

水原华城朝鮮語:수원 화성)或华城朝鮮語:화성)是韩国京畿道水原市中央的一座堡壘[1][2]這個朝鮮堡壘由朝鮮王朝正祖從1794年到1796年建成,以紀念他的父親莊獻世子。華城位於首爾以南30千米处,其城墙围绕水原市区中心大部,内建有朝鲜正祖的行宫。1997年經联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遺產

官方名稱Hwaseong Fortress(英文)
Forteresse de Hwaseong(法文)
位置 韩国亚洲和太平洋地区
標準 ii, iii [1]


文观部式Suwon Hwaseong
马-赖式Suwŏn Hwasŏng









法文版于1898年由法國駐韓國領事昂利·谢瓦利埃(Henry Chevalier)出版,[5]德文版則參考班贝格大学趙斗元(韓語:조두원/Cho Doo-won)的論文翻譯而来。[6]


  • 长安门,华城北门,门楼五间,左右有双阙,门外有瓮城
  • 八达门,华城南门
  • 苍龙门,华城东门
  • 华西门,华城西门
  • 华虹门,建于正北的水门
  • 访花随柳亭,位于华虹门之东,又名东北阁楼
  • 西将台
  • 华城行宫,正门为中阳门,正殿为惠庆宫居住的奉寿堂,国王寝宫为洛南轩,还有长乐堂、景龙馆、维与宅、左翊门、右翊门、新丰楼、未老闲亭等建筑。
  • 华城乡校
  • 大有屯,位于华城西北方的国营农场
  • 万石渠,石砌水库
















  • 進入北門的橋樑介乎北門長安門和北東敵臺之間
  • 進入東門的橋樑介乎東北弩臺與東北空心墩之間
  • 進入西門的橋樑介乎西門華西門與西北空心墩之間。此外,與八達山相關的兩個小地下通道也被保留。它們分別位於西1炮塔和南炮塔附近。




  • 水門
  • 剩餘的兩個烽墩,而兩層至三層樓和獨特的木製涼亭就在頂部,並擁有槍支射擊和監視的銃眼
  • 空心墩,它有五個煙囪可以使煙霧或火焰發出不同的信號。當一個人煙囪被點燃是當是區域表明和平,兩個煙囪意味著敵人被發現,三個煙囪警告說敵人即將到來,四個煙囪意思是敵人已經進入城市,五個煙囪同時亮起來是一場警戒,戰鬥已經開始了。


因為漢字词在朝鮮語中會出現同音異義,而砲樓和鋪樓用諺文都写作포루,因而產生華城幾個設防結構的命名衝突。根據官方權威文件《華城城役議軌》,為華城不同種類的設防結構取不同的名稱是方便分類。這樣就可以將砲楼和鋪樓分類。 以下圖片集展示了這些結構在設計中的差異及作用性:



水原華城城役儀軌 (used in the Doo Won Cho thesis[9])


這48個結構也可以如「首爾指南」般按照「城牆」列出,[10] 或「亞洲歷史建築」 .[11] 在這裡,這些結構以南門(使用水原公共交通的接入點)開始以逆時針方向順序列出。

  1. 南門 (남문)
  2. 南東敵臺 (남동적대)
  3. 南暗門 (남암문)
  4. 南空心墩 (남공심돈)
  5. 南水門 (남수문)
  6. 東南角樓 (동남각루)
  7. 西三雉 (동삼치)
  8. 東二舖樓 (동이포루)
  9. 烽墩 (봉돈)
  10. 東二雉 (동이치)
  11. 東砲樓 (동포루)
  12. 東一雉 (동일치)
  13. 東一舖樓 (동일포루)
  14. 蒼龍門 (창룡문)
  15. 東北弩臺 (동북노대)
  16. 東北空心墩 (동북공심돈)
  17. 東將臺 (동장대)
  18. 東暗門 (동암문)
  19. 東北砲樓 (동북포루)
  20. 北暗門 (북암문)
  21. 東北角樓 (동북각루)
  22. 華虹門 (화홍문)
  23. 北東砲樓 (북동포루)
  24. 北東雉 (북동치)
  25. 北東敵臺 (북동적대)
  26. 長安門 (장안문)
  27. 北西敵臺 (북서적대)
  28. 北西砲樓 (북서포루)
  29. 北砲樓 (북포루)
  30. 西北空心墩 (서북공심돈)
  31. 西門 (서문)
  32. 西北角樓 (서북각루)
  33. 西一雉(서일치)
  34. 西砲樓 (서포루)
  35. 西二雉 (서이치)
  36. 西弩臺 (서노대)
  37. 西將臺 (서장대)
  38. 西暗門 (서암문)
  39. 西砲樓 (서포루)
  40. 西三雉 (서삼치)
  41. 西南暗門 (서남암문)
  42. 西南甬道 (용도)
  43. 甬道西雉 (용도서치)
  44. 西南角樓 (서남각루)
  45. 甬道東雉 (용도동치)
  46. 南砲樓 (남포루)
  47. 南雉 (남치)
  48. 南西敵臺 (남서적대)


南門 (남문)

37°16′39″N 127°01′01″E / 37.27750°N 127.01694°E / 37.27750; 127.01694
八達門 (韓語:팔달문),通常被稱為南門 (韓語:남문),坐落於水原市中心要道之圓環上。 Its stone base is capped with a two-storey wooden pavilion surrounded by a stone wall. A small, semi-circular protective wall known as an ongseong, is located on the south side (outside) of the gate. The gate also houses a bell called Paldalmun Dongjong, which was originally cast in Gaeseong in 1080 and was refounded in 1687 by Dohwaseung, the chief priest of Manuisa Temple, for use in Buddhist ceremonies. 123 cm tall and 75 cm in diameter, it hangs from a dragon-shaped suspension ring, has a flue pipe to set the tone and has a slightly curved body - features which are typical of Korean bells of that era. This particular bell's flue pipe has a design of the dragon's tail entwined around it and is topped with a lotus flower. The top of the bell has a line of Sanskrit words around it, while the bottom is decorated with arabesque designs. The decorative nipples are interspaced with Bodisattvas holding lotus flowers. The bell is very similar in design to that in Tongdosa, which differs notably from Paldalmun's only in size.[12]

由於在韓戰期間八達門倖免於難,所以沒有經歷與城牆上其他結構的廣泛重建。 因此,一些橫樑已經廣泛下垂,所以自2010年9月開始,八達門正在進行全面拆除,修理和重新組裝門的屋頂。[13]

東南敵臺 (남동적대)


南暗門 (남암문)


南空心墩 (남공심돈)

南空心墩, like that standing by Hwaseomun, was an observation tower standing beside the Suwoncheon. It is part of the section of Hwaseong which has not been restored.

南水門 (남수문)

南水門, meaning South Floodgate, sat across the Suwoncheon at the downstream end of the city walls. The gate was a little over a kilometre from Hwahongmun, the gate at the upstream end. Construction began on February 28, 1794, was interrupted, but continued in November 1795, the structure being completed on March 25, 1796, but having been fully operational since completion of its basic structure on January 16 that year. The bridge had nine arches for the water to flow beneath: two more than Hwahongmun because of increase in flow. Above the bridge there was a large brick structure instead of the usual gatehouse, as this section of Hwaseong was one of the most vulnerable. This took up two thirds of the space above the arches, the remaining third being the bridge.

This gate was swept away in a flood in 1846. It was restored but washed away again by a flood in 1922. During the general restoration of the Fortress in 1975, no consensus was obtained on how to rebuild the gate, and the area remained reserved in its ancient status.

The issue arose again during the rehabilitation of the entire Suwon Stream, inside and outside the Fortress, that was initiated in 2006. [14]

Concerning Namsumun, the restoration was launched in June 2010 and the restored floodgate is 29.4m long, 5.9m wide and 9.3m high. The inauguration was 2012-6-9. [15]

東南角樓 (동남각루)

37°16′42″N 127°01′11″E / 37.27833°N 127.01972°E / 37.27833; 127.01972
東南角樓, sits on top of a small rise above the former location of Namsumun. Its location serves its purpose as a lookout tower well, as much of Hwaseong and the area outside to the south and east can been seen from here.

東三雉 (동삼치)

37°16′44″N 127°01′13″E / 37.27889°N 127.02028°E / 37.27889; 127.02028
Dongsam Chi, the third eastern turret, lies halfway from the south-east pavilion to the second eastern sentry post. Like other turrets, it extends a short distance perpendicularly from the wall to enable guards to see and attack assailants who had already reached the fortress.

東二舖樓 (동이포루)

37°16′49″N 127°01′14″E / 37.28028°N 127.02056°E / 37.28028; 127.02056
Dong-i Poru, the second eastern sentry post, like other sentry posts, is a wooden structure sitting on a turret. Construction of this post was completed on July 3, 1796 and it was intended to defend the beacon tower. For this purpose, it extends further out from the wall than the north-western sentry post. It also lacks wooden front doors.

烽墩 (봉돈)

37°16′53″N 127°01′17″E / 37.28139°N 127.02139°E / 37.28139; 127.02139
烽墩, the beacon tower, sits midway from Paldalmun to Changnyongmun. It is located intentionally in direct line with Haenggung so that the king could see its signals. Smokes and lights were used to signal the state of threats. The southernmost of its five chimneys was used during peacetime.

東二雉 (동이치)

37°16′57″N 127°01′20″E / 37.28250°N 127.02222°E / 37.28250; 127.02222
東二雉, the second eastern turret, like the other nine turrets around Hwaseong, allowed soldiers to look out in many directions along the exterior of the wall. Unlike the other two eastern turrets, the outer corners of this structure are rounded, the others forming sharp right angles.

東砲樓 (동포루)

37°17′01″N 127°01′23″E / 37.28361°N 127.02306°E / 37.28361; 127.02306
東砲樓, the eastern GunTower, lies between the two eastern turrets. Construction of the post was completed on July 16, 1796. As with other GunTowers in Hwaseong, the interior is of multiple levels to allow various angles for firearms and other weapons.

東一雉 (동일치)

37°17′05″N 127°01′27″E / 37.28472°N 127.02417°E / 37.28472; 127.02417
Dong-il Chi, the first eastern turret, is the first turret south of the first eastern sentry post, lying 148米(486英尺) along the wall towards the beacon tower.

東一舖樓 (동일포루)

37°17′09″N 127°01′28″E / 37.28583°N 127.02444°E / 37.28583; 127.02444
Dongil-SentryPost, the first eastern sentry post, was completed on July 10, 1796. Like the second eastern sentry post, it extends further from the wall than most posts.

東門 (동문)

37°17′16″N 127°01′31″E / 37.28778°N 127.02528°E / 37.28778; 127.02528
蒼龍門 (창룡문), 通常被稱為東門 (동문),它位處在一個主要的路口。它的石頭基座上蓋著數層木製的亭子。朝鮮戰爭期間東門被摧毀,及後在1975年進行重建。

東北弩臺 (동북노대)

37°17′20″N 127°01′31″E / 37.28889°N 127.02528°E / 37.28889; 127.02528
Dongbuk Nodae is one of two crossbow platforms in the fortress and is situated within reach of the east gate and has a wide field of view as it sits on a corner of the wall, enabling archers to target assailants from many angles.

東北空心墩 (동북공심돈)

37°17′22″N 127°01′28″E / 37.28944°N 127.02444°E / 37.28944; 127.02444
東北空心墩,意指東北瞭望臺,位於蒼龍門對面。外表呈橢圓形,樓高 6.8米(22英尺),三層。可沿著旋轉形樓梯直達天臺。

東將臺 (동장대)

37°17′18″N 127°01′23″E / 37.28833°N 127.02306°E / 37.28833; 127.02306
Dongjangdae, meaning eastern command post, stands next to Dongbuk Gongsimdon, facing Changnyongmun across an archery field. When the king was in residence in Haenggung, within the fortress walls, there were two generals and four soldiers on guard in this command post at all times. (There were five night shifts.) Each officer was armed with a bow and arrow, sword and baton. The command post is nicknamed Yeonmudae, a reference to its second function as a training camp.

東暗門 (동암문)

37°17′14″N 127°01′17″E / 37.28722°N 127.02139°E / 37.28722; 127.02139
東暗門,為東端暗門, 位於東將臺 140米(459英尺)之上 , was used for passage of people, animals and munitions. Construction of the gate, which sits beneath a brick structure surmounted with a large round parapet, was completed on March 25, 1796.

東北舖樓 (동북포루)

37°17′15″N 127°01′11″E / 37.28750°N 127.01972°E / 37.28750; 127.01972
東北舖樓位於北部和東部的暗門之間,保護了他們的郊外。 這個結構不能與北東砲樓(韓語:동북포루)混淆。

北暗門 (북암문)

37°17′14″N 127°01′07″E / 37.28722°N 127.01861°E / 37.28722; 127.01861

東北角樓 (동북각루)

37°17′15″N 127°01′06″E / 37.28750°N 127.01833°E / 37.28750; 127.01833
The north-east pavilion is known as Dongbuk Gangnu and nicknamed Banghwasuryujeong. It sits above Yongyeon, a pond surrounded by a small garden. It was originally intended to be the second battle command post, though its scenic location made it a place favoured instead for feasts.

華虹門 (화홍문)

37°17′15″N 127°01′04″E / 37.28750°N 127.01778°E / 37.28750; 127.01778
Hwahongmun, otherwise known as Buksumun, is the gate under which the Suwoncheon flows on entering the area encompassed by Hwaseong and exited through Namsumun. The gate has the obvious function of being a bridge, but also housed cannons for defensive purposes. The Suwoncheon was widened at this point and the gate has seven arches through which it passes.

北東砲樓 (북동포루)

37°17′19″N 127°01′00″E / 37.28861°N 127.01667°E / 37.28861; 127.01667
Bukdong-GunTower sits between Janganmun and Hwahongmun. This tower controls the North-East outskirts of the Fortress, and protects Hwahongmun. It was completed on September 23, 1794. Not to be confused with 동북포루, the East-North SentryPost.

北東雉 (북동치)

37°17′21″N 127°00′54″E / 37.28917°N 127.01500°E / 37.28917; 127.01500

北東敵臺 (북동적대)

37°17′21″N 127°00′53″E / 37.28917°N 127.01472°E / 37.28917; 127.01472
Bukdong Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the east of Janganmun. It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong.

長安門 (장안문)

37°17′20″N 127°00′51″E / 37.28889°N 127.01417°E / 37.28889; 127.01417
長安門 (韓語:장안문),通常被稱為北門 (韓語:북문),為南韓最大城門。亦有部分人稱之全球最大, as it is through this gate that visitors from Seoul will have entered Suwon and this would be in keeping with King Jeongjo's original desire to move the capital of the country to Suwon. Janganmun's stone base is capped with a two-storey wooden pavilion. A small, semi-circular protective wall known as an ongseong, is located outside the gate. The gate was destroyed in the Korean War and reconstructed in the 1970s.

北西敵臺 (북서적대)

37°17′19″N 127°00′49″E / 37.28861°N 127.01361°E / 37.28861; 127.01361
Bukseo Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the west of Janganmun. It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong.

北西砲樓 (북서포루)

37°17′14″N 127°00′44″E / 37.28722°N 127.01222°E / 37.28722; 127.01222
Bukseo-GunTower is adjacent to Bukseo Jeokdae. Made from black bricks, it is divided into three storeys internally by boards. Firearms were secreted on these floors. The roof is unusual in design, being gabled on the inner side (towards the wall) and angled to the outer side (away from the wall). Construction was completed on September 24, 1794.

北砲樓 (북포루)

37°17′14″N 127°00′44″E / 37.28722°N 127.01222°E / 37.28722; 127.01222
Buk-SentryPost is another Sentry Post containing hidden firearms. This is closer to Hwaseomun than to Janganmun. Today a tourist information centre and public toilet stand on the north side of the structure. Construction was completed on February 20, 1795.

西北空心墩 (서북공심돈)

37°17′09″N 127°00′34″E / 37.28583°N 127.00944°E / 37.28583; 127.00944
Seobuk Gongsimdon is an observation tower standing directly adjacent to Hwaseomun, giving it the obvious function of being a lookout post to protect the gate. Built from bricks on three sides, its inside is partitioned into three storeys with two wooden floors, from which soldiers could fire cannons and other firearms. It is said that, in 1797, on visiting Suwon, King Jeongjo claimed to his companions that this was the first gongsimdon in Korea. Its construction was completed on March 10, 1796.

西門 (서문)

37°17′08″N 127°00′35″E / 37.28556°N 127.00972°E / 37.28556; 127.00972
華西門 (韓語:화서문)是華城的西門。它的石頭基座上蓋著一層層的木製亭子。

西北角樓 (서북각루)

37°17′04″N 127°00′30″E / 37.28444°N 127.00833°E / 37.28444; 127.00833
Seobuk Gangnu, facing a hill known as Sukjisan, is the lookout post immediately anti-clockwise from Hwaseomun. With less of a wide field of view than from the other side of the gate, it is shorter than the gongsimdon a short distance to the north-east. The pavilion's ground floor is fitted with an under-floor heating system.

西一雉 (서일치)

37°17′02″N 127°00′29″E / 37.28389°N 127.00806°E / 37.28389; 127.00806
Seo-il Chi, meaning West Turret 1, is a small bulge in the wall to allow soldiers to fire upon anyone attempting to scale Hwaseong from the outside.

西砲樓 (서포루)

37°16′57″N 127°00′31″E / 37.28250°N 127.00861°E / 37.28250; 127.00861
Seo-GunTower sits partway up the hill named Paldalsan when heading anti-clockwise from Hwaseomun to Seojangdae. It controls the outskirts of Mount Paldal, and protects the Western Command Post (seojangdae). It was completed on May 30, 1796, and was one of Hwaseong's most heavily armed posts. This structure shall not be confused with the Seo-SentryPost.

西二雉 (서이치)

37°16′54″N 127°00′34″E / 37.28167°N 127.00944°E / 37.28167; 127.00944
Seo-i Chi, the second turret on the west of Hwaseong, stands just below Seonodae on the slopes of Paldalsan. Its purpose, as with any turret, was to provide a location to attack people trying to scale the walls.

西弩臺 (서노대)

37°16′51″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28083°N 127.01000°E / 37.28083; 127.01000
Seonodae is an octagonal, steep-stepped, black brick platform directly adjacent to Seojangdae at the crest of Paldalsan when heading uphill from Hwaseomun. From here, archers could attack assailants in a wide range of directions and facing downhill, too.

西將臺 (서장대)

37°16′51″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28083°N 127.01000°E / 37.28083; 127.01000
Seojangdae, meaning western command post, sits atop Paldalsan, a small hill over which the higher section of Hwaseong runs. Seojangdae was destroyed by a fire in 1996 and was reconstructed afterwards. However, on May 1, 2006, an arsonist attacked Seojangdae. The arsonist reportedly caused the fire by lighting his clothes and underwear with a cigarette lighter. The fire caused about ₩6 billion in damage (about $6 million), destroying the upper floor of the watchtower. Seojangdae was reconstructed in 2007.

西暗門 (서암문)

37°16′49″N 127°00′36″E / 37.28028°N 127.01000°E / 37.28028; 127.01000
Seoammun, the West Secret Gate, lies 50米(164英尺) south of Seojangdae. Sitting on a forested part of the ridge of the hill Paldalsan, it was designed to provide access in and out under cover. Today, it is easily accessible from the road outside, being located near Jindallae (Azalea) Public Toilets.

西舖樓 (서포루)

37°16′45″N 127°00′35″E / 37.27917°N 127.00972°E / 37.27917; 127.00972
Seo-SentryPost sits on a turret projecting from the wall 140米(459英尺). It controls and protects the West Secret Gate that sits immediately southwards. The structure was completed on August 18, 1796. This structure shall not be confused with the Seo-GunTower, which sits on the other side of Seojangdae.

西三雉 (서삼치)

37°16′39″N 127°00′39″E / 37.27750°N 127.01083°E / 37.27750; 127.01083
Seosam Chi, the third western turret, has the same function as the other nine turrets around Hwaseong. It sits just north of the south-western spur.

西南暗門 (서남암문)

37°16′38″N 127°00′42″E / 37.27722°N 127.01167°E / 37.27722; 127.01167
Seonam Ammun is the beginning of a path to Seonam Gangnu, the south-western pavilion. The gate used to contain a house known as a posa, and Seonam Posa, the south-western posa, sat above the gate, enabling soldiers to keep watch and issue alerts.

西南甬道 (용도)

37°16′35″N 127°00′43″E / 37.27639°N 127.01194°E / 37.27639; 127.01194

甬道西雉 (용도서치)

37°16′34″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27611°N 127.01222°E / 37.27611; 127.01222

西南角樓 (서남각루)

37°16′32″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27556°N 127.01222°E / 37.27556; 127.01222

甬道東雉 (용도동치)

37°16′35″N 127°00′44″E / 37.27639°N 127.01222°E / 37.27639; 127.01222
這兩個雉樓位於西南暗門的西南方向到西南角樓的中間。即在西南角樓的右邊,西南二稚(서남이치)一直往東延伸,俯瞰著南部八達門的城牆(現在八達山上已經變得樹木茂盛了,但現在看不到)。它通常被稱為甬道東雉 (용도동치)。

南砲樓 (남포루)

37°16′38″N 127°00′48″E / 37.27722°N 127.01333°E / 37.27722; 127.01333

南雉 (남치)

37°16′38″N 127°00′52″E / 37.27722°N 127.01444°E / 37.27722; 127.01444

南西敵臺 (남서적대)




像往常一樣,這個庭園事件也被皇家圖書館記錄下來,根據《園幸乙卯整理儀軌》(韓語:원행을묘뎡니의궤)(乙卯= 1795年)。每一個儀軌,本文件的幾個「正式副本」已經被確認(正本更為珍貴,為國王使用而保留)。 該儀軌的主要文件是八屏: 華城行幸圖 屛風(화성행행도 병풍)如今,這個屏風存在三個副本中,其中一個是棕褐色的,[17]另是一個藍色(見下面的畫廊)和一個彩色,[17][18] 而朝鮮國王使用的副本。最後一份可以在三星藝術博物館看到,並在2005-04-15被指定為國寶1430號。[19]


  1. 在華城的聖廟進行祭祀, 1795年2月11日
  2. 文武考試, 1795年2月11日
  3. 在奉壽堂為正祖母親舉行六十生辰宴會, 1795年2月13日
  4. 洛南軒的養老宴, 1795年2月14日
  5. 在守將臺的夜間軍事演習, 1795年2月12日
  6. 世祖在得中亭進行射箭活動, 1795年2月14日
  7. 巡行期間回到行宮, 1795年2月15日
  8. 在鷺梁津巡行期間穿越漢江上的一座浮橋, 1795年2月16日


根據皇室記錄,正祖的母親獻敬王后對於如此宏偉的規模和驚人精確度的屏風感到非常高興,她獎勵了七位參與其中的畫家。分別是崔得賢(韓語:최득현)、金得臣(韓語:김득신)、李命奎(韓語:이명규),張漢宗(韓語:장한종)(1768 - 1815),尹碩根(韓語:윤석근),許寔(韓語:허식)(1762 - ?)和李寅文(韓語:이인문)。

華城行幸圖 屛風 화성행행도 병풍

這些小組和山城的軍事圖之間的比較很有趣:庭園畫家的重點似乎更多地針對文官(例如: 龍淵在何處?以及如何通過北暗門(북암문)到達這個池塘?)。而不是關注軍事(例如東將臺在圖中消失了)。其中一個原因被認為是出於某種軍事「機密」的考慮。

華城行幸圖 屛風
화성행행도 병풍(5)


水原華城主要的重建工作是在1970年代進行,雖然在之後經過都定期維護。 在下列表中概括了各項重建的成本(韓圓₩)(來自京畿道的數據)。[21]

日期 區域 結構 週圍 總計
1975年1月 長安門-西將台 281,144,000 11,770,000
1975年2月 西將台-八達門 192,024,000 4,190,000
1976年 北水門-蒼龍門 289,150,000 137,650,000
1977年 長安門-北水門 46,944,000 133,900,000
1978年 蒼龍門-甬道 148,088,000 234,690,000
總共 957,350,000 522,200,000 1,479,550,000
  • 直至2008年冬天水原市議會正在對城牆進行維護,而南門的屋頂正在進行徹底的拆除和重建。 [13]
  • 直至2011年3月,東北空心燉開始進行維護工程
  • 南水門的全面維護工作在2010年6月展開,實際閘長29.4米,寬5.9米,高9.3米。重開典禮是2012年6月9日。[15]













水原華城提供列車遊城服務,它由一輛動力車和三輛乘用車組成。電動車的前部具有龍頭的形式,象徵著正祖國王的權威和強大的能力。乘客車類似於國王的轎車椅子,以顯示皇家權威和方便觀眾遊覽沿途景色。 [26]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 世界文化遺產:華城. 教科文組織. [5 August 2014]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). 
  2. ^ (英文)Hwaseong Fortress (Summary). Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容于2016-03-04). 
  3. ^ Setton 1997,第61頁
  4. ^ (英文)Hwaseong Fortress (Description). Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea. [2016-01-13]. (原始内容于2016-03-04). 
  5. ^ Chevalier 1898,第384–396頁
  6. ^ Doo Won Cho 2010,第I,82–214頁
  7. ^ Pratt 2006,第142頁
  8. ^ Doo Won Cho 2010,第III,12–14頁
  9. ^ Doo Won Cho 2010,第III,5頁
  10. ^ (英文). The Seoul Guide. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-07). 
  11. ^ (英文)Hwaseong Fortress. Asian Historical Architecture. [2013-04-25]. (原始内容于2011-06-07). 
  12. ^ . South Korean Government Cultural Properties Administration. [2008-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-16). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 (英文)Disassemble and Repair Project of Paldalmun starts in September. Suwon City Council. 2010-09-17 [2010-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-02). 
  14. ^ Realization of Ecological Suwon Stream. Human City Suwon, Notice and News. 2011-06-28 [2013-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-03). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Floodgate of Hwaseong Fortress Restored. KBS World (English). 2012-06-09 [2013-04-25]. (原始内容于2016-03-04). 
  16. ^ (英文). Suwon-City: Travel & Tourism. [2013-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2010-05-29). 
  17. ^ KCC. Hwaseong Haenghaeng. Database. Korean Copyright Commission. 2013. (原始内容存档于2013-07-03).  (韓文)
  18. ^ KCC. . Database. Korean Copyright Commission. 2013. (原始内容存档于2016-04-10).  (韓文)
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 cha.go.kr. Royal Parade to Hwaseong Fortress. Database. Cultural Heritage Administration. 2013 [2013-05-08]. (原始内容于2016-03-04). 
  20. ^ leeum. . Database. Samsung Foundation. 2013 [2013-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-06). 
  21. ^ Doo Won Cho 2010,第III,263–268頁
  22. ^ Chung, Ah-young. . 韓國時報. 13 November 2007 [2013-04-02]. (原始内容存档于24 February 2012). 
  23. ^ Oh Seyeong 2006.
  24. ^ Chevalier, 1800 & p. 384-396.
  25. ^ Doo Won Choo, 2010 & I, p. 82-213.
  26. ^ (英文)http://english.swcf.or.kr/?p=13&mode=view&idx=335&rIdx=99999203 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆


  • Chevalier, Henri. Cérémonial de l'achèvement des travaux de Hoa Syeng (Corée) 1800. Toung Pao 9. E. J. Brill. 1898: 384–396.  (法文)
  • Doo Won Cho. The Korean fortress City Suwon: History; Conservation Heritage; Documentation "Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe"; National and International Relations. University of Bamberg, Inaugural Dissertation. 2010: 727 [2017-08-13]. (原始内容于2017-08-13).  (德文)
  • Haboush, JaHyun Kim. The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong: The Autobiographical Writings of a Crown Princess of Eighteenth-Century Korea. University of California Press. 1996: 329. ISBN 978-0520200555. 
  • Oh, Seyeong. Journey. 제목:원행; 저자:오세영; 출판사:예담. Yedam (Wisdom House). 2006: 315. ISBN 9788-9591-3167-9.  (韓文)
  • Pratt, Keith. Everlasting Flower. Reaktion Book Ldt, London. 2006: 320. 
  • Setton, Mark. Chŏng Yagyong: Korea's Challenge to Orthodox Neo-Confucianism. SUNY series in Korean studies. SUNY Press. 1997: 232. ISBN 9780791431733. 
  • 教科文組織世界遺產華城古堡介紹 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆


坐标37°16′20″N 127°0′30″E / 37.27222°N 127.00833°E / 37.27222; 127.00833

水原华城, 此條目目前正依照en, hwaseong, fortress上的内容进行翻译, 2020年5月22日, 如果您擅长翻译, 並清楚本條目的領域, 欢迎协助翻譯, 改善或校对本條目, 此外, 长期闲置, 未翻譯或影響閱讀的内容可能会被移除, 目前的翻译进度为, 提示, 此条目的主题不是華城市, 朝鮮語, 수원, 화성, 或华城, 朝鮮語, 화성, 是韩国京畿道水原市中央的一座堡壘, 這個朝鮮堡壘由朝鮮王朝正祖從1794年到1796年建成, 以紀念他的父親莊獻世子, 華城位於首爾以南30千米处, 其城墙围绕水. 此條目目前正依照en Hwaseong Fortress上的内容进行翻译 2020年5月22日 如果您擅长翻译 並清楚本條目的領域 欢迎协助翻譯 改善或校对本條目 此外 长期闲置 未翻譯或影響閱讀的内容可能会被移除 目前的翻译进度为 65 提示 此条目的主题不是華城市 水原华城 朝鮮語 수원 화성 或华城 朝鮮語 화성 是韩国京畿道水原市中央的一座堡壘 1 2 這個朝鮮堡壘由朝鮮王朝正祖從1794年到1796年建成 以紀念他的父親莊獻世子 華城位於首爾以南30千米处 其城墙围绕水原市区中心大部 内建有朝鲜正祖的行宫 1997年經联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遺產 华城世界遗产华城官方名稱Hwaseong Fortress 英文 Forteresse de Hwaseong 法文 位置 韩国 亚洲和太平洋地区 標準文 ii iii 1 登录年份1997 第21屆會議 網站UNESCO的记录 英文 水原华城设施完备 有城墙 宫殿 四个城门以及两座水门 水原川是水原主要河川 會经由水门 流过华城的中央 水原华城諺文수원화성汉字水原華城文观部式Suwon Hwaseong马 赖式Suwŏn Hwasŏng维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源 水原华城 分類 目录 1 建造 2 華城建築記錄 3 主要建筑 4 結構介紹 4 1 城牆 4 2 四大城门 4 2 1 长安门 4 2 2 八达门 4 2 3 苍龙门 4 2 4 华西门 4 3 現今的入口 4 4 其他結構 4 5 砲樓與鋪樓 5 城牆上48個主要結構 5 1 南門 남문 5 2 東南敵臺 남동적대 5 3 南暗門 남암문 5 4 南空心墩 남공심돈 5 5 南水門 남수문 5 6 東南角樓 동남각루 5 7 東三雉 동삼치 5 8 東二舖樓 동이포루 5 9 烽墩 봉돈 5 10 東二雉 동이치 5 11 東砲樓 동포루 5 12 東一雉 동일치 5 13 東一舖樓 동일포루 5 14 東門 동문 5 15 東北弩臺 동북노대 5 16 東北空心墩 동북공심돈 5 17 東將臺 동장대 5 18 東暗門 동암문 5 19 東北舖樓 동북포루 5 20 北暗門 북암문 5 21 東北角樓 동북각루 5 22 華虹門 화홍문 5 23 北東砲樓 북동포루 5 24 北東雉 북동치 5 25 北東敵臺 북동적대 5 26 長安門 장안문 5 27 北西敵臺 북서적대 5 28 北西砲樓 북서포루 5 29 北砲樓 북포루 5 30 西北空心墩 서북공심돈 5 31 西門 서문 5 32 西北角樓 서북각루 5 33 西一雉 서일치 5 34 西砲樓 서포루 5 35 西二雉 서이치 5 36 西弩臺 서노대 5 37 西將臺 서장대 5 38 西暗門 서암문 5 39 西舖樓 서포루 5 40 西三雉 서삼치 5 41 西南暗門 서남암문 5 42 西南甬道 용도 5 43 甬道西雉 용도서치 5 44 西南角樓 서남각루 5 45 甬道東雉 용도동치 5 46 南砲樓 남포루 5 47 南雉 남치 5 48 南西敵臺 남서적대 6 1795年8日大巡行 7 重建和維修 8 節日和表演 8 1 週末表演 8 2 武術表演 8 3 皇家衛隊儀式 9 虛構描述 10 遊覽提示 11 參考資料 12 參考書目 13 相關條目建造 编辑 水原华城堡壘地圖 最初 正祖建设华城的动机是迁都 因为水原是汉城和黄海之间的战略要地 同时 正祖希望远离汉城内炽烈的党争 并让水原成为和汉城比肩的首善之城 因此他出台激励政策 不仅奖励搬迁到水原的人民 还免除其十年租税 正祖还下令在华城内建造学校等公共建筑 使其匹配首都的职能 另外一个原因是 正祖希望避免万历朝鲜战争时朝鲜战线崩溃的历史重演 当时朝鲜的城墙大多是用于简单防御 而人民在战争时要撤退到单独建造的山城中去避难 华城与众不同之处在于将防御功能结合在城墙里 城墙上不仅有用于防御的弩台和雉堞 亦有用于攻击的暗门 华城于1794年开始建造 1796年10月10日竣工 主要设计者是实学家丁若镛 丁若镛在华城的设计中结合了朝鲜与中国的传统建筑技术 以及刚刚传入朝鲜的西洋知识 例如 华城城墙的主要材料不是土而是砖 建造时也使用了滑轮和起重机 3 建设华城总共投入人力七十万 成本为银两八十万七千两及米一千五百袋 由于实学的影响 华城的建设不是通过徭役这样的义务形式 而是政府雇佣劳力并支付报酬完成 華城建築記錄 编辑正祖驾崩后不久 记录华城建造过程的档案 華城城役儀軌 韓語 화성성역의궤 在1801年被公開 这份仪轨共十卷 第一卷是建筑计划及监工的名单 接下来六卷是建造的实录 例如来自王室的命令及工人的报酬支付情况 最后三卷记载了宫殿建设情况 以及人员的分工 在仪轨中还记载了各种建材的详细用量 朝鲜战争中 华城遭到严重破坏 因此从1970年起 韩国方面便按照这份仪轨修复了华城 4 法文版于1898年由法國駐韓國領事昂利 谢瓦利埃 Henry Chevalier 出版 5 德文版則參考班贝格大学趙斗元 韓語 조두원 Cho Doo won 的論文翻譯而来 6 南暗門 東北角樓 南空心墩 南水門 烽墩主要建筑 编辑长安门 华城北门 门楼五间 左右有双阙 门外有瓮城 八达门 华城南门 苍龙门 华城东门 华西门 华城西门 华虹门 建于正北的水门 访花随柳亭 位于华虹门之东 又名东北阁楼 西将台 华城行宫 正门为中阳门 正殿为惠庆宫居住的奉寿堂 国王寝宫为洛南轩 还有长乐堂 景龙馆 维与宅 左翊门 右翊门 新丰楼 未老闲亭等建筑 华城乡校 大有屯 位于华城西北方的国营农场 万石渠 石砌水库結構介紹 编辑 水原華城城牆 城牆 编辑 城牆的長度為5 74公里 長度介乎於4至6米之間 最初包圍約1 3平方公里的土地 7 在平原上的城墙会高过两侧的山丘 因为山上的城墙无需造得太高便可构成地势优势 雉堞高1 2米左右 为砖石材质 城墙维护状况良好 适于步行 四大城门 编辑 长安门 编辑 长安门是华城的北门 也是正门 同时是现今韩国最大的古城门 它是仿照崇礼门建造的 为重檐庑殿顶 材质也类似 长安门外有瓮城 设有两个敌台 长安门的名称显然是来自中国古都长安 寄托了正祖希望华城繁荣昌盛的愿望 八达门 编辑 八达门是华城的南门 与长安门一样是重檐庑殿顶 有瓮城和两个敌台 其名称是寓意 四通八达 如今八达门两侧的城墙已经损坏 成为繁华的商业街 苍龙门 编辑 苍龙门是华城的东门 单檐庑殿顶 有瓮城 名称来源取自 青龙 如今的苍龙门是1978年重建的 华西门 编辑 华西门是华城的西门 单檐庑殿顶 有瓮城 現今的入口 编辑 由于华城重建时已是1970年代 许多居民区和道路当时已经建成 因此不得不采取妥协 保留这些现代化设施 對於其中三條步道來說 這些步道已經被重建為兩個相鄰結構之間的橋樑 進入北門的橋樑介乎北門長安門和北東敵臺之間 進入東門的橋樑介乎東北弩臺與東北空心墩之間 進入西門的橋樑介乎西門華西門與西北空心墩之間 此外 與八達山相關的兩個小地下通道也被保留 它們分別位於西1炮塔和南炮塔附近 至於最大的南入口 已倒塌的城墙和四個結構 西南和東南敌台 南暗門和南空心墩 根本沒有重建 現在的八達門仍然與華城其他部分隔絕 平日周围只剩车水马龙 其他結構 编辑 在水原華城城牆上的所有結構 見下面的描述 中 最引人注目的是 水門 剩餘的兩個烽墩 而兩層至三層樓和獨特的木製涼亭就在頂部 並擁有槍支射擊和監視的銃眼 空心墩 它有五個煙囪可以使煙霧或火焰發出不同的信號 當一個人煙囪被點燃是當是區域表明和平 兩個煙囪意味著敵人被發現 三個煙囪警告說敵人即將到來 四個煙囪意思是敵人已經進入城市 五個煙囪同時亮起來是一場警戒 戰鬥已經開始了 砲樓與鋪樓 编辑 因為漢字词在朝鮮語中會出現同音異義 而砲樓和鋪樓用諺文都写作포루 因而產生華城幾個設防結構的命名衝突 根據官方權威文件 華城城役議軌 為華城不同種類的設防結構取不同的名稱是方便分類 這樣就可以將砲楼和鋪樓分類 以下圖片集展示了這些結構在設計中的差異及作用性 東 東砲樓 동砲樓 東北 東北砲樓 북동砲樓 西北 西北砲樓 북서砲樓 西 西砲樓 서砲樓 南 南砲樓 남砲樓 東2 東二鋪樓 동2鋪樓 東1 東一鋪樓 동1鋪樓 東北 東北鋪樓 북동鋪樓 北 北鋪樓 북鋪樓 西 西鋪樓 서鋪樓城牆上48個主要結構 编辑沿城牆的48個原始結構 包括已經消失的部分 可以按照其功能進行排序 8 主要城門 4 南 東 北和西 水門 2 南 北 烽墩 1 烽墩 甬道 1 西南甬道 용도 將臺 2 東 西 角樓 4 東南 東北 西北 西南 敵臺 4 南東 北東 北西 南西 暗門 5 南 東 北 西 西南 空心墩 3 南 東北 西北 舖樓 5 東2 東1 東北 東 西 砲樓 5 東 北東 北西 西 南 弩臺 2 東北 西 雉樓 10 東3 東2 東1 北東 西1 西2 西3 東南1 東南2 南 水原華城城役儀軌 used in the Doo Won Cho thesis 9 其中四個結構被排除在重建之外 西南和東南門敵臺 南暗門和南空心墩均位於南門 八達門 附近 它們將繼續被清除 以提供遊客和居民所需的現代化道路 這48個結構也可以如 首爾指南 般按照 城牆 列出 10 或 亞洲歷史建築 11 在這裡 這些結構以南門 使用水原公共交通的接入點 開始以逆時針方向順序列出 南門 남문 南東敵臺 남동적대 南暗門 남암문 南空心墩 남공심돈 南水門 남수문 東南角樓 동남각루 西三雉 동삼치 東二舖樓 동이포루 烽墩 봉돈 東二雉 동이치 東砲樓 동포루 東一雉 동일치 東一舖樓 동일포루 蒼龍門 창룡문 東北弩臺 동북노대 東北空心墩 동북공심돈 東將臺 동장대 東暗門 동암문 東北砲樓 동북포루 北暗門 북암문 東北角樓 동북각루 華虹門 화홍문 北東砲樓 북동포루 北東雉 북동치 北東敵臺 북동적대 長安門 장안문 北西敵臺 북서적대 北西砲樓 북서포루 北砲樓 북포루 西北空心墩 서북공심돈 西門 서문 西北角樓 서북각루 西一雉 서일치 西砲樓 서포루 西二雉 서이치 西弩臺 서노대 西將臺 서장대 西暗門 서암문 西砲樓 서포루 西三雉 서삼치 西南暗門 서남암문 西南甬道 용도 甬道西雉 용도서치 西南角樓 서남각루 甬道東雉 용도동치 南砲樓 남포루 南雉 남치 南西敵臺 남서적대 華城堡壘的另一個素描 南門 남문 编辑 37 16 39 N 127 01 01 E 37 27750 N 127 01694 E 37 27750 127 01694 八達門 韓語 팔달문 通常被稱為南門 韓語 남문 坐落於水原市中心要道之圓環上 Its stone base is capped with a two storey wooden pavilion surrounded by a stone wall A small semi circular protective wall known as an ongseong is located on the south side outside of the gate The gate also houses a bell called Paldalmun Dongjong which was originally cast in Gaeseong in 1080 and was refounded in 1687 by Dohwaseung the chief priest of Manuisa Temple for use in Buddhist ceremonies 123 cm tall and 75 cm in diameter it hangs from a dragon shaped suspension ring has a flue pipe to set the tone and has a slightly curved body features which are typical of Korean bells of that era This particular bell s flue pipe has a design of the dragon s tail entwined around it and is topped with a lotus flower The top of the bell has a line of Sanskrit words around it while the bottom is decorated with arabesque designs The decorative nipples are interspaced with Bodisattvas holding lotus flowers The bell is very similar in design to that in Tongdosa which differs notably from Paldalmun s only in size 12 由於在韓戰期間八達門倖免於難 所以沒有經歷與城牆上其他結構的廣泛重建 因此 一些橫樑已經廣泛下垂 所以自2010年9月開始 八達門正在進行全面拆除 修理和重新組裝門的屋頂 13 看不到交通工具的八達門南面和內城 西面的黃昏的 東面的夜晚 從東南角樓的屋頂看東南敵臺 남동적대 编辑 華城南北門兩旁都設有敵臺 今天只剩下北門 長安門 得以保留 A 八達門 B 西南敵臺 amp 東南敵臺 C 東南空心墩 D 南水門南暗門 남암문 编辑 此門已經消失 儀軌設計圖南空心墩 남공심돈 编辑 南空心墩 like that standing by Hwaseomun was an observation tower standing beside the Suwoncheon It is part of the section of Hwaseong which has not been restored Uigwe picture南水門 남수문 编辑 南水門 meaning South Floodgate sat across the Suwoncheon at the downstream end of the city walls The gate was a little over a kilometre from Hwahongmun the gate at the upstream end Construction began on February 28 1794 was interrupted but continued in November 1795 the structure being completed on March 25 1796 but having been fully operational since completion of its basic structure on January 16 that year The bridge had nine arches for the water to flow beneath two more than Hwahongmun because of increase in flow Above the bridge there was a large brick structure instead of the usual gatehouse as this section of Hwaseong was one of the most vulnerable This took up two thirds of the space above the arches the remaining third being the bridge This gate was swept away in a flood in 1846 It was restored but washed away again by a flood in 1922 During the general restoration of the Fortress in 1975 no consensus was obtained on how to rebuild the gate and the area remained reserved in its ancient status The issue arose again during the rehabilitation of the entire Suwon Stream inside and outside the Fortress that was initiated in 2006 14 Concerning Namsumun the restoration was launched in June 2010 and the restored floodgate is 29 4m long 5 9m wide and 9 3m high The inauguration was 2012 6 9 15 The Suwoncheon at the site of Namsumun 2008 Uigwe picture東南角樓 동남각루 编辑 37 16 42 N 127 01 11 E 37 27833 N 127 01972 E 37 27833 127 01972 東南角樓 sits on top of a small rise above the former location of Namsumun Its location serves its purpose as a lookout tower well as much of Hwaseong and the area outside to the south and east can been seen from here The north side Flag flying beside the pavilion reading 巡視 The exterior At night Uigwe picture東三雉 동삼치 编辑 37 16 44 N 127 01 13 E 37 27889 N 127 02028 E 37 27889 127 02028 Dongsam Chi the third eastern turret lies halfway from the south east pavilion to the second eastern sentry post Like other turrets it extends a short distance perpendicularly from the wall to enable guards to see and attack assailants who had already reached the fortress Looking towards Dongnam Gangnu The south east corner Seen from outside東二舖樓 동이포루 编辑 37 16 49 N 127 01 14 E 37 28028 N 127 02056 E 37 28028 127 02056 Dong i Poru the second eastern sentry post like other sentry posts is a wooden structure sitting on a turret Construction of this post was completed on July 3 1796 and it was intended to defend the beacon tower For this purpose it extends further out from the wall than the north western sentry post It also lacks wooden front doors The steps The exterior Uigwe picture烽墩 봉돈 编辑 37 16 53 N 127 01 17 E 37 28139 N 127 02139 E 37 28139 127 02139 烽墩 the beacon tower sits midway from Paldalmun to Changnyongmun It is located intentionally in direct line with Haenggung so that the king could see its signals Smokes and lights were used to signal the state of threats The southernmost of its five chimneys was used during peacetime North side Seen from Dong i Chi Doorway From the wall Northern chimneys from inside Southern chimney from inside The exterior Uigwe picture東二雉 동이치 编辑 37 16 57 N 127 01 20 E 37 28250 N 127 02222 E 37 28250 127 02222 東二雉 the second eastern turret like the other nine turrets around Hwaseong allowed soldiers to look out in many directions along the exterior of the wall Unlike the other two eastern turrets the outer corners of this structure are rounded the others forming sharp right angles The north side The exterior東砲樓 동포루 编辑 37 17 01 N 127 01 23 E 37 28361 N 127 02306 E 37 28361 127 02306 東砲樓 the eastern GunTower lies between the two eastern turrets Construction of the post was completed on July 16 1796 As with other GunTowers in Hwaseong the interior is of multiple levels to allow various angles for firearms and other weapons The entrance Seen from Dong i Chi Seen through a hole in Dong i Chi The exterior Uigwe picture東一雉 동일치 编辑 37 17 05 N 127 01 27 E 37 28472 N 127 02417 E 37 28472 127 02417 Dong il Chi the first eastern turret is the first turret south of the first eastern sentry post lying 148米 486英尺 along the wall towards the beacon tower Inside the turret The exterior 東一舖樓 동일포루 编辑 37 17 09 N 127 01 28 E 37 28583 N 127 02444 E 37 28583 127 02444 Dongil SentryPost the first eastern sentry post was completed on July 10 1796 Like the second eastern sentry post it extends further from the wall than most posts Looking south from the post The exterior Uigwe picture東門 동문 编辑 37 17 16 N 127 01 31 E 37 28778 N 127 02528 E 37 28778 127 02528 蒼龍門 창룡문 通常被稱為東門 동문 它位處在一個主要的路口 它的石頭基座上蓋著數層木製的亭子 朝鮮戰爭期間東門被摧毀 及後在1975年進行重建 西面 西面的夜景 南面 東面 從內部觀看角度 從內部觀看角度東北弩臺 동북노대 编辑 37 17 20 N 127 01 31 E 37 28889 N 127 02528 E 37 28889 127 02528 Dongbuk Nodae is one of two crossbow platforms in the fortress and is situated within reach of the east gate and has a wide field of view as it sits on a corner of the wall enabling archers to target assailants from many angles Inside face seen from the south The north corner of the outside face Dongbuk Nodae and Dongbuk Gongsimdon seen from outside the walls Uigwe picture東北空心墩 동북공심돈 编辑 37 17 22 N 127 01 28 E 37 28944 N 127 02444 E 37 28944 127 02444 東北空心墩 意指東北瞭望臺 位於蒼龍門對面 外表呈橢圓形 樓高 6 8米 22英尺 三層 可沿著旋轉形樓梯直達天臺 從東面展望 從西南面展望 西南方夜景 西南方夜景近觀 從城牆展望 從窗外望向旋轉形樓梯 儀軌圖東將臺 동장대 编辑 37 17 18 N 127 01 23 E 37 28833 N 127 02306 E 37 28833 127 02306 Dongjangdae meaning eastern command post stands next to Dongbuk Gongsimdon facing Changnyongmun across an archery field When the king was in residence in Haenggung within the fortress walls there were two generals and four soldiers on guard in this command post at all times There were five night shifts Each officer was armed with a bow and arrow sword and baton The command post is nicknamed Yeonmudae a reference to its second function as a training camp The southern side Nighttime view of the southern side The eastern side Annexe just below the main building Gateway on the western side東暗門 동암문 编辑 37 17 14 N 127 01 17 E 37 28722 N 127 02139 E 37 28722 127 02139 東暗門 為東端暗門 位於東將臺 140米 459英尺 之上 was used for passage of people animals and munitions Construction of the gate which sits beneath a brick structure surmounted with a large round parapet was completed on March 25 1796 Outside face Outside face seen from the north east Door seen from outside Inside face Interior seen from the west The interior seen from the wall to the west The exterior seen from the wall to the west Uigwe picture東北舖樓 동북포루 编辑 37 17 15 N 127 01 11 E 37 28750 N 127 01972 E 37 28750 127 01972 東北舖樓位於北部和東部的暗門之間 保護了他們的郊外 這個結構不能與北東砲樓 韓語 동북포루 混淆 儀軌圖北暗門 북암문 编辑 37 17 14 N 127 01 07 E 37 28722 N 127 01861 E 37 28722 127 01861 北暗門 韓語 북암문 官方稱為第3北暗門 韓語 제3북암문 是三個原結構中唯一剩下的暗門 它靠近東北角樓 暗門和東北角樓 從城牆上看到的北暗門 外部 內部 儀軌圖東北角樓 동북각루 编辑 37 17 15 N 127 01 06 E 37 28750 N 127 01833 E 37 28750 127 01833 The north east pavilion is known as Dongbuk Gangnu and nicknamed Banghwasuryujeong It sits above Yongyeon a pond surrounded by a small garden It was originally intended to be the second battle command post though its scenic location made it a place favoured instead for feasts Daytime view Nighttime view Seen from the Suwoncheon Closeup Seen from Yongyeon Outflow from Yongyeon a few metres downstream from Hwahongmun Level view Closeup of wall Uigwe picture華虹門 화홍문 编辑 37 17 15 N 127 01 04 E 37 28750 N 127 01778 E 37 28750 127 01778 Hwahongmun otherwise known as Buksumun is the gate under which the Suwoncheon flows on entering the area encompassed by Hwaseong and exited through Namsumun The gate has the obvious function of being a bridge but also housed cannons for defensive purposes The Suwoncheon was widened at this point and the gate has seven arches through which it passes The north side From the path beside the Suwoncheon upstream The north side in snow View downstream The south side in snow Uigwe picture北東砲樓 북동포루 编辑 37 17 19 N 127 01 00 E 37 28861 N 127 01667 E 37 28861 127 01667 Bukdong GunTower sits between Janganmun and Hwahongmun This tower controls the North East outskirts of the Fortress and protects Hwahongmun It was completed on September 23 1794 Not to be confused with 동북포루 the East North SentryPost From the west The west side Uigwe picture北東雉 북동치 编辑 37 17 21 N 127 00 54 E 37 28917 N 127 01500 E 37 28917 127 01500 北東雉 韓語 북동치 是位處東北的雉樓 坐落於北東敵臺的東邊 從城牆內北東敵臺 북동적대 编辑 37 17 21 N 127 00 53 E 37 28917 N 127 01472 E 37 28917 127 01472 Bukdong Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the east of Janganmun It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong See from the west in snow Outside長安門 장안문 编辑 37 17 20 N 127 00 51 E 37 28889 N 127 01417 E 37 28889 127 01417 長安門 韓語 장안문 通常被稱為北門 韓語 북문 為南韓最大城門 亦有部分人稱之全球最大 as it is through this gate that visitors from Seoul will have entered Suwon and this would be in keeping with King Jeongjo s original desire to move the capital of the country to Suwon Janganmun s stone base is capped with a two storey wooden pavilion A small semi circular protective wall known as an ongseong is located outside the gate The gate was destroyed in the Korean War and reconstructed in the 1970s Nighttime view of the interior face Nighttime view of the roof Seen from Bukseo Jeokdae Seen from Bukseo Jeokdae in snow The ongseong View from inside Janganmun北西敵臺 북서적대 编辑 37 17 19 N 127 00 49 E 37 28861 N 127 01361 E 37 28861 127 01361 Bukseo Jeokdae is a platform immediately to the west of Janganmun It housed a cannon to protect the gate and its ongseong The west side北西砲樓 북서포루 编辑 37 17 14 N 127 00 44 E 37 28722 N 127 01222 E 37 28722 127 01222 Bukseo GunTower is adjacent to Bukseo Jeokdae Made from black bricks it is divided into three storeys internally by boards Firearms were secreted on these floors The roof is unusual in design being gabled on the inner side towards the wall and angled to the outer side away from the wall Construction was completed on September 24 1794 The west side The south side The roof The exterior Uigwe picture北砲樓 북포루 编辑 37 17 14 N 127 00 44 E 37 28722 N 127 01222 E 37 28722 127 01222 Buk SentryPost is another Sentry Post containing hidden firearms This is closer to Hwaseomun than to Janganmun Today a tourist information centre and public toilet stand on the north side of the structure Construction was completed on February 20 1795 The west side The east side Seen from outside Uigwe picture西北空心墩 서북공심돈 编辑 37 17 09 N 127 00 34 E 37 28583 N 127 00944 E 37 28583 127 00944 Seobuk Gongsimdon is an observation tower standing directly adjacent to Hwaseomun giving it the obvious function of being a lookout post to protect the gate Built from bricks on three sides its inside is partitioned into three storeys with two wooden floors from which soldiers could fire cannons and other firearms It is said that in 1797 on visiting Suwon King Jeongjo claimed to his companions that this was the first gongsimdon in Korea Its construction was completed on March 10 1796 From outside Hwaseomun in snow From the wall Hwaseomun and the tower From the south west Uigwe picture西門 서문 编辑 37 17 08 N 127 00 35 E 37 28556 N 127 00972 E 37 28556 127 00972 華西門 韓語 화서문 是華城的西門 它的石頭基座上蓋著一層層的木製亭子 從外面看雪地的城牆 華西門 北門砲樓 北舖樓和長安門 夜景 南面觀看西門 內部的雪景 內部的雪景 內部西北角樓 서북각루 编辑 37 17 04 N 127 00 30 E 37 28444 N 127 00833 E 37 28444 127 00833 Seobuk Gangnu facing a hill known as Sukjisan is the lookout post immediately anti clockwise from Hwaseomun With less of a wide field of view than from the other side of the gate it is shorter than the gongsimdon a short distance to the north east The pavilion s ground floor is fitted with an under floor heating system The west side A corner of the pavilion Seen from outside the walls in snow Seen from outside View from Seobuk Gangnu The interior Uigwe picture西一雉 서일치 编辑 37 17 02 N 127 00 29 E 37 28389 N 127 00806 E 37 28389 127 00806 Seo il Chi meaning West Turret 1 is a small bulge in the wall to allow soldiers to fire upon anyone attempting to scale Hwaseong from the outside The south side The turret and Seobuk Gangnu The interior Seobuk Gangnu left and Seoil Chi right 西砲樓 서포루 编辑 37 16 57 N 127 00 31 E 37 28250 N 127 00861 E 37 28250 127 00861 Seo GunTower sits partway up the hill named Paldalsan when heading anti clockwise from Hwaseomun to Seojangdae It controls the outskirts of Mount Paldal and protects the Western Command Post seojangdae It was completed on May 30 1796 and was one of Hwaseong s most heavily armed posts This structure shall not be confused with the Seo SentryPost The south side The exterior The exterior Uigwe picture西二雉 서이치 编辑 37 16 54 N 127 00 34 E 37 28167 N 127 00944 E 37 28167 127 00944 Seo i Chi the second turret on the west of Hwaseong stands just below Seonodae on the slopes of Paldalsan Its purpose as with any turret was to provide a location to attack people trying to scale the walls The south side The interior The Exterior西弩臺 서노대 编辑 37 16 51 N 127 00 36 E 37 28083 N 127 01000 E 37 28083 127 01000 Seonodae is an octagonal steep stepped black brick platform directly adjacent to Seojangdae at the crest of Paldalsan when heading uphill from Hwaseomun From here archers could attack assailants in a wide range of directions and facing downhill too Seen from the front Seen from the side Original piece of wall by Seonodae Uigwe picture西將臺 서장대 编辑 37 16 51 N 127 00 36 E 37 28083 N 127 01000 E 37 28083 127 01000 Seojangdae meaning western command post sits atop Paldalsan a small hill over which the higher section of Hwaseong runs Seojangdae was destroyed by a fire in 1996 and was reconstructed afterwards However on May 1 2006 an arsonist attacked Seojangdae The arsonist reportedly caused the fire by lighting his clothes and underwear with a cigarette lighter The fire caused about 6 billion in damage about 6 million destroying the upper floor of the watchtower Seojangdae was reconstructed in 2007 Nighttime view Daytime view View from Seonodae西暗門 서암문 编辑 37 16 49 N 127 00 36 E 37 28028 N 127 01000 E 37 28028 127 01000 Seoammun the West Secret Gate lies 50米 164英尺 south of Seojangdae Sitting on a forested part of the ridge of the hill Paldalsan it was designed to provide access in and out under cover Today it is easily accessible from the road outside being located near Jindallae Azalea Public Toilets Interior side The outside Closeup of door Uigwe picture西舖樓 서포루 编辑 37 16 45 N 127 00 35 E 37 27917 N 127 00972 E 37 27917 127 00972 Seo SentryPost sits on a turret projecting from the wall 140米 459英尺 It controls and protects the West Secret Gate that sits immediately southwards The structure was completed on August 18 1796 This structure shall not be confused with the Seo GunTower which sits on the other side of Seojangdae The south side Steps Panelling西三雉 서삼치 编辑 37 16 39 N 127 00 39 E 37 27750 N 127 01083 E 37 27750 127 01083 Seosam Chi the third western turret has the same function as the other nine turrets around Hwaseong It sits just north of the south western spur The south side The entrance The interior Seen from outside西南暗門 서남암문 编辑 37 16 38 N 127 00 42 E 37 27722 N 127 01167 E 37 27722 127 01167 Seonam Ammun is the beginning of a path to Seonam Gangnu the south western pavilion The gate used to contain a house known as a posa and Seonam Posa the south western posa sat above the gate enabling soldiers to keep watch and issue alerts Seen from the spur Original wall visible The upper section Seen from Yongdo Seen from outside Uigwe picture西南甬道 용도 编辑 37 16 35 N 127 00 43 E 37 27639 N 127 01194 E 37 27639 127 01194 為了控制沿著八達山的山脊 華城堡壘有一個甬道 它始於山頂的西南暗門 經過八達山的西南端 最後到達西南角樓 又名華陽樓 韓語 화양루 如今這個位置提供了飽覽水原市的大景觀 包括水原站 西南角樓最高點 由西南角樓看東北 西南角樓東北方向 西南角樓內部甬道西雉 용도서치 编辑 37 16 34 N 127 00 44 E 37 27611 N 127 01222 E 37 27611 127 01222 兩個雉樓位於西南暗門到西南角樓方向的中間 它在暗門右側 西南一雉 서남일치 延伸至華城西部 俯瞰著水原市向西湖方湖 它也被稱為勇道西雉 용도서치 西雉樓的勇道西南角樓 서남각루 编辑 37 16 32 N 127 00 44 E 37 27556 N 127 01222 E 37 27556 127 01222 西南角樓 韓語 서남각루 華陽樓 韓語 화양루 位於西南暗門的尖端 可以看到許多水原建築 包括水原站 從南面 甬道盡頭的西南角 地面 儀軌圖甬道東雉 용도동치 编辑 37 16 35 N 127 00 44 E 37 27639 N 127 01222 E 37 27639 127 01222 這兩個雉樓位於西南暗門的西南方向到西南角樓的中間 即在西南角樓的右邊 西南二稚 서남이치 一直往東延伸 俯瞰著南部八達門的城牆 現在八達山上已經變得樹木茂盛了 但現在看不到 它通常被稱為甬道東雉 용도동치 甬道東雉南砲樓 남포루 编辑 37 16 38 N 127 00 48 E 37 27722 N 127 01333 E 37 27722 127 01333 南砲樓 韓語 남포루 坐在甬道和南堡樓之間 並控制堡壘的郊區 特別接近八達門 東面 西面 華城外角度 儀軌圖南雉 남치 编辑 37 16 38 N 127 00 52 E 37 27722 N 127 01444 E 37 27722 127 01444 南雉 韓語 남치 南雉樓 韓語 남치루 位處八達門上的八達山山坡上的城牆上 突然出現於南砲樓下面 西面部分 西面的特寫南西敵臺 남서적대 编辑 當時南北門兩旁都是守衛臺 今天 只剩下北門守衛臺保留下來 1795年8日大巡行 编辑正祖因父親莊獻世子墓園 永祐園風水不佳 且在墓穴中有蛇 因此將其從楊州拜峰山遷移至水原華山腳下 並更名為顯隆園 原位於華山腳下的水原郡官衙及村莊奉命一同搬遷至八達山腳下 而每年都為正祖都會組織一次皇室巡行 敬拜他父親的墳墓 1795年二月的皇家巡行最大型的一次 適逢正祖母親獻敬王后六十歲生辰 同時也是其已故父親誕辰六十週年 請緊記 在韓國的出生日是算1歲 所以韓國人的60歲生日是指61歲 在1795年的巡行是一個巨大的事件 動員共5 661人和1 417匹馬 16 像往常一樣 這個庭園事件也被皇家圖書館記錄下來 根據 園幸乙卯整理儀軌 韓語 원행을묘뎡니의궤 乙卯 1795年 每一個儀軌 本文件的幾個 正式副本 已經被確認 正本更為珍貴 為國王使用而保留 該儀軌的主要文件是八屏 華城行幸圖 屛風 화성행행도 병풍 如今 這個屏風存在三個副本中 其中一個是棕褐色的 17 另是一個藍色 見下面的畫廊 和一個彩色 17 18 而朝鮮國王使用的副本 最後一份可以在三星藝術博物館看到 並在2005 04 15被指定為國寶1430號 19 這些畫作描繪了巡行的重要事件 儘管畫廊小組的順序並不反映巡行實際的程序 20 在華城的聖廟進行祭祀 1795年2月11日 文武考試 1795年2月11日 在奉壽堂為正祖母親舉行六十生辰宴會 1795年2月13日 洛南軒的養老宴 1795年2月14日 在守將臺的夜間軍事演習 1795年2月12日 世祖在得中亭進行射箭活動 1795年2月14日 巡行期間回到行宮 1795年2月15日 在鷺梁津巡行期間穿越漢江上的一座浮橋 1795年2月16日在奉壽堂舉行的宴會 像當時的傳統繪畫類似 然而 描繪返回行宮的巡行的場景的組成形式是 之 的形狀 這是著名的法院畫家金弘道的終身畫作的特徵 畫廊最後一幕描繪了巡行隊伍橫渡在漢江一座浮橋上展現出獨特的作品 這在當時在皇室巡行畫中很少見到類似場景 19 根據皇室記錄 正祖的母親獻敬王后對於如此宏偉的規模和驚人精確度的屏風感到非常高興 她獎勵了七位參與其中的畫家 分別是崔得賢 韓語 최득현 金得臣 韓語 김득신 李命奎 韓語 이명규 張漢宗 韓語 장한종 1768 1815 尹碩根 韓語 윤석근 許寔 韓語 허식 1762 和李寅文 韓語 이인문 華城聖廟展拜화성성묘전배 洛南軒放榜 낙남헌방방 奉壽堂進饌 봉수당진찬 洛南軒養老宴낙남헌양로연 西將臺夜操 서장대야조 得中亭御射 득중정어사 還御行列 환어행렬 漢江舟橋還御한강주교환어華城行幸圖 屛風 화성행행도 병풍 這些小組和山城的軍事圖之間的比較很有趣 庭園畫家的重點似乎更多地針對文官 例如 龍淵在何處 以及如何通過北暗門 북암문 到達這個池塘 而不是關注軍事 例如東將臺在圖中消失了 其中一個原因被認為是出於某種軍事 機密 的考慮 華城全圖화성전도 華城行幸圖 屛風화성행행도 병풍 5 軍事地圖與朝臣地圖重建和維修 编辑水原華城主要的重建工作是在1970年代進行 雖然在之後經過都定期維護 在下列表中概括了各項重建的成本 韓圓 來自京畿道的數據 21 日期 區域 結構 週圍 總計1975年1月 長安門 西將台 281 144 000 11 770 0001975年2月 西將台 八達門 192 024 000 4 190 0001976年 北水門 蒼龍門 289 150 000 137 650 0001977年 長安門 北水門 46 944 000 133 900 0001978年 蒼龍門 甬道 148 088 000 234 690 000總共 957 350 000 522 200 000 1 479 550 000直至2008年冬天水原市議會正在對城牆進行維護 而南門的屋頂正在進行徹底的拆除和重建 13 直至2011年3月 東北空心燉開始進行維護工程 南水門的全面維護工作在2010年6月展開 實際閘長29 4米 寬5 9米 高9 3米 重開典禮是2012年6月9日 15 西將台的維護工程 南鋪樓的維護工程 東北空心燉維護工程節日和表演 编辑水原華城有幾個值得觀看的表演和節日 大部分表演在行宮前面的廣場進行 如下 週末表演 编辑 在三月至十一月的每個星期六下午二時舉行各種傳統表演 武術表演 编辑 二十四武術表演是按照正祖國王時代他所採用的慣例而進行的演示 二十四武術表演在1790年由李德木和朴齊家以及武術大家白東秀 韓語 백동수 製作武術教學的教科書 教科書大多內容是由朝鮮王朝的藝術所組成的 這些武術是由華城的士兵在壯勇營 장용엉 的監督下所練習的 示範活動由3月至11月11日 星期一除外 每天早上11時 而12月僅在星期六和星期日舉行 皇家衛隊儀式 编辑 這個儀式是在重建十九世紀九十年代在華城的皇家衛隊儀式 由被提拔為 訓練守衛 韓語 훈련수위 的皇室衛兵 當時在韓國最大的軍營中有一萬二千人守衛 當正祖國王於1789年將他父親的遺體搬到水原時 他命名為顯隆園 韓語 현륭원 並派兵從這個營中守衛新園址 1793年將水原城的名稱從水原地改為華城 在牆內修建了一個附屬於華城的壯勇營 韓語 장용엉 根據華城的官方網站表示 這個表演將從3月到11月每個星期日的下午2點舉行 虛構描述 编辑水原華城堡壘是韓國電視劇正祖暗殺之謎 8天的拍攝場地 該部電視劇描述1795年正祖為他母親獻敬王后60歲生日所組織的慶典 同時也紀念了他已故父親莊獻世子六十歲生日 22 劇本是基於2006年由午世英 오세영 撰寫的小說 遠行 23 원행 劇中除虛構的元素之外 主要參考兩個歷史的來源 恨中錄序列中許多部分被廣泛使用 紀錄在莊獻世子死亡之前 1762年 的閃回部分 而朝鮮皇室圖書館的官方文件則用於1795年的建設華城的活動紀錄文件 園幸乙卯整理儀軌 원행을묘뎡니의궤 以及關於華城整體的 華城城役儀軌 화성성역의궤 24 25 遊覽提示 编辑水原華城提供列車遊城服務 它由一輛動力車和三輛乘用車組成 電動車的前部具有龍頭的形式 象徵著正祖國王的權威和強大的能力 乘客車類似於國王的轎車椅子 以顯示皇家權威和方便觀眾遊覽沿途景色 26 參考資料 编辑 1 0 1 1 世界文化遺產 華城 教科文組織 5 August 2014 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 英文 Hwaseong Fortress Summary Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea 2013 04 25 原始内容存档于2016 03 04 Setton 1997 第61頁 英文 Hwaseong Fortress Description Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea 2016 01 13 原始内容存档于2016 03 04 Chevalier 1898 第384 396頁 Doo Won Cho 2010 第I 82 214頁 Pratt 2006 第142頁 Doo Won Cho 2010 第III 12 14頁 Doo Won Cho 2010 第III 5頁 英文 Hwaseong Fortress The Seoul Guide 2013 04 25 原始内容存档于2013 04 07 英文 Hwaseong Fortress Asian Historical Architecture 2013 04 25 原始内容存档于2011 06 07 Paldalmundongjong South Korean Government Cultural Properties Administration 2008 11 25 原始内容存档于2012 02 16 13 0 13 1 英文 Disassemble and Repair Project of Paldalmun starts in September Suwon City Council 2010 09 17 2010 10 01 原始内容存档于2013 07 02 Realization of Ecological Suwon Stream Human City Suwon Notice and News 2011 06 28 2013 04 25 原始内容存档于2013 07 03 15 0 15 1 Floodgate of Hwaseong Fortress Restored KBS World English 2012 06 09 2013 04 25 原始内容存档于2016 03 04 英文 Performance Information Suwon City Travel amp Tourism 2013 05 08 原始内容存档于2010 05 29 KCC Hwaseong Haenghaeng Database Korean Copyright Commission 2013 原始内容存档于2013 07 03 韓文 KCC Kim Deuksin Hwaseongneunghaengdo Database Korean Copyright Commission 2013 原始内容存档于2016 04 10 韓文 19 0 19 1 cha go kr Royal Parade to Hwaseong Fortress Database Cultural Heritage Administration 2013 2013 05 08 原始内容存档于2016 03 04 leeum Royal Procession to the Ancestral Tomb in Hwasong Database Samsung Foundation 2013 2013 05 08 原始内容存档于2015 01 06 Doo Won Cho 2010 第III 263 268頁 Chung Ah young 朝鮮國王正祖文藝復興 韓國時報 13 November 2007 2013 04 02 原始内容存档于24 February 2012 Oh Seyeong 2006 Chevalier 1800 amp p 384 396 sfn error no target CITEREFChevalier1800p 384 396 help Doo Won Choo 2010 amp I p 82 213 sfn error no target CITEREFDoo Won Choo2010I p 82 213 help 英文 http english swcf or kr p 13 amp mode view amp idx 335 amp rIdx 99999203 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 參考書目 编辑Chevalier Henri Ceremonial de l achevement des travaux de Hoa Syeng Coree 1800 Toung Pao 9 E J Brill 1898 384 396 法文 Doo Won Cho The Korean fortress City Suwon History Conservation Heritage Documentation Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe National and International Relations University of Bamberg Inaugural Dissertation 2010 727 2017 08 13 原始内容存档于2017 08 13 德文 Haboush JaHyun Kim The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyong The Autobiographical Writings of a Crown Princess of Eighteenth Century Korea University of California Press 1996 329 ISBN 978 0520200555 Oh Seyeong Journey 제목 원행 저자 오세영 출판사 예담 Yedam Wisdom House 2006 315 ISBN 9788 9591 3167 9 韓文 Pratt Keith Everlasting Flower Reaktion Book Ldt London 2006 320 Setton Mark Chŏng Yagyong Korea s Challenge to Orthodox Neo Confucianism SUNY series in Korean studies SUNY Press 1997 232 ISBN 9780791431733 水原華城官方網站 教科文組織世界遺產華城古堡介紹 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 相關條目 编辑韩国旅游 朝鮮正祖 莊獻世子 朝鮮英祖维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源 水原华城 分類 坐标 37 16 20 N 127 0 30 E 37 27222 N 127 00833 E 37 27222 127 00833 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 水原华城 amp oldid 72149942, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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