

國技National sport, national pastime, national game),又稱國民運動,或國球,是指一個國家特有或具有代表性的競技運動。然而國技的定義並不嚴密,既有公認概念上的國技(如美國的棒球),也有通過法律具體規定的(如加拿大就法定袋棍球和冰球為國技),也因此使得國技並不一定是該國最具人氣或強項的運動。除了加拿大之外,世界上通過法律確定國技的還有巴哈馬的帆船、孟加拉的卡巴迪、巴西的卡波那拉、斯里蘭卡的排球等。


國技的定義並不十分嚴格,有在法律上具體規定的競技運動,享有官方認可的地位;[註 1] 也有在國家文化中有特殊意義,深受國民愛戴的競技運動。[註 2] 由國家文化發展而成的競技運動是成為國技的其中一項條件,但並不全然如此,某些源自外國的競技運動也有可能因為深受國民的愛戴,或者具有特殊的意義,成為公認的國技。一般只要符合以下兩項要點,都會被認定為是國技:

國家法令指定的競技運動,給予特殊的地位和待遇[註 1]
國家或民族文化中特有的競技運動,或者是有某種特殊意義的競技運動[註 2]




國家 體育運動 始於
  阿根廷 帕托英语Pato 1953年[1]
  巴哈马 史路普帆船 1993年[2]
  孟加拉国 卡巴迪 1972年[3]
  巴西 卡波耶拉 1972年[4]
  加拿大 長曲棍球(夏季運動)、冰上曲棍球(冬季運動) 1994年[5]
  智利 智利牛仔騎術英语Chilean rodeo 1962年[6]
  哥伦比亚 特茹英语Tejo (sport) 2000年[7]
  伊朗 伊朗傳統摔角 1976年[8]
  韩国 跆拳道 2018年[9]
  墨西哥 墨西哥牛仔競技英语Charrería 1933年[10]
  菲律賓 卡里艾斯奎瑪武術英语Eskrima 2009年[11]
  波多黎各 巴蘇馬術英语Paso Fino 1966年[12]
  斯里蘭卡 排球 1991年[13]
  乌拉圭 高喬傳統競技 2006年[14]


國家 體育運動
  阿富汗 布玆卡兹[15]
  安圭拉 競速帆艇英语Yacht racing[16]
  安地卡及巴布達 板球[17]
  巴巴多斯 板球[18]
  百慕大 板球[19]
  不丹 不丹傳統箭術英语Archery in Bhutan[20]
  中华人民共和国 乒乓球
  古巴 棒球[21][22][23]
  多米尼加 棒球[24]
  芬兰 芬蘭棒球[25]
  格瑞那達 板球[26]
  圭亚那 板球[27]
  印度 曲棍球[28][29][30]
  以色列 足球[31]
  爱尔兰 蓋爾式足球[32][33][34]
  牙买加 板球[35]
  日本 相撲/棒球[36]
  拉脫維亞 籃球(夏季運動)、冰上曲棍球(冬季運動)[37]
  立陶宛 籃球[38][39]
  马达加斯加 橄欖球[40][41]
  新西蘭 橄欖球[42]
  挪威 越野滑雪[43][44]
  巴基斯坦 曲棍球[45]
  巴布亚新几内亚 聯盟式橄欖球[46][47]
  秘魯 Paleta Frontón[48]
  羅馬尼亞 Oină[49]
  俄羅斯 班迪球[50]
  苏格兰 高爾夫球[51]
  斯洛維尼亞 高山滑雪[52][52]
  中華民國 棒球[53]
  土耳其 摔角[54] & Cirit[55]
  特克斯和凯科斯群岛 板球[56]
  美國 棒球[57][58]
  威尔士 橄欖球[59]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 參見「法定的國技」。
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 參見「公認的國技」。


  1. ^ . Federación Argentina de Pato. [16 October 2012]. (原始内容存档于2018年12月26日). 
  2. ^ Craton, Michael; Gail Saunders. Islanders in the Stream: A History of the Bahamian People. University of Georgia Press. 1998: 471. ISBN 0-8203-2284-9. 
  3. ^ . Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008年11月22日). Ha-du-du was given the name kabadi and the status of National Game in 1972. 
  4. ^ Lowell, John. Ring of Liberation: Deceptive Discourse in Brazilian Capoeira. University of Chicago Press. 1992: 61. ISBN 0-226-47683-9. 
  5. ^ National Sports of Canada Act S.C. 1994, c. 16 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Justice Laws Website, National Government of Canada
  6. ^ Moreira Recchione, Alberto. . Revista de urbanismo (University of Chile). December 2007, (17) [14 July 2008]. ISSN 0717-5051. (原始内容存档于2009年2月13日) (西班牙语). A reconocerse, en 1962, el rodeo como deporte nacional y oficial [10 de enero de 1962, oficio N°269 del Consejo Nacional de Deportes y Comité Olímpico de Chile] 
  7. ^ . Global Legal Information Network. [14 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2012年2月17日). 
  8. ^ 存档副本. [2013-06-05]. (原始内容于2018-02-28). 
  9. ^ Taekwondo designated as South Korea's flagbearing national sport. insidethegames. [20 April 2018]. (原始内容于2019-05-14) (英语). 
  10. ^ . Mexican Department of Tourism. [14 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2009年2月8日) (西班牙语). El año de 1933 fue muy importante, ya que el general Abelardo L. Rodríguez, emite un decreto presidencial, dando a la Charrería el título de único Deporte Nacional. 
  11. ^ Republic Act No. 9850: An Act declaring Arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines. [26 June 2010]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-30). 
  12. ^ Puerto Rico Act 64 of 2000, S.B. 1856 (PDF). Office of Legislative Services of Puerto Rico: 1. 11 April 2000 [14 July 2008]. (原始内容 (PDF)于2018-12-26). In 1966, the Public Parks and Recreation Administration and the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee awarded official recognition of the “paso fino” horse riding sport as the autochthonous sport of Puerto Rico. 
  13. ^ Fernando, Leslie. . Daily News (Sri Lanka). 3 June 2005 [14 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008年5月19日). Way back in 1991 volleyball was declared as the national sport of Sri Lanka but it was only name sake. 
  14. ^ . Global Legal Information Network. [14 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2010年6月21日). 
  15. ^ . Embassy of Afghanistan, Canberra. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-07-19). 
  16. ^ . The Anguillian. 3 March 2007 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2009年2月8日). Director of Sports, Alkins Rogers, [...] reported that the Government recognizes boat racing as the national sport of Anguilla and was giving financial resources for its development. 
  17. ^ Antiguans and Barbudans. everyculture.com. [10 July 2008]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). Cricket, a left-over from the British rule, is the national sport of Antigua and Barbuda. 
  18. ^ . Government of Barbados. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2009年11月13日). The national sport of Barbados is cricket 
  19. ^ Luke, Will. Cricket by association. The Wisden Cricketer. March 2007 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容于2010-06-21). Bermuda are one of the few sides who count cricket as a national sport. 
  20. ^ . Bhutan Portal. Government of Bhutan. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2010年11月13日). National Game: The national sport of Bhutan is archery. 
  21. ^ Gonzalez Echevarria, Roberto. A Cuban Belle Époque. The Pride of Havana: A History of Cuban Baseball. Oxford University Press. 1999: 76. ISBN 0-19-514605-0. Baseball is so ingrained in Cuba that it has thrived as the "national sport" through forty years of a bitterly anti-American revolution. 
  22. ^ Mckinley, James C., Jr. Baseball; Clash of Cultures, Pride and Passion. The New York Times. 26 March 1999 [24 July 2008]. Most Cubans, after all, consider baseball to be their national sport, a game entwined in history with their struggle for independence from Spain and the birth of their nation. 
  23. ^ Castro, Fidel. Speech at a meeting with Pan American Games delegation members. cuba.cu. 13 August 1999 [24 July 2008]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). the game that [...] is [...] our national sport [...] I am talking of baseball 
  24. ^ Some facts about the Dominican Republic. Embassy of the Dominican Republic, Washington. [22 July 2008]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). Baseball is the Dominican Republic’s national sport. 
  25. ^ . Embassy of Finland, Washington. 11 June 2007 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-26). the national sport, “pesäpallo” 
  26. ^ . Grenada Life. Grenada Board of Tourism: 38. March 2007 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2018年12月26日). in the first Grenada Cricket Classics [, h]eroes such as Sir Viv Richards, Joel Garner and Curtley Ambrose came together to promote what is considered by many to be the national sport in Grenada. 
  27. ^ . Guyana Tourism Authority. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008年6月6日). Cricket lovely Cricket! One cannot miss out on Guyana’s national sport without participating in a game of cricket while in Guyana. 
  28. ^ Basra, Sukhwant. No National status, except in NCERT textbooks. dnaindia. 11 March 2008 [15 July 2008]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). The status of hockey as the national sport is not enshrined in any official proclamation by the Government of India. The NCERT textbook for Class XI does [...] state that India’s national game is hockey and that, in a way, does make for an official take on the issue. 
  29. ^ . National Portrait of India. Government of India. [22 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2009年1月8日). Hockey, the National Sport of the Country is one of the most religiously followed games in India. 
  30. ^ A 2012 article in the India Times argued that hockey is no longer the national sport: Mahanta, Bhaskar. What is the National Game of India?. India Times. 28 September 2012 [7 May 2013]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). 
  31. ^ . AsiaRooms. 21 February 2011 [24 February 2012]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-06). The popularity of Football in Israel is sky-high and is the most popular sport of the nation by a distance. Football in Israel is the unofficial national sport of the nation and developed as an organized sport in the country during the period when the British controlled the administration or was the days of the British Mandate. 
  32. ^ . RTÉ Online. 19 February 2008 [29 April 2009]. (原始内容存档于2010年7月2日). Today's announcement ensures that the public will enjoy quality coverage of our national games across all of RTÉ's media platforms. 
  33. ^ . Seanad Éireann: Volume 145. 22 November 1995 [29 April 2009]. (原始内容存档于2011年6月7日). 
  34. ^ Farrelly, Hugh. The most progressive team in Ireland. Scrum.com. 15 September 2009 [17 September 2009]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). It's [the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship Final] a big deal in Ireland, where Gaelic games are the national sport, but the problem for the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is that no-one outside the country, save for committed expatriates, gives a fig. 
  35. ^ . Jamaican Embassy, Washington. [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-20). The legacy of Britain also lives on in Jamaica in many ways [...] the game of cricket is the national sport. 
  36. ^ What Is Sumo?. Kids Web Japan sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. [30 April 2012]. (原始内容于2019-05-18). 
  37. ^ (拉脱维亚文) . [15 November 2009]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-26). 
  38. ^ Adamkus, Valdas. . President of Lithuania official website. 28 July 2005 [24 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2006年10月5日). Lithuania is a country that loves basketball. It is our national sport and we are proud to be reigning European Champions. 
  39. ^ Winn, Luke. Lithuania Calling. Sports Illustrated. 15 August 2011 [24 August 2011]. (原始内容于2013-10-15). Basketball is the only sport the 3.2 million Lithuanians truly care about—it's their second religion, after Catholicism—and their success is proportionately stunning. 
  40. ^ Madagascar take Sevens honours. [24 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012年8月29日). 
  41. ^ . [24 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012年11月18日). 
  42. ^ . New Zealand Official Yearbook. Statistics New Zealand. 2000 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2011年6月7日). Traditionally New Zealanders have excelled in rugby union, which is regarded as the national sport, and track and field athletics. 
  43. ^ Mølster, Odd. Skiing and the Creation of a Norwegian Identity - part 2. News of Norway, issue 2. Norwegian Embassy, Washington. 1996 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). the national sport could become a fine weapon in time of war. In 1943, Norway's resistance movement won an epochal victory – on skis, of course 
  44. ^ Berglund, Nina. . Aftenposten. 20 February 2006 [21 July 2008]. (原始内容存档于2006年2月21日). The scoreboard shows how the Norwegians placed, a performance considered much too poor in a country where cross-country skiing is a national sport. 
  45. ^ Sport in Pakistan. [6 October 2012]. (原始内容于2018-12-26). 
  46. ^ PNG vow to upset World Cup odds. Rugby League. Federación Peruana de Frontón. 15 October 2008 [3 July 2009]. (原始内容于2019-05-15). But it would still be one of the biggest shocks in World Cup history if Papua New Guinea - the only country to have rugby league as its national sport - were to qualify for the last four. 
  47. ^ PNG seal 2010 Four Nations place. BBC. 1 November 2009 [2013-06-05]. (原始内容于2020-10-03). 
  48. ^ . Club Regatas Lima. Club Regatas Lima. 31 August 2009 [31 August 2009]. (原始内容存档于2018年12月26日). 
  49. ^ . Adevărul Holding. 18 September 2010 [21 November 2012]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-26) (罗马尼亚语). Dar nici deciziile luate de autorităţile comuniste nu au salvat sportul naţional românesc de la uitare. 
  50. ^ . Tatar-Inform. 21 January 2011 [31 August 2009]. (原始内容存档于2012年4月24日). 
  51. ^ . Sport Scotland. 31 August 2009 [25 October 2010]. (原始内容存档于2010年10月28日). 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 存档副本. [2013-06-05]. (原始内容于2016-05-26). 
  53. ^ 林伯修; 林國棟. 媒體再現與臺灣國球的系譜. 體育學報. 2012-09-01, 45 (3): P227 – 245. doi:10.6222/pej.4503.201209.0706. 
  54. ^ . Alaturka.info. [31 December 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009年12月23日). 
  55. ^ . Kalem.biz. [31 December 2009]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-06). 
  56. ^ . International Cricket Council. [7 October 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012年11月7日). 
  57. ^ Duquette, Jerold J. Regulating the National Pastime: Baseball and Antitrust. Greenwood. 1999: 104 [21 July 2008]. ISBN 0-275-96535-X. Baseball justified its privileged legal status by citing the special nature and cultural significance of America's national pastime. 
  58. ^ Schrag, Myles. Baseball as National Pastime Revisted: And a Little Town Shall Lead Them. Peter Carino (编). Baseball/literature/culture: Essays, 1995-2001. McFarland. 2003: Chp.13 p.140 [21 July 2008]. ISBN 0-7864-1643-2. (原始内容于2011-12-26). Tradition – that quality so instrumental in elevating baseball to its century-old status as national pastime— has become less important 
  59. ^ Harris, John. (PDF). North American Journal of Welsh Studies (North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History). Summer 2006, 6 (2) [14 July 2008]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013年4月6日). rugby used to be the undisputed national sport of Wales [...] Rugby Union’s assumed position as ”the national game” has often been questioned on the basis that it is predominantly a game played and followed in South Wales. 

國技, national, sport, national, pastime, national, game, 又稱國民運動, 或國球, 是指一個國家特有或具有代表性的競技運動, 然而的定義並不嚴密, 既有公認概念上的, 如美國的棒球, 也有通過法律具體規定的, 如加拿大就法定袋棍球和冰球為, 也因此使得並不一定是該國最具人氣或強項的運動, 除了加拿大之外, 世界上通過法律確定的還有巴哈馬的帆船, 孟加拉的卡巴迪, 巴西的卡波那拉, 斯里蘭卡的排球等, 目录, 定義, 列表, 法定的, 公認的, 另見, 註解, 参. 國技 National sport national pastime national game 又稱國民運動 或國球 是指一個國家特有或具有代表性的競技運動 然而國技的定義並不嚴密 既有公認概念上的國技 如美國的棒球 也有通過法律具體規定的 如加拿大就法定袋棍球和冰球為國技 也因此使得國技並不一定是該國最具人氣或強項的運動 除了加拿大之外 世界上通過法律確定國技的還有巴哈馬的帆船 孟加拉的卡巴迪 巴西的卡波那拉 斯里蘭卡的排球等 目录 1 定義 2 國技列表 2 1 法定的國技 2 2 公認的國技 3 另見 4 註解 5 参考文献定義國技的定義並不十分嚴格 有在法律上具體規定的競技運動 享有官方認可的地位 註 1 也有在國家文化中有特殊意義 深受國民愛戴的競技運動 註 2 由國家文化發展而成的競技運動是成為國技的其中一項條件 但並不全然如此 某些源自外國的競技運動也有可能因為深受國民的愛戴 或者具有特殊的意義 成為公認的國技 一般只要符合以下兩項要點 都會被認定為是國技 國家法令指定的競技運動 給予特殊的地位和待遇 註 1 例如 加拿大的長曲棍球 夏季 和冰上曲棍球 冬季 國家或民族文化中特有的競技運動 或者是有某種特殊意義的競技運動 註 2 例如 日本的相撲 韓國的跆拳道 西班牙的鬥牛除了上述兩項 某些廣泛普及的競技運動 雖然不是公認的國技 但已經深植入於國家的體育文化當中 成為深受全民歡迎的休閒活動 所以經常是被極力推廣的國家體育項目 例如 世界各地的足球 英聯邦國家的板球 美國的籃球和橄欖球 日本的棒球 馬來西亞和印尼的羽毛球等 國技列表法定的國技 國家 體育運動 始於 nbsp 阿根廷 帕托 英语 Pato 1953年 1 nbsp 巴哈马 史路普帆船 1993年 2 nbsp 孟加拉国 卡巴迪 1972年 3 nbsp 巴西 卡波耶拉 1972年 4 nbsp 加拿大 長曲棍球 夏季運動 冰上曲棍球 冬季運動 1994年 5 nbsp 智利 智利牛仔騎術 英语 Chilean rodeo 1962年 6 nbsp 哥伦比亚 特茹 英语 Tejo sport 2000年 7 nbsp 伊朗 伊朗傳統摔角 1976年 8 nbsp 韩国 跆拳道 2018年 9 nbsp 墨西哥 墨西哥牛仔競技 英语 Charreria 1933年 10 nbsp 菲律賓 卡里艾斯奎瑪武術 英语 Eskrima 2009年 11 nbsp 波多黎各 巴蘇馬術 英语 Paso Fino 1966年 12 nbsp 斯里蘭卡 排球 1991年 13 nbsp 乌拉圭 高喬傳統競技 2006年 14 公認的國技 國家 體育運動 nbsp 阿富汗 布玆卡兹 15 nbsp 安圭拉 競速帆艇 英语 Yacht racing 16 nbsp 安地卡及巴布達 板球 17 nbsp 巴巴多斯 板球 18 nbsp 百慕大 板球 19 nbsp 不丹 不丹傳統箭術 英语 Archery in Bhutan 20 nbsp 中华人民共和国 乒乓球 nbsp 古巴 棒球 21 22 23 nbsp 多米尼加 棒球 24 nbsp 芬兰 芬蘭棒球 25 nbsp 格瑞那達 板球 26 nbsp 圭亚那 板球 27 nbsp 印度 曲棍球 28 29 30 nbsp 以色列 足球 31 nbsp 爱尔兰 蓋爾式足球 32 33 34 nbsp 牙买加 板球 35 nbsp 日本 相撲 棒球 36 nbsp 拉脫維亞 籃球 夏季運動 冰上曲棍球 冬季運動 37 nbsp 立陶宛 籃球 38 39 nbsp 马达加斯加 橄欖球 40 41 nbsp 新西蘭 橄欖球 42 nbsp 挪威 越野滑雪 43 44 nbsp 巴基斯坦 曲棍球 45 nbsp 巴布亚新几内亚 聯盟式橄欖球 46 47 nbsp 秘魯 Paleta Fronton 48 nbsp 羅馬尼亞 Oină 49 nbsp 俄羅斯 班迪球 50 nbsp 苏格兰 高爾夫球 51 nbsp 斯洛維尼亞 高山滑雪 52 52 nbsp 中華民國 棒球 53 nbsp 土耳其 摔角 54 amp Cirit 55 nbsp 特克斯和凯科斯群岛 板球 56 nbsp 美國 棒球 57 58 nbsp 威尔士 橄欖球 59 另見國術 武術 各國武術註解 1 0 1 1 參見 法定的國技 2 0 2 1 參見 公認的國技 参考文献 Argentina Decree Nº 17468 of 16 September 1953 Federacion Argentina de Pato 16 October 2012 原始内容存档于2018年12月26日 Craton Michael Gail Saunders Islanders in the Stream A History of the Bahamian People University of Georgia Press 1998 471 ISBN 0 8203 2284 9 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Banglapedia Kabadi Asiatic Society of Bangladesh 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2008年11月22日 Ha du du was given the name kabadi and the status of National Game in 1972 Lowell John Ring of Liberation Deceptive Discourse in Brazilian Capoeira University of Chicago Press 1992 61 ISBN 0 226 47683 9 National Sports of Canada Act S C 1994 c 16 页面存档备份 存于互联网档案馆 Justice Laws Website National Government of Canada Moreira Recchione Alberto La Medialuna un edificio para Chile Revista de urbanismo University of Chile December 2007 17 14 July 2008 ISSN 0717 5051 原始内容存档于2009年2月13日 西班牙语 A reconocerse en 1962 el rodeo como deporte nacional y oficial 10 de enero de 1962 oficio N 269 del Consejo Nacional de Deportes y Comite Olimpico de Chile Colombia Law 613 of 4 September 2000 Global Legal Information Network 14 July 2008 原始内容存档于2012年2月17日 存档副本 2013 06 05 原始内容存档于2018 02 28 Taekwondo designated as South Korea s flagbearing national sport insidethegames 20 April 2018 原始内容存档于2019 05 14 英语 La Charreria Nuestro Deporte Nacional Mexican Department of Tourism 14 July 2008 原始内容存档于2009年2月8日 西班牙语 El ano de 1933 fue muy importante ya que el general Abelardo L Rodriguez emite un decreto presidencial dando a la Charreria el titulo de unico Deporte Nacional Republic Act No 9850 An Act declaring Arnis as the national martial art and sport of the Philippines 26 June 2010 原始内容存档于2012 07 30 Puerto Rico Act 64 of 2000 S B 1856 PDF Office of Legislative Services of Puerto Rico 1 11 April 2000 14 July 2008 原始内容存档 PDF 于2018 12 26 In 1966 the Public Parks and Recreation Administration and the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee awarded official recognition of the paso fino horse riding sport as the autochthonous sport of Puerto Rico Fernando Leslie Sponsors President s Gold Cup tourney Dialog assures future of VB Daily News Sri Lanka 3 June 2005 14 July 2008 原始内容存档于2008年5月19日 Way back in 1991 volleyball was declared as the national sport of Sri Lanka but it was only name sake Uruguay Law 17958 of 21 April 2006 Global Legal Information Network 14 July 2008 原始内容存档于2010年6月21日 Buzkashi The National Game of Afghanis Embassy of Afghanistan Canberra 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2008 07 19 Boat Racing Season Officially Opens The Anguillian 3 March 2007 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2009年2月8日 Director of Sports Alkins Rogers reported that the Government recognizes boat racing as the national sport of Anguilla and was giving financial resources for its development Antiguans and Barbudans everyculture com 10 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 Cricket a left over from the British rule is the national sport of Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Sports Government of Barbados 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2009年11月13日 The national sport of Barbados is cricket Luke Will Cricket by association The Wisden Cricketer March 2007 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2010 06 21 Bermuda are one of the few sides who count cricket as a national sport National Symbols Bhutan Portal Government of Bhutan 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2010年11月13日 National Game The national sport of Bhutan is archery Gonzalez Echevarria Roberto A Cuban Belle Epoque The Pride of Havana A History of Cuban Baseball Oxford University Press 1999 76 ISBN 0 19 514605 0 Baseball is so ingrained in Cuba that it has thrived as the national sport through forty years of a bitterly anti American revolution Mckinley James C Jr Baseball Clash of Cultures Pride and Passion The New York Times 26 March 1999 24 July 2008 Most Cubans after all consider baseball to be their national sport a game entwined in history with their struggle for independence from Spain and the birth of their nation Castro Fidel Speech at a meeting with Pan American Games delegation members cuba cu 13 August 1999 24 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 the game that is our national sport I am talking of baseball Some facts about the Dominican Republic Embassy of the Dominican Republic Washington 22 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 Baseball is the Dominican Republic s national sport About Finland General information Sports Embassy of Finland Washington 11 June 2007 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 the national sport pesapallo Batting For Grenada Grenada Life Grenada Board of Tourism 38 March 2007 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018年12月26日 in the first Grenada Cricket Classics h eroes such as Sir Viv Richards Joel Garner and Curtley Ambrose came together to promote what is considered by many to be the national sport in Grenada Games Guyana Tourism Authority 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2008年6月6日 Cricket lovely Cricket One cannot miss out on Guyana s national sport without participating in a game of cricket while in Guyana Basra Sukhwant No National status except in NCERT textbooks dnaindia 11 March 2008 15 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 The status of hockey as the national sport is not enshrined in any official proclamation by the Government of India The NCERT textbook for Class XI does state that India s national game is hockey and that in a way does make for an official take on the issue Citizens Sports Hockey National Portrait of India Government of India 22 July 2008 原始内容存档于2009年1月8日 Hockey the National Sport of the Country is one of the most religiously followed games in India A 2012 article in the India Times argued that hockey is no longer the national sport Mahanta Bhaskar What is the National Game of India India Times 28 September 2012 7 May 2013 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 Football in Israel AsiaRooms 21 February 2011 24 February 2012 原始内容存档于2011 11 06 The popularity of Football in Israel is sky high and is the most popular sport of the nation by a distance Football in Israel is the unofficial national sport of the nation and developed as an organized sport in the country during the period when the British controlled the administration or was the days of the British Mandate RTE Secures Comprehensive GAA Championship Coverage Until 2010 RTE Online 19 February 2008 29 April 2009 原始内容存档于2010年7月2日 Today s announcement ensures that the public will enjoy quality coverage of our national games across all of RTE s media platforms Adjournment Matters Eurathlon Programme Seanad Eireann Volume 145 22 November 1995 29 April 2009 原始内容存档于2011年6月7日 Farrelly Hugh The most progressive team in Ireland Scrum com 15 September 2009 17 September 2009 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 It s the All Ireland Senior Football Championship Final a big deal in Ireland where Gaelic games are the national sport but the problem for the Gaelic Athletic Association GAA is that no one outside the country save for committed expatriates gives a fig History of Jamaica Jamaican Embassy Washington 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2008 06 20 The legacy of Britain also lives on in Jamaica in many ways the game of cricket is the national sport What Is Sumo Kids Web Japan sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 30 April 2012 原始内容存档于2019 05 18 拉脱维亚文 Nacionalie sporta veidi 15 November 2009 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 Adamkus Valdas Address at Charles University Prague President of Lithuania official website 28 July 2005 24 July 2008 原始内容存档于2006年10月5日 Lithuania is a country that loves basketball It is our national sport and we are proud to be reigning European Champions Winn Luke Lithuania Calling Sports Illustrated 15 August 2011 24 August 2011 原始内容存档于2013 10 15 Basketball is the only sport the 3 2 million Lithuanians truly care about it s their second religion after Catholicism and their success is proportionately stunning Madagascar take Sevens honours 24 July 2012 原始内容存档于2012年8月29日 14 place jump for Madagascar 24 July 2012 原始内容存档于2012年11月18日 Sport Fitness and Leisure New Zealand Official Yearbook Statistics New Zealand 2000 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2011年6月7日 Traditionally New Zealanders have excelled in rugby union which is regarded as the national sport and track and field athletics Molster Odd Skiing and the Creation of a Norwegian Identity part 2 News of Norway issue 2 Norwegian Embassy Washington 1996 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 the national sport could become a fine weapon in time of war In 1943 Norway s resistance movement won an epochal victory on skis of course Berglund Nina Few cheers for Norway Aftenposten 20 February 2006 21 July 2008 原始内容存档于2006年2月21日 The scoreboard shows how the Norwegians placed a performance considered much too poor in a country where cross country skiing is a national sport Sport in Pakistan 6 October 2012 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 PNG vow to upset World Cup odds Rugby League Federacion Peruana de Fronton 15 October 2008 3 July 2009 原始内容存档于2019 05 15 But it would still be one of the biggest shocks in World Cup history if Papua New Guinea the only country to have rugby league as its national sport were to qualify for the last four PNG seal 2010 Four Nations place BBC 1 November 2009 2013 06 05 原始内容存档于2020 10 03 Paleta Fronton Club Regatas Lima Club Regatas Lima 31 August 2009 31 August 2009 原始内容存档于2018年12月26日 Oina sportul naţional uitat Adevărul Holding 18 September 2010 21 November 2012 原始内容存档于2018 12 26 罗马尼亚语 Dar nici deciziile luate de autorităţile comuniste nu au salvat sportul naţional romanesc de la uitare Russian bandy players blessed for victory at world championship in Kazan Tatar Inform 21 January 2011 31 August 2009 原始内容存档于2012年4月24日 Alex Salmond quote Sport Scotland 31 August 2009 25 October 2010 原始内容存档于2010年10月28日 52 0 52 1 存档副本 2013 06 05 原始内容存档于2016 05 26 林伯修 林國棟 媒體再現與臺灣國球的系譜 體育學報 2012 09 01 45 3 P227 245 doi 10 6222 pej 4503 201209 0706 引文使用过时参数coauthors 帮助 Ata Sporu Gures Alaturka info 31 December 2009 原始内容存档于2009年12月23日 Ata Sporu Cirit Kalem biz 31 December 2009 原始内容存档于2011 07 06 ICC Members Turks and Caicos Islands International Cricket Council 7 October 2012 原始内容存档于2012年11月7日 Duquette Jerold J Regulating the National Pastime Baseball and Antitrust Greenwood 1999 104 21 July 2008 ISBN 0 275 96535 X Baseball justified its privileged legal status by citing the special nature and cultural significance of America s national pastime Schrag Myles Baseball as National Pastime Revisted And a Little Town Shall Lead Them Peter Carino 编 Baseball literature culture Essays 1995 2001 McFarland 2003 Chp 13 p 140 21 July 2008 ISBN 0 7864 1643 2 原始内容存档于2011 12 26 Tradition that quality so instrumental in elevating baseball to its century old status as national pastime has become less important Harris John Re Presenting Wales National Identity and Celebrity in the Postmodern Rugby World PDF North American Journal of Welsh Studies North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History Summer 2006 6 2 14 July 2008 原始内容 PDF 存档于2013年4月6日 rugby used to be the undisputed national sport of Wales Rugby Union s assumed position as the national game has often been questioned on the basis that it is predominantly a game played and followed in South Wales 取自 https zh wikipedia org w index php title 國技 amp oldid 78950660, 维基百科,wiki,书籍,书籍,图书馆,


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