


here文档最通用的语法是<<紧跟一个标识符,从下一行开始是想要引用的文字,然后再在单独的一行用相同的标识符关闭。在Unix shell里,here文档通常用于给命令提供输入内容。



命令行 shell

Unix shell


 $ tr a-z A-Z <<END_TEXT  > one two three  > uno dos tres  > END_TEXT ONE TWO THREE UNO DOS TRES 


END_TEXT被用作标识符。它指定了here文档的开始和结束ONE TWO THREEUNO DOS TRES是执行后tr的输出。

在<<后面添加一个减号,可以使TAB字元被忽略。这允许在shell脚本中缩进here文档而不改变它们的值。(注意在命令行上可能会需要输入Ctrl-v TAB来真正地输入一个制表符。下边的例子用空格模拟制表符;不要复制粘贴。)

 $ tr a-z A-Z <<-END_TEXT  > one two three  > uno dos tres  > END_TEXT ONE TWO THREE UNO DOS TRES 


 $ cat << EOF  > Working dir $PWD  > EOF Working dir /home/user 


 $ cat << "EOF" > Working dir $PWD > EOF Working dir $PWD 


 $ tr a-z A-Z <<<"Yes it is a string" YES IT IS A STRING 

Windows 命令行


set GREETING=Hello echo %GREETING% cmd /k echo %GREETING% set GREETING=Goodbye echo %GREETING% exit echo %GREETING% C:\> C:\>set GREETING=Hello C:\>echo %GREETING% Hello C:\>cmd /k C:\> echo %GREETING% Hello C:\> set GREETING=Goodbye C:\> echo %GREETING% Goodbye C:\>exit C:\>echo %GREETING% Hello C:\> 

Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell里,here文档表示的是here-字串。一个here-字串是由@"@'开始,由独立成行的"@'@结束的字串。所有在开始符号和结束符号之间的字符都被当做字面的字串[3]





PS> function ConvertTo-UpperCase($string) { $string.ToUpper() } 
PS> ConvertTo-UpperCase @' >> one two three >> eins zwei drei >> '@ >> ONE TWO THREE EINS ZWEI DREI 


$doc, $marty = 'Dr. Emmett Brown', 'Marty McFly' $time = [DateTime]'Friday, October 25, 1985 8:00:00 AM' $diff = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 25 @" $doc : Are those my clocks I hear? $marty : Yeah! Uh, it's $($time.Hour) o'clock! $doc : Perfect! My experiment worked! They're all exactly $($diff.Minutes) minutes slow. $marty : Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doc... Are you telling me that it's $(($time + $diff).ToShortTimeString())? $doc : Precisely. $marty : Damn! I'm late for school! "@ 


Dr. Emmett Brown : Are those my clocks I hear? Marty McFly : Yeah! Uh, it's 8 o'clock! Dr. Emmett Brown : Perfect! My experiment worked! They're all exactly 25 minutes slow. Marty McFly : Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doc... Are you telling me that it's 08:25? Dr. Emmett Brown : Precisely. Marty McFly : Damn! I'm late for school! 


$doc : Are those my clocks I hear? $marty : Yeah! Uh, it's $($time.Hour) o'clock! $doc : Perfect! My experiment worked! They're all exactly $($diff.Minutes) minutes slow. $marty : Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Doc... Are you telling me that it's $(($time + $diff).ToShortTimeString())? $doc : Precisely. $marty : Damn! I'm late for school! 




char const *a = R"(The escape sequence '\n' represents a newline character.)"; wchar_t const *b = LR"...(Raw strings look like R"(...)")..."; char16_t const *b = uR"xyz( Universal character names such as "\u5367\u864E\u85CF\u3863" are not processed in raw string literals. Therefore the above can be written as "臥虎藏龍" in a raw string literal, but only if the source character set contains those characters. )xyz"; 




int main() {  string list = q"[1. Item One 2. Item Two 3. Item Three]";  writef( list ); } 


int main() {  string list = q"IDENT 1. Item One 2. Item Two 3. Item Three IDENT";  writef( list ); } 


Lua使用[[]]定义字面字串,字面字串中的换行会原样保留,不允许含有转义字符。这不便放置长的注释(--[[注释]])和一些字串(x = a[b[c]])。所以在版本5.1时,Lua添加了一个新语法:起始的两个括号中间可以加入任意多的等号,并且只有相同的等号数字才能关闭字串。

local ls = [[ Initial newline isn't part of the string. Two lines.]] local lls = [==[ This notation can be used for Windows paths:  local path = [=[C:\Windows\Fonts]=] ]==] 





my $sender = "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"; my $recipient = "Spike"; print <<"END"; Dear $recipient,  I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END 


Dear Spike, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, Buffy the Vampire Slayer 


print <<'END'; Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END 


Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender 


my $shell_script_stdout = <<`END`; echo foo echo bar END 


say(<<BEGIN . "this is the middle\n" . <<END); This is the beginning: BEGIN And now it is over! END #上边的和这个相同: say("This is the beginning:\nthis is the middle\nAnd now it is over!"); 


 say <<' END'; Hello World END 


<?php $name = "Joe Smith"; $occupation = "Programmer"; echo <<<EOF  This is a heredoc section.  For more information talk to $name, your local $occupation.  Thanks! EOF; $toprint = <<<EOF  Hey $name! You can actually assign the heredoc section to a variable! EOF; echo $toprint; ?> 


This is a heredoc section. For more information talk to Joe Smith, your local Programmer. Thanks! Hey Joe Smith! You can actually assign the heredoc section to a variable! 


在PHP 5.3和以后的版本中,就像Perl一样,可以用单引号包裹标识符阻止变量扩展;这叫作nowdoc[7]

$x = <<<'END' Dear $recipient, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender END; 





message="""Dear {recipient}, I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, {sender} """ print(message.format(sender='Buffy the Vampire Slayer', recipient='Spike')) 




str <- "State Population Income Illiteracy Life.Exp Murder HS.Grad Frost Alabama 3615 3624 2.1 69.05 15.1 41.3 20 Alaska 365 6315 1.5 69.31 11.3 66.7 152 Arizona 2212 4530 1.8 70.55 7.8 58.1 15 Arkansas 2110 3378 1.9 70.66 10.1 39.9 65" x <- read.table(textConnection(str), header=TRUE, row.names=1) 




#lang racket (displayln #<<HERESTRING This is a simple here string in Racket. * One * Two * Three HERESTRING ) 


This is a simple here string in Racket. * One * Two * Three 


#lang racket (displayln #<<A here string in Racket  This string spans for multiple lines and can contain any Unicode symbol. So things like λ, , α, β, are all fine. In the next line comes the terminator. It can contain any Unicode symbol as well, even spaces and smileys! A here string in Racket  ) 


This string spans for multiple lines and can contain any Unicode symbol. So things like λ, ☠, α, β, are all fine. In the next line comes the terminator. It can contain any Unicode symbol as well, even spaces and smileys! 


#lang racket (printf #<<END Dear ~a, Thanks for the insightful conversation ~a. ~a END "Isaac" "yesterday" "Carl") 


Dear Isaac, Thanks for the insightful conversation yesterday. Carl 



#lang at-exp racket (displayln @string-append{ This is a long string, very convenient when a long chunk of text is needed. No worries about escaping "quotes". It's also okay to have λ, γ, θ, ... Embed code: @|(number->string (+ 3 4))| }) 


This is a long string, very convenient when a long chunk of text is needed. No worries about escaping "quotes". It's also okay to have λ, γ, θ, ... Embed code: 7 



puts <<GROCERY_LIST Grocery list ------------ 1. Salad mix. 2. Strawberries.* 3. Cereal. 4. Milk.*   * Organic GROCERY_LIST 



Grocery list ------------ 1. Salad mix. 2. Strawberries.* 3. Cereal. 4. Milk.* * Organic 


File::open("grocery-list", "w") do |f| f << <<GROCERY_LIST Grocery list ------------ 1. Salad mix. 2. Strawberries.* 3. Cereal. 4. Milk.*   * Organic GROCERY_LIST end 




now = Time.now puts <<-EOF  It's #{now.hour} o'clock John, where are your kids?  EOF 



puts <<BEGIN + "<--- middle --->\n" + <<END This is the beginning: BEGIN And now it is over! END # 以上相等于: puts "This is the beginning:\n<--- middle --->\nAnd now it is over!" 



puts { Grocery list ------------ 1. Salad mix. 2. Strawberries.* 3. Cereal. 4. Milk.* * Organic } 


set sender "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" set recipient "Spike" puts " Dear $recipient,  I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender " 


需要注意的一点是:上边的字串的第一个和最后一个字符都是换行。string trim可以用来删除头尾空行:

puts [string trim " Dear $recipient,  I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return. Not Quite Love, $sender " \n] 




target0: dependent0 command0 << 临时行内文件 ... << target1: dependent1 command1 << 临时行内文件,但保留 ... <<KEEP target2: dependent2 command2 <<filename2 专有行内文件,但用完后删除 ... <<NOKEEP target3: dependent3 command3 <<filename3 专有行内文件 ... <<KEEP 



  1. ^ . [2012-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-03). 
  2. ^ . [2012-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-10). 
  3. ^ Q. What is a here-string in Windows PowerShell?. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-28). 
  4. ^ Variable expansion in strings and here-strings - Windows PowerShell Blog. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2012-06-30). 
  5. ^ Perl operators and precedence. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2012-07-17). 
  6. ^ Heredoc in PHP manual. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-12). 
  7. ^ PHP: Strings - Manual. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2012-07-03). 
  8. ^ Here string in Racket Documentation. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2011-09-03). 
  9. ^ @ Syntax in Racket Documentation. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2012-01-22). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 . [2012-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-12). 
  11. ^ Specifying an Inline File. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2019-10-17). 
  12. ^ Creating Inline File Text. [2012-07-16]. (原始内容于2016-05-17). 


  • Here document(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)。超过15种语言里的here文档。

here文档, here文档, 又称作heredoc, hereis, here, 字串或here, 脚本, 是一种在命令行shell, 如sh, bash, powershell和zsh, 和程序语言, 像perl, python和ruby, 里定义一个字串的方法, 它可以保存文字裡面的换行或是縮排等空白字元, 一些语言允许在字串里执行变量替换和命令替换, here文档最通用的语法是, 紧跟一个标识符, 从下一行开始是想要引用的文字, 然后再在单独的一行用相同的标识符关闭, 在unix, shell里, here. here文档 1 又称作heredoc hereis here 字串或here 脚本 是一种在命令行shell 如sh csh ksh bash PowerShell和zsh 和程序语言 像Perl PHP Python和Ruby 里定义一个字串的方法 它可以保存文字裡面的换行或是縮排等空白字元 一些语言允许在字串里执行变量替换和命令替换 here文档最通用的语法是 lt lt 紧跟一个标识符 从下一行开始是想要引用的文字 然后再在单独的一行用相同的标识符关闭 在Unix shell里 here文档通常用于给命令提供输入内容 目录 1 实例 1 1 命令行 shell 1 1 1 Unix shell 1 1 2 Windows 命令行 1 1 3 Windows PowerShell 1 2 编程语言 1 2 1 C 1 2 2 D语言 1 2 3 Lua 1 2 4 Perl 1 2 5 PHP 1 2 6 Python 1 2 7 R 1 2 8 Racket 1 2 9 Ruby 1 2 10 Tcl 1 3 其它 1 3 1 微软 NMAKE 2 参见 3 参考 4 外部链接实例 编辑以下几节提供了不同语言和环境中的例子 命令行 shell 编辑 Unix shell 编辑 在以下几个例子中 文字用here文档传递给tr命令 tr a z A Z lt lt END TEXT gt one two three gt uno dos tres gt END TEXT ONE TWO THREE UNO DOS TRES 2 END TEXT被用作标识符 它指定了here文档的开始和结束ONE TWO THREE和UNO DOS TRES是执行后tr的输出 在 lt lt 后面添加一个减号 可以使TAB字元被忽略 这允许在shell脚本中缩进here文档而不改变它们的值 注意在命令行上可能会需要输入Ctrl v TAB来真正地输入一个制表符 下边的例子用空格模拟制表符 不要复制粘贴 tr a z A Z lt lt END TEXT gt one two three gt uno dos tres gt END TEXT ONE TWO THREE UNO DOS TRES 默认地 会进行变量替换和命令替换 cat lt lt EOF gt Working dir PWD gt EOF Working dir home user 这可以通过使用引号包裹标识符来禁用 可以使用单引号或双引号 cat lt lt EOF gt Working dir PWD gt EOF Working dir PWD bash ksh或zsh中也可以用here 字串 tr a z A Z lt lt lt Yes it is a string YES IT IS A STRING Windows 命令行 编辑 等价的代码目前没有找到 下列代码较为有用 set GREETING Hello echo GREETING cmd k echo GREETING set GREETING Goodbye echo GREETING exit echo GREETING C gt C gt set GREETING Hello C gt echo GREETING Hello C gt cmd k C gt echo GREETING Hello C gt set GREETING Goodbye C gt echo GREETING Goodbye C gt exit C gt echo GREETING Hello C gt Windows PowerShell 编辑 在Windows PowerShell里 here文档表示的是here 字串 一个here 字串是由 或 开始 由独立成行的 或 结束的字串 所有在开始符号和结束符号之间的字符都被当做字面的字串 3 使用双引号引起来的here 字串允许变量替换 而单引号不行 4 变量替换只发生于简单变量 如 x 但不是 x y或 x 0 可以将命令放进 中来获取执行结果 在如下的PowerShell的代码中 文字使用here 字串传递给一个函数 这个函数ConvertTo UpperCase定义如下 PS gt function ConvertTo UpperCase string string ToUpper PS gt ConvertTo UpperCase gt gt one two three gt gt eins zwei drei gt gt gt gt ONE TWO THREE EINS ZWEI DREI 下边是一个证明了双引号的here 字串里的变量替换和命令替换的例子 doc marty Dr Emmett Brown Marty McFly time DateTime Friday October 25 1985 8 00 00 AM diff New TimeSpan Minutes 25 doc Are those my clocks I hear marty Yeah Uh it s time Hour o clock doc Perfect My experiment worked They re all exactly diff Minutes minutes slow marty Wait a minute Wait a minute Doc Are you telling me that it s time diff ToShortTimeString doc Precisely marty Damn I m late for school 输出 Dr Emmett Brown Are those my clocks I hear Marty McFly Yeah Uh it s 8 o clock Dr Emmett Brown Perfect My experiment worked They re all exactly 25 minutes slow Marty McFly Wait a minute Wait a minute Doc Are you telling me that it s 08 25 Dr Emmett Brown Precisely Marty McFly Damn I m late for school 如果用单引号的here 字串代替 输出看起来会像这样 doc Are those my clocks I hear marty Yeah Uh it s time Hour o clock doc Perfect My experiment worked They re all exactly diff Minutes minutes slow marty Wait a minute Wait a minute Doc Are you telling me that it s time diff ToShortTimeString doc Precisely marty Damn I m late for school 编程语言 编辑 C 编辑 C 11引入了原始字面字串 原始字面字串的前缀有一个 R 以 分隔符 开始 以 分隔符 结束 分隔符可以是0到16字符长 可以包括简单的字符 除开空格 括号与反斜杠 char const a R The escape sequence n represents a newline character wchar t const b LR Raw strings look like R char16 t const b uR xyz Universal character names such as u5367 u864E u85CF u3863 are not processed in raw string literals Therefore the above can be written as 臥虎藏龍 in a raw string literal but only if the source character set contains those characters xyz D语言 编辑 从2 0版本开始 D语言支持用 q 引导的here 字串 这些字串以一个括号 lt gt 或者单独成行的标识符开始 下列D代码展示了使用括号和标识符的here 字串 int main string list q 1 Item One 2 Item Two 3 Item Three writef list 使用标识符 int main string list q IDENT 1 Item One 2 Item Two 3 Item Three IDENT writef list Lua 编辑 Lua使用 和 定义字面字串 字面字串中的换行会原样保留 不允许含有转义字符 这不便放置长的注释 注释 和一些字串 x a b c 所以在版本5 1时 Lua添加了一个新语法 起始的两个括号中间可以加入任意多的等号 并且只有相同的等号数字才能关闭字串 local ls Initial newline isn t part of the string Two lines local lls This notation can be used for Windows paths local path C Windows Fonts Perl 编辑 在Perl里有许多不同的方法使用here文档 5 在here文档的标签名前后加括号的效果和一般的字面字串效果是一样的 标签前后加双引号允许变量扩展 单引号则不行 不加引号的和加双引号的效果一样 加反引号将会把here文档当做shell脚本执行 并获取输出 需要保证结束标签必须在一行的开始 不然这个标签不会被直译器认出 注意here文档不是从标签开始的 而是从下一行开始的 所以包含标签的语句将会在标签后继续 这是一个使用双引号的例子 my sender Buffy the Vampire Slayer my recipient Spike print lt lt END Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender END 输出 Dear Spike I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love Buffy the Vampire Slayer 这是使用单引号的例子 print lt lt END Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender END 输出 Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender 另外一个使用反引号的例子 可能不具有可移植性 my shell script stdout lt lt END echo foo echo bar END 可以在同一行上开始多个here文档 say lt lt BEGIN this is the middle n lt lt END This is the beginning BEGIN And now it is over END 上边的和这个相同 say This is the beginning nthis is the middle nAnd now it is over 标签本身可以使用空格 这允许here文档不会破坏缩进 say lt lt END Hello World END PHP 编辑 lt php name Joe Smith occupation Programmer echo lt lt lt EOF This is a heredoc section For more information talk to name your local occupation Thanks EOF toprint lt lt lt EOF Hey name You can actually assign the heredoc section to a variable EOF echo toprint gt 输出 This is a heredoc section For more information talk to Joe Smith your local Programmer Thanks Hey Joe Smith You can actually assign the heredoc section to a variable 包含关闭标识符的行不得包含除了 可选的 分号的任何其他字符 不然它就不会被识别为关闭标识符 PHP就会继续寻找一个 如果没有找到关闭标识符 分析错误会发生在最后一行 6 在PHP 5 3和以后的版本中 就像Perl一样 可以用单引号包裹标识符阻止变量扩展 这叫作nowdoc 7 x lt lt lt END Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender END 在PHP5 3和以后的版本中 也可以用双引号包裹标识符 像Perl一样 和不用引号的效果一样 Python 编辑 Python支持使用三个连续单引号或双引号的字面字串 如 或 这些字面字串可以跨越多行 支持here文档的功能 一个简单的Python3兼容的例子给出像上边第一个Perl例子一样 message Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender print message format sender Buffy the Vampire Slayer recipient Spike 在Python3 0以前的版本中 用print关键字代替print函数 R 编辑 R语言在字串里使用空格 包括换行 不执行变量替换 字串可以用textConnection 函数转化为文件描述符 例如 以下代码将一个嵌入源码的数据表转化为一个数据框架变量 str lt State Population Income Illiteracy Life Exp Murder HS Grad Frost Alabama 3615 3624 2 1 69 05 15 1 41 3 20 Alaska 365 6315 1 5 69 31 11 3 66 7 152 Arizona 2212 4530 1 8 70 55 7 8 58 1 15 Arkansas 2110 3378 1 9 70 66 10 1 39 9 65 x lt read table textConnection str header TRUE row names 1 Racket 编辑 Racket的here字串以 lt lt 开始 紧跟定义字串终止的标识符 8 字串的内容包括所有的在 lt lt 一行和仅包括定义了的终止符的那一行 即 字串的内容开始于 lt lt 后的新行 结束于终止符之前的一行 lang racket displayln lt lt HERESTRING This is a simple here string in Racket One Two Three HERESTRING 输出 This is a simple here string in Racket One Two Three here字串中的转义字符不被识别 字串 和终止符 中所有的字符都会保持原样 lang racket displayln lt lt A here string in Racket This string spans for multiple lines and can contain any Unicode symbol So things like l a b are all fine In the next line comes the terminator It can contain any Unicode symbol as well even spaces and smileys A here string in Racket 输出 This string spans for multiple lines and can contain any Unicode symbol So things like l a b are all fine In the next line comes the terminator It can contain any Unicode symbol as well even spaces and smileys here字串可以像一般的字串一样使用 lang racket printf lt lt END Dear a Thanks for the insightful conversation a a END Isaac yesterday Carl 输出 Dear Isaac Thanks for the insightful conversation yesterday Carl 一个有趣的替代方案是使用语言的扩展at exp来写 表达式 9 它们看起来像这样 lang at exp racket displayln string append This is a long string very convenient when a long chunk of text is needed No worries about escaping quotes It s also okay to have l g 8 Embed code number gt string 3 4 输出 This is a long string very convenient when a long chunk of text is needed No worries about escaping quotes It s also okay to have l g 8 Embed code 7 Ruby 编辑 下列Ruby代码用here文档显示了一个列表 puts lt lt GROCERY LIST Grocery list 1 Salad mix 2 Strawberries 3 Cereal 4 Milk Organic GROCERY LIST 10 输出 Grocery list 1 Salad mix 2 Strawberries 3 Cereal 4 Milk Organic 写入文件 File open grocery list w do f f lt lt lt lt GROCERY LIST Grocery list 1 Salad mix 2 Strawberries 3 Cereal 4 Milk Organic GROCERY LIST end Ruby也允许标识符不起始于行首 需要以 lt lt 起始here文档 另外 Ruby对待here文档就像一个双引号括起来的字串 即可以使用 来进行代码替换 以下例子展示了这2个特性 now Time now puts lt lt EOF It s now hour o clock John where are your kids EOF 但是如果标识符是用单引号引起来的 则当做单引号内的字串对待 10 类似于Perl Ruby允许在一行内开始多个here文档 10 puts lt lt BEGIN lt middle gt n lt lt END This is the beginning BEGIN And now it is over END 以上相等于 puts This is the beginning n lt middle gt n And now it is over Tcl 编辑 Tcl没有为here文档设立特殊的语法 因为一般的字串语法已经允许嵌入换行和保持缩进 用括号括起来的字串 没有扩展 puts Grocery list 1 Salad mix 2 Strawberries 3 Cereal 4 Milk Organic 用引号括起来的字串在运行时执行替换 set sender Buffy the Vampire Slayer set recipient Spike puts Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender 在括号包裹的字串里 起始括号和终止括号数量应该一样多 在引号包裹的字串里 括号可以不一样多 但是反斜杠 美元符号和括号都会被替换 此时第一个没有被转义的双引号会结束字串 需要注意的一点是 上边的字串的第一个和最后一个字符都是换行 string trim可以用来删除头尾空行 puts string trim Dear recipient I wish you to leave Sunnydale and never return Not Quite Love sender n 其它 编辑 微软 NMAKE 编辑 在微软NMAKE里 here文档是行内的文件 行内文件以 lt lt 或 lt lt 文件名开始 11 第一种方法创建一个临时文件 第二种创建 或覆盖 特定文件 所有的行内文件都终止于独自成行的 lt lt 后边可以添加不区分大小写的KEEP或NOKEEP来决定该文件是否保留 两个都不添加和加入NOKEEP效果一样 12 target0 dependent 0 command0 lt lt 临时行内文件 lt lt target1 dependent 1 command1 lt lt 临时行内文件 但保留 lt lt KEEP target2 dependent 2 command2 lt lt filename2 专有行内文件 但用完后删除 lt lt NOKEEP target3 dependent 3 command3 lt lt filename3 专有行内文件 lt lt KEEP参见 编辑tr关于tr程序的说明 管道 Unix 关于管道的信息 参考 编辑 Bash Shell 的 HERE 文档 cat lt lt EOF 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 05 03 unix系统下here文档的详解 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2016 03 10 Q What is a here string in Windows PowerShell 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2013 04 28 Variable expansion in strings and here strings Windows PowerShell Blog 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 06 30 Perl operators and precedence 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 07 17 Heredoc in PHP manual 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 07 12 PHP Strings Manual 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 07 03 Here string in Racket Documentation 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2011 09 03 Syntax in Racket Documentation 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 01 22 10 0 10 1 10 2 Ruby s here document mini tutorial 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2012 07 12 Specifying an Inline File 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2019 10 17 Creating Inline File Text 2012 07 16 原始内容存档于2016 05 17 外部链接 编辑Here document 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 超过15种语言里的here文档 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title Here文档 amp oldid 63128500, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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