large eared pied bat 喀麦隆蝶蝠 Chalinolobus egeria Bibundi bat 星蝶蝠 Chalinolobus gleni Glen s wattled bat 垂缨蝶蝠 谷氏葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus gouldii Gould s wattled bat 肯尼亚蝶蝠 Chalinolobus kenyacola Kenyan wattled bat 褐蝶蝠 赭色葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus morio Chocolate wattled bat 暗灰蝶蝠 烏灰葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus nigrogriseus Hoary wattled bat 小蝶蝠 小染色葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus picalus Little pied bat 波蝶蝠 Chalinolobus poensis Abo bat 傲蝶蝠 Chalinolobus superbus Pied bat 隆蝶蝠 結節葉唇蝠 Chalinolobus tuberculatus Long tailed wattled bat 彩蝶蝠 Chalinolobus variegatus Butterfly bat 棕蝠屬 Eptesicus贝氏棕蝠 Eptesicus baverstocki Inland forest bat 伊朗棕蝠 勃氏棕蝠 Eptesicus bobrinskoi Bobrinski s serotine 夜棕蝠 博塔棕蝠 Eptesicus bottae Botta s serotine 巴西棕蝠 Eptesicus brasiliensis Brazilian brown bat 暗棕蝠 褐色棕蝠 Eptesicus brunneus Dark brown serotine 南非棕蝠 開普棕蝠 Eptesicus capensis Cape serotine 翼足棕蝠 南泰棕蝠 Eptesicus demissus Surat serotine 南美棕蝠 侏儒棕蝠 Eptesicus diminutus Diminutive serotine 黃唇棕蝠 Eptesicus douglasrum Yellow lipped bat 菊黄棕蝠 黃色棕蝠 Eptesicus flavescens Yellow serotine 花棕蝠 蘇丹角皮棕蝠 Eptesicus floweri Horn skinned bat 阿根廷棕蝠 狂暴棕蝠 Eptesicus furinalis Argentine brown bat 大棕蝠 北美大棕蝠 Eptesicus fuscus Big brown bat 瓜达卢佩棕蝠 瓜島棕蝠 Eptesicus guadelupensis Guadeloupe big brown bat 小夜棕蝠 幾內亞棕蝠 Eptesicus guineensis Tiny serotine 長尾棕蝠 Eptesicus hottentotus Long tailed house bat 和平棕蝠 無辜棕蝠 Eptesicus inoxius Harmless serotine 考氏棕蝠 Eptesicus kobayashii Kobayashi s serotine 家棕蝠 苗氏棕蝠 Eptesicus melckorum Melck s house bat 大鼻棕蝠 信德棕蝠 Eptesicus nasutus Sind bat 北棕蝠 Eptesicus nilssoni Northern bat 肥耳棕蝠 厚耳棕蝠 Eptesicus pachyotis Thick eared bat 阔面棕蝠 Eptesicus platyops Lagos serotine 小棕蝠 穴居小棕蝠 Eptesicus pumilus Eastern forest bat 王棕蝠 王河小棕蝠 Eptesicus regulus Southern forest bat 任氏棕蝠 阮氏棕蝠 Eptesicus rendalli Rendall s serotine 冕棕蝠 林棲大棕蝠 Eptesicus sagittula Large forest bat 棕蝠 Eptesicus serotinus Serotine 索马里棕蝠 索馬利亞棕蝠 Eptesicus somalicus Somali serotine 泰氏棕蝠 Eptesicus tatei Sombre bat 白翼棕蝠 Eptesicus tenuipinnis White winged serotine 鹫棕蝠 林棲小棕蝠 Eptesicus vulturnus Little forest bat 花尾蝠属 Euderma花尾蝠 小斑點蝠 Euderma maculatum Spotted bat 胼足蝠属 Eudiscopus胼足蝠 盤足蝠 Eudiscopus denticulus Disk footed bat 盘蝠属 Glischropus爪哇盘蝠 爪哇厚指油蝠 Glischropus javanus Javan thick thumbed bat 粗指盘蝠 厚指油蝠 Glischropus tylopus Common thick thumbed bat 梓蝠属 Hesperoptenus梓蝠 布氏夕陽蝠 Hesperoptenus blanfordi Blanford s bat 马来梓蝠 多麗夕陽蝠 Hesperoptenus doriae False serotine bat 加氏梓蝠 Hesperoptenus gaskelli Gaskell s false serotine 南亚梓蝠 逖氏夕陽蝠 Hesperoptenus tickelli Tickell s bat 托氏梓蝠 佟氏夕陽蝠 Hesperoptenus tomesi Large false serotine 帆耳蝠属 Histiotus奇异帆耳蝠 異邦薄耳蝠 Histiotus alienus Strange big eared brown bat 帆耳蝠 大耳薄耳蝠 Histiotus macrotus Big eared brown bat 高山帆耳蝠 山薄耳蝠 Histiotus montanus Small big eared brown bat 巴西帆耳蝠 褐薄耳蝠 Histiotus velatus Tropical big eared brown bat 南蝠属 Ia南蝠 Ia io Great evening bat 艾氏大耳蝠属 Idionycteris艾氏大耳蝠 Idionycteris phyllotis Allen s big eared bat 东非长耳蝠属 Laephotis安哥拉长耳蝠 安哥拉帆耳蝠 Laephotis angolensis Angolan long eared bat 博茨瓦纳长耳蝠 波瓦納帆耳蝠 Laephotis botswanae Botswanan long eared bat 纳米比亚长耳蝠 西南非帆耳蝠 Laephotis namibensis Namib long eared bat 温氏长耳蝠 東非帆耳蝠 Laephotis wintoni De Winton s long eared bat 銀毛蝠屬 Lasionyeteris銀毛蝠 Lasionyeteris noctivagans Silver haired bat 蓬毛蝠属 Lasiurus赤蓬毛蝠 紅毛尾蝠 Lasiurus borealis Red bat 巴拿马蓬毛蝠 栗色毛尾蝠 Lasiurus castaneus Tacarcuna bat 灰蓬毛蝠 霜灰毛尾蝠 Lasiurus cinereus Hoary bat 埃加蓬毛蝠 拉美毛尾蝠 Lasiurus ega Southern yellow bat 雅蓬毛蝠 Lasiurus egregius Big red bat 墨西哥蓬毛蝠 中型毛尾蝠 Lasiurus intermedius Northern yellow bat 佛罗里达蓬毛蝠 錫族毛尾蝠 Lasiurus seminolus Seminole bat 非洲偏颅蝠属 Mimetillus非洲偏颅蝠 默氏扁頭蝠 Mimetillus moloreyi Moloney s flat headed bat 鼠耳蝠屬 Myotis萨哈林鼠耳蝠 阿部鼠耳蝠 Myotis abei Sakhalin myotis 爪哇大足鼠耳蝠 大腳鼠耳蝠 Myotis adversus Large footed bat 阿根廷鼠耳蝠 亞倫鼠耳蝠 Myotis aelleni Southern myotis 巴拉圭鼠耳蝠 白毛鼠耳蝠 Myotis albescens Silver tipped myotis 西南鼠耳蝠 祭壇鼠耳蝠 Myotis altarium Szechwan myotis 缺齿鼠耳蝠 毛面鼠耳蝠 Myotis anneetans Hairy faced bat 阿塔卡马鼠耳蝠 阿塔鼠耳蝠 Myotis atacamensis Atacama myotis 北美鼠耳蝠 金光鼠耳蝠 Myotis auriculus Southwestern myotis 南鼠耳蝠 小足鼠耳蝠 Myotis australis Australian myotis 東南鼠耳蝠 Myotis austroriparius Southeastern myotis 长耳鼠耳蝠 彼氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis bechsteini Bechstein s bat 尖耳鼠耳蝠 髭鼠耳蝠 Myotis blythi Lesser mouse eared bat 棕红鼠耳蝠 赤色鼠耳蝠 Myotis bocagei Rufous mouse eared bat 嗡声鼠耳蝠 Myotis bombinus Far eastern myotis 布氏鼠耳蝠 伯氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis brandti Brandt s bat 加州鼠耳蝠 Myotis californicus California myotis 長指鼠耳蝠 Myotis capaccinii Long fingered bat 智利鼠耳蝠 Myotis chiloensis Chilean myotis 中华鼠耳蝠 Myotis chinensis Large myotis 古巴鼠耳蝠 Myotis cobanensis Guatemalan myotis 沼鼠耳蝠 池塘鼠耳蝠 Myotis dasycheme Pond bat 水鼠耳蝠 道氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis daubentonii Daubenton s bat 多明尼加鼠耳蝠 Myotis dominicensis Dominican myotis 华美鼠耳蝠 精致鼠耳蝠 Myotis elegans Elegant myotis 佐氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis emarginatus Geoffroy s bat 北美长耳鼠耳蝠 長耳鼠耳蝠 Myotis evotis Western long eared myotis 芬氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis findleyi Findley s myotis 桔色鼠耳蝠 Myotis formosus Hodgson s bat 樟色鼠耳蝠 剛齒鼠耳蝠 Myotis fortidens Cinnamon myotis 福建鼠耳蝠 昆仲鼠耳蝠 Myotis frater Fraternal myotis 马达加斯加鼠耳蝠 馬島鼠耳蝠 Myotis gondotii Malagasy mouse eared bat 灰色鼠耳蝠 Myotis griseseens Gray myotis 小巨足蝠 哈塞鼠耳蝠 Myotis hasseltii Lesser large footed bat 郝氏鼠耳蝠 何氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis horsfieldi Horsfield s bat 日本鼠耳蝠 本州鼠耳蝠 Myotis hosonoi Hosono s myotis 伊氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis ikonnikovi Ikonnikov s bat 海岛鼠耳蝠 Myotis insularum Insular myotis 中美鼠耳蝠 基思鼠耳蝠 Myotis keaysi Hairy legged myotis 凯氏鼠耳蝠 基恩鼠耳蝠 Myotis keenii Keen s myotis 小褐鼠耳蝠 Myotis leibii Eastern small footed myotis 开普敦鼠耳蝠 Myotis lesueuri Lesueur s hairy bat 轻捷鼠耳蝠 輕快鼠耳蝠 Myotis levis Yellowish myotis 长足鼠耳蝠 長腳鼠耳蝠 Myotis longipes Kashmir cave bat 莹鼠耳蝠 棕色鼠耳蝠 Myotis lucifugus Little brown bat 大趾鼠耳蝠 Myotis macrodactylus Big footed myotis 大掌鼠耳蝠 大跗鼠耳蝠 Myotis macrotarsus Pallid large footed myotis 马提尼克鼠耳蝠 馬提鼠耳蝠 Myotis martiniquensis Schwartz s myotis 米氏鼠耳蝠 密勒鼠耳蝠 Myotis milleri Miller s myotis 缅甸鼠耳蝠 遊山鼠耳蝠 Myotis montivagus Burmese whiskered bat 埃塞俄比亚鼠耳蝠 莫氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis morrisi Morris s bat 南洋鼠耳蝠 牆棲鼠耳蝠 Myotis muricola Whiskered myotis 大鼠耳蝠 鼠耳蝠 Myotis myotis Mouse eared bat 须鼠耳蝠 多鬚鼠耳蝠 Myotis mystacinus Whiskered bat 纳氏鼠耳蝠 紅灰鼠耳蝠 Myotis nattereri Natterer s bat 库腊索鼠耳蝠 島棲鼠耳蝠 Myotis nesopolus Curacao myotis 黑毛鼠耳蝠 Myotis nigricans Black myotis 新加坡鼠耳蝠 Myotis oreias Singapore whiskered bat 南美鼠耳蝠 Myotis oxyotus Montane myotis 本州鼠耳蝠 Myotis ozensis Honshu myotis 墨西哥鼠耳蝠 半島鼠耳蝠 Myotis peninsularis Peninsular myotis 北京鼠耳蝠 京西鼠耳蝠 Myotis pequinius Peking myotis 平颅鼠耳蝠 扁頭鼠耳蝠 Myotis planiceps Flat headed myotis 霜白鼠耳蝠 霜毛鼠耳蝠 Myotis pruinosus Frosted myotis 大足鼠耳蝠 Myotis ricketti Rickett s big footed bat 瑞氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis ridleyi Ridley s bat 溪岸鼠耳蝠 岸邊鼠耳蝠 Myotis riparius Riparian myotis 洛氏鼠耳蝠 厚指鼠耳蝠 Myotis rosscti Thick thumbed myotis 丹鼠耳蝠 紅毛鼠耳蝠 Myotis ruber Red myotis 肖布鼠耳蝠 Myotis schaubi Schaub s myotis 东非鼠耳蝠 斯氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis scotti Scott s mouse eared bat 翼腺鼠耳蝠 Myotis seabrai Angolan hairy bat 刺鼠耳蝠 Myotis sicarius Mandelli s mouse eared bat 高颅鼠耳蝠 小齒鼠耳蝠 Myotis siligorensis Himalayan whiskered bat 仰鼻鼠耳蝠 僞裝鼠耳蝠 Myotis simus Velvety myotis 社鼠耳蝠 喜群鼠耳蝠 Myotis sodalis Indiana bat 基岛鼠耳蝠 卡伊鼠耳蝠 Myotis stalkeri Kei myotis 缨鼠耳蝠 挂繸鼠耳蝠 Myotis thysanodes Fringed myotis 南非鼠耳蝠 三色鼠耳蝠 Myotis tricolor Cape hairy bat 洞鼠耳蝠 洞穴鼠耳蝠 Myotis velifer Cave myotis 索诺拉鼠耳蝠 食魚蝠 Myotis vivesi Fish eating bat 长腿鼠耳蝠 飛翔鼠耳蝠 Myotis volans Long legged myotis 魏氏鼠耳蝠 衛氏鼠耳蝠 Myotis welwitschi Welwitch s bat 北海道鼠耳蝠 Myotis yesoensis Yoshiyuki s myotis 尤马鼠耳蝠 育馬鼠耳蝠 Myotis yumanensis Yuma myotis 山蝠属 Nyctalus日本山蝠 Nyctalus aviator Birdlike noctule 亚岛山蝠 Nyctalus azoreum Azores noctule 毛翼山蝠 大夜蝠 Nyctalus lasiopterus Giant noctule 小山蝠 小夜蝠 Nyctalus leisleri Lesser noctule 印度山蝠 Nyctalus montanus Mountain noctule 山蝠 夜蝠 Nyctalus noctula Noctule 暮蝠属 Nycticeius阔鼻暮蝠 Nycticeius balstoni Western broad nosed bat 小阔鼻暮蝠 Nycticeius greyii Little broad nosed bat 美洲暮蝠 北美黃昏蝠 Nycticeius humeralis Evening bat 鲁氏暮蝠 廣鼻黃昏蝠 Nycticeius rueppellii Rueppell s broad nosed bat 桑氏暮蝠 Nycticeius sanborni Northern broad nosed bat 施氏暮蝠 寬鼻黃昏蝠 Nycticeius schlieffeni Schlieffen s bat 澳洲长耳蝠属 Nyctophilus阿南长耳蝠 阿納姆愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus arnhemensis Northern long eared bat 小长耳蝠 小愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus geoffroyi Lesser long eared bat 古氏长耳蝠 雙炬愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus gouldi Gould s long eared bat 双炬长耳蝠 Nyctophilus heran Sunda long eared bat 小齿长耳蝠 小齒愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus microdon Small toothed long eared bat 巴布亚长耳蝠 巴布亞愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus microtis New Guinea long eared bat 澳洲大长耳蝠 大愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus timoriensis Greater long eared bat 澳北长耳蝠 沃氏愛夜蝠 Nyctophilus walkeri Pygmy long eared bat 長耳蝠屬 Otonycleris長耳蝠 Otonycleris hemprichii Desert long eared bat 壺耳蝠屬 Pharotis壺耳蝠 Pharotis imogene New Guinea big eared bat 新几内亚掠蝠属 Philetor新几内亚掠蝠 狹翼情侶棕蝠 Philetor brachypterus Rohu s bat 伏翼属 Pipistrellus荒漠伏翼 Pipistrellus aegyptius Egyptian pipistrelle 东非伏翼 空中油蝠 Pipistrellus aero Mt Gargues pipistrelle 茶褐伏翼 褐色油蝠 Pipistrellus affinis Chocolate pipistrelle 安氏伏翼 安奇塔油蝠 Pipistrellus anchietai Anchieta s pipistrelle 缅甸伏翼 安東尼油蝠 Pipistrellus anthonyi Anthony s pipistrelle 阿拉伯伏翼 阿曼油蝠 Pipistrellus arabicus Arabian pipistrelle 苏丹伏翼 沙漠油蝠 Pipistrellus ariel Desert pipistrelle 巴布伏翼 巴布油蝠 Pipistrellus babu Himalayan pipistrelle 以色列伏翼 勃氏油蝠 Pipistrellus bodenheimeri Bodenheimer s pipistrelle 宽异伏翼 卡多納油蝠 Pipistrellus cadornae Cadorna s pipistrelle 斯里兰卡伏翼 錫蘭油蝠 Pipistrellus ceylonicus Kelaart s pipistrelle 黑伏翼 大黑油蝠 Pipistrellus circumdatus Black gilded pipistrelle 印度伏翼 印度油蝠 Pipistrellus coromandra Indian pipistrelle 宽首伏翼 肥頭油蝠 Pipistrellus crassulus Broad headed pipistrelle 铜色伏翼 Pipistrellus cuprosus Coppery pipistrelle 道氏伏翼 夜油蝠 Pipistrellus dormeri Dormer s pipistrelle 艾氏伏翼 艾氏油蝠 Pipistrellus eisentrauti Eisentraut s pipistrelle 本州伏翼 遠藤油蝠 Pipistrellus endoi Endo s pipistrelle 西方伏翼 西美油蝠 Pipistrellus hesperus Western pipistrelle 棕伏翼 有鱗油蝠 Pipistrellus imbricatus Brown pipistrelle 喜得伏翼 Pipistrellus inexspectatus Aellen s pipistrelle 爪哇伏翼 爪哇油蝠 Pipistrellus javanicus Javan pipistrelle 杰氏伏翼 Pipistrellus joffrei Joffre s pipistrelle 基氏伏翼 赤褐油蝠 Pipistrellus kicheneri Red brown pipistrelle 库氏伏翼 白邊油蝠 Pipistrellus kuhlii Kuhl s pipistrelle 冠伏翼 冠尾油蝠 Pipistrellus lophurus Burma pipistrelle 大耳伏翼 大耳油蝠 Pipistrellus macrotis Big eared pipistrelle 马德拉伏翼 馬德拉油蝠 Pipistrellus maderensis Madeira pipistrelle 印度小伏翼 印度小油蝠 Pipistrellus mimus Indian pygmy pipistrelle 米岛伏翼 蘇島油蝠 Pipistrellus minahassae Minahassa pipistrelle 螫伏翼 灰白油蝠 Pipistrellus mordax Pungent pipistrelle 加蓬小伏翼 蠅狀油蝠 Pipistrellus musciculus Mouselike pipistrelle 中非小伏翼 西非小油蝠 Pipistrellus nanulus Tiny pipistrelle 香蕉伏翼 香蕉油蝠 Pipistrellus nanus Banana pipistrelle 纳氏伏翼 厚皮油蝠 Pipistrellus nathusii Nathusius s pipistrelle 棒茎伏翼 Pipistrellus paterculus Mount Popa pipistrelle 勃固伏翼 勃固油蝠 Pipistrellus peguensis Pegu pipistrelle 坦桑尼亚伏翼 坦桑油蝠 Pipistrellus permixtus Dar es Salaam pipistrelle 彼氏伏翼 多毛油蝠 Pipistrellus petersi Peters s pipistrelle 伏翼 油蝠 Pipistrellus pipistrellus Common pipistrelle 灰伏翼 多塵油蝠 Pipistrellus pulveratus Chinese pipistrelle 吕氏伏翼 儒氏油蝠 Pipistrellus rueppelli Rueppel s pipistrelle 锈色伏翼 鏽色油蝠 Pipistrellus rusticus Rusty pipistrelle 萨氏伏翼 山油蝠 Pipistrellus savii Savi s pipistrelle 社伏翼 結群油蝠 Pipistrellus societatus Social pipistrelle 狭翼伏翼 狹翼油蝠 Pipistrellus stenopterus Narrow winged pipistrelle 斯氏伏翼 Pipistrellus sturdeei Sturdee s pipistrelle 东方伏翼 東美油蝠 Pipistrellus subflavus Eastern pipistrelle 塔斯马尼亚伏翼 Pipistrellus tasmaniensis Eastern false pipistrelle 侏伏翼 瘦油蝠 Pipistrellus tenuis Least pipistrelle 大耳蝠属 Plecotus大耳蝠 兔蝠 Plecotus auritus Brown big eared bat 灰大耳蝠 灰兔蝠 Plecotus austriacus Gray big eared bat 墨西哥大耳蝠 墨西哥兔蝠 Plecotus mexicanus Mexican big eared bat 拉氏大耳蝠 瘤鼻兔蝠 Plecotus rafinesquei Rafinesque s big eared bat 台湾大耳蝠 Plecotus taivanus Taiwan big eared bat 淡黄大耳蝠 Plecotus teneriffae Canary big eared bat 汤氏大耳蝠 唐氏兔蝠 Plecotus townsendii Townsend s big eared bat 美洲黄蝠属 Rhogessa艾氏美洲黄蝠 Rhogeessa alleni Allen s yellow bat 金氏美洲黄蝠 Rhogeessa genowaysi Genoways s yellow bat 纤细美洲黄蝠 瘦小黃蝠 Rhogessa gracilis Slender yellow bat 小美洲黄蝠 小巧黃蝠 Rhogessa minutilla Tiny yellow bat 中美黄蝠 奇異黃蝠 Rhogessa mira Least yellow bat 墨西哥黄蝠 細小黃蝠 Rhogessa parvula Little yellow bat 南美黄蝠 腫瘤黃蝠 Rhogessa tumida Black winged little yellow bat 宽吻蝠属 Scotoecus淡翼宽吻蝠 淡翼夜幕蝠 Scotoecus albofuscus Light winged lesser house bat 中非宽吻蝠 深翼夜幕蝠 Scotoecus hirundo Dark winged lesser house bat 苍白宽吻蝠 黃沙夜幕蝠 Scotoecus pallidus Desert yellow bat 斑蝠属 Scotomanes无沿斑蝠 Scotomanes emarginatus Emarginate harlequin bat 斑蝠 白斑蝠 Scotomanes ornatus Harlequin bat 黃蝠屬 Scotophilus马达加斯加黄蝠 馬島黃蝠 Scotophilus borbonicus Lesser yellow bat 西里伯斯黄蝠 蘇島黃蝠 Scotophilus celebensis Sulawesi yellow bat 非洲黄蝠 Scotophilus dinganii African yellow bat 大黃蝠 Scotophilus heathii Greater Asiatic yellow bat 库氏黄蝠 小黃蝠 Scotophilus kuhlii Lesser Asiatic yellow bat 白腹黃蝠 Scotophilus leucogasler White bellied yellow bat 家黄蝠 黑黃蝠 Scotophilus nigrata Schreber s yellow bat 喀麦隆黄蝠 Scotophilus nux Nut colored yellow bat 膘黄蝠 Scotophilus robustus Robust yellow bat 南非黄蝠 Scotophilus viridis Greenish yellow bat 扁颅蝠属 Tylonycteris扁颅蝠 棒足蝠 Tylonycteris pachypus Lesser bamboo bat 褐扁颅蝠 粗壯棒足蝠 Tylonycteris robustula Greater bamboo bat 蝙蝠屬 Vespertilio普通蝙蝠 霜蝠 Vespertilio murinus Particolored bat 大蝙蝠 雛蝠 Vespertilio superaus Asian particolored bat 短尾蝠科 Mystacinidae 编辑 短尾蝠屬 Mystacina强壮短尾蝠 Mystacina robusta New Zealand greater short tailed bat 短尾蝠 髭蝠 Mystacina tuberculata New Zealand lesser short tailed bat 犬吻蝠科 Molossidae 编辑 非洲犬吻蝠属 Chaerephon加纳犬吻蝠 Chaerephon aloysiisabaudiae Duke Of Abruzzi s free tailed bat 安氏犬吻蝠 Chaerephon ansorgei Ansorge s free tailed bat 腺尾犬吻蝠 Chaerephon bemmeleni Gland tailed free tailed bat 斑犬吻蝠 Chaerephon bivittata Spotted free tailed bat 查平犬吻蝠 Chaerephon chapini Chapin s free tailed bat 扎伊尔犬吻蝠 Chaerephon gallagheri Gallagher s free tailed bat 北方犬吻蝠 Chaerephon jobensis Northern mastiff bat 苏门答腊犬吻蝠 Chaerephon johorensis Northern free tailed bat 垂耳犬吻蝠 Chaerephon major Lappet eared free tailed bat 尼日利亚犬吻蝠 Chaerephon nigeriae Nigerian free tailed bat 皱唇犬吻蝠 Chaerephon plicata Wrinkle lipped free tailed bat 小犬吻蝠 Chaerephon pumila Little free tailed bat 赤犬吻蝠 Chaerephon russata Russet free tailed bat 裸蝠属 Cheiromeles裸蝠 黑裸體蝠 Cheiromeles torquatus Hairless bat 真蝠属 Eumops垂耳真蝠 垂耳獒面蝠 Eumops auripendulus Black bonneted bat 毕氏真蝠 彼得獒面蝠 Eumops bonariensis Dwarf bonneted bat 哥伦比亚真蝠 Eumops dabbenei Big bonneted bat 银白真蝠 藍灰獒面蝠 Eumops glaucinus Wagner s bonneted bat 汉莎真蝠 漢沙獒面蝠 Eumops hansae Sanborn s bonneted bat 杰亚那真蝠 朦朧獒面蝠 Eumops maurus Guianan bonneted bat 大真蝠 尖耳獒面蝠 Eumops perotis Western bonneted bat 昂氏真蝠 恩氏獒面蝠 Eumops unaerwoodi Underwood s bonneted bat 加勒比海犬吻蝠属 Molossops秘鲁犬吻蝠 Molossops abrasus Cinnamon dog faced bat 格氏犬吻蝠 格氏犬面蝠 Molossops greenhalli Greenhall s dog faced bat 马托犬吻蝠 Molossops mattogrossensis Mato Grosso dog faced bat 苏里南犬吻蝠 蘇里南犬面蝠 Molossops neglectus Rufous dog faced bat 巴拿马犬吻蝠 扁吻犬面蝠 Molossops planirostris Southern dog faced bat 坦氏犬吻蝠 丁氏犬面蝠 Molossops temminckii Dwarf dog faced bat 獒蝠属 Molossus赤獒蝠 赤犬吻蝠 Molossus ater Black mastiff bat 邦达獒蝠 邦達犬吻蝠 Molossus bondae Bonda mastiff bat 獒蝠 帕氏犬吻蝠 Molossus molossus Pallas s mastiff bat 珍獒蝠 密勒犬吻蝠 Molossus pretiosus Miller s mastiff bat 艾氏獒蝠 亞倫犬吻蝠 Molossus sinaloe Sinaloan mastiff bat 马来犬吻蝠属 Mops短翼犬吻蝠 Mops brachypterus Sierra Leone free tailed bat 安哥拉犬吻蝠 Mops condylurus Angolan free tailed bat 麦杰犬吻蝠 Mops congicus Medje free tailed bat 伏耳塔犬吻蝠 Mops demonstrator Mongalla free tailed bat 米达犬吻蝠 Mops midas Midas free tailed bat 马来犬吻蝠 Mops mops Malayan free tailed bat 侏儒犬吻蝠 Mops nanulus Dwarf free tailed bat 尼氏犬吻蝠 Mops niangarae Niangara free tailed bat 白腹犬吻蝠 Mops niveiventer White bellied free tailed bat 彼氏犬吻蝠 Mops petersoni Peterson s free tailed bat 西里伯斯犬吻蝠 Mops sarasinorum Sulawesi free tailed bat 斯氏犬吻蝠 Mops spurrelli Spurrell s free tailed bat 无畏犬吻蝠 Mops thersites Railer bat 苏丹犬吻蝠 Mops trevori Trevor s free tailed bat 怪翼犬吻蝠属 Mormopterus纳塔尔犬吻蝠 Mormopterus acetabulosus Natal free tailed bat 贝氏犬吻蝠 Mormopterus beccarii Beccari s mastiff bat 道瑞犬吻蝠 Mormopterus doriae Sumatran mastiff bat 彼氏犬吻蝠 Mormopterus jugularis Peters s wrinkle lipped bat 智利犬吻蝠 Mormopterus kalinowskii Kalinowski s mastiff bat 古巴小犬吻蝠 Mormopterus minutus Little goblin bat 诺福克犬吻蝠 Mormopterus norfolkensis Eastern little mastiff bat 岩居犬吻蝠 扁頭蜥鼠蝠 Mormopterus petrophilus Roberts s flat headed bat 怪翼犬吻蝠 Mormopterus phrudus Incan little mastiff bat 平犬吻蝠 Mormopterus planiceps Southern free tailed bat 彼德犬吻蝠 扁頭蝠 Mormopterus setiger Peters s flat headed bat 蝇蝠属 Myopterus道氏蝇蝠 道氏蠅翼蝠 Myopterus daubentoni Daubenton s free tailed bat 比尼蝇蝠 蠅翼蝠 Myopterus whitleyi Bini free tailed bat 美洲犬吻蝠属 Nyctinomops金毛犬吻蝠 Nyctinomops aurispinosus Peale s free tailed bat 兜犬吻蝠 Nyctinomops femorosaccus Pocketed free tailed bat 宽尾犬吻蝠 Nyctinomops laticaudatus Broad eared bat 大犬吻蝠 Nyctinomops macrotis Big free tailed bat 游尾蝠属 Otomops爪哇游尾蝠 爪哇大耳犬吻蝠 Otomops formosus Java mastiff bat 纳塔耳游尾蝠 非洲大耳犬吻蝠 Otomops martiensseni Large eared free tailed bat 大耳游尾蝠 巴布亞大耳犬吻蝠 Otomops papuensis Big eared mastiff bat 斗蓬游尾蝠 新島大耳犬吻蝠 Otomops secundus Mantled mastiff bat 印度游尾蝠 印度大耳犬吻蝠 Otomops wroughtoni Wroughton s free tailed bat 穹腭蝠属 Promops中部穹腭蝠 中美圓齶蝠 Promops centralis Big crested mastiff bat 大鼻穹腭蝠 大鼻圓齶蝠 Promops nasutus Brown mastiff bat 犬吻蝠属 Tadarida北非犬吻蝠 埃及皺唇蝠 Tadarida aegyptiaca Egyptian free tailed bat 南犬吻蝠 南澳皺唇蝠 Tadarida australis White striped free tailed bat 巴西犬吻蝠 美洲皺唇蝠 Tadarida brasiliensis Brazilian free tailed bat 圣特雷莎犬吻蝠 Tadarida espiritosantensis Espirito Santo free tailed bat 岛犬吻蝠 馬島皺唇蝠 Tadarida fulminans Madagascan large free tailed bat 大耳犬吻蝠 葉耳皺唇蝠 Tadarida lobata Kenyan big eared free tailed bat 宽耳犬吻蝠 歐亞皺唇蝠 Tadarida teniotis European free tailed bat 非洲犬吻蝠 非洲巨皺唇蝠 Tadarida ventralis African giant free tailed bat 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 翼手目分类表 amp oldid 58026710, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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