

法语动词变位(法語:Conjugaison du verbe en français),是指法语动词为了表达不同的语式时态人称而产生的形式变化。法语动词可以分为三组:

  • 第一组:不定式以-er(aller除外)
  • 第二组:不定式以-ir结尾,现在分词以-issant结尾


  • 第三组:不规则动词
    • 第一部分:不定式以-ir结尾,现在分词以-ant结尾
    • 第二部分:不定式以-oir结尾
    • 第三部分:不定式以-re结尾
    • aller

法语第三组动词具有封闭性,不再增加新的动词,大部分新增动词(如téléviser, atomiser, radiographier)列入第一组,少数新增动词(如alunir)属于第二组。

语气和时态 编辑



  • 直陈式
    • 现在时 (présent)[a]
    • 复合过去时 (passé composé):使用依現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 未完成过去时 (imparfait)[a]
    • 愈过去时 (plus-que-parfait):使用依未完成過去時變位的助動詞。
    • 简单过去时 (passé simple)[a][b]
    • 先过去时 (passé antérieur):使用依簡單過去時變位的助動詞。[b]
    • 简单将来时 (futur simple)[a]
    • 先将来时 (futur antérieur):使用依簡單將來時變位的助動詞。
  • 虚拟式
    • 现在时[a]
    • 过去时 (passé):使用依虛擬式現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 未完成过去时[a][b]
    • 愈过去时:使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞。[b]
  • 命令式
    • 现在时[a]
    • 过去时:使用依命令式現在時變位的助動詞。[c]
  • 条件式
    • 现在时[a]
    • 过去时 (形式 1):使用依條件式現在時變位的助動詞。
    • 过去时 (形式 2):使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞。[c]
  • 不定式
    • 现在时[a]
    • 过去时:使用依不定式現在時變位的助動詞。
  • 分词
    • 现在分词[a]
    • 过去分词[a]
  • 动名词:將現在分詞置於介係詞"en"之後構成。

助动词 编辑

Avoir 编辑

该动词在变位时词干会发生变化。未完成过去时变为av- /av/;虚拟式现在时变为ai- /ɛ/;将来时和条件式变为aur- /oʁ/;简单和虚拟式过去时变为e- (不发音: eus,eusse分别读成/y//ys/)。 尽管词干会改变,但这些时态的变化也常被归类为规则的 -oir 动词.


直陈式 虚拟 条件式 命令式
现在时 简单过去时 未完成过去时 简单将来时 现在时 未完成过去时 现在时 现在时
j' ai /e/ eus /y/ avais /avɛ/ aurai /oʁe/ aie /ɛ/ eusse /ys/ aurais /oʁɛ/
tu as /a/ auras /oʁa/ aies /ɛ/ eusses /ys/ aie* /ɛ/
il/elle/on a /a/ eut /y/ avait /avɛ/ aura /oʁa/ ait /ɛ/ eût /y/ aurait /oʁɛ/
nous avons /avɔ̃/ eûmes /ym/ avions /avjɔ̃/ aurons /oʁɔ̃/ ayons /ɛjɔ̃/ eussions /ysjɔ̃/ aurions /oʁjɔ̃/ ayons* /ɛjɔ̃/
vous avez /ave/ eûtes /yt/ aviez /avje/ aurez /oʁe/ ayez /ɛje/ eussiez /ysje/ auriez /oʁje/ ayez* /ɛje/
ils/elles ont /ɔ̃/ eurent /yʁ/ avaient /avɛ/ auront /oʁɔ̃/ aient /ɛ/ eussent /ys/ auraient /oʁɛ/

* 须注意命令式使用虚拟语气变位。


  • 不定式:avoir /avwaʁ/
  • 现在分词:ayant /ejɑ̃/
  • 动名词:en ayant /ɑ̃n‿ejɑ̃/
  • 动词性形容词:ayant(s) /ejɑ̃/, ayante(s) /ejɑ̃t/
  • 过去分词:eu(e)(s) /y/


Être 编辑

该动词在变位时词干会发生变化,读音也有所不同:未完成过去时变为ét- /et/;虚拟式现在时变为soi- /swa/;将来时和条件式变为ser- /səʁ/;简单和虚拟式过去时变为/f/。涉及时态变化的均为-oir词尾的常规动词(也就是说是-re形式动词,但在f-形式下带有元音u /y/)。例如,虚拟式soyons, soyez发音时带有其他-re-oir动词的y音(/swajɔ̃, swaje/)。


Être "to be"
直陈式 虚拟式 条件式 命令式
'现在时 简单过去式 未完成过去时 简单将来时 现在时 未完成过去时 现在时 现在时
je suis /sɥi/ fus /fy/ étais /etɛ/ serai /səʁe/ sois /swa/ fusse /fys/ serais /səʁɛ/
tu es /ɛ/ seras /səʁa/ fusses /fys/ sois* /swa/
il/elle/on est /ɛ/ fut /fy/ était /etɛ/ sera /səʁa/ soit /swa/ fût /fy/ serait /səʁɛ/
nous sommes /sɔm/ fûmes /fym/ étions /etjɔ̃/ serons /səʁɔ̃/ soyons /swajɔ̃/ fussions /fysjɔ̃/ serions /səʁjɔ̃/ soyons* /swajɔ̃/
vous êtes /ɛt/ fûtes /fyt/ étiez /etje/ serez /səʁe/ soyez /swaje/ fussiez /fysje/ seriez /səʁje/ soyez* /swaje/
ils/elles sont /sɔ̃/ furent /fyʁ/ étaient /etɛ/ seront /səʁɔ̃/ soient /swa/ fussent /fys/ seraient /səʁɛ/

* 须注意命令式使用虚拟语气变位。

非限定形式使用词干êt-/ɛt/(用在辅音之前)/ét- /et/(用在元音之前):

  • 不定式:être
  • 现在分词:étant
  • 动名词:en étant
  • 动词性形容词:étant(e)(s)
  • 过去分词:été


第一组动词 (以 -er 结尾的动词) 编辑

-er結尾的法語動詞占據法語動詞的大部分,並與其他動詞變化有所區別。許多情況下在詞根與屈折詞綴中間可能會插入母音,此組動詞中會插入不發音的 -e- (簡單現在時單數)、-ai /e/ (過去分詞與簡單過去時的je)、以及 -a- /a/ (其餘過去簡單時以及虛擬式未完成過去時)。此外,正字法中-ir-re 結尾動詞在現在時和過去分詞出現的-t 在此類動詞中不存在,因此詞綴的最後子音為 -Ø, -s, -Ø ,而非其他類動詞的 -s, -s, -t

Parler 编辑

動詞 parler "說、講",根據法語正字法與IPA轉寫
直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式
現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單未來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時
je parl-e
tu parl-es
il parl-e
nous parl-ons
vous parl-ez
ils parl-ent


  • 不定式:parl-er /paʁle/
  • 現在分詞:parl-ant /paʁlɑ̃/
  • 動名詞: en parl-ant /ɑ̃ paʁlɑ̃/
  • 動詞性形容詞:parl-ant(s) /paʁlɑ̃/, parl-ante(s) /paʁlɑ̃t/
  • 過去分詞: parl-é(e)(s) /paʁle/

助動詞:avoir (arriver, entrer, monter, passer, rester, rentrer, retourner, 與 tomber 使用 être)


  • 直陈式或虚拟式第一人称单数一般现在时采用倒装形式时,其词尾的e须变成é(一般用法)或è(现代修正用法),连接两个词,例如:« Parlè-je ? »(/paʁlɛʒ/),“我可以讲话了吗?”(不过这个结构非常少见)。
  • 命令式第二人称单数后跟宾语yen饰,其词尾须加s,例如:« Parles-en ! »([paʁlzɑ̃]),“讲讲!”


  • 动词aller尽管以-er结尾,但属于第三组不规则动词。
  • -cer结尾的动词,在ao开头词尾前的c须变成ç,表示该词仍发/s/音(je déplace - nous déplaçons);类似地,以-ger结尾的动词,在类似的词尾前的g须变成ge,表示该词仍发/ʒ/音(je mange - nous mangeons)。
  • -oyer-uyer结尾的动词,在哑音e开头词尾前的y须变成i(nous envoyons - j'envoie);在-ayer结尾的动词中,类似词尾前的y可选择变成i(je paye - je paie)。另外,未来时和条件式的envoyerenverr-开头,而不是envoyer-,类似于renvoyer
  • -é.er结尾的动词,哑音结尾前的é'变成è,未来时和条件式可变可不变。
  • 其他大多数以-eler-eter结尾的-e.er动词,哑音e开头词尾前的e变成è(含未来时和条件式结尾)。例如:peler(剥皮)-> je pèle(现在时)/ je pèlerai(未来时)/ je pèlerais(条件式)。
  • 大多数以-eler-eter结尾的动词,哑音e开头词尾前e变成è,或将lt变成lltt。该形式的其他动词仅允许存在一种或其他形式。例如:appeler(呼唤)-> j'appelle(现在时) / j'appellerai(未来时) / j'appellerais(条件式)。
  • 下列动词的形容词形式的变化不规则:adhérer - adhérent(e)(s); coïncider - coïncident(e)(s); confluer - confluent(e)(s); affluer - affluent(e)(s); converger - convergent(e)(s); déterger - détergent(e)(s); différer - différent(e)(s); exceller - excellent(e)(s); diverger - divergent(e)(s); négliger, négligent(e)(s); précéder - précédent(e)(s); violer - violent(e)(s); influer - influent(e)(s); communiquer - communicant(e)(s); suffoquer - suffocant(e)(s); provoquer - provocant(e)(s); naviguer - navigant(e)(s); déléguer - délégant(e)(s); fatiguer - fatigant(e)(s); intriguer - intrigant(e)(s)。

第二组动词 (以 -ir 结尾的动词 / 现在分词以 -issant 结尾) 编辑


  • 元音均变为-i,例如过去时虚拟式为-isse,而非-er结尾动词的-asse
  • 少数一般式动词本身都会产生变化,尽管该词完全是正字法,不会影响读音:在一般现在时和过去时中,这些词结尾变为-s、-s、-t,而非-
  • A few of the singular inflections themselves change, though this is purely orthographic and does not affect the pronunciation: in the simple present and past, these are -s, -s, -t rather than -Ø, -s, -Ø. (The change in pronunciation is due to the change of vowel from e, ai, a to -i-.)
  • In the simple present, imperfect, the present subjunctive, and the gerund, a suffix -iss- /is/ appears between the root and the inflectional endings. In the simple present singular, this suffix has disappeared and the endings are -is, -is, -it.

choisir 编辑

The verb choisir "to choose", in French orthography and IPA transcription
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple Past Imperfect Simple Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je chois-is
tu chois-iras
il chois-it
nous chois-issons
vous chois-issez
ils chois-issent


  • 不定式: chois-ir /ʃwaziʁ/
  • 現在分詞: chois-issant /ʃwazisɑ̃/
  • 動名詞: en chois-issant /ɑ̃ ʃwazisɑ̃/
  • 動詞性形容詞: chois-issant(s) /ʃwazisɑ̃/, chois-issante(s) /ʃwazisɑ̃t/
  • 過去分詞: chois-i(e)(s) /ʃwazi/

助動詞: avoir (用 partir 時助動詞使用 être)


動詞 haïr 在現在簡單時的單數形式中繪失去分音符號 (i 去除了他的變音符號, 代表初始音節的發音是單個元音 /ɛ/ 而不是分開發音的 /ai/): 單數:je hais, tu hais, il/elle hait 複數:nous haïssons, vous haïssez, ils/elles haïssent /ʒə ɛ, ty ɛ, il ɛ, nu aisɔ̃, vu aise, il ais/. Hais 用於祈使句. 在其他形式中, 詞根是 /ai/ (imperfect and present & past subjunctive /ais/-, future and conditional /aiʁ/-).

魁北克法語 使用另外一種變位規則。在魁北克法語中,在歐洲法語裡發音不同的兩種詞幹都發/ai/。因此所有形式都使用帶分音符的ï: J'haïs, tu haïs, il/elle haït, nous haïssons, vous haïssez, ils/elles haïssent. 請注意, 魁北克法語裡haïrh 是不發音的, 所以魁北克法語裡 Je 省略為 j'haïs /ʒai/ 而歐洲法語使用 je hais /ʒə.ɛ/. 

第三组动词 编辑

First sub-conjugation: Verbs with seven principal parts 编辑

Most irregular French verbs can be described with seven principal parts. In reality, few if any verbs have separate stems for all seven parts; instead, they tend to "inherit" the same stem as another part. Note that the endings for these verbs are basically the same as for regular -ir verbs; in fact, regular -ir verbs can be fit into this scheme by treating the -iss- variants as different principal parts.

Principal part How to get the stem "Inherited" (regular) value of stem
infinitive Remove ending -er, -ir, -oir, -re
First singular present indicative Remove ending -s, -e Infinitive stem
First plural present indicative Remove ending -ons Infinitive stem
Third plural present indicative Remove ending -ent First plural present stem
(First singular) future Remove ending -ai Full infinitive stem (minus any -e)
(Masculine singular) past participle Full word Infinitive stem, plus -i (plus -u if ends -re)
(First singular) simple past Remove ending -s, -ai Past participle (minus any -s or -t)

The following table shows how the paradigm of an irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts. Note that a few verbs construct the present indicative (especially the singular) differently.

Paradigm for most irregular verbs (7 principal parts)
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+ai 3P+e PAST+sse FUT+ais
tu FUT+as 3P+es PAST+sses (same as pres. indic. 3rd. sg. if ends with vowel, else 2nd. sg.)
il 1S+t1 PAST+t 1P+ait FUT+a 3P+e PAST+ˆt FUT+ait
nous 1P+ons PAST+ˆmes 1P+ions FUT+ons 1P+ions PAST+ssions FUT+ions (same as pres. indic. 1st pl.)
vous 1P+ez PAST+ˆtes 1P+iez FUT+ez 1P+iez PAST+ssiez FUT+iez (same as pres. indic. 2nd pl.)
ils 3P+ent PAST+rent 1P+aient FUT+ont 3P+ent PAST+ssent FUT+aient

1 The -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. il vend "he sells", not *il vendt).

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: (full infinitive, with suffix)
  • Present participle: 1P-ant
  • Gerundive: en 1P-ant
  • Verbal adjective: 1P-ant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: PP(e)(s)

The following table gives principal parts for a number of irregular verbs. There are a number of fair-sized groups of verbs that are conjugated alike; these are listed first. There are some additional irregularities in the present indicative, which are listed below. Nearly all irregularities affect the singular, and are purely issues of spelling. (Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface.)

Table of principal parts of irregular (and -ir) French verbs (7 principal parts)
INF: Infinitive Meaning FUT: Future Present Indicative PP: Past Participle PAST: Simple Past Notes Similar verbs
1S: 1st Sing (2nd Sing, 3rd Sing) 1P: 1st Plur (2nd Plur) 3P: 3rd Plur
chois-ir "to choose" choisir-ai choisi-s choisiss-ons choisiss-ent choisi choisi-s How a regular -ir verb would be represented by its principal parts About 300 verbs in -ir
"haïr" "to hate" haïr-ai hai-s / haï-s1 haïss-ons haïss-ent haï haï-s The same as a regular -ir verb but in Sing. pres. indic. the diaeresis drops out
vend-re "to sell" vendr-ai vend-s, vend-s, vend2 vend-ons vend-ent vendu vendi-s So-called "regular -re" verbs; all end in -dre, but not -indre attendre "wait", défendre "defend", descendre "go down", entendre "hear", étendre "extend", fondre "melt", pendre "hang", perdre "lose", prétendre "pretend", rendre "return, give back", répandre "spill", répondre "respond", etc.
craind-re "to fear" craindr-ai crain-s craign-ons craign-ent craint craign-is All verbs in -aindre, -eindre, -oindre, e.g. contraindre "compel", plaindre "complain"; atteindre "reach", ceindre "gird", empreindre "stamp", éteindre "turn off", étreindre "hug", feindre "pretend", geindre "whine", peindre "paint", restreindre "restrict", teindre "dye"; joindre "join", oindre "anoint", poindre "dawn", rejoindre "rejoin"
part-ir "to leave" partir-ai par-s part-ons part-ent parti parti-s Sing. pres. indic. stem drops last consonant of basic stem: je pars, dors, mens, sens, sers, sors /ʒ(ə) paʁ, dɔʁ, mɑ̃, sɔʁ, sɑ̃, sɛʁ/ se départir "divest", repartir" "leave again", dormir "sleep", s'endormir "fall asleep", se rendormir "fall back asleep", mentir "lie (tell lies)", démentir "contradict", sentir "feel", consentir "agree", pressentir "foresee", ressentir "feel", servir "serve", desservir "clear away", resservir "serve again", sortir "go out", ressortir "come back"
vêt-ir "to dress" vêtir-ai vêt-s vêt-ons vêt-ent vêtu vêti-s The same as partir, except for the past participle dévêtir "undress", revêtir "cover"
requér-ir "to require, demand" requerr-ai requier-s requér-ons requièr-ent requis requi-s
ouvr-ir "to open" ouvrir-ai ouvr-e, ouvr-es, ouvr-e ouvr-ons ouvr-ent ouvert ouvri-s Sing. pres. indic. uses endings -e -es -e, as with -er verbs couvrir "cover", "découvrir" "discover", offrir "offer", souffrir "suffer"
condui-re "to lead" conduir-ai condui-s conduis-ons conduis-ent conduit conduisi-s All verbs in -uire e.g. construire "build", cuire "cook", détruire "destroy", instruire "instruct", réduire "reduce", produire "produce", traduire "translate", etc.
recev-oir "to receive" recevr-ai reçoi-s recev-ons reçoiv-ent reçu reçu-s Other verbs in -cevoir, e.g. apercevoir "perceive", concevoir "conceive", décevoir "disappoint"
envoy-er "to send" enverr-ai envoi-e3 envoy-ons3 envoi-ent3 envoyé envoy-ai
voir "to see" verr-ai voi-s voy-ons voi-ent3 vu vi-s revoir "see again"
choir "to fall" choir-ai choi-s choy-ons choi-ent3 chu chu-s échoir "befall"
dev-oir "to owe, must" devr-ai doi-s dev-ons doiv-ent du-s Very similar to recevoir, but adds a circumflex to du to distinguish it from the partitive article du - due, dus and dues remain unchanged
mouv-oir "to move" mouvr-ai meu-s mouv-ons meuv-ent mu-s Adds a circumflex to mu to distinguish it from the Greek letter mu (μ) - mue, mus and mues remain unchanged
émouv-oir "to move, affect" émouvr-ai émeu-s émouv-ons émeuv-ent ému ému-s promouvoir "promote"
pleuv-oir "to rain" pleuvr-a pleu-t (stem pleuv-) (stem pleuv-) plu plu-t Impersonal (3rd-singular only)
asseoir "to sit" assiér-ai; assoir-ai assied-s, assied-s, assied;2 assoi-s assey-ons; assoy-ons assey-ent; assoi-ent assis assi-s Notice that there are two sets of conjugations.
cueill-ir /kœjiʁ/ "to gather" cueiller-ai cueill-e, cueill-es, cueill-e cueill-ons cueill-ent cueilli cueilli-s Like ouvrir except the future; sing. pres. indic. uses endings -e -es -e, as with -er verbs
ven-ir "to come" viendr-ai vien-s ven-ons vienn-ent venu vin-s Note simple past plural vînmes, vîntes, vinrent /vɛ̃m, vɛ̃t, vɛ̃ʁ/ revenir "return", devenir "become", se souvenir "remember", parvenir "reach", prévenir "tell beforehand"; tenir "hold", retenir "memorize", contretenir "talk", soutenir "sustain", maintenir "maintain", appartenir "belong", etc.
mour-ir "to die" mourr-ai meur-s mour-ons meur-ent mort mouru-s
cour-ir "to run" courr-ai cour-s cour-ons cour-ent couru couru-s
di-re "to say, tell" dir-ai di-s dis-ons, dites dis-ent dit di-s Note the 2nd pl. dites contredire "contradict", interdire "forbid"
li-re "to read" lir-ai li-s lis-ons lis-ent lu lu-s
écri-re "to write" écrir-ai écri-s écriv-ons écriv-ent écrit écrivi-s décrire "describe", inscrire "inscribe"
ri-re "to laugh" rir-ai ri-s ri-ons ri-ent ri ri-s sourire "smile"
suffi-re "to suffice" suffir-ai suffi-s suffis-ons suffis-ent suffi suffi-s confire "pickle", circoncire "circumcise", frire "fry"
boi-re "to drink" boir-ai boi-s buv-ons boiv-ent bu bu-s
croi-re "to believe" croir-ai croi-s croy-ons3 croi-ent3 cru cru-s
conclu-re "to conclude" conclur-ai conclu-s conclu-ons conclu-ent conclu conclu-s Other verbs in -clure
plai-re "to please" plair-ai plai-s, plai-s, plaît plais-ons plais-ent plu plu-s Note the 3rd sg. plaît
clo-re "to close" clor-ai clo-s, clo-s, clôt clos-ons clos-ent clos (missing) Also missing the imperfect; note the 3rd sg. clôt
prend-re "to take" prendr-ai prend-s, prend-s, prend2 pren-ons prenn-ent pris pri-s comprendre "understand", apprendre "study", reprendre "take again", etc.
viv-re "to live" vivr-ai vi-s viv-ons viv-ent vécu vécu-s revivre "come alive again", survivre "survive"
suiv-re "to follow" suivr-ai sui-s suiv-ons suiv-ent suivi suivi-s poursuivre "pursue"
naît-re "to be born" naîtr-ai nai-s, nai-s, naît naiss-ons naiss-ent naqui-s Note the 3rd sg. naît
connaît-re "to know" connaîtr-ai connai-s, connai-s, connaît connaiss-ons connaiss-ent connu connu-s Note the 3rd sg. connaît reconnaître "recognize", paraître "seem", apparaître "appear", reparaître "reappear", disparaître "disappear"
mett-re "to put" mettr-ai met-s, met-s, met2 mett-ons mett-ent mis mi-s promettre "promise", permettre "permit", compromettre "compromise, damage", soumettre "submit, subdue", transmettre "transmit"
batt-re "to beat" battr-ai bat-s, bat-s, bat2 batt-ons batt-ent battu batti-s Close to vendre
romp-re "to break" rompr-ai romp-s romp-ons romp-ent rompu rompi-s Very close to vendre
vainc-re "to conquer" vaincr-ai vainc-s, vainc-s, vainc vainqu-ons vainqu-ent vaincu vainqui-s Essentially same as vendre, except for c/qu variation convaincre "convince"
trai-re "to milk" trair-ai trai-s tray-ons3 trai-ent3 trai-t (missing) contraire "contract", extraire "extract", soustraire "subtract", retraire "withdraw"
coud-re "to sew" coudr-ai coud-s, coud-s, coud2 cous-ons cous-ent cousu cousi-s
moud-re "to grind, mill" moudr-ai moud-s, moud-s, moud2 moul-ons moul-ent moulu moulu-s
résoud-re "to solve, resolve" résoudr-ai résou-s résolv-ons résolv-ent résolu résolu-s
absoud-re "to solve, absolve" absoudr-ai absou-s absolv-ons absolv-ent absous absolu-s The same as résoudre, except for the past participle

1 Only in Quebec French

2 The ending -t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t (e.g. il vend "he sells", not *il vendt).

3 Alternation of "-ai-" and -oi- before consonant or unstressed e, "-ay-" and -oy- before other vowels is automatic in all verbs.

The following table shows an example paradigm of one of these verbs, recevoir "to receive".

Recevoir "to receive"
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple Past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je reçoi-s
tu recevr-as
il reçoi-t
nous recev-ons
vous recev-ez
ils reçoiv-ent

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: recevoir
  • Present participle: recevant
  • Gerundive: en recevant
  • Verbal adjective: recevant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: reçu(e)(s)

Verbs with eleven principal parts 编辑

Nine verbs also have an irregular subjunctive stem, used at least for the singular and third plural of the present subjunctive. These verbs can be said to have 11 principal parts, because the subjunctive stem may or may not be used for the first and second plural present subjunctive, the imperative and/or the present participle, in ways that vary from verb to verb.

The following table shows how the paradigm of an 11-principal-part irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts. Note that these verbs are generally the most irregular verbs in French, and many of them construct the present indicative (especially the singular) in an idiosyncratic fashion. The verb aller also constructs its past participle and simple past differently, according to the endings for -er verbs.

Paradigm for the highly irregular verbs (11 principal parts)
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+ai SUBJ+e PAST+sse FUT+ais
tu 1S+s PAST+s 1P+ais FUT+as SUBJ+es PAST+sses FUT+ais (same as pres. indic. 2nd. sg.; but use 3rd. sg. if ends with vowel) or SUBJ+e
il 1S+t PAST+t 1P+ait FUT+a SUBJ+e PAST+ˆt FUT+ait
nous 1P+ons PAST+ˆmes 1P+ions FUT+ons SUBJ+ions or 1P+ions PAST+ssions FUT+ions (same as pres. indic. 1st pl.) or SUBJ+ons
vous 1P+ez PAST+ˆtes 1P+iez FUT+ez SUBJ+iez or 1P+iez PAST+ssiez FUT+iez (same as pres. indic. 2nd pl.) or SUBJ+ez
ils 3P+ent PAST+rent 1P+aient FUT+ont SUBJ+ent PAST+ssent FUT+aient

Non-finite forms:

  • Infinitive: (full infinitive, with suffix)
  • Present participle: 1P-ant or SUBJ-ant
  • Gerundive: en 1P-ant or en SUBJ-ant
  • Verbal adjective: 1P-ant(e)(s) or SUBJ-ant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: PP(e)(s)

The following table gives the principal parts for the 11-principal-part verbs. (Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface.)

Table of principal parts of the highly irregular French verbs (11 principal parts)
INF: Infinitive Meaning FUT: Future Present Indicative Present Subjunctive Imperative Present Participle PP: Past Participle PAST: Simple Past Notes Similar verbs
1S: 1st Sing (2nd Sing, 3rd Sing) 1P: 1st Plur (2nd Plur) 3P: 3rd Plur SUBJ:1st Sing 1st Plur
pouv-oir "to be able" pourr-ai peux/puis, peux, peut (puis是pouvoir旧的第一人称直陈式现在时,现一般仅用于正式的倒装疑问句) pouv-ons peuv-ent puiss-e follows subj. (puiss-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (pouv-ant) pu pu-s (reg.) alternate 1st sing. puis required in questions, use elsewhere is mannered; note that old pres. part. puiss-ant is attested as an adjective "powerful"
sav-oir "to know" saur-ai sai-s sav-ons sav-ent sach-e follows subj. (sach-ions) follows subj. (sache, sachons, sachez) follows subj. (sach-ant) su su-s
voul-oir "to want" voudr-ai veux, veux, veut voul-ons veul-ent veuill-e follows indic. (voul-ions) follows subj. (veuille, veuillons, veuillez) follows 1P (voul-ant) voulu voulu-s
val-oir "to be worth" vaudr-ai vaux, vaux, vaut val-ons val-ent vaill-e follows indic. (val-ions) follows indic. (vaux, valons, valez) follows 1P (val-ant) valu valu-s
fall-oir "to be necessary" faudr-a fau-t (stem fall-) faill-e fall-u fallu-t Impersonal (3rd-singular only)
fai-re "to do" fer-ai fai-s fais-ons, faites font fass-e follows subj. (fass-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (fais-ant) fait fi-s 2nd pl. pres. indic. faites (also in imperative) défaire, refaire, satisfaire
av-oir "to have" aur-ai ai, as, a av-ons ont ai-e, ai-es, ai-t; ai-ent ay-ons, ay-ez follows subj. (aie, ayons, ayez) follows subj. (ay-ant) eu /y/ eu-s
êt-re "to be" ser-ai suis, es, est sommes, êtes; stem ét- sont soi-s, soi-s, soi-t; soi-ent soy-ons, soy-ez follows subj. (sois, soyons, soyez) follows 1P (ét-ant) été fu-s
all-er "to go" ir-ai vais/vas1, vas, va all-ons vont aill-e follows indic. (all-ions) follows indic. follows 1P (all-ant) allé all-ai 2nd. sg. imperat. va, but vas-y "go there" s'en aller "leave"

Aller 编辑

The verb aller means "to go" and is sufficiently irregular that it merits listing its conjugation in full. It is the only verb with the first group ending "er" to have an irregular conjugation. It belongs to none of the three sections of the third group, and is often categorized on its own. The verb has different stems for different tenses. These are all pronounced differently: past all- /al/ (simple past, imperfect, past subjunctive); present subjunctive aill- /aj/; conditional and future ir- /iʁ/. The inflections of these tenses are completely regular, and pronounced as in any other -er verb. However, in the simple present, not only are there stem changes, but the inflections are irregular as well:

Aller "to go"
Indicative Subjunctive Conditional Imperative
Present Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Present
je vais, vas1 /vɛ/, /va/ allai /ale/ allais /alɛ/ irai /iʁe/ aille /aj/ allasse /alas/ irais /iʁɛ/
tu vas /va/ allas allais iras ailles allasses irais va
il/elle/on va /va/ alla allait ira aille allât irait
nous allons /alɔ̃/ allâmes allions irons allions allassions irions allons
vous allez /ale/ allâtes alliez irez alliez allassiez iriez allez
ils/elles vont /vɔ̃/ allèrent allaient iront aillent allassent iraient

The non-finite forms are all based on all- /al/:

  • Infinitive: aller
  • Present participle: allant
  • Gerundive: en allant
  • Verbal adjective: allant(e)(s)
  • Past participle: allé(e)(s)

Auxiliary verb: être

1 In Classical French and even in certain dialects (like in Cajun and some Quebec dialects) je vas is used.

三種類型動詞的詞尾變化 编辑

第一組 第二組 第三組   第一組 第二組 第三組
Indicatif (Présent)   Subjonctif (Présent)
je e1 is s (x3) e5   e isse e2.1
tu es es5   es isses es2.1
il e it t (d,c4) e5   e isse e2.3
nous ons issons ons2.1 ons   ions issions ions
vous ez issez ez (es2.2) ez   iez issiez iez
ils ent issent ent (nt2) ent   ent issent ent
  Indicatif (Imparfait)   Subjonctif (Imparfait)
je ais issais ais   asse isse isse6 usse
tu asses isses isses6 usses
il ait issait ait   ât ît ît6 ût
nous ions issions ions   assions issions issions6 ussions
vous iez issiez iez   assiez issiez issiez6 ussiez
ils aient issaient aient   assent issent issent6 ussent
  Indicatif (Passé simple)   Impératif (Présent)
je ai is is6 us    
tu as   e is s e5
il a it it6 ut    
nous âmes îmes îmes6 ûmes   ons issons ons ons
vous âtes îtes îtes6 ûtes   ez issez ez ez
ils èrent irent irent6 urent    
  Indicatif (Futur simple)   Conditionnel (Présent)
je erai irai rai   erais irais rais
tu eras iras ras
il era ira ra   erait irait rait
nous erons irons rons   erions irions rions
vous erez irez rez   eriez iriez riez
ils eront iront ront   eraient iraient raient

1. 在疑問句中,這個 e 會被寫成 é (傳統拼法) 或 è (修正拼法),並且發做半開母音 è [ɛ]。另外,jee 會變成無聲。例如 je marche /ʒə.maʁʃ/ (我走); marchè-je? /maʁʃɛʒ/ (我走嗎?)

2. 這些動詞的結尾是 -ontils sont (他們是)、 ils ont (他們有)、 ils font (他們做)、 ils vont (他們去)。

2.1. 只有動詞 être 在這些地方會有例外: nous sommes (我們是)、 que je soi-s (~我是), que tu soi-s (~你是)。

2.2. 這些動詞與它們的派生詞的結尾是 -esvous êtes (你們/您是)、 vous faites (你們/您做), vous dites (你們/您說)。

2.3. 只有動詞 êtreavoir 的結尾有 tqu'il/elle/on soi-t (~他/她/我們是)、 qu'il/elle/on ai-t (~他/她/我們有)。

3. 只有 je/tu peux (我/你能夠)、 je/tu veux (我/你想要) 和 je/tu vaux (我/你值得)。

4. 以 -dre 結尾的動詞在第三人稱單數時結尾為 d ,除了以 -indre-soudre 結尾的動詞是以 t 結尾。動詞 vaincre (打敗)和 convaincre (說服) 第三人稱單數的結尾分別為 vaincconvainc

5. 只有這些動詞是這樣變化的: assaillir (攻擊)、 couvrir (覆蓋)、 cueillir (採集)、 défaillir (昏厥)、 offrir (提供)、 ouvrir (開啟)、 souffrir (承受)、 tressaillir (顫抖),以及命令式的 avoir (有)、 savoir (知道)、 vouloir (想要)。

6. 例外有 je vins (我來到了)、 je tins (我拿了)等等,以及 que je vinsse (~我來)、 que je tinsse (~我拿)等等。

現代法語口語的第一人稱複數 编辑

第一人稱複數結尾 -ons 以及相應的主格代詞 nous (我們)在現代法語口語中十分少見。但受格的代詞 nous 仍然很常用。[1] 代詞 on 除了做為無人稱代詞之外,也普遍用以取代主格的 nous。例如, nous chantons (我們唱歌)在幾乎所有的口語中都可以被 on chante 取代,除非是特別謹慎的場合。這導致了法語一些動詞形式的消失。然而,動詞詞尾 -ons 仍然可以在命令式中見到: Chantons ! (我們唱歌吧!),而此句在某些情況下也可被 On chante ! 取代。

註解 编辑

  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 簡單時態
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 通常只用於(文學的)寫作或極為正式的場合中
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 極少用於現代法語

參考資料 编辑

  1. ^ van Compernolle, Rémi A. Nous versus on: Pronouns with first-person plural reference in synchronous French chat. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 2008, 11 (2): 85–110 [2017-04-05]. (原始内容于2018-05-04). 

参见 编辑

參考文獻 编辑

  • Larousse de la conjugaison, 1980.

外部連結 编辑

  • Verb2Verbe - French/English verb conjugation with translations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • A two-page PDF reference guide of the 681 most common French/English verbs (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Le Conjugueur - online conjugation for all French verbs (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Bescherelle - conjugation & conjugation books. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • WordReference - French conjugation (Beta) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Conjugation-FR - French conjugation (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Open source XML database of French verb conjugation rules. RegEx based. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • French verb practice at UT Austin (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • schoLINGUA - Conjugation trainer - over 12,000 French verbs (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Comment-conjuguer.fr - online conjugation for all French verbs and conjugation rules (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆

法语动词变位, 此條目目前正依照en, french, conjugation上的内容进行翻译, 2017年4月5日, 如果您擅长翻译, 並清楚本條目的領域, 欢迎协助翻譯, 改善或校对本條目, 此外, 长期闲置, 未翻譯或影響閱讀的内容可能会被移除, 主条目, 法语动词, 法語, conjugaison, verbe, français, 是指法语动词为了表达不同的语式, 时态, 人称和数而产生的形式变化, 法语动词可以分为三组, 第一组, 不定式以, aller除外, 第二组, 不定式以, ir结尾, 现在分词. 此條目目前正依照en French conjugation上的内容进行翻译 2017年4月5日 如果您擅长翻译 並清楚本條目的領域 欢迎协助翻譯 改善或校对本條目 此外 长期闲置 未翻譯或影響閱讀的内容可能会被移除 主条目 法语动词 法语动词变位 法語 Conjugaison du verbe en francais 是指法语动词为了表达不同的语式 时态 体 人称和数而产生的形式变化 法语动词可以分为三组 第一组 不定式以 er aller除外 第二组 不定式以 ir结尾 现在分词以 issant结尾 以上两组为规则动词 第三组 不规则动词 第一部分 不定式以 ir结尾 现在分词以 ant结尾 第二部分 不定式以 oir结尾 第三部分 不定式以 re结尾 aller法语第三组动词具有封闭性 不再增加新的动词 大部分新增动词 如televiser atomiser radiographier 列入第一组 少数新增动词 如alunir 属于第二组 目录 1 语气和时态 2 助动词 2 1 Avoir 2 2 Etre 3 第一组动词 以 er 结尾的动词 3 1 Parler 4 第二组动词 以 ir 结尾的动词 现在分词以 issant 结尾 4 1 choisir 5 第三组动词 5 1 First sub conjugation Verbs with seven principal parts 5 2 Verbs with eleven principal parts 5 3 Aller 6 三種類型動詞的詞尾變化 7 現代法語口語的第一人稱複數 8 註解 9 參考資料 10 参见 11 參考文獻 12 外部連結语气和时态 编辑法语变位中七种不同语气 直陈式 indicatif 虚拟式 subjonctif 条件式 conditionnel 命令式 imperatif 分词 participe 不定式 infinitif 动名词 gerondif 需要结合语气描述的时态如下所示 时态有时需要借助助动词来表达 直陈式 现在时 present a 复合过去时 passe compose 使用依現在時變位的助動詞 未完成过去时 imparfait a 愈过去时 plus que parfait 使用依未完成過去時變位的助動詞 简单过去时 passe simple a b 先过去时 passe anterieur 使用依簡單過去時變位的助動詞 b 简单将来时 futur simple a 先将来时 futur anterieur 使用依簡單將來時變位的助動詞 虚拟式 现在时 a 过去时 passe 使用依虛擬式現在時變位的助動詞 未完成过去时 a b 愈过去时 使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞 b 命令式 现在时 a 过去时 使用依命令式現在時變位的助動詞 c 条件式 现在时 a 过去时 形式 1 使用依條件式現在時變位的助動詞 过去时 形式 2 使用依虛擬式未完成過去時變位的助動詞 c 不定式 现在时 a 过去时 使用依不定式現在時變位的助動詞 分词 现在分词 a 过去分词 a 动名词 將現在分詞置於介係詞 en 之後構成 助动词 编辑Avoir 编辑 该动词在变位时词干会发生变化 未完成过去时变为av av 虚拟式现在时变为ai ɛ 将来时和条件式变为aur oʁ 简单和虚拟式过去时变为e 不发音 eus eusse分别读成 y 和 ys 尽管词干会改变 但这些时态的变化也常被归类为规则的 oir 动词 在现在时中 不仅词干会变化 时态变化也是不规则的 Avoir 有 直陈式 虚拟 条件式 命令式现在时 简单过去时 未完成过去时 简单将来时 现在时 未完成过去时 现在时 现在时j ai e eus y avais avɛ aurai oʁe aie ɛ eusse ys aurais oʁɛ tu as a auras oʁa aies ɛ eusses ys aie ɛ il elle on a a eut y avait avɛ aura oʁa ait ɛ eut y aurait oʁɛ nous avons avɔ eumes ym avions avjɔ aurons oʁɔ ayons ɛjɔ eussions ysjɔ aurions oʁjɔ ayons ɛjɔ vous avez ave eutes yt aviez avje aurez oʁe ayez ɛje eussiez ysje auriez oʁje ayez ɛje ils elles ont ɔ eurent yʁ avaient avɛ auront oʁɔ aient ɛ eussent ys auraient oʁɛ 须注意命令式使用虚拟语气变位 非限定形式 不定式 avoir avwaʁ 现在分词 ayant ejɑ 动名词 en ayant ɑ n ejɑ 动词性形容词 ayant s ejɑ ayante s ejɑ t 过去分词 eu e s y 助动词 avoir Etre 编辑 该动词在变位时词干会发生变化 读音也有所不同 未完成过去时变为et et 虚拟式现在时变为soi swa 将来时和条件式变为ser seʁ 简单和虚拟式过去时变为 f 涉及时态变化的均为 oir词尾的常规动词 也就是说是 re形式动词 但在f 形式下带有元音u y 例如 虚拟式soyons soyez发音时带有其他 re和 oir动词的y音 swajɔ swaje 在一般现在时中 不仅词干变化 词缀也会发生不规则变化 Etre to be 直陈式 虚拟式 条件式 命令式 现在时 简单过去式 未完成过去时 简单将来时 现在时 未完成过去时 现在时 现在时je suis sɥi fus fy etais etɛ serai seʁe sois swa fusse fys serais seʁɛ tu es ɛ seras seʁa fusses fys sois swa il elle on est ɛ fut fy etait etɛ sera seʁa soit swa fut fy serait seʁɛ nous sommes sɔm fumes fym etions etjɔ serons seʁɔ soyons swajɔ fussions fysjɔ serions seʁjɔ soyons swajɔ vous etes ɛt futes fyt etiez etje serez seʁe soyez swaje fussiez fysje seriez seʁje soyez swaje ils elles sont sɔ furent fyʁ etaient etɛ seront seʁɔ soient swa fussent fys seraient seʁɛ 须注意命令式使用虚拟语气变位 非限定形式使用词干et ɛt 用在辅音之前 et et 用在元音之前 不定式 etre 现在分词 etant 动名词 en etant 动词性形容词 etant e s 过去分词 ete助动词 avoir第一组动词 以 er 结尾的动词 编辑以 er結尾的法語動詞占據法語動詞的大部分 並與其他動詞變化有所區別 許多情況下在詞根與屈折詞綴中間可能會插入母音 此組動詞中會插入不發音的 e 簡單現在時單數 e 或 ai e 過去分詞與簡單過去時的je 以及 a a 其餘過去簡單時以及虛擬式未完成過去時 此外 正字法中 ir 與 re 結尾動詞在現在時和過去分詞出現的 t 在此類動詞中不存在 因此詞綴的最後子音為 O s O 而非其他類動詞的 s s t Parler 编辑 動詞 parler 說 講 根據法語正字法與IPA轉寫 直陳式 虛擬式 條件式 命令式現在時 簡單過去時 未完成過去時 簡單未來時 現在時 未完成過去時 現在時 現在時je parl e paʁl parl ai paʁl e parl ais paʁl ɛ parl erai paʁl eʁe parl e paʁl parl asse paʁl as parl erais paʁl eʁɛ tu parl es paʁl parl as paʁl a parl eras paʁl eʁa parl es paʁl parl asses paʁl as parl e paʁl il parl e paʁl parl a paʁl a parl ait paʁl ɛ parl era paʁl eʁa parl e paʁl parl at paʁl a parl erait paʁl eʁɛ nous parl ons paʁl ɔ parl ames paʁl ɑm parl ions paʁl jɔ parl erons paʁl eʁɔ parl ions paʁl jɔ parl assions paʁl asjɔ parl erions paʁl eʁjɔ parl ons paʁl ɔ vous parl ez paʁl e parl ates paʁl ɑt parl iez paʁl je parl erez paʁl eʁe parl iez paʁl je parl assiez paʁl asje parl eriez paʁl eʁje parl ez paʁl e ils parl ent paʁl parl erent paʁl ɛʁ parl aient paʁl ɛ parl eront paʁl eʁɔ parl ent paʁl parl assent paʁl as parl eraient paʁl eʁɛ 非限定動詞形式 不定式 parl er paʁl e 現在分詞 parl ant paʁl ɑ 動名詞 en parl ant ɑ paʁl ɑ 動詞性形容詞 parl ant s paʁl ɑ parl ante s paʁl ɑ t 過去分詞 parl e e s paʁl e 助動詞 avoir arriver entrer monter passer rester rentrer retourner 與 tomber 使用 etre 特殊情况 直陈式或虚拟式第一人称单数一般现在时采用倒装形式时 其词尾的e须变成e 一般用法 或e 现代修正用法 连接两个词 例如 Parle je paʁlɛʒ 我可以讲话了吗 不过这个结构非常少见 命令式第二人称单数后跟宾语y或en饰 其词尾须加s 例如 Parles en paʁlzɑ 讲讲 特殊动词 动词aller尽管以 er结尾 但属于第三组不规则动词 以 cer结尾的动词 在a或o开头词尾前的c须变成c 表示该词仍发 s 音 je deplace nous deplacons 类似地 以 ger结尾的动词 在类似的词尾前的g须变成ge 表示该词仍发 ʒ 音 je mange nous mangeons 以 oyer和 uyer结尾的动词 在哑音e开头词尾前的y须变成i nous envoyons j envoie 在 ayer结尾的动词中 类似词尾前的y可选择变成i je paye je paie 另外 未来时和条件式的envoyer以enverr 开头 而不是envoyer 类似于renvoyer 以 e er结尾的动词 哑音结尾前的e 变成e 未来时和条件式可变可不变 其他大多数以 eler和 eter结尾的 e er动词 哑音e开头词尾前的e变成e 含未来时和条件式结尾 例如 peler 剥皮 gt je pele 现在时 je pelerai 未来时 je pelerais 条件式 大多数以 eler和 eter结尾的动词 哑音e开头词尾前e变成e 或将l或t变成ll活tt 该形式的其他动词仅允许存在一种或其他形式 例如 appeler 呼唤 gt j appelle 现在时 j appellerai 未来时 j appellerais 条件式 下列动词的形容词形式的变化不规则 adherer adherent e s coincider coincident e s confluer confluent e s affluer affluent e s converger convergent e s deterger detergent e s differer different e s exceller excellent e s diverger divergent e s negliger negligent e s preceder precedent e s violer violent e s influer influent e s communiquer communicant e s suffoquer suffocant e s provoquer provocant e s naviguer navigant e s deleguer delegant e s fatiguer fatigant e s intriguer intrigant e s 第二组动词 以 ir 结尾的动词 现在分词以 issant 结尾 编辑以 ir结尾动词与 er结尾动词有几处不同 元音均变为 i 例如过去时虚拟式为 isse 而非 er结尾动词的 asse 少数一般式动词本身都会产生变化 尽管该词完全是正字法 不会影响读音 在一般现在时和过去时中 这些词结尾变为 s s t 而非 A few of the singular inflections themselves change though this is purely orthographic and does not affect the pronunciation in the simple present and past these are s s t rather than O s O The change in pronunciation is due to the change of vowel from e ai a to i In the simple present imperfect the present subjunctive and the gerund a suffix iss is appears between the root and the inflectional endings In the simple present singular this suffix has disappeared and the endings are is is it choisir 编辑 The verb choisir to choose in French orthography and IPA transcription Indicative Subjunctive Conditional ImperativePresent Simple Past Imperfect Simple Future Present Imperfect Present Presentje chois is ʃwazi chois issais ʃwazisɛ chois irai ʃwaziʁe chois isse ʃwazis chois irais ʃwaziʁɛ tu chois iras ʃwaziʁa chois isses ʃwazis chois is ʃwazi il chois it ʃwazi chois issait ʃwazisɛ chois ira ʃwaziʁa chois isse ʃwazis chois it ʃwazi chois irait ʃwaziʁɛ nous chois issons ʃwazisɔ chois imes ʃwazim chois issions ʃwazisjɔ chois irons ʃwaziʁɔ chois issions ʃwazisjɔ chois irions ʃwaziʁjɔ chois issons ʃwazisɔ vous chois issez ʃwazise chois ites ʃwazit chois issiez ʃwazisje chois irez ʃwaziʁe chois issiez ʃwazisje chois iriez ʃwaziʁje chois issez ʃwazise ils chois issent ʃwazis chois irent ʃwaziʁ chois issaient ʃwazisɛ chois iront ʃwaziʁɔ chois issent ʃwazis chois iraient ʃwaziʁɛ 非限定動詞形式 不定式 chois ir ʃwaziʁ 現在分詞 chois issant ʃwazisɑ 動名詞 en chois issant ɑ ʃwazisɑ 動詞性形容詞 chois issant s ʃwazisɑ chois issante s ʃwazisɑ t 過去分詞 chois i e s ʃwazi 助動詞 avoir 用 partir 時助動詞使用 etre hair動詞 hair 在現在簡單時的單數形式中繪失去分音符號 i 去除了他的變音符號 代表初始音節的發音是單個元音 ɛ 而不是分開發音的 ai 單數 je hais tu hais il elle hait 複數 nous haissons vous haissez ils elles haissent ʒe ɛ ty ɛ il ɛ nu aisɔ vu aise il ais Hais 用於祈使句 在其他形式中 詞根是 ai imperfect and present amp past subjunctive ais future and conditional aiʁ 魁北克法語 使用另外一種變位規則 在魁北克法語中 在歐洲法語裡發音不同的兩種詞幹都發 ai 因此所有形式都使用帶分音符的i J hais tu hais il elle hait nous haissons vous haissez ils elles haissent 請注意 魁北克法語裡hair的 h 是不發音的 所以魁北克法語裡 Je 省略為 j hais ʒai 而歐洲法語使用 je hais ʒe ɛ 第三组动词 编辑First sub conjugation Verbs with seven principal parts 编辑 Most irregular French verbs can be described with seven principal parts In reality few if any verbs have separate stems for all seven parts instead they tend to inherit the same stem as another part Note that the endings for these verbs are basically the same as for regular ir verbs in fact regular ir verbs can be fit into this scheme by treating the iss variants as different principal parts Principal part How to get the stem Inherited regular value of steminfinitive Remove ending er ir oir re First singular present indicative Remove ending s e Infinitive stemFirst plural present indicative Remove ending ons Infinitive stemThird plural present indicative Remove ending ent First plural present stem First singular future Remove ending ai Full infinitive stem minus any e Masculine singular past participle Full word Infinitive stem plus i plus u if ends re First singular simple past Remove ending s ai Past participle minus any s or t The following table shows how the paradigm of an irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts Note that a few verbs construct the present indicative especially the singular differently Paradigm for most irregular verbs 7 principal parts Indicative Subjunctive Conditional ImperativePresent Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Presentje 1S s PAST s 1P ais FUT ai 3P e PAST sse FUT aistu FUT as 3P es PAST sses same as pres indic 3rd sg if ends with vowel else 2nd sg il 1S t1 PAST t 1P ait FUT a 3P e PAST ˆt FUT aitnous 1P ons PAST ˆmes 1P ions FUT ons 1P ions PAST ssions FUT ions same as pres indic 1st pl vous 1P ez PAST ˆtes 1P iez FUT ez 1P iez PAST ssiez FUT iez same as pres indic 2nd pl ils 3P ent PAST rent 1P aient FUT ont 3P ent PAST ssent FUT aient1 The t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t e g il vend he sells not il vendt Non finite forms Infinitive full infinitive with suffix Present participle 1P ant Gerundive en 1P ant Verbal adjective 1P ant e s Past participle PP e s The following table gives principal parts for a number of irregular verbs There are a number of fair sized groups of verbs that are conjugated alike these are listed first There are some additional irregularities in the present indicative which are listed below Nearly all irregularities affect the singular and are purely issues of spelling Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface Table of principal parts of irregular and ir French verbs 7 principal parts INF Infinitive Meaning FUT Future Present Indicative PP Past Participle PAST Simple Past Notes Similar verbs1S 1st Sing 2nd Sing 3rd Sing 1P 1st Plur 2nd Plur 3P 3rd Plurchois ir to choose choisir ai choisi s choisiss ons choisiss ent choisi choisi s How a regular ir verb would be represented by its principal parts About 300 verbs in ir hair to hate hair ai hai s hai s1 haiss ons haiss ent hai hai s The same as a regular ir verb but in Sing pres indic the diaeresis drops outvend re to sell vendr ai vend s vend s vend2 vend ons vend ent vendu vendi s So called regular re verbs all end in dre but not indre attendre wait defendre defend descendre go down entendre hear etendre extend fondre melt pendre hang perdre lose pretendre pretend rendre return give back repandre spill repondre respond etc craind re to fear craindr ai crain s craign ons craign ent craint craign is All verbs in aindre eindre oindre e g contraindre compel plaindre complain atteindre reach ceindre gird empreindre stamp eteindre turn off etreindre hug feindre pretend geindre whine peindre paint restreindre restrict teindre dye joindre join oindre anoint poindre dawn rejoindre rejoin part ir to leave partir ai par s part ons part ent parti parti s Sing pres indic stem drops last consonant of basic stem je pars dors mens sens sers sors ʒ e paʁ dɔʁ mɑ sɔʁ sɑ sɛʁ se departir divest repartir leave again dormir sleep s endormir fall asleep se rendormir fall back asleep mentir lie tell lies dementir contradict sentir feel consentir agree pressentir foresee ressentir feel servir serve desservir clear away resservir serve again sortir go out ressortir come back vet ir to dress vetir ai vet s vet ons vet ent vetu veti s The same as partir except for the past participle devetir undress revetir cover requer ir to require demand requerr ai requier s requer ons requier ent requis requi souvr ir to open ouvrir ai ouvr e ouvr es ouvr e ouvr ons ouvr ent ouvert ouvri s Sing pres indic uses endings e es e as with er verbs couvrir cover decouvrir discover offrir offer souffrir suffer condui re to lead conduir ai condui s conduis ons conduis ent conduit conduisi s All verbs in uire e g construire build cuire cook detruire destroy instruire instruct reduire reduce produire produce traduire translate etc recev oir to receive recevr ai recoi s recev ons recoiv ent recu recu s Other verbs in cevoir e g apercevoir perceive concevoir conceive decevoir disappoint envoy er to send enverr ai envoi e3 envoy ons3 envoi ent3 envoye envoy aivoir to see verr ai voi s voy ons voi ent3 vu vi s revoir see again choir to fall choir ai choi s choy ons choi ent3 chu chu s echoir befall dev oir to owe must devr ai doi s dev ons doiv ent du du s Very similar to recevoir but adds a circumflex to du to distinguish it from the partitive article du due dus and dues remain unchangedmouv oir to move mouvr ai meu s mouv ons meuv ent mu mu s Adds a circumflex to mu to distinguish it from the Greek letter mu m mue mus and mues remain unchangedemouv oir to move affect emouvr ai emeu s emouv ons emeuv ent emu emu s promouvoir promote pleuv oir to rain pleuvr a pleu t stem pleuv stem pleuv plu plu t Impersonal 3rd singular only asseoir to sit assier ai assoir ai assied s assied s assied 2 assoi s assey ons assoy ons assey ent assoi ent assis assi s Notice that there are two sets of conjugations cueill ir kœjiʁ to gather cueiller ai cueill e cueill es cueill e cueill ons cueill ent cueilli cueilli s Like ouvrir except the future sing pres indic uses endings e es e as with er verbsven ir to come viendr ai vien s ven ons vienn ent venu vin s Note simple past plural vinmes vintes vinrent vɛ m vɛ t vɛ ʁ revenir return devenir become se souvenir remember parvenir reach prevenir tell beforehand tenir hold retenir memorize contretenir talk soutenir sustain maintenir maintain appartenir belong etc mour ir to die mourr ai meur s mour ons meur ent mort mouru scour ir to run courr ai cour s cour ons cour ent couru couru sdi re to say tell dir ai di s dis ons dites dis ent dit di s Note the 2nd pl dites contredire contradict interdire forbid li re to read lir ai li s lis ons lis ent lu lu secri re to write ecrir ai ecri s ecriv ons ecriv ent ecrit ecrivi s decrire describe inscrire inscribe ri re to laugh rir ai ri s ri ons ri ent ri ri s sourire smile suffi re to suffice suffir ai suffi s suffis ons suffis ent suffi suffi s confire pickle circoncire circumcise frire fry boi re to drink boir ai boi s buv ons boiv ent bu bu scroi re to believe croir ai croi s croy ons3 croi ent3 cru cru sconclu re to conclude conclur ai conclu s conclu ons conclu ent conclu conclu s Other verbs in clureplai re to please plair ai plai s plai s plait plais ons plais ent plu plu s Note the 3rd sg plaitclo re to close clor ai clo s clo s clot clos ons clos ent clos missing Also missing the imperfect note the 3rd sg clotprend re to take prendr ai prend s prend s prend2 pren ons prenn ent pris pri s comprendre understand apprendre study reprendre take again etc viv re to live vivr ai vi s viv ons viv ent vecu vecu s revivre come alive again survivre survive suiv re to follow suivr ai sui s suiv ons suiv ent suivi suivi s poursuivre pursue nait re to be born naitr ai nai s nai s nait naiss ons naiss ent ne naqui s Note the 3rd sg naitconnait re to know connaitr ai connai s connai s connait connaiss ons connaiss ent connu connu s Note the 3rd sg connait reconnaitre recognize paraitre seem apparaitre appear reparaitre reappear disparaitre disappear mett re to put mettr ai met s met s met2 mett ons mett ent mis mi s promettre promise permettre permit compromettre compromise damage soumettre submit subdue transmettre transmit batt re to beat battr ai bat s bat s bat2 batt ons batt ent battu batti s Close to vendreromp re to break rompr ai romp s romp ons romp ent rompu rompi s Very close to vendrevainc re to conquer vaincr ai vainc s vainc s vainc vainqu ons vainqu ent vaincu vainqui s Essentially same as vendre except for c qu variation convaincre convince trai re to milk trair ai trai s tray ons3 trai ent3 trai t missing contraire contract extraire extract soustraire subtract retraire withdraw coud re to sew coudr ai coud s coud s coud2 cous ons cous ent cousu cousi smoud re to grind mill moudr ai moud s moud s moud2 moul ons moul ent moulu moulu sresoud re to solve resolve resoudr ai resou s resolv ons resolv ent resolu resolu sabsoud re to solve absolve absoudr ai absou s absolv ons absolv ent absous absolu s The same as resoudre except for the past participle1 Only in Quebec French2 The ending t is regularly dropped when directly following a d or t e g il vend he sells not il vendt 3 Alternation of ai and oi before consonant or unstressed e ay and oy before other vowels is automatic in all verbs The following table shows an example paradigm of one of these verbs recevoir to receive Recevoir to receive Indicative Subjunctive Conditional ImperativePresent Simple Past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Presentje recoi s ʁeswa recu s ʁesy recev ais ʁesevɛ recevr ai ʁesevʁe recoiv e ʁeswav recu sse ʁesys recevr ais ʁesevʁɛ tu recevr as ʁesevʁa recoiv es ʁeswav recu sses ʁesys recoi s ʁeswa il recoi t ʁeswa recu t ʁesy recev ait ʁesevɛ recevr a ʁesevʁa recoiv e ʁeswav recu t ʁesy recevr ait ʁesevʁɛ nous recev ons ʁesevɔ recu mes ʁesym recev ions ʁesevjɔ recevr ons ʁesevʁɔ recev ions ʁesevjɔ recu ssions ʁesysjɔ recevr ions ʁesevʁijɔ recev ons ʁesevɔ vous recev ez ʁeseve recu tes ʁesyt recev iez ʁesevje recevr ez ʁesevʁe recev iez ʁesevje recu ssiez ʁesysje recevr iez ʁesevʁije recev ez ʁeseve ils recoiv ent ʁeswav recu rent ʁesyʁ recev aient ʁesevɛ recevr ont ʁesevʁɔ recoiv ent ʁeswav recu ssent ʁesys recevr aient ʁesevʁɛ Non finite forms Infinitive recevoir Present participle recevant Gerundive en recevant Verbal adjective recevant e s Past participle recu e s Verbs with eleven principal parts 编辑 Nine verbs also have an irregular subjunctive stem used at least for the singular and third plural of the present subjunctive These verbs can be said to have 11 principal parts because the subjunctive stem may or may not be used for the first and second plural present subjunctive the imperative and or the present participle in ways that vary from verb to verb The following table shows how the paradigm of an 11 principal part irregular verb is constructed from its principal parts Note that these verbs are generally the most irregular verbs in French and many of them construct the present indicative especially the singular in an idiosyncratic fashion The verb aller also constructs its past participle and simple past differently according to the endings for er verbs Paradigm for the highly irregular verbs 11 principal parts Indicative Subjunctive Conditional ImperativePresent Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Presentje 1S s PAST s 1P ais FUT ai SUBJ e PAST sse FUT aistu 1S s PAST s 1P ais FUT as SUBJ es PAST sses FUT ais same as pres indic 2nd sg but use 3rd sg if ends with vowel or SUBJ eil 1S t PAST t 1P ait FUT a SUBJ e PAST ˆt FUT aitnous 1P ons PAST ˆmes 1P ions FUT ons SUBJ ions or 1P ions PAST ssions FUT ions same as pres indic 1st pl or SUBJ onsvous 1P ez PAST ˆtes 1P iez FUT ez SUBJ iez or 1P iez PAST ssiez FUT iez same as pres indic 2nd pl or SUBJ ezils 3P ent PAST rent 1P aient FUT ont SUBJ ent PAST ssent FUT aientNon finite forms Infinitive full infinitive with suffix Present participle 1P ant or SUBJ ant Gerundive en 1P ant or en SUBJ ant Verbal adjective 1P ant e s or SUBJ ant e s Past participle PP e s The following table gives the principal parts for the 11 principal part verbs Stems that are irregular in the sense of being unpredictable by the above rules are given in boldface Table of principal parts of the highly irregular French verbs 11 principal parts INF Infinitive Meaning FUT Future Present Indicative Present Subjunctive Imperative Present Participle PP Past Participle PAST Simple Past Notes Similar verbs1S 1st Sing 2nd Sing 3rd Sing 1P 1st Plur 2nd Plur 3P 3rd Plur SUBJ 1st Sing 1st Plurpouv oir to be able pourr ai peux puis peux peut puis是pouvoir旧的第一人称直陈式现在时 现一般仅用于正式的倒装疑问句 pouv ons peuv ent puiss e follows subj puiss ions follows indic follows 1P pouv ant pu pu s reg alternate 1st sing puis required in questions use elsewhere is mannered note that old pres part puiss ant is attested as an adjective powerful sav oir to know saur ai sai s sav ons sav ent sach e follows subj sach ions follows subj sache sachons sachez follows subj sach ant su su svoul oir to want voudr ai veux veux veut voul ons veul ent veuill e follows indic voul ions follows subj veuille veuillons veuillez follows 1P voul ant voulu voulu sval oir to be worth vaudr ai vaux vaux vaut val ons val ent vaill e follows indic val ions follows indic vaux valons valez follows 1P val ant valu valu sfall oir to be necessary faudr a fau t stem fall faill e fall u fallu t Impersonal 3rd singular only fai re to do fer ai fai s fais ons faites font fass e follows subj fass ions follows indic follows 1P fais ant fait fi s 2nd pl pres indic faites also in imperative defaire refaire satisfaireav oir to have aur ai ai as a av ons ont ai e ai es ai t ai ent ay ons ay ez follows subj aie ayons ayez follows subj ay ant eu y eu set re to be ser ai suis es est sommes etes stem et sont soi s soi s soi t soi ent soy ons soy ez follows subj sois soyons soyez follows 1P et ant ete fu sall er to go ir ai vais vas1 vas va all ons vont aill e follows indic all ions follows indic follows 1P all ant alle all ai 2nd sg imperat va but vas y go there s en aller leave Aller 编辑 The verb aller means to go and is sufficiently irregular that it merits listing its conjugation in full It is the only verb with the first group ending er to have an irregular conjugation It belongs to none of the three sections of the third group and is often categorized on its own The verb has different stems for different tenses These are all pronounced differently past all al simple past imperfect past subjunctive present subjunctive aill aj conditional and future ir iʁ The inflections of these tenses are completely regular and pronounced as in any other er verb However in the simple present not only are there stem changes but the inflections are irregular as well Aller to go Indicative Subjunctive Conditional ImperativePresent Simple past Imperfect Future Present Imperfect Present Presentje vais vas1 vɛ va allai ale allais alɛ irai iʁe aille aj allasse alas irais iʁɛ tu vas va allas allais iras ailles allasses irais vail elle on va va alla allait ira aille allat iraitnous allons alɔ allames allions irons allions allassions irions allonsvous allez ale allates alliez irez alliez allassiez iriez allezils elles vont vɔ allerent allaient iront aillent allassent iraientThe non finite forms are all based on all al Infinitive aller Present participle allant Gerundive en allant Verbal adjective allant e s Past participle alle e s Auxiliary verb etre1 In Classical French and even in certain dialects like in Cajun and some Quebec dialects je vas is used 三種類型動詞的詞尾變化 编辑 第一組 第二組 第三組 第一組 第二組 第三組Indicatif Present Subjonctif Present je e1 is s x3 e5 e isse e2 1tu es es5 es isses es2 1il e it t d c4 e5 e isse e2 3nous ons issons ons2 1 ons ions issions ionsvous ez issez ez es2 2 ez iez issiez iezils ent issent ent nt2 ent ent issent ent Indicatif Imparfait Subjonctif Imparfait je ais issais ais asse isse isse6 ussetu asses isses isses6 ussesil ait issait ait at it it6 utnous ions issions ions assions issions issions6 ussionsvous iez issiez iez assiez issiez issiez6 ussiezils aient issaient aient assent issent issent6 ussent Indicatif Passe simple Imperatif Present je ai is is6 us tu as e is s e5il a it it6 ut nous ames imes imes6 umes ons issons ons onsvous ates ites ites6 utes ez issez ez ezils erent irent irent6 urent Indicatif Futur simple Conditionnel Present je erai irai rai erais irais raistu eras iras rasil era ira ra erait irait raitnous erons irons rons erions irions rionsvous erez irez rez eriez iriez riezils eront iront ront eraient iraient raient1 在疑問句中 這個 e 會被寫成 e 傳統拼法 或 e 修正拼法 並且發做半開母音 e ɛ 另外 je 的 e 會變成無聲 例如 je marche ʒe maʁʃ 我走 marche je maʁʃɛʒ 我走嗎 2 這些動詞的結尾是 ont ils sont 他們是 ils ont 他們有 ils font 他們做 ils vont 他們去 2 1 只有動詞 etre 在這些地方會有例外 nous sommes 我們是 que je soi s 我是 que tu soi s 你是 2 2 這些動詞與它們的派生詞的結尾是 es vous etes 你們 您是 vous faites 你們 您做 vous dites 你們 您說 2 3 只有動詞 etre 和 avoir 的結尾有 t qu il elle on soi t 他 她 我們是 qu il elle on ai t 他 她 我們有 3 只有 je tu peux 我 你能夠 je tu veux 我 你想要 和 je tu vaux 我 你值得 4 以 dre 結尾的動詞在第三人稱單數時結尾為 d 除了以 indre 和 soudre 結尾的動詞是以 t 結尾 動詞 vaincre 打敗 和 convaincre 說服 第三人稱單數的結尾分別為 vainc 和 convainc 5 只有這些動詞是這樣變化的 assaillir 攻擊 couvrir 覆蓋 cueillir 採集 defaillir 昏厥 offrir 提供 ouvrir 開啟 souffrir 承受 tressaillir 顫抖 以及命令式的 avoir 有 savoir 知道 vouloir 想要 6 例外有 je vins 我來到了 je tins 我拿了 等等 以及 que je vinsse 我來 que je tinsse 我拿 等等 現代法語口語的第一人稱複數 编辑第一人稱複數結尾 ons 以及相應的主格代詞 nous 我們 在現代法語口語中十分少見 但受格的代詞 nous 仍然很常用 1 代詞 on 除了做為無人稱代詞之外 也普遍用以取代主格的 nous 例如 nous chantons 我們唱歌 在幾乎所有的口語中都可以被 on chante 取代 除非是特別謹慎的場合 這導致了法語一些動詞形式的消失 然而 動詞詞尾 ons 仍然可以在命令式中見到 Chantons 我們唱歌吧 而此句在某些情況下也可被 On chante 取代 註解 编辑 1 00 1 01 1 02 1 03 1 04 1 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 1 09 1 10 簡單時態 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 3 通常只用於 文學的 寫作或極為正式的場合中 3 0 3 1 極少用於現代法語參考資料 编辑 van Compernolle Remi A Nous versus on Pronouns with first person plural reference in synchronous French chat Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics 2008 11 2 85 110 2017 04 05 原始内容存档于2018 05 04 参见 编辑 nbsp 法国主题 nbsp 语言学主题 法语语法 法语动词參考文獻 编辑Larousse de la conjugaison 1980 外部連結 编辑Verb2Verbe French English verb conjugation with translations 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 A two page PDF reference guide of the 681 most common French English verbs 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Le Conjugueur online conjugation for all French verbs 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Bescherelle conjugation amp conjugation books 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 WordReference French conjugation Beta 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Conjugation FR French conjugation 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Open source XML database of French verb conjugation rules RegEx based 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 French verb practice at UT Austin 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 schoLINGUA Conjugation trainer over 12 000 French verbs 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Comment conjuguer fr online conjugation for all French verbs and conjugation rules 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 法语动词变位 amp oldid 75406486, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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