
僧伽羅文 (Unicode區段)


3.080 (+80)
7.090 (+10)
13.091 (+1)

區塊 编辑

Unicode Consortium 官方碼表 (PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ 依據 Unicode 14.0
2.^ 灰色區域表示未被分配的碼位

歷史 编辑


版本 最終碼位[a] 碼位數 L2英语International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2英语ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ID 文檔
3.0 U+0D82..0D83, 0D85..0D96, 0D9A..0DB1, 0DB3..0DBB, 0DBD, 0DC0..0DC6, 0DCA, 0DCF..0DD4, 0DD6, 0DD8..0DDF, 0DF2..0DF4 80 L2/97-019 N1480 Ginige, S. L., Request to add Sinhalese to 10646 based on recent Sinhalese Standard (SLS 1134-1996), 1996-11-15 
L2/97-019.1 Sri Lanka standard Sinhala character code for information interchange 
L2/97-018 N1473R (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Proposal for encoding the Sinhala script in ISO/IEC 10646 (revision 1), 1997-03-01 
N1532 Ross, Hugh McGregor, Comment on Sri Lanka Proposal for Sinhala Script, 1997-03-07 
L2/97-030 N1503 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike, 8.6, Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 Meeting #32, Singapore; 1997-01-20--24, 1997-04-01 
L2/97-145 N1589 Everson, Michael, Mapping of Sinhala between ISO/IEC 10646 and SLS 1134, 1997-06-13 
N1585 Disanayaka, J. B., Towards Standard Sinhala Character Code, 1997-06-25 
N1584 Adams, Glenn, Feedback on Sinhala Script Proposals (N1480, N 1473R, etc.), 1997-06-30 
L2/97-158 N1613 Report of ad-hoc group on Sinhala encoding, 1997-07-02 
L2/97-288 N1603 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran, V. S., 8.7, Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting # 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20 June – 4 July 1997, 1997-10-24 
L2/98-319 N1896 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646-1/FPDAM 21, AMENDMENT 21: Sinhala, 1998-10-22 
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) Umamaheswaran, V. S., Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998-09-21--25, 1998-12-30 
L2/10-164 Dias, Gihan, Sinhala Named Sequences, 2010-05-05 
L2/10-108 Moore, Lisa, Consensus 123-C32, UTC #123 / L2 #220 Minutes, 2010-05-19, Accept three Sinhala named sequences as provisional in Unicode 6.0... 
N3903 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) M57.09 (Named USIs for Sinhala), Unconfirmed minutes of WG2 meeting 57, 2011-03-31 
7.0 U+0DE6..0DEF 10 L2/07-268 N3253 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) Umamaheswaran, V. S., M50.28, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; 2007-04-24/27, 2007-07-26 
L2/08-007 Inclusion of archaic Sinhala numerals in the Sinhala character code range, 2008-01-07 
L2/08-068 Dias, Gihan, Archaic Sinhala Numerals, 2008-01-28 
L2/08-105 Observations on the Encoding of Archaic Sinhala Numerals in Unicode/UCS, 2008-02-05 
L2/08-003 Moore, Lisa, Archaic Sinhala Numerals, UTC #114 Minutes, 2008-02-14 
L2/10-165 Dias, Gihan, Preliminary Proposal to Encode Sinhala Digits and Numerals, 2010-05-03 
L2/10-312 Dias, Gihan, Proposal to Encode Sinhala Archaic Numerals and Numbers, 2010-08-10 
L2/10-337 N3888 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Proposal to include Sinhala Numerals to the BMP and SMP of the UCS, 2010-08-19 
N3888-A Senaweera, L. N., Sri Lanka's proposal on Sinhala Numerals for inclusion in Information Technology - Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set, ISO/IEC 10646 : 2003, 2010-09-10 
N3888-B Unicode Character Properties of Sinhala Lith Illakkam (Sinhala Astrological Digits) and Sinhala Illakkam or Sinhala Archaic Numbers 
L2/10-433 Wijayawardhana, Harsha; et al, RE: Background information on the use of Sinhala Numerals (L2/10-337), 2010-10-23 
L2/10-416R Moore, Lisa, Sinhala Numerals, UTC #125 / L2 #222 Minutes, 2010-11-09 
N3903 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) M57.14, Unconfirmed minutes of WG2 meeting 57, 2011-03-31 
13.0 U+0D81 1 L2/18-060 N4964 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 A, Srinidhi; A, Sridatta, Proposal to encode the CANDRABINDU for Sinhala, 2018-02-05 
L2/18-079 Anderson, Deborah, Feedback on Sinhala candrabindu (L2/18-060), 2018-03-21 
L2/18-168 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Moore, Lisa; Liang, Hai; Chapman, Chris; Cook, Richard, 10. Sinhala, Recommendations to UTC #155 April-May 2018 on Script Proposals, 2018-04-28 
L2/18-115 Moore, Lisa, D.4.1, UTC #155 Minutes, 2018-05-09 
L2/18-183 Moore, Lisa, B., UTC #156 Minutes, 2018-11-20 
N5020 (pdf, doc (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)) Umamaheswaran, V. S., 10.3.14, Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67, 2019-01-11 
L2/20-052 Pournader, Roozbeh, Changes to Identifier_Type of some Unicode 13.0 characters, 2020-01-15 
L2/20-015R Moore, Lisa, B.13.4 Changes to Identifier_Type of some Unicode 13.0 characters, Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 162, 2020-05-14 
  1. ^ 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同。

參考資料 编辑

  1. ^ . The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-18). 
  2. ^ . The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-19). 
  3. ^ Chapter 13: South and Central Asia-II - Other Modern Scripts (PDF). The Unicode Standard, Version 15.0. Mountain View, CA: Unicode, Inc. 2022-09 [2023-05-30]. ISBN 978-1-936213-32-0. (原始内容 (PDF)于2023-05-16). 

僧伽羅文, unicode區段, 僧伽羅文是一個位於基本多文種平面的unicode區塊, 收錄了用於書寫僧伽羅語, 巴利語與梵語的僧伽羅文字符, 僧伽羅文區塊的編碼並不完全基於iscii, 導致其與基於iscii編碼的unicode區塊, 如孟加拉文和泰米爾文, 不能完全對應, 僧伽羅文sinhala範圍u, 0d80, 0dff, 128個碼位, 平面基本多文種平面, 文字僧伽羅文應用僧伽羅語巴利語梵語已分配91個碼位未分配37個保留碼位unicode版本歷史3, 相關區塊僧伽羅文古數字官方碼表點擊此處註釋, 區. 僧伽羅文是一個位於基本多文種平面的Unicode區塊 收錄了用於書寫僧伽羅語 巴利語與梵語的僧伽羅文字符 3 僧伽羅文區塊的編碼並不完全基於ISCII 導致其與基於ISCII編碼的Unicode區塊 如孟加拉文和泰米爾文 不能完全對應 僧伽羅文Sinhala範圍U 0D80 U 0DFF 128個碼位 平面基本多文種平面 BMP 文字僧伽羅文應用僧伽羅語巴利語梵語已分配91個碼位未分配37個保留碼位Unicode版本歷史3 080 80 7 090 10 13 091 1 相關區塊僧伽羅文古數字官方碼表點擊此處註釋 1 2 區塊 编辑僧伽羅文Sinhala 1 2 Unicode Consortium 官方碼表 PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 0D8x අ ආ ඇ ඈ ඉ ඊ උ ඌ ඍ ඎ ඏU 0D9x ඐ එ ඒ ඓ ඔ ඕ ඖ ක ඛ ග ඝ ඞ ඟU 0DAx ච ඡ ජ ඣ ඤ ඥ ඦ ට ඨ ඩ ඪ ණ ඬ ත ථ දU 0DBx ධ න ඳ ප ඵ බ භ ම ඹ ය ර ලU 0DCx ව ශ ෂ ස හ ළ ෆ U 0DDx U 0DEx ෦ ෧ ෨ ෩ ෪ ෫ ෬ ෭ ෮ ෯U 0DFx 注釋 1 依據 Unicode 14 0 2 灰色區域表示未被分配的碼位歷史 编辑下列與Unicode相關的文檔記錄了在僧伽羅文區塊中定義特定字符的目的和过程 版本 最終碼位 a 碼位數 L2 英语 International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2 英语 ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 ID 文檔3 0 U 0D82 0D83 0D85 0D96 0D9A 0DB1 0DB3 0DBB 0DBD 0DC0 0DC6 0DCA 0DCF 0DD4 0DD6 0DD8 0DDF 0DF2 0DF4 80 L2 97 019 N1480 Ginige S L Request to add Sinhalese to 10646 based on recent Sinhalese Standard SLS 1134 1996 1996 11 15 L2 97 019 1 Sri Lanka standard Sinhala character code for information interchange L2 97 018 N1473R 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Proposal for encoding the Sinhala script in ISO IEC 10646 revision 1 1997 03 01 N1532 Ross Hugh McGregor Comment on Sri Lanka Proposal for Sinhala Script 1997 03 07 L2 97 030 N1503 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Ksar Mike 8 6 Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 Meeting 32 Singapore 1997 01 20 24 1997 04 01 L2 97 145 N1589 Everson Michael Mapping of Sinhala between ISO IEC 10646 and SLS 1134 1997 06 13 N1585 Disanayaka J B Towards Standard Sinhala Character Code 1997 06 25 N1584 Adams Glenn Feedback on Sinhala Script Proposals N1480 N 1473R etc 1997 06 30 L2 97 158 N1613 Report of ad hoc group on Sinhala encoding 1997 07 02 L2 97 288 N1603 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 8 7 Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes WG 2 Meeting 33 Heraklion Crete Greece 20 June 4 July 1997 1997 10 24 L2 98 319 N1896 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Revised text of 10646 1 FPDAM 21 AMENDMENT 21 Sinhala 1998 10 22 L2 99 010 N1903 pdf html 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35 London U K 1998 09 21 25 1998 12 30 L2 10 164 Dias Gihan Sinhala Named Sequences 2010 05 05 L2 10 108 Moore Lisa Consensus 123 C32 UTC 123 L2 220 Minutes 2010 05 19 Accept three Sinhala named sequences as provisional in Unicode 6 0 N3903 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 M57 09 Named USIs for Sinhala Unconfirmed minutes of WG2 meeting 57 2011 03 31 7 0 U 0DE6 0DEF 10 L2 07 268 N3253 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S M50 28 Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50 Frankfurt am Main Germany 2007 04 24 27 2007 07 26 L2 08 007 Inclusion of archaic Sinhala numerals in the Sinhala character code range 2008 01 07 L2 08 068 Dias Gihan Archaic Sinhala Numerals 2008 01 28 L2 08 105 Observations on the Encoding of Archaic Sinhala Numerals in Unicode UCS 2008 02 05 L2 08 003 Moore Lisa Archaic Sinhala Numerals UTC 114 Minutes 2008 02 14 L2 10 165 Dias Gihan Preliminary Proposal to Encode Sinhala Digits and Numerals 2010 05 03 L2 10 312 Dias Gihan Proposal to Encode Sinhala Archaic Numerals and Numbers 2010 08 10 L2 10 337 N3888 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Proposal to include Sinhala Numerals to the BMP and SMP of the UCS 2010 08 19 N3888 A Senaweera L N Sri Lanka s proposal on Sinhala Numerals for inclusion in Information Technology Universal Multiple Octet Coded Character Set ISO IEC 10646 2003 2010 09 10 N3888 B Unicode Character Properties of Sinhala Lith Illakkam Sinhala Astrological Digits and Sinhala Illakkam or Sinhala Archaic Numbers L2 10 433 Wijayawardhana Harsha et al RE Background information on the use of Sinhala Numerals L2 10 337 2010 10 23 L2 10 416R Moore Lisa Sinhala Numerals UTC 125 L2 222 Minutes 2010 11 09 N3903 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 M57 14 Unconfirmed minutes of WG2 meeting 57 2011 03 31 13 0 U 0D81 1 L2 18 060 N4964 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 A Srinidhi A Sridatta Proposal to encode the CANDRABINDU for Sinhala 2018 02 05 L2 18 079 Anderson Deborah Feedback on Sinhala candrabindu L2 18 060 2018 03 21 L2 18 168 Anderson Deborah Whistler Ken Pournader Roozbeh Moore Lisa Liang Hai Chapman Chris Cook Richard 10 Sinhala Recommendations to UTC 155 April May 2018 on Script Proposals 2018 04 28 L2 18 115 Moore Lisa D 4 1 UTC 155 Minutes 2018 05 09 L2 18 183 Moore Lisa B 1 3 1 1 1 UTC 156 Minutes 2018 11 20 N5020 pdf doc 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Umamaheswaran V S 10 3 14 Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 67 2019 01 11 L2 20 052 Pournader Roozbeh Changes to Identifier Type of some Unicode 13 0 characters 2020 01 15 L2 20 015R Moore Lisa B 13 4 Changes to Identifier Type of some Unicode 13 0 characters Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 162 2020 05 14 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同 參考資料 编辑 Unicode character database The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2021 02 18 Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2020 12 19 Chapter 13 South and Central Asia II Other Modern Scripts PDF The Unicode Standard Version 15 0 Mountain View CA Unicode Inc 2022 09 2023 05 30 ISBN 978 1 936213 32 0 原始内容存档 PDF 于2023 05 16 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 僧伽羅文 Unicode區段 amp oldid 77878831, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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