

自然选择(英語:natural selection,傳統上也譯為天擇)指生物的遺傳特徵在生存競爭中,由於具有某種優勢或某種劣勢,因而在生存能力上產生差異,並進而導致繁殖能力的差異,使得這些特徵被保存或是淘汰。自然選擇則是演化的主要機制,經過自然選擇而能夠成功生存,稱為「適應」。自然選擇是唯一可以解釋生物適應環境的機制。

加拉巴哥群島(Galápagos Islands)擁有13個雀鳥物種(Darwin's finches),他們相當親近,主要的特徵差異在於鳥喙的形狀。不同種類的鳥喙皆與合適於牠們的食性。達爾文認為,這是自然選擇造成的演化後果。

1858年,英國生物學家查爾斯·達爾文阿爾弗雷德·羅素·華萊士發表了《On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection》,首次提出天擇的概念。


自然選擇的因素 编辑



類別 编辑

  • 定向選擇(Directional selection):往某一方向偏離平均的個體存活率最高,例如較白的北極熊毛。
  • 穩定化選擇(stabilizing selection):性狀位於中間的個體存活率最高,兩側的個體低。
  • 破壞選擇(Disruptive selection):性狀位在中間的個體存活率最低,例如環境中有黑色和白色石頭時,灰色的蛾無保護色。可能導致種化


單位 编辑


因為是基因帶有個體的大多數資訊但不能自我複製,George C. Williams和理察·道金斯主张以基因為單位的演化觀點。個體只是基因為了自我複製所製造的「機器」。這種觀點在解釋轉座子親緣選擇上較為方便。


自然選擇作用在族群上時,稱為族群選擇(group selection)。族群選擇在自然界中的普遍程度仍有爭議。


参考文献 编辑

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  • Andersson, Malte. Sexual Selection. Monographs in Behavior and Ecology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1994. ISBN 978-0-691-00057-2. LCCN 93033276. OCLC 28891551. 
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  • Aristotle. Physics. Translated by R.P. Hardie and R.K. Gaye. The Internet Classics Archive. OCLC 54350394. 
  • Begon, Michael; Townsend, Colin R.; Harper, John L. Ecology: Individuals, Populations and Communities 3rd. Oxford; Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Science. 1996. ISBN 978-0-632-03801-5. LCCN 95024627. OCLC 32893848. 
  • Christiansen, Freddy B. The Definition and Measurement of Fitness. Shorrocks, Bryan (编). Evolutionary Ecology: The 23rd Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Leeds, 1982. Symposium of the British Ecological Society 23. Oxford; Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1984. ISBN 978-0-632-01189-6. LCCN 85106855. OCLC 12586581. Modified from Christiansen by adding survival selection in the reproductive phase.
  • Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 1st. London: John Murray. 1859. LCCN 06017473. OCLC 741260650. The book is available from The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Retrieved 2015-07-23.
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  • Endler, John A. Natural Selection in the Wild. Princeton,NJ: Princeton University Press. 1986. ISBN 978-0-691-08386-5. LCCN 85042683. OCLC 12262762. 
  • Engels, Friedrich. Dialectics of Nature. 1939 preface by J.B.S. Haldane 3rd rev. Moscow, USSR: Progress Publishers. 1964 [1883]. LCCN 66044448. OCLC 807047245. The book is available from the Marxist Internet Archive (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  • Falconer, Douglas S.; Mackay, Trudy F.C. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics 4th. Harlow, England: Longman. 1996. ISBN 978-0-582-24302-6. OCLC 824656731. 
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  • Futuyma, Douglas J. Evolution. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates. 2005. ISBN 978-0-87893-187-3. LCCN 2004029808. OCLC 57311264. 
  • Goldberg, David E. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1989. ISBN 978-0-201-15767-3. LCCN 88006276. OCLC 17674450. 
  • Haldane, J B.S. The Causes of Evolution. London; New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 1932. LCCN 32033284. OCLC 5006266. "This book is based on a series of lectures delivered in January 1931 at the Prifysgol Cymru, Aberystwyth, and entitled 'A re-examination of Darwinism'."
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  • Kauffman, Stuart. The Origins of Order: Self-Organisation and Selection in Evolution. New York: Oxford University Press. 1993. ISBN 978-0-19-507951-7. LCCN 91011148. OCLC 23253930. 
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  • Lear, Jonathan. Aristotle: The Desire to Understand . Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press. 1988. ISBN 978-0-521-34762-4. LCCN 87020284. OCLC 16352317. 
  • Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3rd. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 1996. ISBN 978-0-226-45808-3. LCCN 96013195. OCLC 34548541. 
  • Lemey, Philippe; Salemi, Marco; Vandamme, Anne-Mieke (编). The Phylogenetic Handbook: A Practical Approach to Phylogenetic Analysis and Hypothesis Testing 2nd. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press. 2009. ISBN 978-0-521-73071-6. LCCN 2009464132. OCLC 295002266. 
  • Lucretius. Book V. Leonard, William Ellery (编). De rerum natura. Translated by William Ellery Leonard. Medford/Somerville, MA: Tufts University. 1916. OCLC 33233743. 
  • MacArthur, Robert H.; Wilson, Edward O. The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton Landmarks in Biology. New preface by Edward O. Wilson. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2001 [Originally published 1967]. ISBN 978-0-691-08836-5. LCCN 00051495. OCLC 45202069. 
  • Malthus, Thomas Robert. An Essay on the Principle of Population, As It Affects the Future Improvement of Society: with Remarks on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers 1st. London: J. Johnson. 1798. LCCN 46038215. OCLC 65344349. The book is available here (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from Frank Elwell, Rogers State University.
  • Mayr, Ernst. Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist. Columbia Biological Series 13. New York: Columbia University Press. 1942. LCCN 43001098. OCLC 766053. 
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  • Michod, Richard A. Darwinian Dynamics: Evolutionary Transitions in Fitness and Individuality. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1999. ISBN 978-0-691-02699-2. LCCN 98004166. OCLC 38948118. 
  • Miller, Geoffrey. The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature 1st. New York: Doubleday. 2000. ISBN 978-0-385-49516-5. LCCN 00022673. OCLC 43648482. 
  • Mitchell, Melanie. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. Complex Adaptive Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1996. ISBN 978-0-262-13316-6. LCCN 95024489. OCLC 42854439. 
  • Pinker, Steven. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language 1st Harper Perennial. New York: Harper Perennial. 1995 [Originally published 1994; New York: William Morrow and Company]. ISBN 978-0-06-097651-4. LCCN 94039138. OCLC 670524593. 
  • Rice, Sean H. Evolutionary Theory: Mathematical and Conceptual Foundations. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates. 2004. ISBN 978-0-87893-702-8. LCCN 2004008054. OCLC 54988554. 
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  • Sober, Elliott. The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 1993 [Originally published 1984; Cambridge, MA: MIT Press]. ISBN 978-0-226-76748-2. LCCN 93010367. OCLC 896826726. 
  • Wallace, Alfred Russel. 2nd, with corrections and additions. New York: Macmillan & Co. 1871 [Originally published 1870] [2022-01-19]. LCCN agr04000394. OCLC 809350209. (原始内容存档于2021-07-18). 
  • Williams, George C. Adaptation and Natural Selection: A Critique of Some Current Evolutionary Thought. Princeton Science Library. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1966. ISBN 978-0-691-02615-2. LCCN 65017164. OCLC 35230452. 
  • Wilson, David Sloan. Darwin's Cathedral: Evolution, Religion, and the Nature of Society. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2002. ISBN 978-0-691-02615-2. LCCN 2002017375. OCLC 48777441. 
  • Zimmer, Carl; Emlen, Douglas J. Evolution: Making Sense of Life 1st. Greenwood Village, CO: Roberts and Company Publishers. 2013. ISBN 978-1-936221-17-2. LCCN 2012025118. OCLC 767565909. 

延伸閱讀 编辑

For technical audiences
  • Gould, Stephen Jay. The Structure of Evolutionary Theory. Harvard University Press. 2002. ISBN 0-674-00613-5. 
  • Maynard Smith, John. The Theory of Evolution: Canto Edition. Cambridge University Press. 1993. ISBN 0-521-45128-0. 
  • Popper, Karl (1978) Natural selection and the emergence of mind. Dialectica 32:339-55. See [1] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Sober, Elliott (1984) The Nature of Selection: Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus. University of Chicago Press.
  • Williams, George C. (1966) Adaptation and Natural Selection: A Critique of Some Current Evolutionary Thought. Oxford University Press.
  • Williams, George C. (1992) Natural Selection: Domains, Levels and Challenges. Oxford University Press.
For general audiences
  • Zirkle, C. Natural Selection before the "Origin of Species. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1941, 84 (1): 71–123. 
  • Kohm M (2004) A Reason for Everything: Natural Selection and the English Imagination. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 978-0-571-22392-3. For review, see [2] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) van Wyhe J (2005) Human Nature Review 5:1-4

外部連結 编辑

  • On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – Chapter 4, Natural Selection
  • - Modeling for Understanding in Science Education, University of Wisconsin
  • Natural Selection (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) from University of Berkeley education website
  • T. Ryan Gregory: Understanding Natural Selection: Essential Concepts and Common Misconceptions[永久失效連結] Evolution: Education and Outreach
  • ENCODE threads explorer (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Impact of functional information on understanding variation. Nature (journal)

自然选择, 物竞天择, 重定向至此, 關於电子游戏模组, 請見, 物竞天择, 游戏, 此條目已列出參考文獻, 但文內引註不足, 部分內容的來源仍然不明, 2023年3月10日, 请加上合适的文內引註来改善此条目, 英語, natural, selection, 傳統上也譯為天擇, 指生物的遺傳特徵在生存競爭中, 由於具有某種優勢或某種劣勢, 因而在生存能力上產生差異, 並進而導致繁殖能力的差異, 使得這些特徵被保存或是淘汰, 自然選擇則是演化的主要機制, 經過自然選擇而能夠成功生存, 稱為, 適應, 自然選擇是唯一. 物竞天择 重定向至此 關於电子游戏模组 請見 物竞天择 游戏 此條目已列出參考文獻 但文內引註不足 部分內容的來源仍然不明 2023年3月10日 请加上合适的文內引註来改善此条目 自然选择 英語 natural selection 傳統上也譯為天擇 指生物的遺傳特徵在生存競爭中 由於具有某種優勢或某種劣勢 因而在生存能力上產生差異 並進而導致繁殖能力的差異 使得這些特徵被保存或是淘汰 自然選擇則是演化的主要機制 經過自然選擇而能夠成功生存 稱為 適應 自然選擇是唯一可以解釋生物適應環境的機制 加拉巴哥群島 Galapagos Islands 擁有13個雀鳥物種 Darwin s finches 他們相當親近 主要的特徵差異在於鳥喙的形狀 不同種類的鳥喙皆與合適於牠們的食性 達爾文認為 這是自然選擇造成的演化後果 1858年 英國生物學家查爾斯 達爾文和阿爾弗雷德 羅素 華萊士發表了 On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection 首次提出天擇的概念 查爾斯 達爾文在1859年出版的 物種起源 中提出 其於早年在加拉巴哥群島觀察了數種動物後發現 島上很少有與鄰近大陸相似的物種 並且還演化出許多獨有物種 如巨型的加拉巴哥象龜 達爾文在一開始以為 島上的鷽鳥應與南美洲發現的為同種 經研究 十三種燕雀中只有一種是與其大陸近親類似的 其餘皆或多或少發生了演化現象 他們爲了適應島上的生存環境 改變了鳥喙的大小 目录 1 自然選擇的因素 2 類別 3 單位 4 参考文献 5 延伸閱讀 6 外部連結自然選擇的因素 编辑因為生物族群呈指數成長 但資源有限 因此不是每個個體都能存活 影響存活率的因素包括無機環境 如溫度 溼度 日照 空氣 以及生物因子 如掠食者 共生 種內競爭 食物 疾病等等 個體之間存在的個體差異 變異 使每個個體的存活率不同 如果個體可以耐乾旱 在空中飛 在海裡呼吸 用爪子掠食 抵抗病原 製造工具 或是合作獵食等等 就會有不同的適應力 因此個體間的存活率不同 這些個體差異如果可以遺傳 則會造成演化 由于进化主要关注的是有机体是否能存活到繁衍下一代的年龄 在有机体繁衍年龄之后才会影響存活率的因素几乎会被自然選擇机制忽略 例如遗传性疾病亨廷顿舞蹈症通常在40岁左右发病 这个年龄超过了大多数人生育孩子的年龄 因而几乎不会由于进化机制而被自然淘汰 当中性或有害的基因靠近基因组中一个对人高度有益的基因旁边 中性或有害的基因会同这个有益基因一起遗传给后代 从而达到比其原有更高的遗传概率 1 類別 编辑 nbsp 定向選擇 平衡選擇和破壞選擇 橫軸是性狀 縱軸是個體數量 紅線代表原本的性狀分佈 藍色是選擇後的結果 定向選擇 Directional selection 往某一方向偏離平均的個體存活率最高 例如較白的北極熊毛 穩定化選擇 stabilizing selection 性狀位於中間的個體存活率最高 兩側的個體低 破壞選擇 Disruptive selection 性狀位在中間的個體存活率最低 例如環境中有黑色和白色石頭時 灰色的蛾無保護色 可能導致種化 性擇和生殖選擇和人擇有時被視為廣義的自然選擇的次分類 狹義的自然選擇 又稱生態選擇 指個體在自然環境中存活率的差異 性擇是取得交配對象的能力差異 而生殖選擇則是交配後生育後代的數目差異 人工選擇則將自然選擇概念應用在受人類圈養的生物上 例如家畜 寵物與農作物的育種 單位 编辑最容易觀察到的自然選擇是作用在個體上 依據個體之間性狀的不同 因為是基因帶有個體的大多數資訊但不能自我複製 George C Williams和理察 道金斯主张以基因為單位的演化觀點 個體只是基因為了自我複製所製造的 機器 這種觀點在解釋轉座子和親緣選擇上較為方便 在癌症的例子中 基因突變造成細胞的性狀差異 引發在細胞層次的自然選擇 自然選擇作用在族群上時 稱為族群選擇 group selection 族群選擇在自然界中的普遍程度仍有爭議 自然選擇也可能運作在物種的層次 當一個物種中的不同族群因為自然選擇而產生生物分類學上的差異時 則稱為 物種形成 若是族群因為不受自然選擇青睞而導致族群規模縮小進而消失 則稱為 滅絕 物種形成和滅絕的速率決定一個支系的適應力 参考文献 编辑 基因编辑出错可能改变人类物种 BBC News 中文 2023 03 10 中文 简体 Agutter Paul S Wheatley Denys N Thinking about Life The History and Philosophy of Biology and Other Sciences Dordrecht the Netherlands London Springer Science Business Media 2008 ISBN 978 1 4020 8865 0 LCCN 2008933269 OCLC 304561132 Andersson Malte Sexual Selection Monographs in Behavior and Ecology Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 1994 ISBN 978 0 691 00057 2 LCCN 93033276 OCLC 28891551 Ariew Andre Platonic and Aristotelian Roots of Teleological Arguments PDF Ariew Andre Cummins Robert Perlman Mark 编 Functions New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology Oxford New York Oxford University Press 2002 ISBN 978 0 19 824103 4 LCCN 2002020184 OCLC 48965141 原始内容 PDF 存档于19 February 2009 Aristotle Physics Translated by R P Hardie and R K Gaye The Internet Classics Archive OCLC 54350394 Begon Michael Townsend Colin R Harper John L Ecology Individuals Populations and Communities 3rd Oxford Cambridge MA Blackwell Science 1996 ISBN 978 0 632 03801 5 LCCN 95024627 OCLC 32893848 Christiansen Freddy B The Definition and Measurement of Fitness Shorrocks Bryan 编 Evolutionary Ecology The 23rd Symposium of the British Ecological Society Leeds 1982 Symposium of the British Ecological Society 23 Oxford Boston Blackwell Scientific Publications 1984 ISBN 978 0 632 01189 6 LCCN 85106855 OCLC 12586581 Modified from Christiansen by adding survival selection in the reproductive phase Darwin Charles On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 1st London John Murray 1859 LCCN 06017473 OCLC 741260650 The book is available from The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Retrieved 2015 07 23 Darwin Charles On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 3rd London John Murray 1861 2022 01 19 LCCN 04001284 OCLC 550913 原始内容存档于2021 06 08 Darwin Charles The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 6th London John Murray 1872 2022 01 19 OCLC 1185571 原始内容存档于2014 10 18 Darwin Charles Barlow Nora 编 The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809 1882 With original omissions restored Edited and with Appendix and Notes by his grand daughter Nora Barlow London Collins 1958 2022 01 19 LCCN 93017940 OCLC 869541868 原始内容存档于2021 06 10 Dawkins Richard The Selfish Gene New York Oxford University Press 1976 ISBN 978 0 19 857519 1 LCCN 76029168 OCLC 2681149 Dennett Daniel C Consciousness Explained 1st Boston MA Little Brown and Company 1991 ISBN 978 0 316 18065 8 LCCN 91015614 OCLC 23648691 Dennett Daniel C Darwin s Dangerous Idea Evolution and the Meanings of Life New York Simon amp Schuster 1995 ISBN 978 0 684 80290 9 LCCN 94049158 OCLC 31867409 Dobzhansky Theodosius Genetics and the Origin of Species Columbia University Biological Series New York Columbia University Press 1937 LCCN 37033383 OCLC 766405 Genetics and the Origin of Species Columbia University Biological Series 3rd revised New York Columbia University Press 1951 LCCN 51014816 OCLC 295774 Eisley Loren Darwin s Century Evolution and the Men Who Discovered It 1st Garden City NY Doubleday 1958 LCCN 58006638 OCLC 168989 Empedocles Empedokles Fairbanks Arthur 编 The First Philosophers of Greece Translation by Arthur Fairbanks London Kegan Paul Trench Trubner amp Co Ltd 1898 LCCN 03031810 OCLC 1376248 互联网档案馆收藏的 The First Philosophers of Greece Endler John A Natural Selection in the Wild Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 1986 ISBN 978 0 691 08386 5 LCCN 85042683 OCLC 12262762 Engels Friedrich Dialectics of Nature 1939 preface by J B S Haldane 3rd rev Moscow USSR Progress Publishers 1964 1883 LCCN 66044448 OCLC 807047245 The book is available from the Marxist Internet Archive 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Falconer Douglas S Mackay Trudy F C Introduction to Quantitative Genetics 4th Harlow England Longman 1996 ISBN 978 0 582 24302 6 OCLC 824656731 Fisher Ronald Aylmer The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection Oxford The Clarendon Press 1930 LCCN 30029177 OCLC 493745635 Futuyma Douglas J Evolution Sunderland MA Sinauer Associates 2005 ISBN 978 0 87893 187 3 LCCN 2004029808 OCLC 57311264 Goldberg David E Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning Reading MA Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1989 ISBN 978 0 201 15767 3 LCCN 88006276 OCLC 17674450 Haldane J B S The Causes of Evolution London New York Longmans Green amp Co 1932 LCCN 32033284 OCLC 5006266 This book is based on a series of lectures delivered in January 1931 at the Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth and entitled A re examination of Darwinism Haldane J B S The Measurement of Natural Selection Montalenti Giuseppe Chiarugi A 编 Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Genetica Bellagio Como 24 31 agosto 1953 Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Genetics Caryologia 6 1953 54 Suppl Florence Italy University of Florence 1954 480 487 2022 01 19 OCLC 9069245 原始内容存档于2016 03 04 Kauffman Stuart The Origins of Order Self Organisation and Selection in Evolution New York Oxford University Press 1993 ISBN 978 0 19 507951 7 LCCN 91011148 OCLC 23253930 Lamarck Jean Baptiste Philosophie Zoologique Paris Dentu et L Auteur 1809 OCLC 2210044 互联网档案馆收藏的 Philosophie zoologique 1809 Lear Jonathan Aristotle The Desire to Understand nbsp Cambridge UK New York Cambridge University Press 1988 ISBN 978 0 521 34762 4 LCCN 87020284 OCLC 16352317 含有內容需登入查看的頁面 link Kuhn Thomas S The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 3rd Chicago IL University of Chicago Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 226 45808 3 LCCN 96013195 OCLC 34548541 Lemey Philippe Salemi Marco Vandamme Anne Mieke 编 The Phylogenetic Handbook A Practical Approach to Phylogenetic Analysis and Hypothesis Testing 2nd Cambridge UK New York Cambridge University Press 2009 ISBN 978 0 521 73071 6 LCCN 2009464132 OCLC 295002266 Lucretius Book V Leonard William Ellery 编 De rerum natura Translated by William Ellery Leonard Medford Somerville MA Tufts University 1916 OCLC 33233743 MacArthur Robert H Wilson Edward O The Theory of Island Biogeography Princeton Landmarks in Biology New preface by Edward O Wilson Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 2001 Originally published 1967 ISBN 978 0 691 08836 5 LCCN 00051495 OCLC 45202069 Malthus Thomas Robert An Essay on the Principle of Population As It Affects the Future Improvement of Society with Remarks on the Speculations of Mr Godwin M Condorcet and Other Writers 1st London J Johnson 1798 LCCN 46038215 OCLC 65344349 The book is available here 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 from Frank Elwell Rogers State University Mayr Ernst Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist Columbia Biological Series 13 New York Columbia University Press 1942 LCCN 43001098 OCLC 766053 Mayr Ernst Sexual Selection and Natural Selection Campbell Bernard G 编 Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man The Darwinian Pivot New Brunswick NJ AldineTransaction 2006 Originally published 1972 Chicago IL Aldine Publishing Co ISBN 978 0 202 30845 6 LCCN 2005046652 OCLC 62857839 Michod Richard A Darwinian Dynamics Evolutionary Transitions in Fitness and Individuality Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 1999 ISBN 978 0 691 02699 2 LCCN 98004166 OCLC 38948118 Miller Geoffrey The Mating Mind How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature 1st New York Doubleday 2000 ISBN 978 0 385 49516 5 LCCN 00022673 OCLC 43648482 Mitchell Melanie An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms Complex Adaptive Systems Cambridge MA MIT Press 1996 ISBN 978 0 262 13316 6 LCCN 95024489 OCLC 42854439 Pinker Steven The Language Instinct How the Mind Creates Language 1st Harper Perennial New York Harper Perennial 1995 Originally published 1994 New York William Morrow and Company ISBN 978 0 06 097651 4 LCCN 94039138 OCLC 670524593 Rice Sean H Evolutionary Theory Mathematical and Conceptual Foundations Sunderland MA Sinauer Associates 2004 ISBN 978 0 87893 702 8 LCCN 2004008054 OCLC 54988554 Roux Wilhelm Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus Leipzig Wilhelm Engelmann 1881 OCLC 8200805 Retrieved 2015 08 11互联网档案馆收藏的 Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus Sober Elliott The Nature of Selection Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus Chicago IL University of Chicago Press 1993 Originally published 1984 Cambridge MA MIT Press ISBN 978 0 226 76748 2 LCCN 93010367 OCLC 896826726 Wallace Alfred Russel Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays 2nd with corrections and additions New York Macmillan amp Co 1871 Originally published 1870 2022 01 19 LCCN agr04000394 OCLC 809350209 原始内容存档于2021 07 18 Williams George C Adaptation and Natural Selection A Critique of Some Current Evolutionary Thought Princeton Science Library Princeton NJ Princeton University Press 1966 ISBN 978 0 691 02615 2 LCCN 65017164 OCLC 35230452 Wilson David Sloan Darwin s Cathedral Evolution Religion and the Nature of Society Chicago IL University of Chicago Press 2002 ISBN 978 0 691 02615 2 LCCN 2002017375 OCLC 48777441 Zimmer Carl Emlen Douglas J Evolution Making Sense of Life 1st Greenwood Village CO Roberts and Company Publishers 2013 ISBN 978 1 936221 17 2 LCCN 2012025118 OCLC 767565909 延伸閱讀 编辑For technical audiencesGould Stephen Jay The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Harvard University Press 2002 ISBN 0 674 00613 5 Maynard Smith John The Theory of Evolution Canto Edition Cambridge University Press 1993 ISBN 0 521 45128 0 Popper Karl 1978 Natural selection and the emergence of mind Dialectica 32 339 55 See 1 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Sober Elliott 1984 The Nature of Selection Evolutionary Theory in Philosophical Focus University of Chicago Press Williams George C 1966 Adaptation and Natural Selection A Critique of Some Current Evolutionary Thought Oxford University Press Williams George C 1992 Natural Selection Domains Levels and Challenges Oxford University Press For general audiencesDawkins Richard 1996 Climbing Mount Improbable Penguin Books ISBN 978 0 670 85018 1 Dennett Daniel 1995 Darwin s Dangerous Idea Evolution and the Meanings of Life Simon amp Schuster ISBN 978 0 684 82471 0 Gould Stephen Jay 1997 Ever Since Darwin Reflections in Natural History Norton ISBN 978 0 393 06425 4 Jones Steve 2001 Darwin s Ghost The Origin of Species Updated Ballantine Books ISBN 978 0 345 42277 4 Also published in Britain under the title Almost Like a Whale The Origin of Species Updated Doubleday ISBN 978 1 86230 025 5 Lewontin Richard 1978 Adaptation Scientific American 239 212 30 Mayr Ernst 2001 What Evolution Is Weidenfeld amp Nicolson London ISBN 978 0 297 60741 0 Weiner Jonathan 1994 The Beak of the Finch A Story of Evolution in Our Time Vintage Books ISBN 978 0 679 73337 9 HistoricalZirkle C Natural Selection before the Origin of Species Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 1941 84 1 71 123 Kohm M 2004 A Reason for Everything Natural Selection and the English Imagination London Faber and Faber ISBN 978 0 571 22392 3 For review see 2 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 van Wyhe J 2005 Human Nature Review 5 1 4外部連結 编辑On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Chapter 4 Natural Selection Natural Selection Modeling for Understanding in Science Education University of Wisconsin Natural Selection 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 from University of Berkeley education website T Ryan Gregory Understanding Natural Selection Essential Concepts and Common Misconceptions 永久失效連結 Evolution Education and Outreach ENCODE threads explorer 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Impact of functional information on understanding variation Nature journal 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 自然选择 amp oldid 76294662, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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