

费尔南多·佩索阿(葡萄牙語:Fernando Pessoa,1888年6月13日-1935年11月30日),生於里斯本,是葡萄牙詩人與作家。 他生前以詩集《使命》而聞名於世。 他被認為是繼路易·德贾梅士之後最偉大的葡語作家。文評家卜倫在他的作品《西方正典》形容為他是與諾貝爾獎得主巴勃魯·聶魯達最能夠代表二十世紀的詩人。在2007年票選最偉大的葡萄牙人英语Os Grandes Portugueses中,他排名第八。



他在文學上以「創造」性格聞名,我們稱這種寫作手法為「異名」(Heteronymy)。各個「異名者」(heteronyms)有着不同的阅历、性格与人生哲学。異名者与作者「自我」之间常常互通书信,交流思想。在眾多角色中,以「自我」加上另外三個「異名者」最為成熟及最廣為人知。三個「異名者」分別是Álvaro de Campos、Ricardo Reis和Alberto Caeiro。在他們當中,「自我」通常都是最能夠帶出真理、存在及個性等深層哲學意義的角色。


「佩索亞的自我」性格很全面,本身也是個作家,但是總離不開士巴斯梯斯式的愛國主義思想。他的「自我」在某程度上深受一些宗教理念影響,如通神論思想及共濟會的宗教觀。故此,「自我」的詩詞充滿神話及史詩式的氣魄,有時還有一種悲劇的味道。他作為一個普世主義(Universalism)詩人,他的世界觀可能受到東方及理性主義哲學思想所影響,顯得相當矛盾,他同時接受單一及多方面的世界觀。所以,這倒令佩索亞有十足的理由把其他的三個「異名者」連同《使命》中的「半自我」-Bernando Soares從「自我」分開出來。


por: Rui Alexandre N. Costa 12ºano Escola Secundária Paços de Ferreira '04/'05



  • Gray de Castro, Mariana (ed.). Fernando Pessoa's modernity without frontiers: influences, dialogues, responses (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK. Rochester, NY; USA: Oxford: Tamesis, 2013, ISBN 9781855662568.
  • Jackson, Kenneth David. Adverse Genres in Fernando Pessoa. New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Jennings, Hubert D. and Carlos Pittella. Fernando Pessoa, the Poet with Many Faces: A biography and anthology. Providence, RI: Gavea-Brown, 2018.
  • Klobucka, Anna and Mark Sabine, (eds.). Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.
  • Santos, Maria Irene Ramalho Sousa. Atlantic Poets: Fernando Pessoa's Turn in Anglo-American Modernism. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2003.
  • Pessoa's Alberto Caeiro. Dartmouth, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2000.
  • Monteiro, George. Fernando Pessoa and Nineteenth-century Anglo-American Literature. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 2000.
  • Monteiro, George. The Presence of Pessoa: English, American, and Southern African Literary Responses. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 1998.
  • Sadlier, Darlene J. An Introduction to Fernando Pessoa, Literary Modernist. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 1998.
  • Lancastre, Maria José de and Antonio Tabucchi. Fernando Pessoa: Photographic Documentation and Caption.Paris : Hazan, 1997.
  • Kotowicz, Zbigniew. Fernando Pessoa: Voices of a Nomadic Soul. London: Menard, 1996.
  • Lisboa, Eugénio and L. C. Taylor. A Centenary Pessoa. Manchester, England: Carcanet, 1995.
  • Terlinden-Villepin, Anne. Fernando Pessoa: The Bilingual Portuguese Poet. Brussels: Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, 1990.
  • McGuirk, Bernard. Three Persons on One: A Centenary Tribute to Fernando Pessoa. Nottingham, England: University of Nottingham, 1988.
  • Green, J. C. R. Fernando Pessoa: The Genesis of the Heteronyms. Isle of Skye: Aquila, 1982.
  • Monteiro, George. The Man Who Never Was: Essays on Fernando Pessoa. Providence, RI: Gávea-Brown, 1982.


  • Anderson, R. N., "The Static Drama of Pessoa, Fernando" Hispanofila (104): 89–97 (January 1992).
  • Bloom, Harold, "Fernando Pessoa" in Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds. New York: Warner Books, 2002.
  • Brown, S.M., "The Whitman Pessoa Connection" Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 9 (1): 1–14 SUM 1991.
  • Bunyan, D, "The South-African Pessoa: Fernando 20th Century Portuguese Poet", English in Africa 14 (1), May 1987, pp. 67–105.
  • Cruz, Anne J., "Masked Rhetoric: Contextuality in Fernando Pessoa's Poems", Romance Notes, vol. XXIX, no. 1 (Fall, 1988), pp. 55–60.
  • De Castro, Mariana, "Oscar Wilde, Fernando Pessoa, and the art of lying". Portuguese Studies 22 (2): 219, 2006.
  • Dyer, Geoff, "Heteronyms" The New Statesman, vol. 4 (6 December 1991), p. 46.
  • Eberstadt, Fernanda, "Proud of His Obscurity", The New York Times Book Review, vol. 96, (1 September 1991), p. 26.
  • Ferari, Patricio. "Proverbs in Fernando Pessoa's works." Proverbium vol. 31, pp. 235–244.
  • Guyer, Leland, "Fernando Pessoa and the Cubist Perspective", Hispania, vol. 70, no. 1 (March 1987), pp. 73–78.
  • Haberly, David T., "Fernando Pessoa: Overview" in Lesley Henderson (Ed.), Reference Guide to World Literature, 2nd ed. St. James Press, 1995.
  • Hicks, J., "The Fascist imaginary in Pessoa and Pirandello" Centennial Review 42 (2): 309–332 SPR 1998.
  • Hollander, John, "Quadrophenia" The New Republic, 7 September 1987, pp. 33–6.
  • Howes, R. W., "Pessoa, Fernando, Poet, Publisher, and Translator", British Library Journal 9 (2): 161–170 1983.
  • Jennings, Hubert D., Contrast 47 – South African Quarterly, vol. 12 no. 3 (June 1979).
  • Lopes J. M., "Cubism and intersectionism in Fernando Pessoa's 'Chuva Obliqua" Texte (15–16),1994, pp.  63–95.
  • Mahr, G., "Pessoa, life narrative, and the dissociative process" in Biography 21 (1) Winter 1998, pp. 25–35.
  • McNeill, Pods, "The aesthetic of fragmentation and the use of personae in the poetry of Fernando Pessoa and W.B. Yeats" Portuguese Studies 19: 110–121 2003.
  • Monteiro, George, "The Song of the Reaper-Pessoa and Wordsworth" Portuguese Studies 5, 1989, pp. 71–80.
  • Muldoon P., "In the hall of mirrors: 'Autopsychography' by Fernando Pessoa" New England Review 23 (4), Fal 2002, pp. 38–52.
  • Pasi, Marco, "September 1930, Lisbon: Aleister Crowley’s lost diary of his Portuguese trip" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆Pessoa Plural, no. 1 (Spring 2012), pp. 253–283.
  • Pasi, Marco & Ferrari, Patricio, "Fernando Pessoa and Aleister Crowley: New discoveries and a new analysis of the documents in the Gerald Yorke Collection" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆Pessoa Plural, no. 1 (Spring 2012), pp. 284–313.
  • Phillips, A., "Pessoa's Appearances" in Promises, Promises. London: Faber and Faber Limited, 2000, pp. 113–124.
  • Ribeiro, A. S., "A tradition of empire: Fernando Pessoa and Germany" Portuguese Studies 21: 201–209, 2005
  • Riccardi, Mattia, "Dionysus or Apollo? The heteronym Antonio Mora as moment of Nietzsche's reception by Pessoa" Portuguese Studies 23 (1), 109, 2007.
  • Rosenthal, David H., "Unpredictable Passions", The New York Times Book Review, 13 December 1987, p. 32.
  • Seabra, J.A., "Pessoa, Fernando Portuguese Modernist Poet", Europe 62 (660): 41–53 1984.
  • Severino, Alexandrino E., "Fernando Pessoa's Legacy: The Presença and After", World Literature Today, vol. 53, no. 1 (Winter, 1979), pp. 5–9.
  • Severino, Alexandrino E., "Pessoa, Fernando – A Modern Lusiad", Hispania 67 (1): 52–60 1984.
  • Severino, Alexandrino E., "Was Pessoa Ever in South Africa?" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆Hispania (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), vol. 74, no. 3 (September 1991).
  • Sheets, Jane M., "Fernando Pessoa as Anti-Poet: Alberto Caeiro", Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. XLVI, no. 1 (January 1969), pp. 39–47.
  • Sousa, Ronald W., "The Structure of Pessoa's Mensagem", Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. LIX, no. 1, January 1982, pp. 58–66.
  • Steiner, George, "A man of many parts" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Observer, 3 June 2001.
  • Suarez, Jose, "Fernando Pessoa's acknowledged involvement with the occult" Hispania 90 (2): (May 2007), 245–252.
  • Wood, Michael, "Mod and Great" The New York Review of Books, vol. XIX, no. 4 (21 September 1972), pp. 19–22.
  • Zenith, Richard, "Pessoa, Fernando and the Theater of his Self" Performing Arts Journal (44), May 1993, pp. 47–49.



  • Casa Fernando Pessoa (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Labirinto MultiPessoa (viagens guiadas para estudantes e curiosos) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆

費爾南多, 佩索阿, 费尔南多, 佩索阿, 葡萄牙語, fernando, pessoa, 1888年6月13日, 1935年11月30日, 生於里斯本, 是葡萄牙詩人與作家, 他生前以詩集, 使命, 而聞名於世, 他被認為是繼路易, 德贾梅士之後最偉大的葡語作家, 文評家卜倫在他的作品, 西方正典, 形容為他是與諾貝爾獎得主巴勃魯, 聶魯達最能夠代表二十世紀的詩人, 在2007年票選最偉大的葡萄牙人, 英语, grandes, portugueses, 他排名第八, 費爾南多, 佩索亞, 1928年, 目录, 寫. 费尔南多 佩索阿 葡萄牙語 Fernando Pessoa 1888年6月13日 1935年11月30日 生於里斯本 是葡萄牙詩人與作家 他生前以詩集 使命 而聞名於世 他被認為是繼路易 德贾梅士之後最偉大的葡語作家 文評家卜倫在他的作品 西方正典 形容為他是與諾貝爾獎得主巴勃魯 聶魯達最能夠代表二十世紀的詩人 在2007年票選最偉大的葡萄牙人 英语 Os Grandes Portugueses 中 他排名第八 費爾南多 佩索亞 1928年 目录 1 寫作風格 2 自我 Ortonimo 3 延伸阅读 3 1 图书 3 2 文章 4 參見 5 外部連結寫作風格 编辑他在文學上以 創造 性格聞名 我們稱這種寫作手法為 異名 Heteronymy 各個 異名者 heteronyms 有着不同的阅历 性格与人生哲学 異名者与作者 自我 之间常常互通书信 交流思想 在眾多角色中 以 自我 加上另外三個 異名者 最為成熟及最廣為人知 三個 異名者 分別是Alvaro de Campos Ricardo Reis和Alberto Caeiro 在他們當中 自我 通常都是最能夠帶出真理 存在及個性等深層哲學意義的角色 自我 Ortonimo 编辑 佩索亞的自我 性格很全面 本身也是個作家 但是總離不開士巴斯梯斯式的愛國主義思想 他的 自我 在某程度上深受一些宗教理念影響 如通神論思想及共濟會的宗教觀 故此 自我 的詩詞充滿神話及史詩式的氣魄 有時還有一種悲劇的味道 他作為一個普世主義 Universalism 詩人 他的世界觀可能受到東方及理性主義哲學思想所影響 顯得相當矛盾 他同時接受單一及多方面的世界觀 所以 這倒令佩索亞有十足的理由把其他的三個 異名者 連同 使命 中的 半自我 Bernando Soares從 自我 分開出來 以葡萄牙歷史人物為背景的詩集 使命 中的佩索亞 就是最能夠代表這個 自我 這也是他生前唯一出版的詩集 por Rui Alexandre N Costa 12ºano Escola Secundaria Pacos de Ferreira 04 05延伸阅读 编辑图书 编辑 Gray de Castro Mariana ed Fernando Pessoa s modernity without frontiers influences dialogues responses 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Woodbridge Suffolk UK Rochester NY USA Oxford Tamesis 2013 ISBN 9781855662568 Jackson Kenneth David Adverse Genres in Fernando Pessoa New York Oxford Oxford University Press 2010 Jennings Hubert D and Carlos Pittella Fernando Pessoa the Poet with Many Faces A biography and anthology Providence RI Gavea Brown 2018 Klobucka Anna and Mark Sabine eds Embodying Pessoa Corporeality Gender Sexuality Toronto University of Toronto Press 2007 Santos Maria Irene Ramalho Sousa Atlantic Poets Fernando Pessoa s Turn in Anglo American Modernism Hanover NH University Press of New England 2003 Pessoa s Alberto Caeiro Dartmouth Mass University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 2000 Monteiro George Fernando Pessoa and Nineteenth century Anglo American Literature Lexington KY University Press of Kentucky 2000 Monteiro George The Presence of Pessoa English American and Southern African Literary Responses Lexington KY University Press of Kentucky 1998 Sadlier Darlene J An Introduction to Fernando Pessoa Literary Modernist Gainesville FL University Press of Florida 1998 Lancastre Maria Jose de and Antonio Tabucchi Fernando Pessoa Photographic Documentation and Caption Paris Hazan 1997 Kotowicz Zbigniew Fernando Pessoa Voices of a Nomadic Soul London Menard 1996 Lisboa Eugenio and L C Taylor A Centenary Pessoa Manchester England Carcanet 1995 Terlinden Villepin Anne Fernando Pessoa The Bilingual Portuguese Poet Brussels Facultes universitaires Saint Louis 1990 McGuirk Bernard Three Persons on One A Centenary Tribute to Fernando Pessoa Nottingham England University of Nottingham 1988 Green J C R Fernando Pessoa The Genesis of the Heteronyms Isle of Skye Aquila 1982 Monteiro George The Man Who Never Was Essays on Fernando Pessoa Providence RI Gavea Brown 1982 文章 编辑 Anderson R N The Static Drama of Pessoa Fernando Hispanofila 104 89 97 January 1992 Bloom Harold Fernando Pessoa in Genius A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds New York Warner Books 2002 Brown S M The Whitman Pessoa Connection Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 9 1 1 14 SUM 1991 Bunyan D The South African Pessoa Fernando 20th Century Portuguese Poet English in Africa 14 1 May 1987 pp 67 105 Cruz Anne J Masked Rhetoric Contextuality in Fernando Pessoa s Poems Romance Notes vol XXIX no 1 Fall 1988 pp 55 60 De Castro Mariana Oscar Wilde Fernando Pessoa and the art of lying Portuguese Studies 22 2 219 2006 Dyer Geoff Heteronyms The New Statesman vol 4 6 December 1991 p 46 Eberstadt Fernanda Proud of His Obscurity The New York Times Book Review vol 96 1 September 1991 p 26 Ferari Patricio Proverbs in Fernando Pessoa s works Proverbium vol 31 pp 235 244 Guyer Leland Fernando Pessoa and the Cubist Perspective Hispania vol 70 no 1 March 1987 pp 73 78 Haberly David T Fernando Pessoa Overview in Lesley Henderson Ed Reference Guide to World Literature 2nd ed St James Press 1995 Hicks J The Fascist imaginary in Pessoa and Pirandello Centennial Review 42 2 309 332 SPR 1998 Hollander John Quadrophenia The New Republic 7 September 1987 pp 33 6 Howes R W Pessoa Fernando Poet Publisher and Translator British Library Journal 9 2 161 170 1983 Jennings Hubert D In Search of Fernando Pessoa Contrast 47 South African Quarterly vol 12 no 3 June 1979 Lopes J M Cubism and intersectionism in Fernando Pessoa s Chuva Obliqua Texte 15 16 1994 pp 63 95 Mahr G Pessoa life narrative and the dissociative process in Biography 21 1 Winter 1998 pp 25 35 McNeill Pods The aesthetic of fragmentation and the use of personae in the poetry of Fernando Pessoa and W B Yeats Portuguese Studies 19 110 121 2003 Monteiro George The Song of the Reaper Pessoa and Wordsworth Portuguese Studies 5 1989 pp 71 80 Muldoon P In the hall of mirrors Autopsychography by Fernando Pessoa New England Review 23 4 Fal 2002 pp 38 52 Pasi Marco September 1930 Lisbon Aleister Crowley s lost diary of his Portuguese trip 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Pessoa Plural no 1 Spring 2012 pp 253 283 Pasi Marco amp Ferrari Patricio Fernando Pessoa and Aleister Crowley New discoveries and a new analysis of the documents in the Gerald Yorke Collection 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Pessoa Plural no 1 Spring 2012 pp 284 313 Phillips A Pessoa s Appearances in Promises Promises London Faber and Faber Limited 2000 pp 113 124 Ribeiro A S A tradition of empire Fernando Pessoa and Germany Portuguese Studies 21 201 209 2005 Riccardi Mattia Dionysus or Apollo The heteronym Antonio Mora as moment of Nietzsche s reception by Pessoa Portuguese Studies 23 1 109 2007 Rosenthal David H Unpredictable Passions The New York Times Book Review 13 December 1987 p 32 Seabra J A Pessoa Fernando Portuguese Modernist Poet Europe 62 660 41 53 1984 Severino Alexandrino E Fernando Pessoa s Legacy The Presenca and After World Literature Today vol 53 no 1 Winter 1979 pp 5 9 Severino Alexandrino E Pessoa Fernando A Modern Lusiad Hispania 67 1 52 60 1984 Severino Alexandrino E Was Pessoa Ever in South Africa 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Hispania 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 vol 74 no 3 September 1991 Sheets Jane M Fernando Pessoa as Anti Poet Alberto Caeiro Bulletin of Hispanic Studies vol XLVI no 1 January 1969 pp 39 47 Sousa Ronald W The Structure of Pessoa s Mensagem Bulletin of Hispanic Studies vol LIX no 1 January 1982 pp 58 66 Steiner George A man of many parts 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 The Observer 3 June 2001 Suarez Jose Fernando Pessoa s acknowledged involvement with the occult Hispania 90 2 May 2007 245 252 Wood Michael Mod and Great The New York Review of Books vol XIX no 4 21 September 1972 pp 19 22 Zenith Richard Pessoa Fernando and the Theater of his Self Performing Arts Journal 44 May 1993 pp 47 49 參見 编辑惶然錄 阿莉塞 維埃拉 若泽 萨拉马戈 卡蒙斯外部連結 编辑维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源 費爾南多 佩索阿 分類 维基语录上的費爾南多 佩索阿 葡萄牙文 语录 欧洲主题 文学主题 诗歌主题 人物主题 Casa Fernando Pessoa 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Biografia de Fernando Pessoa em Vidas Lusofonas Labirinto MultiPessoa viagens guiadas para estudantes e curiosos 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Instituto Camoes Pessoa revisitado Um Fernando Pessoa 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 費爾南多 佩索阿 amp oldid 73832170, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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