

拉丁字母擴展-BUnicode標準的第四個區塊。本區塊自1.0版本起成為Unicode標準的一部分,當時它的碼位範圍僅為U+0A81..U+0AD0,包含113個字符。在1.1版本與ISO 10646統一的過程中,本區塊的範圍被擴展了80個碼位,並被另外分配了35個字符。在3.0及以後的版本中,最後的60個可用碼位被分配完畢。

Latin Extended-B
美式音標英语Americanist phonetic notation
1.0.0113 (+113)
1.1148 (+35)
3.0178 (+30)
3.2179 (+1)
4.0183 (+4)
4.1194 (+11)
5.0208 (+14)
註釋:在1.1版本與ISO 10646統一的過程中,本區塊被擴展了80個碼位。[1][2]

本區塊在1.0版本的名稱為擴展拉丁字母Extended Latin)。[3]


Latin Extended-B[1]
Unicode Consortium 官方碼表 (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+018x ƀ Ɓ Ƃ ƃ Ƅ ƅ Ɔ Ƈ ƈ Ɖ Ɗ Ƌ ƌ ƍ Ǝ Ə
U+019x Ɛ Ƒ ƒ Ɠ Ɣ ƕ Ɩ Ɨ Ƙ ƙ ƚ ƛ Ɯ Ɲ ƞ Ɵ
U+01Ax Ơ ơ Ƣ ƣ Ƥ ƥ Ʀ Ƨ ƨ Ʃ ƪ ƫ Ƭ ƭ Ʈ Ư
U+01Bx ư Ʊ Ʋ Ƴ ƴ Ƶ ƶ Ʒ Ƹ ƹ ƺ ƻ Ƽ ƽ ƾ ƿ
U+01Cx ǀ ǁ ǂ ǃ DŽ Dž dž LJ Lj lj NJ Nj nj Ǎ ǎ Ǐ
U+01Dx ǐ Ǒ ǒ Ǔ ǔ Ǖ ǖ Ǘ ǘ Ǚ ǚ Ǜ ǜ ǝ Ǟ ǟ
U+01Ex Ǡ ǡ Ǣ ǣ Ǥ ǥ Ǧ ǧ Ǩ ǩ Ǫ ǫ Ǭ ǭ Ǯ ǯ
U+01Fx ǰ DZ Dz dz Ǵ ǵ Ƕ Ƿ Ǹ ǹ Ǻ ǻ Ǽ ǽ Ǿ ǿ
U+020x Ȁ ȁ Ȃ ȃ Ȅ ȅ Ȇ ȇ Ȉ ȉ Ȋ ȋ Ȍ ȍ Ȏ ȏ
U+021x Ȑ ȑ Ȓ ȓ Ȕ ȕ Ȗ ȗ Ș ș Ț ț Ȝ ȝ Ȟ ȟ
U+022x Ƞ ȡ Ȣ ȣ Ȥ ȥ Ȧ ȧ Ȩ ȩ Ȫ ȫ Ȭ ȭ Ȯ ȯ
U+023x Ȱ ȱ Ȳ ȳ ȴ ȵ ȶ ȷ ȸ ȹ Ⱥ Ȼ ȼ Ƚ Ⱦ ȿ
U+024x ɀ Ɂ ɂ Ƀ Ʉ Ʌ Ɇ ɇ Ɉ ɉ Ɋ ɋ Ɍ ɍ Ɏ ɏ
1.^ 依據 Unicode 14.0





  1. ^ . The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-25). 
  2. ^ . The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-29). 
  3. ^ (PDF). The Unicode Standard. version 1.0. Unicode Consortium. [2022-05-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-02-11). 

拉丁字母擴展, 是unicode標準的第四個區塊, 本區塊自1, 0版本起成為unicode標準的一部分, 當時它的碼位範圍僅為u, 0a81, 0ad0, 包含113個字符, 在1, 1版本與iso, 10646統一的過程中, 本區塊的範圍被擴展了80個碼位, 並被另外分配了35個字符, 在3, 0及以後的版本中, 最後的60個可用碼位被分配完畢, latin, extended, b範圍u, 0180, 024f, 208個碼位, 平面基本多文種平面, 文字拉丁字母應用非洲字母美式音標, 英语, america. 拉丁字母擴展 B是Unicode標準的第四個區塊 本區塊自1 0版本起成為Unicode標準的一部分 當時它的碼位範圍僅為U 0A81 U 0AD0 包含113個字符 在1 1版本與ISO 10646統一的過程中 本區塊的範圍被擴展了80個碼位 並被另外分配了35個字符 在3 0及以後的版本中 最後的60個可用碼位被分配完畢 拉丁字母擴展 BLatin Extended B範圍U 0180 U 024F 208個碼位 平面基本多文種平面 BMP 文字拉丁字母應用非洲字母美式音標 英语 Americanist phonetic notation 科依桑語泛尼日利亞字母非標準國際音標符號拼音斯洛文尼亞語羅馬尼亞語老壯文已分配208個碼位未分配0個保留碼位Unicode版本歷史1 0 0113 113 1 1148 35 3 0178 30 3 2179 1 4 0183 4 4 1194 11 5 0208 14 官方碼表點擊此處註釋 在1 1版本與ISO 10646統一的過程中 本區塊被擴展了80個碼位 1 2 本區塊在1 0版本的名稱為擴展拉丁字母 Extended Latin 3 目录 1 區塊 2 歷史 3 另見 4 參考資料區塊 编辑拉丁字母擴展 BLatin Extended B 1 Unicode Consortium 官方碼表 PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 018x ƀ Ɓ Ƃ ƃ Ƅ ƅ Ɔ Ƈ ƈ Ɖ Ɗ Ƌ ƌ ƍ Ǝ EU 019x Ɛ Ƒ ƒ Ɠ Ɣ ƕ Ɩ Ɨ Ƙ ƙ ƚ ƛ Ɯ Ɲ ƞ ƟU 01Ax Ơ ơ Ƣ ƣ Ƥ ƥ Ʀ Ƨ ƨ Ʃ ƪ ƫ Ƭ ƭ Ʈ ƯU 01Bx ư Ʊ Ʋ Ƴ ƴ Ƶ ƶ Ʒ Ƹ ƹ ƺ ƻ Ƽ ƽ ƾ ƿU 01Cx ǀ ǁ ǂ ǃ DŽ Dž dž LJ Lj lj NJ Nj nj Ǎ ǎ ǏU 01Dx ǐ Ǒ ǒ Ǔ ǔ Ǖ ǖ Ǘ ǘ Ǚ ǚ Ǜ ǜ ǝ Ǟ ǟU 01Ex Ǡ ǡ Ǣ ǣ Ǥ ǥ Ǧ ǧ Ǩ ǩ Ǫ ǫ Ǭ ǭ Ǯ ǯU 01Fx ǰ DZ Dz dz Ǵ ǵ Ƕ Ƿ Ǹ ǹ Ǻ ǻ Ǽ ǽ Ǿ ǿU 020x Ȁ ȁ Ȃ ȃ Ȅ ȅ Ȇ ȇ Ȉ ȉ Ȋ ȋ Ȍ ȍ Ȏ ȏU 021x Ȑ ȑ Ȓ ȓ Ȕ ȕ Ȗ ȗ Ș ș Ț ț Ȝ ȝ Ȟ ȟU 022x Ƞ ȡ Ȣ ȣ Ȥ ȥ Ȧ ȧ Ȩ ȩ Ȫ ȫ Ȭ ȭ Ȯ ȯU 023x Ȱ ȱ Ȳ ȳ ȴ ȵ ȶ ȷ ȸ ȹ Ⱥ Ȼ ȼ Ƚ Ⱦ ȿU 024x ɀ Ɂ ɂ Ƀ Ʉ Ʌ Ɇ ɇ Ɉ ɉ Ɋ ɋ Ɍ ɍ Ɏ ɏ注釋 1 依據 Unicode 14 0歷史 编辑以下Unicode文檔記錄了定義本區塊中特定字符的目的與過程 版本 最終碼位 a 碼位数 UTC ID L2 英语 International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2 英语 ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 ID 文檔1 0 0 U 0180 01EF 112 待考 X3L2 94 077 N994 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Davis Mark ISO IEC 10646 1 Proposed Draft Corrigendum 1 1994 03 03 X3L2 94 098 N1033 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 1 15 Unconfirmed Minutes of ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 WG 2 Meeting 25 Falez Hotel Antalya Turkey 1994 04 18 22 1994 06 01 N1105 Everson Michael Defect Report Character names in Latin Extended B 1994 10 11 N1162 Everson Michael Input document to WG2 N 1105 Defect Report Character names in Latin Extended B 1995 03 10 L2 04 399 N2859 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 LaBonte Alain Correcting reference glyph for U 01B3 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH HOOK 2004 10 19 L2 05 137 Freytag Asmus Handling defective names 2005 05 10 L2 05 108R Moore Lisa Consensus 103 C7 UTC 103 Minutes 2005 08 26 Create a Normative Name Alias property and file in the UCD Populate the property with names from the sections Typos and Bad or misleading names from document L2 05 137 L2 06 157 McGowan Rick Proposed Additional Name Aliases BETA FEEDBACK U 01A2 U 01A2 Comments on Public Review Issues January 31 2006 May 12 2006 2006 05 12 L2 06 108 Moore Lisa B 11 10 U 01A2 U 01A2 UTC 107 Minutes 2006 05 25 L2 19 201 Zhong Juechen Proposal to correct LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE SIX U 0185 2019 05 14 L2 19 286 Anderson Deborah Whistler Ken Pournader Roozbeh Moore Lisa Liang Hai a LATIN SMALL LETTER TONE SIX Recommendations to UTC 160 July 2019 on Script Proposals 2019 07 22 L2 21 083 Jiang Kushim Proposal to provide the glyphs of Latin letter tone six 2021 02 03 L2 21 073 Anderson Deborah Whistler Ken Pournader Roozbeh Moore Lisa Liang Hai 1a Latin Letter Tone Six Recommendations to UTC 167 April 2021 on Script Proposals 2021 04 23 U 01F0 1 UTC 1991 047 Becker Joe Extended Latin Standard Phonetic Modifier Letters General Diacritical Marks Greek Cyrillic UTC 1991 048B Whistler Ken IPA additions Draft Minutes from the UTC meeting 46 day 2 3 27 at Apple 1991 03 27 1 1 U 01F1 01F5 01FA 0217 35 待考 X3L2 94 077 N994 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Davis Mark ISO IEC 10646 1 Proposed Draft Corrigendum 1 1994 03 03 X3L2 94 098 N1033 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 1 15 Unconfirmed Minutes of ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 WG 2 Meeting 25 Falez Hotel Antalya Turkey 1994 04 18 22 1994 06 01 3 0 U 01F6 01F7 021C 021D 4 N1166 Everson Michael Proposal Summary for HWAIR and WYNN 1995 03 10 L2 97 117 N1547 Everson Michael Reminder about 4 medieval English Latin characters 1997 04 14 L2 97 119 N1549 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael On the derivation of YOGH and EZH 1997 04 20 L2 97 288 N1603 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 19 Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes WG 2 Meeting 33 Heraklion Crete Greece 20 June 4 July 1997 1997 10 24 L2 98 004R N1681 Text of ISO 10646 AMD 18 for PDAM registration and FPDAM ballot 1997 12 22 L2 98 318 N1894 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646 1 FPDAM 18 AMENDMENT 18 Symbols and Others 1998 10 22 U 01F8 01F9 2 X3L2 95 112 N1282 Two Pinyin letters with Tone Mark missing 1995 11 07 N1303 html doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 12 Missing Pinyin characters Minutes of Meeting 29 Tokyo 1996 01 26 X3L2 96 033 N1355 Suignard Michel US response to WG 2 resolution 29 10 at the meeting in Tokyo 1996 04 17 N1353 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 10 Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting 30 1996 06 25 N1461 Pinyin proposal summary form 1996 08 15 N1453 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Ksar Mike Umamaheswaran V S 8 3 4 WG 2 Minutes Quebec Meeting 31 1996 12 06 UTC 1996 xxx Greenfield Steve Motion 70 6 Action Items amp Resolutions Generated at UTC 70 1996 12 13 L2 98 004R N1681 Text of ISO 10646 AMD 18 for PDAM registration and FPDAM ballot 1997 12 22 L2 98 318 N1894 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646 1 FPDAM 18 AMENDMENT 18 Symbols and Others 1998 10 22 U 0218 021B 4 UTC 1991 048B Whistler Ken 7 Add Roman S cedilla Roman S comma to extended Latin Draft Minutes from the UTC meeting 46 day 2 3 27 at Apple 1991 03 27 X3L2 96 053 N1361 Proposal for addition of Latin characters 1995 04 22 N1353 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 2 3 Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting 30 1996 06 25 UTC 1996 027 2 Greenfield Steve I Additional Latin Characters UTC 69 Minutes PART 2 1996 07 01 N1440 Confirmation of request for 4 additional Latin characters used in Romania reference document WG2 N 1361 1996 07 09 X3L2 96 109 N1507 Suignard Michel Comment on Romanian issues concerning characters S and T with Cedilla Comma 1996 12 06 N1453 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Ksar Mike Umamaheswaran V S 8 3 1 Four Romanian characters WG 2 Minutes Quebec Meeting 31 1996 12 06 X3L2 96 123 Aliprand Joan Winkler Arnold 4 6 Romanian Preliminary Minutes UTC 71 amp X3L2 168 ad hoc meeting San Diego December 5 6 1996 1996 12 18 L2 97 030 N1503 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 11 Romanian 4 additional characters Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 Meeting 32 Singapore 1997 01 20 24 1997 04 01 L2 97 288 N1603 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 24 5 Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes WG 2 Meeting 33 Heraklion Crete Greece 20 June 4 July 1997 1997 10 24 L2 98 004R N1681 Text of ISO 10646 AMD 18 for PDAM registration and FPDAM ballot 1997 12 22 L2 98 318 N1894 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646 1 FPDAM 18 AMENDMENT 18 Symbols and Others 1998 10 22 L2 99 010 N1903 pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35 London U K 1998 09 21 25 1998 12 30 U 021E 021F 2 L2 97 164 Proposal to add 2 Latin characters 1997 07 01 L2 98 062 N1619 Kolehmainen Erkki I Ruppel Klaas Proposal to add 2 Latin Characters to ISO IEC 10646 1997 07 01 L2 98 070 Aliprand Joan Winkler Arnold 4 C 3 Minutes of the joint UTC and L2 meeting from the meeting in Cupertino February 25 27 1998 L2 98 286 N1703 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 3 Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes WG 2 Meeting 34 Redmond WA USA 1998 03 16 20 1998 07 02 L2 98 321 N1905 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646 1 FPDAM 23 AMENDMENT 23 Bopomofo Extended and other characters 1998 10 22 U 0222 0225 4 L2 98 208 N1741 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Additional Latin characters for the UCS 1998 05 25 L2 98 281R pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Aliprand Joan Additional Latin Characters IV C 1 Unconfirmed Minutes UTC 77 amp NCITS Subgroup L2 174 JOINT MEETING Redmond WA July 29 31 1998 1998 07 31 L2 98 292R pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Figure 1 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 2 1 Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO TC 46 SC 4 1998 08 19 L2 98 292 N1840 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 2 1 Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO TC 46 SC 4 1998 08 25 L2 98 293 N1885 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 2 1 Comments on proposals to add various characters to ISO IEC 10646 1998 08 25 L2 98 301 N1847 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Responses to NCITS L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals 1998 09 12 L2 98 372 N1884R2 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Whistler Ken et al Additional Characters for the UCS 1998 09 22 L2 98 329 N1920 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO IEC 10646 1 Amd 30 AMENDMENT 30 Additional Latin and other characters 1998 10 28 L2 99 010 N1903 pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 1 5 1 Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35 London U K 1998 09 21 25 1998 12 30 U 0226 0229 4 L2 98 357 N1838 html doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Davis Mark Proposal to add four binary completion letters to the BMP 1998 09 15 L2 98 329 N1920 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO IEC 10646 1 Amd 30 AMENDMENT 30 Additional Latin and other characters 1998 10 28 L2 99 010 N1903 pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 2 3 Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35 London U K 1998 09 21 25 1998 12 30 U 022A 0233 10 X3L2 95 126 N1322 Everson Michael Ruppel Klaas Metra Imants Proposal for addition of Latin characters for Livonian 1995 11 01 N1353 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 2 1 Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting 30 1996 06 25 N1453 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Ksar Mike Umamaheswaran V S 8 3 2 Livonian characters WG 2 Minutes Quebec Meeting 31 1996 12 06 L2 98 375 N1888 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Blumberga G On inclusion of additional Livonian characters in the UCS 1998 09 11 L2 98 329 N1920 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO IEC 10646 1 Amd 30 AMENDMENT 30 Additional Latin and other characters 1998 10 28 L2 99 010 N1903 pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 1 5 2 Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35 London U K 1998 09 21 25 1998 12 30 3 2 U 0220 1 L2 00 423 N2306R 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Proposal to add LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG to the UCS 2000 11 29 L2 01 012R Moore Lisa Motion 86 M31 Minutes UTC 86 in Mountain View Jan 2001 2001 05 21 Accept the addition of the character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG at U 0220 L2 01 344 N2353 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 7 3 Minutes from SC2 WG2 meeting 40 Mountain View April 2001 2001 09 09 4 0 U 0221 0234 0236 4 L2 01 272 N2366 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Cook Richard Everson Michael Proposal to add five phonetic characters to the UCS 2001 07 02 L2 01 295R Moore Lisa Minutes from the UTC L2 meeting 88 2001 11 06 L2 01 347 N2366R 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Cook Richard Everson Michael Proposal to add six phonetic characters to the UCS 2001 09 20 L2 01 420 Whistler Ken c Phonetic letter additions WG2 Singapore Resolution Consent Docket for UTC 2001 10 30 L2 01 405R Moore Lisa Consensus 89 C22 Minutes from the UTC L2 meeting in Mountain View November 6 9 2001 2001 12 12 L2 02 154 N2403 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Draft minutes of WG 2 meeting 41 Hotel Phoenix Singapore 2001 10 15 19 2002 04 22 4 1 U 0237 1 L2 03 194 N2590 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Freytag Asmus Additional Mathematical and Letterlike Characters 2003 06 09 U 0238 0239 023C 3 L2 03 190R Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS 2003 06 08 L2 04 047 Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 132 N2740 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Constable Peter Proposal to add additional phonetic characters to the UCS 2004 04 19 L2 04 145 Starner David C with stroke character examples from BAE report 1884 Dorsey 2004 04 30 L2 04 003R Moore Lisa Additional Phonetic Symbols B 14 13 UTC 98 Minutes 2004 05 17 L2 04 173 McGowan Rick 35 Comments on Public Review Issues Feb 5 May 28 2004 2004 05 28 L2 04 202 Anderson Deborah Slashed C Feedback 2004 06 07 L2 04 156R2 Moore Lisa SENCOŦEN Latin characters A 19 and Encoding LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH STROKE C 12 11 UTC 99 Minutes 2004 08 13 U 023A 023B 023D 023E 4 L2 04 170 N2784R 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Elliot John Brand Peter Harvey Chris Proposal to Add Four SENCOŦEN Latin Charaters sic 2004 05 05 L2 04 182 Anderson Deborah Message in support of SENCOTEN proposal 2004 06 03 L2 04 211 Anderson Deborah Further Information on SENCOTEN 2004 06 07 L2 04 156R2 Moore Lisa SENCOŦEN Latin characters A 19 UTC 99 Minutes 2004 08 13 U 023F 0240 2 L2 03 190R Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Additional Phonetic Symbols in the UCS 2003 06 08 L2 04 242 N2799 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Constable Peter Proposal to add two Africanist phonetic characters 2004 06 12 U 0241 1 L2 04 065 Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Orthographic Glottal Stops in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 04 224 N2789 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Kew Jonathan Constable Peter Revised Proposal to Encode Orthographic Glottal Stops in the UCS 2004 06 08 L2 05 072 Constable Peter Case mapping and glottal stops 2005 02 09 5 0 U 0242 1 L2 04 065 Constable Peter Proposal to Encode Orthographic Glottal Stops in the UCS 2004 02 01 L2 05 057 Constable Peter Proposed Principles for Character Disunifications 2005 02 02 L2 05 076 Davis Mark Stability of Case Folding 2005 02 10 L2 05 224 Priest Lorna Letter in Support of L2 05 194 2005 08 08 L2 05 194R N2962R 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Harvey Chris Proposal to add LATIN SMALL LETTER GLOTTAL STOP to the UCS 2005 08 10 N2942 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Freytag Asmus Whistler Ken Proposal to add nine lowercase characters 2005 08 12 L2 05 180 Moore Lisa C 16 UTC 104 Minutes 2005 08 17 L2 05 108R Moore Lisa Stability of Case Folding B 14 2 UTC 103 Minutes 2005 08 26 N2953 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 2 2 Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47 Sophia Antipolis France 2005 09 12 15 2006 02 16 U 0243 024F 13 L2 04 246R Priest Lorna Revised Proposal for Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters 2004 07 26 L2 04 316 Moore Lisa C 6 UTC 100 Minutes 2004 08 19 L2 04 348 N2906 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Priest Lorna Revised Proposal for Additional Latin Phonetic and Orthographic Characters 2004 08 23 N2953 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S M47 5a Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 47 Sophia Antipolis France 2005 09 12 15 2006 02 16 建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終的結果不同 另見 编辑Unicode中的拉丁字母 Unicode中的音標符號參考資料 编辑 Unicode character database The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2017 09 25 Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2016 06 29 3 8 Block by Block Charts PDF The Unicode Standard version 1 0 Unicode Consortium 2022 05 16 原始内容 PDF 存档于2021 02 11 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 拉丁字母擴展 B amp oldid 72391387, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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