
西里爾字母 (Unicode區段)

西里爾字母是一个位于基本多文种平面的Unicode区段,收录了目前使用西里尔字母正字法的语言中,最常用的西里尔字母。此区段的编码依据为ISO 8859-5,之后陆续添加了少数民族语言使用的西里尔字母和历史上曾经使用过的西里尔字母。[4]

文字西里尔字母 (254个)
繼承 (2個)
應用俄罗斯语 · 乌克兰语
白俄罗斯语 · 古教会斯拉夫语
保加利亚语 · 马其顿语
塞尔维亚语 · 阿布哈茲語
來源標準ISO 8859-5
1.0.0192 (+192)
1.0.1188 (-4)
1.1226 (+38)
3.0238 (+12)
3.2246 (+8)
4.1248 (+2)
5.0255 (+7)
5.1256 (+1)
補充 · 擴展-A · B · C · D
註釋:在1.0.1版本中,4个字符从被移除出此区段,以便与ISO 10646统合。[1][2][3]

區塊 编辑

Unicode 聯盟官方碼表(PDF)
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
U+040x Ѐ Ё Ђ Ѓ Є Ѕ І Ї Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў Џ
U+041x А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П
U+042x Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я
U+043x а б в г д е ж з и й к л м н о п
U+044x р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ы ь э ю я
U+045x ѐ ё ђ ѓ є ѕ і ї ј љ њ ћ ќ ѝ ў џ
U+046x Ѡ ѡ Ѣ ѣ Ѥ ѥ Ѧ ѧ Ѩ ѩ Ѫ ѫ Ѭ ѭ Ѯ ѯ
U+047x Ѱ ѱ Ѳ ѳ Ѵ ѵ Ѷ ѷ Ѹ ѹ Ѻ ѻ Ѽ ѽ Ѿ ѿ
U+048x Ҁ ҁ ҂  ҃  ҄  ҅  ҆  ҇  ҈  ҉ Ҋ ҋ Ҍ ҍ Ҏ ҏ
U+049x Ґ ґ Ғ ғ Ҕ ҕ Җ җ Ҙ ҙ Қ қ Ҝ ҝ Ҟ ҟ
U+04Ax Ҡ ҡ Ң ң Ҥ ҥ Ҧ ҧ Ҩ ҩ Ҫ ҫ Ҭ ҭ Ү ү
U+04Bx Ұ ұ Ҳ ҳ Ҵ ҵ Ҷ ҷ Ҹ ҹ Һ һ Ҽ ҽ Ҿ ҿ
U+04Cx Ӏ Ӂ ӂ Ӄ ӄ Ӆ ӆ Ӈ ӈ Ӊ ӊ Ӌ ӌ Ӎ ӎ ӏ
U+04Dx Ӑ ӑ Ӓ ӓ Ӕ ӕ Ӗ ӗ Ә ә Ӛ ӛ Ӝ ӝ Ӟ ӟ
U+04Ex Ӡ ӡ Ӣ ӣ Ӥ ӥ Ӧ ӧ Ө ө Ӫ ӫ Ӭ ӭ Ӯ ӯ
U+04Fx Ӱ ӱ Ӳ ӳ Ӵ ӵ Ӷ ӷ Ӹ ӹ Ӻ ӻ Ӽ ӽ Ӿ ӿ
1.^ 依据 Unicode 13.0

歷史 编辑


版本 最終碼位[a] 碼位數 L2英语International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2英语ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 ID 文檔
1.0.0 U+0401..040C, 040E..044F, 0451..045C, 045E..0486, 0490..04C4, 04C7..04C8, 04CB..04CC 188 (to be determined)
L2/00-164 Hudson, John, Rendering Serbian italic forms with OpenType, 2000-05-01 
L2/00-176 Everson, Michael, Some Türkmen alphabets, 2000-06-01 
L2/00-219 Everson, Michael, The case of the Cyrillic letter PALOCHKA, 2000-07-09 
L2/05-287 Kryukov, Alexey, U+047C/U+047D CYRILLIC OMEGA WITH TITLO, 2005-10-02 
L2/06-011 Cleminson, Ralph, Cyrillic Omega with Titlo, 2006-01-10 
L2/06-033 McGowan, Rick, PRI #83: Changing Glyph for U+047C/U+047D Cyrillic Omega with Titlo, 2006-01-30 
L2/06-192 Anderson, Deborah, Request to Change Glyphs for U+0485 and U+0486, 2006-05-08 
L2/06-292 Anderson, Deborah, Re: Public Review Issue #83: Glyph change for Cyrillic Omega with Titlo, 2006-08-07 
L2/06-329 Cleminson, Ralph, Histoire d'O (omega with titlo), 2006-10-11 
L2/06-357 N3184 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael; Birnbaum, David; Cleminson, Ralph; Derzhanski, Ivan; Dorosh, Vladislav; Kryukov, Alexey; Paliga, Sorin, On CYRILLIC LETTER OMEGA WITH TITLO and on CYRILLIC LETTER UK, 2006-10-30 
L2/06-389 Birnbaum, David, Diacritics for Early Cyrillic, 2006-11-13 
L2/08-144 Everson, Michael; Priest, Lorna, Proposal to encode two Cyrillic characters for Abkhaz, 2008-04-11 
L2/15-014 Andreev, Aleksandr; Shardt, Yuri; Simmons, Nikita, Proposal to Change Annotations on Some Cyrillic Characters, 2015-01-26 
L2/15-182 Whistler, Ken, Suggested Responses to Suggestions re Cyrillic in L2/15-014, 2015-07-20 
1.1 U+04D0..04EB, 04EE..04F5, 04F8..04F9 38 (to be determined)
3.0 U+0400, 040D, 0450, 045D 4 N1323 Kardalev, Ratislav; Jerman-Blazic, Borka; Everson, Michael, Proposal and Summary for addition of Cyrillic characters, 1996-01-16 
N1407 Kardalev, Ratislav, Reconsideration of the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N 1323 document, 1996-05-15 
U+0488..0489 2 L2/98-211 N1744 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Additional Cyrillic characters for the UCS, 1998-05-25 
L2/98-301 N1847 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals, 1998-09-12 
L2/98-372 N1884 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Whistler, Ken; et al, Additional Characters for the UCS, 1998-09-22 
U+048C..048D 2 L2/99-077.1 N1975 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Irish Comments on SC 2 N 3210, 1999-01-20 
(to be determined)
U+048E..048F, 04EC..04ED 4 L2/97-146 N1590 Trosterud, Trond, Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sámi characters to ISO/IEC 10646, 1997-06-09 
L2/98-211 N1744 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Additional Cyrillic characters for the UCS, 1998-05-25 
L2/98-301 N1847 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael, Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals, 1998-09-12 
L2/98-372 N1884 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Whistler, Ken; et al, Additional Characters for the UCS, 1998-09-22 
3.2 U+048A..048B, 04C5..04C6, 04C9..04CA, 04CD..04CE 8 L2/98-258 N1813 Trosterud, Trond, Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sámi characters to ISO/IEC 10646, 1997-06-09 
L2/98-276 N1813 Kuruch, Rimma; et al, Norwegian comments on Cyrillic Sámi, 1998-07-20 
L2/99-255 N2069 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3309, ISO 10646-1/FPDAM 30 - Additional Latin and other characters, 1999-08-19 
L2/00-082 N2173 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael; et al, Proposal to add 8 Cyrillic Sámi characters to ISO/IEC 10646, 2000-03-03 
4.1 U+04F6..04F7 2 L2/02-452 N2560 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Brase, Jim; Constable, Peter, Proposal for Encoding Additional Cyrillic Characters for Siberian Yupik, 2002-12-06 
5.0 U+04CF 1 N2942 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Freytag, Asmus; Whistler, Ken, Proposal to add nine lowercase characters, 2005-08-12 
U+04FA..04FF 6 L2/05-080R2 Priest, Lorna, Proposal to Encode Additional Cyrillic Characters (rev 2005/08/18), 2005-08-02 
L2/05-215 Anderson, Deborah, Feedback on Cyrillic letters EL WITH HOOK and HA WITH HOOK (L2/05-080), 2005-08-03 
L2/05-230 Priest, Lorna, Nameslist annotations for new Cyrillic letters, 2005-08-11 
5.1 U+0487 1 L2/06-042 Cleminson, Ralph, Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters, 2006-01-26 
L2/06-181 Anderson, Deborah, Responses to the UTC regarding L2/06-042, Proposal for Additional Cyrillic Characters, 2006-05-08 
L2/06-359 Cleminson, Ralph, Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters, 2006-10-31 
L2/07-003 N3194(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Everson, Michael; Birnbaum, David; Cleminson, Ralph; Derzhanski, Ivan; Dorosh, Vladislav; Kryukov, Alexey; Paliga, Sorin; Ruppel, Klaas, Proposal to encode additional Cyrillic characters in the BMP of the UCS, 2007-01-12 
L2/07-055 Cleminson, Ralph, Comments on Additional Cyrillic Characters (L2/07-003 = WG2 N3194), 2007-01-19 
  1. ^ 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同。

另見 编辑

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum (PDF). The Unicode Standard. 1992-11-03 [2016-07-09]. (原始内容 (PDF)于2016-07-02). 
  2. ^ Unicode character database. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容于2018-03-19). 
  3. ^ Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard. The Unicode Standard. [2016-07-09]. (原始内容于2018-12-25). 
  4. ^ Europe-I: Modern and Liturgical Scripts (PDF). The Unicode Standard: Version 14.0 – Core Specification. The Unicode Consortium. 2021-09-14 [2022-08-06]. (原始内容 (PDF)于2022-01-20). 

西里爾字母, unicode區段, 西里爾字母是一个位于基本多文种平面的unicode区段, 收录了目前使用西里尔字母正字法的语言中, 最常用的西里尔字母, 此区段的编码依据为iso, 8859, 之后陆续添加了少数民族语言使用的西里尔字母和历史上曾经使用过的西里尔字母, 西里爾字母cyrillic範圍u, 0400, 04ff, 256個碼位, 平面基本多文種平面, 文字西里尔字母, 254个, 繼承, 2個, 應用俄罗斯语, 乌克兰语白俄罗斯语, 古教会斯拉夫语保加利亚语, 马其顿语塞尔维亚语, 阿布哈茲語已分. 西里爾字母是一个位于基本多文种平面的Unicode区段 收录了目前使用西里尔字母正字法的语言中 最常用的西里尔字母 此区段的编码依据为ISO 8859 5 之后陆续添加了少数民族语言使用的西里尔字母和历史上曾经使用过的西里尔字母 4 西里爾字母Cyrillic範圍U 0400 U 04FF 256個碼位 平面基本多文種平面 BMP 文字西里尔字母 254个 繼承 2個 應用俄罗斯语 乌克兰语白俄罗斯语 古教会斯拉夫语保加利亚语 马其顿语塞尔维亚语 阿布哈茲語已分配256個碼位未分配0個保留碼位來源標準ISO 8859 5Unicode版本歷史1 0 0192 192 1 0 1188 4 1 1226 38 3 0238 12 3 2246 8 4 1248 2 5 0255 7 5 1256 1 相關區塊補充 擴展 A B C D官方碼表點擊此處註釋 在1 0 1版本中 4个字符从被移除出此区段 以便与ISO 10646统合 1 2 3 本页面有西里尔字母 操作系统及浏览器須支持特殊字母与符号才能正確显示为西里尔字母 否则可能變成问号或者方块 目录 1 區塊 2 歷史 3 另見 4 参考资料區塊 编辑西里爾字母Cyrillic 1 Unicode 聯盟官方碼表 PDF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E FU 040x Ѐ Yo Ђ Ѓ Ye Ѕ I Yi Ј Љ Њ Ћ Ќ Ѝ Ў ЏU 041x A B V G D E Zh Z I J K L M N O PU 042x R S T U F H C Ch Sh Sh Y E Yu YaU 043x a b v g d e zh z i j k l m n o pU 044x r s t u f h c ch sh sh y e yu yaU 045x ѐ yo ђ ѓ ye ѕ i yi ј љ њ ћ ќ ѝ y џU 046x Ѡ ѡ Ѣ ѣ Ѥ ѥ Ѧ ѧ Ѩ ѩ Ѫ ѫ Ѭ ѭ Ѯ ѯU 047x Ѱ ѱ Ѳ ѳ Ѵ ѵ Ѷ ѷ Ѹ ѹ Ѻ ѻ Ѽ ѽ Ѿ ѿU 048x Ҁ ҁ Ҋ ҋ Ҍ ҍ Ҏ ҏU 049x G g Ғ g Ҕ ҕ Җ җ Ҙ ҙ Қ k Ҝ ҝ Ҟ ҟU 04Ax Ҡ ҡ Ң n Ҥ ҥ Ҧ ҧ Ҩ ҩ Ҫ ҫ Ҭ ҭ Ү үU 04Bx Ұ u Ҳ ҳ Ҵ ҵ Ҷ ҷ Ҹ ҹ Һ һ Ҽ ҽ Ҿ ҿU 04Cx Ӏ Ӂ ӂ Ӄ ӄ Ӆ ӆ Ӈ ӈ Ӊ ӊ Ӌ ӌ Ӎ ӎ ӏU 04Dx Ӑ ӑ Ӓ ӓ Ӕ ӕ Ӗ ӗ Ә ә Ӛ ӛ Ӝ ӝ Ӟ ӟU 04Ex Ӡ ӡ Ӣ ӣ Ӥ ӥ Ӧ ӧ Ө o Ӫ ӫ Ӭ ӭ Ӯ ӯU 04Fx Ӱ ӱ Ӳ ӳ Ӵ ӵ Ӷ ӷ Ӹ ӹ Ӻ ӻ Ӽ ӽ Ӿ ӿ注释 1 依据 Unicode 13 0歷史 编辑下列與Unicode相關的文檔記錄了在西里爾字母區塊中定義特定字符的目的和过程 版本 最終碼位 a 碼位數 L2 英语 International Committee for Information Technology Standards ID WG2 英语 ISO IEC JTC 1 SC 2 ID 文檔1 0 0 U 0401 040C 040E 044F 0451 045C 045E 0486 0490 04C4 04C7 04C8 04CB 04CC 188 to be determined L2 00 164 Hudson John Rendering Serbian italic forms with OpenType 2000 05 01 L2 00 176 Everson Michael Some Turkmen alphabets 2000 06 01 L2 00 219 Everson Michael The case of the Cyrillic letter PALOCHKA 2000 07 09 L2 05 287 Kryukov Alexey U 047C U 047D CYRILLIC OMEGA WITH TITLO 2005 10 02 L2 06 011 Cleminson Ralph Cyrillic Omega with Titlo 2006 01 10 L2 06 033 McGowan Rick PRI 83 Changing Glyph for U 047C U 047D Cyrillic Omega with Titlo 2006 01 30 L2 06 192 Anderson Deborah Request to Change Glyphs for U 0485 and U 0486 2006 05 08 L2 06 292 Anderson Deborah Re Public Review Issue 83 Glyph change for Cyrillic Omega with Titlo 2006 08 07 L2 06 329 Cleminson Ralph Histoire d O omega with titlo 2006 10 11 L2 06 357 N3184 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Birnbaum David Cleminson Ralph Derzhanski Ivan Dorosh Vladislav Kryukov Alexey Paliga Sorin On CYRILLIC LETTER OMEGA WITH TITLO and on CYRILLIC LETTER UK 2006 10 30 L2 06 389 Birnbaum David Diacritics for Early Cyrillic 2006 11 13 L2 08 144 N3435R Everson Michael Priest Lorna Proposal to encode two Cyrillic characters for Abkhaz 2008 04 11 L2 15 014 Andreev Aleksandr Shardt Yuri Simmons Nikita Proposal to Change Annotations on Some Cyrillic Characters 2015 01 26 L2 15 182 Whistler Ken Suggested Responses to Suggestions re Cyrillic in L2 15 014 2015 07 20 1 1 U 04D0 04EB 04EE 04F5 04F8 04F9 38 to be determined 3 0 U 0400 040D 0450 045D 4 N1323 Kardalev Ratislav Jerman Blazic Borka Everson Michael Proposal and Summary for addition of Cyrillic characters 1996 01 16 N1407 Kardalev Ratislav Reconsideration of the ISO IEC JTC1 SC2 WG2 N 1323 document 1996 05 15 U 0488 0489 2 L2 98 211 N1744 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Additional Cyrillic characters for the UCS 1998 05 25 L2 98 301 N1847 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Responses to NCITS L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals 1998 09 12 L2 98 372 N1884 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Whistler Ken et al Additional Characters for the UCS 1998 09 22 U 048C 048D 2 L2 99 077 1 N1975 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Irish Comments on SC 2 N 3210 1999 01 20 to be determined U 048E 048F 04EC 04ED 4 L2 97 146 N1590 Trosterud Trond Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sami characters to ISO IEC 10646 1997 06 09 L2 98 211 N1744 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Additional Cyrillic characters for the UCS 1998 05 25 L2 98 301 N1847 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Responses to NCITS L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals 1998 09 12 L2 98 372 N1884 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Whistler Ken et al Additional Characters for the UCS 1998 09 22 3 2 U 048A 048B 04C5 04C6 04C9 04CA 04CD 04CE 8 L2 98 258 N1813 Trosterud Trond Proposal to add 10 Cyrillic Sami characters to ISO IEC 10646 1997 06 09 L2 98 276 N1813 Kuruch Rimma et al Norwegian comments on Cyrillic Sami 1998 07 20 L2 99 255 N2069 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3309 ISO 10646 1 FPDAM 30 Additional Latin and other characters 1999 08 19 L2 00 082 N2173 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael et al Proposal to add 8 Cyrillic Sami characters to ISO IEC 10646 2000 03 03 4 1 U 04F6 04F7 2 L2 02 452 N2560 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Brase Jim Constable Peter Proposal for Encoding Additional Cyrillic Characters for Siberian Yupik 2002 12 06 5 0 U 04CF 1 N2942 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Freytag Asmus Whistler Ken Proposal to add nine lowercase characters 2005 08 12 U 04FA 04FF 6 L2 05 080R2 Priest Lorna Proposal to Encode Additional Cyrillic Characters rev 2005 08 18 2005 08 02 L2 05 215 Anderson Deborah Feedback on Cyrillic letters EL WITH HOOK and HA WITH HOOK L2 05 080 2005 08 03 L2 05 230 Priest Lorna Nameslist annotations for new Cyrillic letters 2005 08 11 5 1 U 0487 1 L2 06 042 Cleminson Ralph Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters 2006 01 26 L2 06 181 Anderson Deborah Responses to the UTC regarding L2 06 042 Proposal for Additional Cyrillic Characters 2006 05 08 L2 06 359 Cleminson Ralph Proposal for additional Cyrillic characters 2006 10 31 L2 07 003 N3194 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Everson Michael Birnbaum David Cleminson Ralph Derzhanski Ivan Dorosh Vladislav Kryukov Alexey Paliga Sorin Ruppel Klaas Proposal to encode additional Cyrillic characters in the BMP of the UCS 2007 01 12 L2 07 055 Cleminson Ralph Comments on Additional Cyrillic Characters L2 07 003 WG2 N3194 2007 01 19 提案中建議的碼位和字符名稱可能與最終結果不同 另見 编辑Unicode中的西里爾字母 西里爾字母列表参考资料 编辑 Unicode 1 0 1 Addendum PDF The Unicode Standard 1992 11 03 2016 07 09 原始内容存档 PDF 于2016 07 02 Unicode character database The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2018 03 19 Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard The Unicode Standard 2016 07 09 原始内容存档于2018 12 25 Europe I Modern and Liturgical Scripts PDF The Unicode Standard Version 14 0 Core Specification The Unicode Consortium 2021 09 14 2022 08 06 原始内容存档 PDF 于2022 01 20 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 西里爾字母 Unicode區段 amp oldid 78297031, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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