

性別不一致[a](英語:gender incongruence)的特点是个人经验性别与指定性别之间存在显著且持续的不一致[1]。其在DSM-5中对应为性別不安(英語:gender dysphoria[b][c]















在許多案例中性別不一致通常是在小時候就會出現,但也有在青春期或成人時才出現的可能,並且隨著年紀增長而越來越強烈[24]。由於許多文化並無法接受跨性別的行為,這種感覺往往為當事人以其家人、朋友帶來許多問題。在許多案例的報告中,也有人的不適感是覺得自己的身體「出了差錯」,或從一開始就不應該是如此。 以下症状一般被认为是性別不一致的表现。但这些症状并非所有性别不一致者都有表现。









  • 易性症(F64.0):渴望成為及被接受為相反性別的成員,通常伴隨著性別重置手術和激素治療的慾望。
  • 兒童性別認同障礙(F64.2):一個人對於自身的指定性別而持續強烈的痛苦,並且在青春期之前表現出來。
  • 其他性別認同障礙(F64.8)
  • 性別認同障礙,不明確(F64.9)
  • 性成熟障礙(F66.0):關於一個人的性別認同性取向的不確定性,導致焦慮或痛苦。[34]


根據《精神疾病診斷與統計手冊》第四版(1994),要被診斷判定為「性別認同障礙」前,須達到五項條件: [35]

  • 必須要有證據顯示有強烈且持續的跨性別認同感。
  • 跨性別認同感不可以是因為認為另一種性別在文化上有更多優勢而產生的。
  • 同時也必須要有證據顯示對於天生的性別有持續性的不適應感,或是無法適應自己所屬性別的性別角色
  • 當事人不可同時擁有身體上的雙性人狀態(例如睾脂酮不敏症候族英语Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome先天性腎上腺增生症)。
  • 必須要有臨床上的證據能顯示當事人在社交、工作或其他重要領域上遭遇顯著的挫折或傷害。






根據《國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類》第十一版(2019),對性別認同相關疾病的分類進行重大修訂。[39] 截至2018年8月 (2018-08),ICD-11這種情況列為「性別不一致」。[40]

  • 青春期或成年期性別不一致(HA60):取代 F64.0
  • 童年期性別不一致(HA61):取代 F64.2
  • 未特指的性別不一致(HA6Z):取代 F64.9








  1. ^ 世界卫生组织官方中文译名
  2. ^ 也译作性别焦虑
  3. ^ 性别不一致和不安并非完全对应的关系,不需要造成不安的情绪,更接近于跨性别的总体概念。参见下文#ICD-11


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 用于死因与疾病统计的ICD-11. icd.who.int. [2022-12-28]. 
  2. ^ Davidson, Michelle R. (2012). A Nurse's Guide to Women's Mental Health. Springer Publishing Company. p. 114. ISBN 0826171133
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 (PDF). American Psychiatric Publishing. [December 24, 2016]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-12-29). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Coleman E. (PDF). International Journal of Transgenderism (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group). 2011, 13 (4): 165–232 [August 30, 2014]. S2CID 39664779. doi:10.1080/15532739.2011.700873. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于August 2, 2014). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Maddux JE, Winstead BA. Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding. Routledge. 2015: 464–465 [2020-08-26]. ISBN 978-1317697992. (原始内容于2020-06-05). 
  6. ^ 中华医学会精神病学分会. 中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第三版(精神障碍分类) 34 (3). 中华精神科杂志. 2011. doi:10.3760/j:issn:1006-7884.2001.03.028 (中文(简体)). 
  7. ^ American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5 Fact Sheets, Updated Disorders: Gender Dysphoria (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 2013): 2 ("DSM-5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender. It replaces the diagnostic name 'gender identity disorder' with 'gender dysphoria', as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria.").
  8. ^ Ranna Parekh. . American Psychiatric Publishing. [November 20, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-14). 
  9. ^ Bryant, Karl. Gender Dysphoria. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2018 [August 16, 2018]. (原始内容于2020-04-18). 
  10. ^ Fraser, L; Karasic, D; Meyer, W; Wylie, K. Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2010, 12 (2): 80–85. S2CID 144409977. doi:10.1080/15532739.2010.509202. 
  11. ^ Newman, L. Sex, Gender and Culture: Issues in the Definition, Assessment and Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. July 1, 2002, 7 (3): 352–359. S2CID 145666729. doi:10.1177/1359104502007003004. 
  12. ^ Heylens G, De Cuypere G, Zucker KJ, Schelfaut C, Elaut E, Vanden Bossche H, De Baere E, T'Sjoen G. Gender identity disorder in twins: a review of the case report literature. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. March 2012, 9 (3): 751–7. PMID 22146048. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02567.x. Of 23 monozygotic female and male twins, nine (39.1%) were concordant for GID; in contrast, none of the 21 same‐sex dizygotic female and male twins were concordant for GID, a statistically significant difference (P = 0.005)... These findings suggest a role for genetic factors in the development of GID. 
  13. ^ Diamond, Milton. Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2013, 14 (1): 24–38. S2CID 144330783. doi:10.1080/15532739.2013.750222. Combining data from the present survey with those from past-published reports, 20% of all male and female monozygotic twin pairs were found concordant for transsexual identity... The responses of our twins relative to their rearing, along with our findings regarding some of their experiences during childhood and adolescence show their identity was much more influenced by their genetics than their rearing. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Gender dysphoria. 英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS). 2017-10-23 [2022-01-07]. (原始内容于2020-03-20) (英语). 
  15. ^ Zucker, Kenneth J.; Lawrence, Anne A.; Kreukels, Baudewijntje P.C. Gender Dysphoria in Adults. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. 2016, 12: 217–247. PMID 26788901. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-021815-093034. [For DSM-5] a reconceptualization was articulated in which 'identity' per se was not considered a sign of a mental disorder. Rather, it was the incongruence between one’s felt gender and assigned sex/gender (usually at birth) leading to distress and/or impairment that was the core feature of the diagnosis. 
  16. ^ Lev, Arlene Istar. Gender Dysphoria: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back. Clinical Social Work Journal. 2013, 41 (3): 288–296. S2CID 144556484. doi:10.1007/s10615-013-0447-0. [Despite some misgivings], I think that the change in nomenclature from the DSM-IV to the DSM-5 is a step forward, that is, removing the concept of gender as the site of the disorder and placing the focus on issues of distress and dysphoria. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Guillamon A, Junque C, Gómez-Gil E. A Review of the Status of Brain Structure Research in Transsexualism. Archives of Sexual Behavior. October 2016, 45 (7): 1615–48. PMC 4987404 . PMID 27255307. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0768-5. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013: 451–460. ISBN 978-0-89042-554-1. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 American Psychiatry Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) 5th. Washington, DC and London: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013: 451–460. ISBN 978-0-89042-555-8. 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Davidson, Michelle R. A Nurse's Guide to Women's Mental Health. Springer Publishing Company. 2012: 114. ISBN 0826171133. 
  21. ^ Ansara, Y. Gavriel; Hegarty, Peter. Cisgenderism in psychology: pathologising and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008. Psychology and Sexuality. 2012, 3 (2): 137–60. doi:10.1080/19419899.2011.576696. 
  22. ^ Diemer EW, Grant JD, Munn-Chernoff MA, Patterson DA, Duncan AE. Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Eating-Related Pathology in a National Sample of College Students. The Journal of Adolescent Health. August 2015, 57 (2): 144–9. PMC 4545276 . PMID 25937471. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.03.003. 
  23. ^ Harmon, A., & Oberleitner, M. G. (2016). Gender dysphoria. In Gale (Ed.), Gale encyclopedia of children's health: Infancy through adolescence (3rd ed.). Farmington, MI: Gale.
  24. ^ Dorlands Medical Dictionary. [2007-05-26]. (原始内容于2013-03-24). 
  25. ^ Davidson, Michelle R. (2012). A Nurse's Guide to Women's Mental Health. Springer Publishing Company. p. 114. ISBN 0826171133
  26. ^ Bryant, Karl Edward. The Politics of Pathology and the Making of Gender Identity Disorder. Ann Arbor, Michigan: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT). 2007: 222. ISBN 9780549268161. 
  27. ^ Giordano, Simona (2012). Children with Gender Identity Disorder: A Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Analysis. New Jersey: Routledge. p. 147. ISBN 0415502713.
  28. ^ Heylens G, De Cuypere G, Zucker KJ, Schelfaut C, Elaut E, Vanden Bossche H, De Baere E, T'Sjoen G. Gender identity disorder in twins: a review of the case report literature. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. March 2012, 9 (3): 751–7. PMID 22146048. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02567.x. Of 23 monozygotic female and male twins, nine (39.1%) were concordant for GID; in contrast, none of the 21 same‐sex dizygotic female and male twins were concordant for GID, a statistically significant difference (P = 0.005)... These findings suggest a role for genetic factors in the development of GID. 
  29. ^ Diamond, Milton. Transsexuality Among Twins: Identity Concordance, Transition, Rearing, and Orientation. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2013, 14 (1): 24–38. S2CID 144330783. doi:10.1080/15532739.2013.750222. Combining data from the present survey with those from past-published reports, 20% of all male and female monozygotic twin pairs were found concordant for transsexual identity... The responses of our twins relative to their rearing, along with our findings regarding some of their experiences during childhood and adolescence show their identity was much more influenced by their genetics than their rearing. 
  30. ^ Rosenthal, Stephen M. Approach to the Patient: Transgender Youth: Endocrine Considerations. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2014-12-01, 99 (12): 4379–4389. ISSN 0021-972X. PMID 25140398. doi:10.1210/jc.2014-1919  (英语). 
  31. ^ 联合国教育、科学及文化组织.国际性教育技术指导纲要.北京:联合国教育、科学及文化组织,2017:22,42-75
  32. ^ International Classification of Diseases (ICD) F64 Gender identity disorders. World Health Organization. [9 August 2018]. (原始内容于2017-02-08). 
  33. ^ Potts, S; Bhugra, D. Classification of sexual disorders. International Review of Psychiatry. 1995, 7 (2): 167–174. doi:10.3109/09540269509028323. 
  34. ^ International Classification of Diseases. World Health Organization. [11 August 2018]. (原始内容于2018-09-02). 
  35. ^ Diagnostic criteria for Gender Identity Disorder 互联网档案馆的,存档日期2007-06-21. - DSM-IV & DSM-IV (TR)
  36. ^ 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 American Psychiatry Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) 5th. Washington, DC and London: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013: 451–460. ISBN 0-89042-555-8. 
  37. ^ Gender Dysphoria in Children. American Psychiatric Association. May 4, 2011 [July 3, 2011]. (原始内容于2012-03-14). 
  38. ^ P 00 Gender Dysphoria in Children. American Psychiatric Association. [April 2, 2012]. (原始内容于2012-03-14). 
  39. ^ International Classification of Diseases. World Health Organization. [August 11, 2018]. (原始内容于2018-09-02). 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Gender incongruence (ICD-11). icd.who.int. WHO. [August 28, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-01). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 Reed GM, Drescher J, Krueger RB, Atalla E, Cochran SD, First MB, et al. Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD-11: revising the ICD-10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical practices, and human rights considerations. World Psychiatry. October 2016, 15 (3): 205–221. PMC 5032510 . PMID 27717275. doi:10.1002/wps.20354. The ICD‐10 classification of Sexual dysfunctions (F52) is based on a Cartesian separation of “organic” and “non‐organic” conditions. 
  42. ^ Reed GM, Drescher J, Krueger RB, Atalla E, Cochran SD, First MB, Cohen-Kettenis PT, Arango-de Montis I, Parish SJ, Cottler S, Briken P, Saxena S. Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD-11: revising the ICD-10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical practices, and human rights considerations. World Psychiatry. October 2016, 15 (3): 205–221. PMC 5032510 . PMID 27717275. doi:10.1002/wps.20354. 
  43. ^ Drescher J, Cohen-Kettenis P, Winter S. Minding the body: situating gender identity diagnoses in the ICD-11. International Review of Psychiatry. December 2012, 24 (6): 568–77 [2022-01-08]. PMID 23244612. S2CID 12805083. doi:10.3109/09540261.2012.741575. (原始内容于2022-01-08). Until the middle of the 20th century, with rare exceptions, transgender presentations were usually classified as psychopathological. 
  44. ^ Cohen-Kettenis PT, Pfäfflin F. The DSM diagnostic criteria for gender identity disorder in adolescents and adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior. April 2010, 39 (2): 499–513. PMID 19838784. S2CID 16336939. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9562-y. The DSM has consistently approached gender problems from the position that a divergence between the assigned sex or “the” physical sex (assuming that “physical sex” is a one-dimensional construct) and “the” psychological sex (gender) per se signals a psychiatric disorder. Although the terminology and place of the gender identity disorders in the DSM have varied in the different versions, the distress about one’s assigned sex has remained, since DSM-III, the core feature of the diagnosis. 
  45. ^ Lawrence AA. Gender Dysphoria. Beidel DC, Frueh BC (编). Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis 8th. John Wiley & Sons. 2018: 634 [2022-01-08]. ISBN 978-1-119-38360-4. (原始内容于2022-01-08). The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), for example, defined GD as “discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and that person’s sex assigned at birth (and the associated gender role and/or primary and secondary sex characteristics)” 
  46. ^ Robles R, Fresán A, Vega-Ramírez H, Cruz-Islas J, Rodríguez-Pérez V, Domínguez-Martínez T, Reed GM. Removing transgender identity from the classification of mental disorders: a Mexican field study for ICD-11. The Lancet. Psychiatry. September 2016, 3 (9): 850–9 [2022-01-08]. PMID 27474250. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(16)30165-1. (原始内容于2021-07-05). 
  47. ^ Leiblum, Sandra. Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy, Fourth Edition. The Guilford Press. 2006: 488–9. ISBN 978-1-59385-349-5. 
  48. ^ Committee On Adolescence. Office-based care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. Pediatrics. July 2013, 132 (1): 198–203. PMID 23796746. doi:10.1542/peds.2013-1282 . However, adolescents with multiple or anonymous partners, having unprotected intercourse, or having substance abuse issues should be tested at shorter intervals. 
  49. ^ www.glma.org Compendium of Health Profession Association LGBT Policy & Position Statements (PDF). GLMA. 2013 [August 27, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)于2020-11-09). 
  50. ^ APA Policy Statements on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Concerns (PDF). American Psychological Association. 2011 [August 27, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)于2022-01-21). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APA recognizes the efficacy, benefit, and necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated individuals and calls upon public and private insurers to cover these medically necessary treatments; 


  • – An alternative to the Benjamin Standards of Care proposed by the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy.

性別不一致, 提示, 此条目的主题不是跨性別或異裝癖, 英語, gender, incongruence, 的特点是个人经验性别与指定性别之间存在显著且持续的不一致, 其在dsm, 5中对应为性別不安, 英語, gender, dysphoria, 同义词性别不安, 性别焦虑症状个人经验性别与指定性别之间存在显著且持续的不一致, 併發症飲食失調, 自殺, 抑鬱, 焦慮, 社會孤立, 类型性健康相关情况, 相似疾病或共病性別認同或性別表現方面的變動並不令人痛苦, 治療性別轉換, 心理治療, 藥物性别肯定激素治疗, 例. 提示 此条目的主题不是跨性別或異裝癖 性別不一致 a 英語 gender incongruence 的特点是个人经验性别与指定性别之间存在显著且持续的不一致 1 其在DSM 5中对应为性別不安 英語 gender dysphoria b c 性別不一致同义词性别不安 性别焦虑症状个人经验性别与指定性别之间存在显著且持续的不一致 1 併發症飲食失調 自殺 抑鬱 焦慮 社會孤立 2 类型性健康相关情况 1 相似疾病或共病性別認同或性別表現方面的變動並不令人痛苦 3 4 治療性別轉換 心理治療 5 4 藥物性别肯定激素治疗 例如 雄激素 抗雄激素 雌激素 孕激素 促性腺素释素 分类和外部资源醫學專科心理學 精神病學ICD 11HA60 HA61 HA6ZICD 10F64 8 F64 9 F64 0 F64 2 编辑此条目的维基数据 性別認同障礙 或称 易性症 6 性身份障碍 性别识别障碍 在DSM 5 2013年出版 中被重新分類為 性別不安 以消除與術語 障礙 相關的污名 7 在ICD 11 2022年生效 中 其被重新命名为 性別不一致 性別不安與非常規性別不同 8 根據美國精神醫學學會的說法 性別不安的關鍵因素是 臨床上的顯著痛苦 3 一些跨性別和研究人員支持性別認同障礙的重新分類 因為他們說診斷會使非常規性別病理化 並強化了性別二元論的模型 9 10 11 有研究证据表明 性别不安可能存在遗传原因 12 13 性別不一致的治療可能涉及支持患者改變性別表現 透過性别肯定激素治疗 GAHT 或性別重置手術可以用來协助這種改變 5 4 治療還可能包括心理諮詢或心理治療 4 目录 1 概念 2 症状 3 原因 4 社会行动 5 診斷 5 1 ICD 10 5 2 DSM IV 5 3 DSM 5 5 4 ICD 11 6 治疗 7 注释 8 參考文獻 9 外部連結概念 编辑许多性别不安者都有强烈的 持久的愿望 希望过一种 符合 或表达其性别认同的生活 他们通过改变自己的外表和行为方式来实现这一愿望 14 一些性别不安者 但不是所有的人 可能想使用激素 有时想通过手术来表达他们的性别认同 14 性别不安不是一种精神疾病 但有些人可能因为性别不安而产生心理健康问题 14 性别不安与性倾向无关 性别不安者可能会认为自己是异性恋 男同性恋 女同性恋或双性恋 14 症状 编辑一个人感觉到的性别与被分配的性别 通常在出生时 不一致而产生的困扰是性别不一致的主要症状 15 16 出生时被分配为男性的人的性别不一致 通常被称为AMAB 倾向于遵循两种广泛的轨迹之一 早发或晚发 早发的性别不一致在童年时行为上就很明显 有时 这一群体的性别不一致会停止一段时间 他们会在一段时间内认同为同性恋者 然后再复发性别不一致 这类人在成年后通常会被其出生时的性别所吸引 通常被认定为异性恋 迟发的性别不一致并不包括早期儿童时期的明显迹象 但有些人报告说 他们在童年时曾有过成为异性的愿望 但没有向他人报告 17 出生时被分配为男性的人 如果有迟发的性别不一致 通常会因性兴奋而变装 18 出生时被分配为男性的的跨性别者 如果经历晚发的性别不一致 通常会被女性所吸引 并可能被认定为女同性恋或双性恋者 而早发的通常会被男性所吸引 17 类似的模式也发生在出生时被分配为女性的人 AFAB 身上 经历早发的性别不一致的人最有可能被女性吸引 而晚发的人最有可能被男性吸引并被认定为同性恋 17 在AFABs中 早发的性别不一致是最常见的 17 18 性別不一致兒童通常有以下情况 喜欢异性典型的玩具 游戏或活动 讨厌自己的生殖器 以及非常喜欢异性玩伴 19 一些儿童也可能经历与与同龄層的社会隔离 焦虑 孤独和抑郁 20 据美國心理學會称 跨性别儿童比其他儿童更容易在学校 寄养 住宿治疗中心 无家可归者中心和少年司法方案中遭受骚扰和暴力 21 在青少年和成年人中 症状包括渴望成为另一性别并被当作另一性别对待 19 成年性别不一致者面临更大的压力 孤独 焦虑 抑郁 自卑和自杀风险 20 跨性别者还面临饮食失调 22 和药物滥用 23 的高风险 在許多案例中性別不一致通常是在小時候就會出現 但也有在青春期或成人時才出現的可能 並且隨著年紀增長而越來越強烈 24 由於許多文化並無法接受跨性別的行為 這種感覺往往為當事人以其家人 朋友帶來許多問題 在許多案例的報告中 也有人的不適感是覺得自己的身體 出了差錯 或從一開始就不應該是如此 以下症状一般被认为是性別不一致的表现 但这些症状并非所有性别不一致者都有表现 原因 编辑此章節需要提供更多來源 否則內容可能無法查證 2019年7月26日 主条目 跨性別成因 当一个人因性别认同而感到不满时 性别不一致就会存在 从而导致他们情绪低落 25 研究人员对性別不一致者的痛苦和损伤的本质持不同意见 一些研究人员认为 性别不一致者受苦是因为他们受到羞辱和暴力 26 而且 如果社会性别分化不那么严格 跨性別就会遭受少一點的痛苦 27 性别不一致的确切成因尚未明确 14 有研究证据表明 遗传因素在性别不一致的发展中起主要作用 28 29 性别认同被认为可能反映了生物 环境和文化因素的复杂相互作用 30 社会行动 编辑 中华人民共和国未成年人保护法 2020年修订 规定 学校 幼儿园应当对未成年人进行适龄性教育 接纳人人在性取向 性别认同和性别表达方面享有平等的选择权 不遭受污名 歧视和暴力 是全面性教育的重要内容之一 儿童和青少年对性和性别多元的理解将有助于他们理解与识别和社会性别有关的歧视和偏见 培养宽容和尊重的价值观 学会接纳自己和他人 并进一步创造一个更友好的社会 31 診斷 编辑ICD 10 编辑 根據 國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類 第十版 1993 列出與性別認同有關的幾種疾病 32 33 易性症 F64 0 渴望成為及被接受為相反性別的成員 通常伴隨著性別重置手術和激素治療的慾望 兒童性別認同障礙 F64 2 一個人對於自身的指定性別而持續強烈的痛苦 並且在青春期之前表現出來 其他性別認同障礙 F64 8 性別認同障礙 不明確 F64 9 性成熟障礙 F66 0 關於一個人的性別認同或性取向的不確定性 導致焦慮或痛苦 34 DSM IV 编辑 根據 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊 第四版 1994 要被診斷判定為 性別認同障礙 前 須達到五項條件 35 必須要有證據顯示有強烈且持續的跨性別認同感 跨性別認同感不可以是因為認為另一種性別在文化上有更多優勢而產生的 同時也必須要有證據顯示對於天生的性別有持續性的不適應感 或是無法適應自己所屬性別的性別角色 當事人不可同時擁有身體上的雙性人狀態 例如睾脂酮不敏症候族 英语 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome 或先天性腎上腺增生症 必須要有臨床上的證據能顯示當事人在社交 工作或其他重要領域上遭遇顯著的挫折或傷害 DSM 5 编辑 根據 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊 第五版 2013 要被診斷判定為 性別不安 前 青少年或成人須至少符合兩個標準以及持續至少六個月 36 強烈渴望成為自身指定性別以外的性別 強烈希望被視為自身指定性別以外的性別 自身性別特徵與性別表達經歷之間存在顯著的不一致 強烈渴望自身指定性別以外的性別特徵 由於自身性別特徵與性別表達經歷不一致而強烈希望擺脫它 堅信一個人具有與自身指定性別不同的典型性別的反應和感受 此外 該病症必須與臨床上顯著的痛苦或損害相關 36 DSM 5將性別不安從性偏離中移除 並將其納入其他的類別 36 在性別認同障礙被批評為污名後 該診斷被重新命名為性別不安 37 並刪除了子類別中的性取向 兒童的診斷與成人的診斷被分開 如 兒童性別不安 為兒童建立一種特定的診斷反映了兒童較少有能力洞察他們正在經歷的事情 或者讓他們表達自身正在經歷的事情 38 如果一個人不符合性別不安的標準但仍有臨床上顯著的痛苦或損傷 則可以診斷出 其他性別不安 或 性別不安 不明確 36 ICD 11 编辑 根據 國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類 第十一版 2019 對性別認同相關疾病的分類進行重大修訂 39 截至2018年8月 2018 08 update ICD 11這種情況列為 性別不一致 40 青春期或成年期性別不一致 HA60 取代 F64 0 童年期性別不一致 HA61 取代 F64 2 未特指的性別不一致 HA6Z 取代 F64 9在ICD 11中 由于缺乏公共卫生或临床意义 双重角色异装癖被移除 41 此外 已經移除了性成熟障礙 42 在ICD 11中 其解釋類似於DSM V的定義 但不需要明顯的痛苦或損害 40 在ICD 10中 按照当时的惯例 性别认同障碍被列入精神障碍一章 在整个20世纪 ICD和DSM都从精神病理学的角度探讨了跨性别 因为跨性别呈现出某人的性别指定和他们的性别认同之间的差异 由于这可能导致精神痛苦 因此被认为是一种精神障碍 痛苦或不适是核心诊断特征 43 44 45 在2000年代和2010年代 这种观念受到了越来越多的挑战 因为一些人认为将跨性别视为一种精神障碍是一种耻辱 有人认为 跨性别者的痛苦和功能障碍应被视为社会对具有性别差异外表和行为的个人的排斥 歧视和 性 暴力的结果 这样做更为恰当 46 研究表明 跨性别者比其他人群更有可能出现心理健康问题 但针对跨性别者的健康服务往往不足或不存在 由于通常需要一个正式的ICD代码来获得治疗和报销 世界卫生组织认为将跨性别从ICD 11中全部删除是不明智的 因此 决定将这一概念从精神障碍章节移至新的性健康章节 41 治疗 编辑诊断为性别不一致的治疗可能包括心理咨询 支持患者的性别表达 激素治疗或手术 这可能涉及到医疗干预 如激素治疗 生殖器手术 电解或激光脱毛 胸部 乳房手术或其他重建手术 导致的身体过渡 14 治疗的目标可能仅仅是减少患者跨性别状态引起的问题 例如 为患者提供咨询 以减少与变装相关的内疚感 47 已有机构制定了指导方针来帮助临床医生 世界跨性别人士健康专业协会 WPATH 的护理标准被一些临床医生用作治疗指南 治疗指南通常遵循 减少伤害 模式 48 49 50 注释 编辑 世界卫生组织官方中文译名 也译作性别焦虑 性别不一致和不安并非完全对应的关系 不需要造成不安的情绪 更接近于跨性别的总体概念 参见下文 ICD 11 參考文獻 编辑 1 0 1 1 1 2 用于死因与疾病统计的ICD 11 icd who int 2022 12 28 Davidson Michelle R 2012 A Nurse s Guide to Women s Mental Health Springer Publishing Company p 114 ISBN 0826171133 3 0 3 1 Gender Dysphoria PDF American Psychiatric Publishing December 24 2016 原始内容 PDF 存档于2016 12 29 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 Coleman E Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People Version 7 PDF International Journal of Transgenderism Routledge Taylor amp Francis Group 2011 13 4 165 232 August 30 2014 S2CID 39664779 doi 10 1080 15532739 2011 700873 原始内容 PDF 存档于August 2 2014 5 0 5 1 Maddux JE Winstead BA Psychopathology Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding Routledge 2015 464 465 2020 08 26 ISBN 978 1317697992 原始内容存档于2020 06 05 中华医学会精神病学分会 中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第三版 精神障碍分类 34 3 中华精神科杂志 2011 doi 10 3760 j issn 1006 7884 2001 03 028 中文 简体 使用 accessdate 需要含有 url 帮助 American Psychiatric Association DSM 5 Fact Sheets Updated Disorders Gender Dysphoria 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Washington D C American Psychiatric Association 2013 2 DSM 5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender It replaces the diagnostic name gender identity disorder with gender dysphoria as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria Ranna Parekh What Is Gender Dysphoria American Psychiatric Publishing November 20 2018 原始内容存档于2020 01 14 Bryant Karl Gender Dysphoria Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 2018 August 16 2018 原始内容存档于2020 04 18 Fraser L Karasic D Meyer W Wylie K Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults International Journal of Transgenderism 2010 12 2 80 85 S2CID 144409977 doi 10 1080 15532739 2010 509202 Newman L Sex Gender and Culture Issues in the Definition Assessment and Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry July 1 2002 7 3 352 359 S2CID 145666729 doi 10 1177 1359104502007003004 Heylens G De Cuypere G Zucker KJ Schelfaut C Elaut E Vanden Bossche H De Baere E T Sjoen G Gender identity disorder in twins a review of the case report literature The Journal of Sexual Medicine March 2012 9 3 751 7 PMID 22146048 doi 10 1111 j 1743 6109 2011 02567 x Of 23 monozygotic female and male twins nine 39 1 were concordant for GID in contrast none of the 21 same sex dizygotic female and male twins were concordant for GID a statistically significant difference P 0 005 These findings suggest a role for genetic factors in the development of GID Diamond Milton Transsexuality Among Twins Identity Concordance Transition Rearing and Orientation International Journal of Transgenderism 2013 14 1 24 38 S2CID 144330783 doi 10 1080 15532739 2013 750222 Combining data from the present survey with those from past published reports 20 of all male and female monozygotic twin pairs were found concordant for transsexual identity The responses of our twins relative to their rearing along with our findings regarding some of their experiences during childhood and adolescence show their identity was much more influenced by their genetics than their rearing 14 0 14 1 14 2 14 3 14 4 14 5 Gender dysphoria 英国国家医疗服务体系 NHS 2017 10 23 2022 01 07 原始内容存档于2020 03 20 英语 Zucker Kenneth J Lawrence Anne A Kreukels Baudewijntje P C Gender Dysphoria in Adults Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2016 12 217 247 PMID 26788901 doi 10 1146 annurev clinpsy 021815 093034 For DSM 5 a reconceptualization was articulated in which identity per se was not considered a sign of a mental disorder Rather it was the incongruence between one s felt gender and assigned sex gender usually at birth leading to distress and or impairment that was the core feature of the diagnosis Lev Arlene Istar Gender Dysphoria Two Steps Forward One Step Back Clinical Social Work Journal 2013 41 3 288 296 S2CID 144556484 doi 10 1007 s10615 013 0447 0 Despite some misgivings I think that the change in nomenclature from the DSM IV to the DSM 5 is a step forward that is removing the concept of gender as the site of the disorder and placing the focus on issues of distress and dysphoria 17 0 17 1 17 2 17 3 Guillamon A Junque C Gomez Gil E A Review of the Status of Brain Structure Research in Transsexualism Archives of Sexual Behavior October 2016 45 7 1615 48 PMC 4987404 PMID 27255307 doi 10 1007 s10508 016 0768 5 18 0 18 1 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Arlington VA American Psychiatric Publishing 2013 451 460 ISBN 978 0 89042 554 1 19 0 19 1 American Psychiatry Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 5th Washington DC and London American Psychiatric Publishing 2013 451 460 ISBN 978 0 89042 555 8 20 0 20 1 Davidson Michelle R A Nurse s Guide to Women s Mental Health Springer Publishing Company 2012 114 ISBN 0826171133 Ansara Y Gavriel Hegarty Peter Cisgenderism in psychology pathologising and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008 Psychology and Sexuality 2012 3 2 137 60 doi 10 1080 19419899 2011 576696 Diemer EW Grant JD Munn Chernoff MA Patterson DA Duncan AE Gender Identity Sexual Orientation and Eating Related Pathology in a National Sample of College Students The Journal of Adolescent Health August 2015 57 2 144 9 PMC 4545276 PMID 25937471 doi 10 1016 j jadohealth 2015 03 003 Harmon A amp Oberleitner M G 2016 Gender dysphoria In Gale Ed Gale encyclopedia of children s health Infancy through adolescence 3rd ed Farmington MI Gale Dorlands Medical Dictionary 2007 05 26 原始内容存档于2013 03 24 Davidson Michelle R 2012 A Nurse s Guide to Women s Mental Health Springer Publishing Company p 114 ISBN 0826171133 Bryant Karl Edward The Politics of Pathology and the Making of Gender Identity Disorder Ann Arbor Michigan ProQuest Dissertations amp Theses PQDT 2007 222 ISBN 9780549268161 Giordano Simona 2012 Children with Gender Identity Disorder A Clinical Ethical and Legal Analysis New Jersey Routledge p 147 ISBN 0415502713 Heylens G De Cuypere G Zucker KJ Schelfaut C Elaut E Vanden Bossche H De Baere E T Sjoen G Gender identity disorder in twins a review of the case report literature The Journal of Sexual Medicine March 2012 9 3 751 7 PMID 22146048 doi 10 1111 j 1743 6109 2011 02567 x Of 23 monozygotic female and male twins nine 39 1 were concordant for GID in contrast none of the 21 same sex dizygotic female and male twins were concordant for GID a statistically significant difference P 0 005 These findings suggest a role for genetic factors in the development of GID Diamond Milton Transsexuality Among Twins Identity Concordance Transition Rearing and Orientation International Journal of Transgenderism 2013 14 1 24 38 S2CID 144330783 doi 10 1080 15532739 2013 750222 Combining data from the present survey with those from past published reports 20 of all male and female monozygotic twin pairs were found concordant for transsexual identity The responses of our twins relative to their rearing along with our findings regarding some of their experiences during childhood and adolescence show their identity was much more influenced by their genetics than their rearing Rosenthal Stephen M Approach to the Patient Transgender Youth Endocrine Considerations The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology amp Metabolism 2014 12 01 99 12 4379 4389 ISSN 0021 972X PMID 25140398 doi 10 1210 jc 2014 1919 英语 联合国教育 科学及文化组织 国际性教育技术指导纲要 北京 联合国教育 科学及文化组织 2017 22 42 75 International Classification of Diseases ICD F64 Gender identity disorders World Health Organization 9 August 2018 原始内容存档于2017 02 08 Potts S Bhugra D Classification of sexual disorders International Review of Psychiatry 1995 7 2 167 174 doi 10 3109 09540269509028323 International Classification of Diseases World Health Organization 11 August 2018 原始内容存档于2018 09 02 Diagnostic criteria for Gender Identity Disorder 互联网档案馆的存檔 存档日期2007 06 21 DSM IV amp DSM IV TR 36 0 36 1 36 2 36 3 American Psychiatry Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 5th Washington DC and London American Psychiatric Publishing 2013 451 460 ISBN 0 89042 555 8 Gender Dysphoria in Children American Psychiatric Association May 4 2011 July 3 2011 原始内容存档于2012 03 14 P 00 Gender Dysphoria in Children American Psychiatric Association April 2 2012 原始内容存档于2012 03 14 International Classification of Diseases World Health Organization August 11 2018 原始内容存档于2018 09 02 40 0 40 1 Gender incongruence ICD 11 icd who int WHO August 28 2018 原始内容存档于2018 08 01 41 0 41 1 Reed GM Drescher J Krueger RB Atalla E Cochran SD First MB et al Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD 11 revising the ICD 10 classification based on current scientific evidence best clinical practices and human rights considerations World Psychiatry October 2016 15 3 205 221 PMC 5032510 PMID 27717275 doi 10 1002 wps 20354 The ICD 10 classification of Sexual dysfunctions F52 is based on a Cartesian separation of organic and non organic conditions Reed GM Drescher J Krueger RB Atalla E Cochran SD First MB Cohen Kettenis PT Arango de Montis I Parish SJ Cottler S Briken P Saxena S Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD 11 revising the ICD 10 classification based on current scientific evidence best clinical practices and human rights considerations World Psychiatry October 2016 15 3 205 221 PMC 5032510 PMID 27717275 doi 10 1002 wps 20354 Drescher J Cohen Kettenis P Winter S Minding the body situating gender identity diagnoses in the ICD 11 International Review of Psychiatry December 2012 24 6 568 77 2022 01 08 PMID 23244612 S2CID 12805083 doi 10 3109 09540261 2012 741575 原始内容存档于2022 01 08 Until the middle of the 20th century with rare exceptions transgender presentations were usually classified as psychopathological Cohen Kettenis PT Pfafflin F The DSM diagnostic criteria for gender identity disorder in adolescents and adults Archives of Sexual Behavior April 2010 39 2 499 513 PMID 19838784 S2CID 16336939 doi 10 1007 s10508 009 9562 y The DSM has consistently approached gender problems from the position that a divergence between the assigned sex or the physical sex assuming that physical sex is a one dimensional construct and the psychological sex gender per se signals a psychiatric disorder Although the terminology and place of the gender identity disorders in the DSM have varied in the different versions the distress about one s assigned sex has remained since DSM III the core feature of the diagnosis Lawrence AA Gender Dysphoria Beidel DC Frueh BC 编 Adult Psychopathology and Diagnosis 8th John Wiley amp Sons 2018 634 2022 01 08 ISBN 978 1 119 38360 4 原始内容存档于2022 01 08 The World Professional Association for Transgender Health WPATH for example defined GD as discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between a person s gender identity and that person s sex assigned at birth and the associated gender role and or primary and secondary sex characteristics Robles R Fresan A Vega Ramirez H Cruz Islas J Rodriguez Perez V Dominguez Martinez T Reed GM Removing transgender identity from the classification of mental disorders a Mexican field study for ICD 11 The Lancet Psychiatry September 2016 3 9 850 9 2022 01 08 PMID 27474250 doi 10 1016 S2215 0366 16 30165 1 原始内容存档于2021 07 05 Leiblum Sandra Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy Fourth Edition The Guilford Press 2006 488 9 ISBN 978 1 59385 349 5 Committee On Adolescence Office based care for lesbian gay bisexual transgender and questioning youth Pediatrics July 2013 132 1 198 203 PMID 23796746 doi 10 1542 peds 2013 1282 However adolescents with multiple or anonymous partners having unprotected intercourse or having substance abuse issues should be tested at shorter intervals www glma org Compendium of Health Profession Association LGBT Policy amp Position Statements PDF GLMA 2013 August 27 2013 原始内容存档 PDF 于2020 11 09 APA Policy Statements on Lesbian Gay Bisexual amp Transgender Concerns PDF American Psychological Association 2011 August 27 2013 原始内容存档 PDF 于2022 01 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APA recognizes the efficacy benefit and necessity of gender transition treatments for appropriately evaluated individuals and calls upon public and private insurers to cover these medically necessary treatments 外部連結 编辑Health Law Standards of Care for Transsexualism An alternative to the Benjamin Standards of Care proposed by the International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy The Lord Chancellor s Department Government Policy concerning Transsexual People 跨性别主题 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 性別不一致 amp oldid 75880796, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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